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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conferences and calls for papers

Объявления о конференциях

Мальцевские чтения
Новосибирск, 13-15 ноября 2007

1. Институт математики им. С.Л. Соболева СО РАН
и Новосибирский государственный университет при
поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных
исследований организуют традиционную
международную конференцию "МАЛЬЦЕВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ".

Конференция пройдет в г. Новосибирске
с 13 по 15 ноября 2007 года.

2. В состав программного комитета входят
академик РАН Ю.Л. Ершов (председатель),
чл.-корр. РАН C.C. Гончаров (зам. председателя),
чл.-корр. РАН В.Д. Мазуров,
д.ф.-м.н., проф. Л.А. Бокуть,
д.ф.-м.н., проф. Л.Л. Максимова,
д.ф.-м.н., проф. А.С. Морозов (председатель организационного комитета),
д.ф.-м.н., проф. Д.Е. Пальчунов,
д.ф.-м.н., проф. Е.А. Палютин.

3. Программа конференции включает утренние пленарные
заседания, на которых будут представлены доклады по
приглашению, и вечерние заседания секций
математической логики,
теории групп,
теории колец,
алгебро-логических методов в информационных технологиях.
Обычная продолжительность выступлений на секциях -
от 10 до 20 минут.

По традиции любое выступление на "Мальцевских чтениях"
приравнивается к выступлению на семинаре "Алгебра и логика",
т.е. изложенные результаты могут быть представлены в журнал
"Алгебра и логика".

4. Для размещения иногородних участников конференции будут
предоставлены места в гостинице СО РАН "Золотая долина".
Кроме того, оргкомитет рассчитывает на некоторое количество
более дешевых мест в общежитиях и гостинице студгородка НГУ.
Эти места будут в первую очередь предоставляться студентам,
аспирантам и молодым специалистам. Ориентировочная стоимость
проживания в гостинице - 550 рублей в сутки за место в
двухместном номере, от 650 до 900 рублей в сутки за одноместный
номер. Ориентировочная стоимость места в студгородке НГУ -
150-250 рублей в сутки.

Последний срок подачи заявок на размещение -
31 октября 2007 года. Оргкомитет не гарантирует выполнение
заявок, поступивших после этой даты.

5. Для регистрации достаточно заполнить форму в конце данного
сообщения и выслать ее по электронной почте. Если Вы не имеете
регулярного доступа к электронной почте, можно напечатать форму
и отправить обычной почтой на адрес оргкомитета.

6. Заявки на доклады принимаются до 6 ноября 2007 года
включительно. Пожалуйста, приведите всю информацию, которая
требуется в регистрационной форме (название доклада, соавторов,  
название секции, предполагаемую продолжительность выступления,
необходимые технические средства). Заявка должна сопровождаться
тезисами доклада объемом до 1 страницы, которые будут размещены
в электронном виде на странице конференции в сети Интернет.
Tex-файл с тезисами следует оформить в не самой старой (но и
не слишком новой) версии LaTeX с использованием стиля amsproc,
без макрокоманд. Тезисы не редактируются и публикуются в
авторской версии!

7. Обновляемая информация о конференции доступна по адресу

Пожалуйста, передайте информацию данного сообщения своим
коллегам, студентам, аспирантам и т.д., которым она может
быть интересна.

8. С любыми вопросами, касающимися участия в конференции,
Вы можете обращаться

по адресу
А.В. Кравченко
пр. акад. Коптюга, 4
630090, Новосибирск,

по тел. (383) 333 2894

или по электронной почте tclab at math dot nsc dot ru.

----------------------------Регистрационная форма-----------------------------

Общая информация: (Фамилия, имя, отчество; ученое звание, степень).

Контактная информация: (Электронный адрес для переписки; если
требуется факс или оригинал приглашения, то телефон/факс или
почтовый адрес).

Приглашение: (Достаточно электронного/Прислать по факсу/Требуется
оригинал/комбинация вышеуказанного).

Доклад: (Планируется/Не планируется; если планируется, по укажите
предварительное название, соавторов (с полными именем и отчеством),
секцию, примерную продолжительность, пожелания по времени, когда
Вам удобно выступить с докладом, необходимое для выступления

Пожелания по поселению: (Гостиница/Студгородок/Не требуется/Другое).

Предполагаемые даты приезда и отъезда: (Если требуется размещение
в гостинице или студгородке НГУ).

Call for Papers

Journal of Symbolic Computation
Special Issue on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Guest Editors: Carlos D'Andrea & Bernard Mourrain

The special issue is related to topics discussed in the context of the  
ISSAC Conference in July 2007 at Waterloo, Canada.

The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
(ISSAC) is the premier annual conference to present and discuss new
developments and original research results in all areas of symbolic mathematical

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Algorithmic Mathematics:
Algebraic, symbolic and symbolic-numeric algorithms. Simplification,
function manipulation, summation, integration, polynomial/differential/difference
equations, linear algebra, number theory, group and invariant theory,
geometric computing.

Computer Science:
Theoretical and practical problems in symbolic computation. Systems,
problem solving environments, user interfaces, software, libraries,
parallel/distributed computing and programming languages, concrete analysis,
benchmarking, theoretical and practical complexity, automatic
differentiation,  code generation, mathematical data structures and exchange protocols.

Problem treatments using algebraic, symbolic or symbolic-numeric
computation in an essential or a novel way. Engineering, economics and
finance, physical and biological sciences, computer science, logic, mathematics
and education.

The special issue will contain a selection of papers which  
substantially extend existing works on these topics. The submission is
open to contributions  not necessarly extending papers included in the
proceedings of ISSAC 07.

The guiding principles for the publication procedure will be the following:

* Original research results and insightful analysis of current concerns
are solicited for submission. Submissions must not duplicate work already
published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Further insights on
papers included in the Proceedings of the ISSAC 2007 Conference are welcome,
but the new contributions should be relevant.

The paper should explain in its introduction, what the problem is, its
importance, the contribution of the paper, how it is related to the existing literature,
and what are the significant improvements/enhancement compared to the
related ISSAC 2007 paper, if it exists.

* All the papers will be refereed according to the JSC standards.

* Papers should be submitted to http://www.easychair.org/jsc-issac07/


* The format is pdf. Please prepare your manuscript by using the JSC style
  files, which are available from the JSC home pages at

* Notification of acceptance: around end of February 2008.

* The final versions should be sent in by the end of March 2008, with
tex sources, in the same way as the initial submission.

* The special issue is expected to appear by the time of ISSAC 2008. 

Dear  Colleague,

this is the second announcement of a short conference entitled
"Categorical methods in Rings and Modules" which will be dedicated
to our friend José Luis Gomez Pardo.

The conference will take place in Murcia (Spain), December 3-6, 2007.

The following speakers, related to Gomez Pardo's work, have been invited.

PERE ARA (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
ALBERTO FACCHINI (Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
KENT FULLER (Iowa University, USA)
JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
BIRGE HUISGEN-ZIMMERMANN (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
PASCUAL JARA (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
SERGIO LÓPEZ-PERMOUTH (Ohio University, Athens, USA)
CONSUELO MARTÍNEZ (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)
CLAUDIA MENINI (Universitá di Ferrara, Italy)
CONSTANTIN NASTASESCU (Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania)
FRED VAN OYSTAEYEN (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
PATRICK F. SMITH (University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK)
BLAS TORRECILLAS (Universidad de Almería, Spain)
NGUYEN VIET DUNG (Ohio University, USA)
EMILIO VILLANUEVA (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
ROBERT WISBAUER (Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany)

We would be very happy if you could attend the conference.

Renewed information about the conference, accomodation, registration,  etc. is available at



Pedro A. Guil Asensio (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Jose Asensio Mayor (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Angel del Rio (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Jose L. Garcia (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Juan Martinez Hernandez (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Manuel Saorin (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)

MACIS 2007 - International Conference on
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences
Paris, France, December 5-7, 2007

Extended deadline for abstract submission: November 1, 2007



Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences (MACIS) is  a new series of conferences where foundational research on theoretical and practical problems of mathematics for computing and information processing may be presented and discussed. MACIS also addresses experimental and case studies, scientific and engineering computation, design and implementation of algorithms and software systems, and applications of mathematical methods and tools to outstanding and emerging problems in applied computer and information sciences.
Each conference focuses on two or three themes.

The themes for MACIS 2007 are:

* Computational Geometry and Computer Aided Geometric Design

* Polynomial System Solving

* Algorithms and Complexity

The first MACIS conference took place in Beijing (China), July 24-26, 2006 (see http://www.cc4cm.org/macis2006/ for more details).


  Mark Van Hoeij (Florida State University, USA)
  Oliver Labs (University of Saarbrücken, USA)
  Chee Yap (New York University)

Potential participants of MACIS 2007 are invited to submit extended abstracts (3-4 pages) or full papers describing their work to be presented at the conference. The submitted extended abstracts and full papers will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee (PC) for soundness and relevance to the conference. Submission of original research papers is encouraged, while published material and work in  progress will also be considered for presentation at the conference. Electronic submissions are strongly preferred by using the web page http://www.easychair.org/MACIS2007/ or should be sent in PDF or PS format as e-mail attachments to the  PC chair:

Laureano Gonzalez-Vega 
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cantabria,     
Avda. Los Castros, Santander 39005, Spain
Fax: (34)942201402     
E_mail: macis2007 at unican dot es

Accepted extended abstracts and full papers will be printed for distribution at the conference. Authors of the extended abstracts and full papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be invited to submit their full and/or revised papers for publication in special issues of Mathematics in Computer Science (MCS - http://www.cc4cm.org/mcs) by Birkhauser/Springer after the meeting. The submitted papers will be formally reviewed by PC members and external referees according to the refereeing procedure of MCS.

Deadline for extended abstract submission:  November 1, 2007
Notification of acceptance or rejection:    November 15, 2007
Conference taking place:                    December 5-7, 2007
Deadline for full paper submission:         January 31, 2008

Fabrice Rouillier (INRIA, France) and Zhiming Zheng (Beihang University, China)

Mohab Safey El Din (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France)

Saugata Basu, Jean-Charles Faugere, Laureano Gonzalez-Vega (Chair), David Jeffrey, Bert Juttler, Sylvain Lazard, Konrad Polthier, Fabrice Rouillier, Raimund Seidel, Rafael Sendra, Frank Sottile, Gert Vegter, Dongming Wang,
Lihong Zhi

LieGrits Workshop, University of Oxford, January 3-9, 2008


Organizers: K. Erdmann, Keith Hannabuss, Anne Henke, Frances Kirwan.

Scientific advisers: Robert Marsh, Raphael Rouquier.

This is the final workshop of the European RTN training research
network "Flags, Quivers and Invariant Theory in Lie Representation
Theory" (MRTN-CT-2003-505078). There will be instructional and other
lectures on categorification and cluster theory. Speakers for these
will include A. Buan, J. Chuang, R. Marsh, V. Mazorchuk, M. Reineke,
I. Reiten, R. Rouquier, J. Schr\"{o}er, W. S\"{o}rgel, A. Zelevinsky.

Further speakers will be announced soon.

Accommodation will be at Somerville College, Oxford. Please register
by sending an email to organizers (see event's homepage). 

            DAMP 2008: Workshop on
         Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming

            San Francisco, CA, USA
              (colocated with POPL 2008)
               January 9, 2008

Parallelism is going mainstream. Many chip manufactures are turning to
multicore  processor  designs  rather than  scalar-oriented  frequency
increases as  a way to  get performance in their  desktop, enterprise,
and mobile  processors. This  endeavor is not  likely to  succeed long
term  if  mainstream  applications  cannot  be  parallelized  to  take
advantage  of  tens  and  eventually  hundreds  of  hardware  threads.
Multicore  architectures will  differ in  significant ways  from their
multisocket  predecessors. For example,  the communication  to compute
bandwidth ratio is  likely to be higher, which  will positively impact
performance. More generally, multicore architectures introduce several
new  dimensions  of variability  in  both  performance guarantees  and
architectural  contracts,  such as  the  memory  model,  that may  not
stabilize for several generations of product.

Programs  written  in  functional  or  (constraint-)logic  programming
languages, or  even in other languages  with a controlled  use of side
effects, can  greatly simplify parallel  programming. Such declarative
programming  allows  for  a  deterministic  semantics  even  when  the
underlying  implementation  might   be  highly  non-deterministic.  In
addition to  simplifying programming  this can simplify  debugging and
analyzing correctness.

DAMP is  a one-day  workshop seeking to  explore ideas  in programming
language design  that will greatly simplify  programming for multicore
architectures,  and  more   generally  for  tightly  coupled  parallel
architectures.    The   emphasis   will    be   on    functional   and
(constraint-)logic  programming, but  any  programming language  ideas
that aim to raise the level  of abstraction are welcome. DAMP seeks to
gather  together  researchers in  declarative  approaches to  parallel
programming  and  to   foster  cross  fertilization  across  different

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

* suitability   of  functional   and   (constraint-)logic  programming
  languages to multicore applications;
* run-time issues such as garbage collection or thread scheduling;
* architectural features that may  enhance the parallel performance of
  declarative languages;
* type  systems  and  analysis  for  accurately  knowing  or  limiting
  dependencies, aliasing, effects, and nonpure features;
* ways of specifying or hinting at parallelism;
* ways of specifying or hinting  at data placement which abstract away
  from any details of the machine;
* compiler    techniques,    automatic   parallelization,    automatic
  granularity control;
* experiences  of  and  challenges  arising  from  making  declarative
  programming practical;
* technology for debugging parallel programs;
* design and  implementation of domain-specific  declarative languages
  for multi-core;


  Submitted  papers  papers  should  not  exceed  15  pages  in  LLNCS
  format. Submission is electronic via:


Important dates:

  Abstract submission:     Oct 26
  Paper submission:        Oct 31, Samoan time (*extended*)
  Notification to authors: Nov 30
  Camera ready:            Dec 14

Program Chair:

  Manuel Hermenegildo
  Technical University of Madrid / IMDEA-Software -- herme at fi dot upm dot es
  University of New Mexico -- herme at unm dot edu

Program Committee:

  Koen De Bosschere (U. of Gent, Belgium)
  Manuel Carro (Tech. U. of Madrid, Spain)
  Manuel Chakravarty (U. of New S. Wales, Australia)
  Clemens Grelck (U. of Luebeck, Germany)
  Dan Grossman (U. of Washington, USA)
  Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue U., USA)
  Pedro Lopez-Garcia (Tech. U. of Madrid, Spain)
  Lee Naish (Melbourne University, Australia)
  Leaf Petersen (Intel Corporation, USA)
  Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State U., USA)
  John Reppy (U. of Chicago, USA)
  Vitor Santos-Costa (U. of Porto, Portugal)

General Chairs:

  Leaf Petersen
  Neal Glew
  Intel Corporation
  Santa Clara, CA, USA



Past DAMPs:



The 7th International Conference on Applied Mathematics
Aplimat 2008
February 5 - 8, 2008, Bratislava

A conference on Groups and Computation will be held at The Ohio State
University, in Columbus, Ohio, between March 17--21, 2008. The talks will
cover many areas of computational group theory and representation theory,
as well as exploring applications in group theory, combinatorics, and

Some of the confirmed participants are: Henrik Baarnhielm, Alexander Borovik,
Peter Brooksbank, John Cannon, Jon Carlson, Bettina Eick, Gerhard Hiss,
Derek Holt, Charles Leedham-Green, Steve Linton, Frank Lubeck, Gunter Malle,
Scott Murray, Max Neunhoeffer, Eamonn O'Brien, Tim Penttila, Cheryl Praeger,
Alexander Ryba, Colva Roney-Dougal, James Wilson.

We have some funds for travel support. Students and postdocs in need of
travel assistance should contact the organizers: William Kantor and Akos Seress     

Further information, as becomes available, will be posted on the conference website:


Differential Algebra and Related Computer Algebra
University of Catania, March 26--29, 2008
An International Conference in Memory of Giuseppa Carra-Ferro

In agreement with the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science of the University of Catania, we are organizing an
international conference on Differential Algebra and Related
Computer Algebra in memory of Giuseppa Carra-Ferro, to be
held in Catania, Italy on March 26--29, 2008.

Giuseppa Carra-Ferro (1952--2007), affectionately known as
Pina in close circles, died of cancer on March 22, 2007.
Professor Carra-Ferro is remembered for her contributions to
Differential Algebra (differential spectrum and varieties,
Kolchin schemes, differential Groebner bases, differential
dimension and multiplicity, automated theorem-proving in
differential geometry, differential rankings, characteristic
sets, and differential resultants) and to Computer Algebra
(super G-bases, involutive division, and graph algorithms).

The major focus of the conference will be Differential
Algebra, its computational aspects, and its applications.
Topics include, but are not limited to, differential and
difference algebra, differential and difference Galois
theory, differential algebraic geometry, differential
algebraic groups, differential dimension theory and
invariants, related model theory, computational differential
algebra, dynamical systems, integrability theories, and
applications.  In addition, the conference will also be open
to other topics that are related to the research interest of
Carra-Ferro (see the conference website
The conference will be structured to include up to 8 invited
40-minute plenary talks and a number of shorter talks of 25
minutes each on state of the art research results.  As of
this announcement, the following have accepted our
invitation for plenary talks:

- Francois Boulier,  Universite Lille I, France
- Xiao-Shan Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Evelyne Hubert, INRIA, France
- Alexander Levin, Catholic University of America, U.S.A.
- Bud Mishra, Courant Institute, New York University, U.S.A.
- Michael Singer,  North Carolina State University, U.S.A.
- Volker Weispfenning,  Universitat Passau, Germany

Subject to scheduling limitations, the short talks are open
to the research community. Interested speakers are required
to submit a brief abstract (limited to 2 pages) to the
Program Committee (via the website above}) no later than
November 30, 2007. Acceptance to the short talks will be
announced by January 5, 2008. Please visit website for more

The abstracts of the invited lectures and other
contributions will appear in a special issue of Le
Matematiche and will be distributed at the conference.

Program Committee: Jacques Calmet, Giovanni Gallo,
Vladimir Gerdt (co-chair), Julia Hartmann, Elizabeth Mansfield,
Teo Mora (co-chair), Francois Ollivier, Fritz Schwarz,
William Sit (co-chair).

Weekend Meeting on "Actions of Quantum Algebras" (AQuA),
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 28-30, 2008

Topics for this meeting include:  Dynamical Yang-Baxter equation,
tensor categories, actions of quantum groups,  quantum groupoids,
Hopf-Galois extensions and generalizations, finite depth, and related topics.

This is a special session of the AMS sectional meeting "2008 Spring
Southeastern Meeting" (http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2146_progfull.html).

The meeting AQuA consists of 12-18 invited talks tentatively including
- Yuri Bahturin (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada),
- Peter Schauenburg (Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich),
- Michael Gekhtman (University of Notre Dame)
and a number of contributed talks.

Please address questions to astolin at math dot chalmers dot se or
to lkadison at math dot upenn dot edu.

The deadline for abstracts of contributed talks is December 11, 2007.


  Ninth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
                 (FLOPS 2008)
              April 14-16, 2008
                  Ise, Japan

       Submission deadline (abstract): October 10, 2007
     Submission deadline (full paper, extended!): October 17, 2007
     Keynotes: Peter Dybjer, Naoki Kobayashi, and Torsten Schaub


  FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
  programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
  and aims to promote cross-fertilization and integration between the
  two paradigms.  Previous FLOPS meetings were held in Fuji Susono
  (1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo
  (2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), and Fuji Susono (2006).


  FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic
  programming, including (but not limited to):

    Declarative Pearls: new and excellent declarative programs with
    illustrative applications;

    Language issues: language design and constructs, programming
    methodology, integration of paradigms, interfacing with other
    languages, type systems, constraints, concurrency and distributed

    Foundations: logic and semantics, rewrite systems and narrowing,
    type theory, proof systems;

    Implementation issues: compilation techniques, memory management,
    program analysis and transformation, partial evaluation,

    Applications: case studies, real-world applications, graphical
    user interfaces, Internet applications, XML, databases, formal
    methods and model checking.

  The proceedings are expected to be published as an LNCS volume.  The
  proceedings of the previous meeting (FLOPS2006) were published as
  LNCS 3945.


  Peter Dybjer (Chalmers, Sweden)
  Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku, Japan)
  Torsten Schaub (Potsdam, Germany)


  Jacques Garrigue (Nagoya, Japan)
  Manuel Hermenegildo (Madrid, Spain and New Mexico, USA)


  Maria Alpuente (Valencia, Spain)
  Sergio Antoy (Portland, OR, USA)
  Matthias Blume (TTI, Chicago, USA)
  Tyng-Ruey Chuang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
  Zhenjiang Hu (Tokyo, Japan)
  Oleg Kiselyov (FNMOC, Monterey, USA)
  Herbert Kuchen (Muenster, Germany)
  Dale Miller (INRIA, Palaiseau, France)
  Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku, Japan)
  Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico, USA)
  Kristoffer Rose (IBM Watson, USA)
  Kazunori Ueda (Waseda, Japan)
  Peter Van Roy (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
  Benjamin Werner (INRIA, Palaiseau, France)


  Shoji Yuen (Nagoya, Japan)


  Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
  elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
  published workshops proceedings may be submitted. Submissions should
  fall into one of the following categories:

    Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
    be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.

    System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working
    system and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.

  All submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15
  proceedings pages long. Authors are strongly encouraged to use
  LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file, available at

  Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or
  experimental results.  In case of lack of space, this supporting
  information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a
  web page, or an appendix).  Submission is Web-based.  Please visit:


  Submission deadline (abstract): October 10, 2007
  Submission deadline (full paper): October 17, 2007
  Author notification: December 21, 2007
  Camera-ready copy: January 21, 2008
  Conference: April 14-16, 2008


  Ise, Japan

Previous FLOPS:

  FLOPS 2006, Fuji Susono: http://hagi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FLOPS2006/
  FLOPS 2004, Nara: http://logic.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp/FLOPS2004/
  FLOPS 2002, Aizu: http://www.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FLOPS2002/
  FLOPS 2001, Tokyo: http://www.ueda.info.waseda.ac.jp/flops2001/


  Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST) SIG-PPL


  Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS)
  Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
  ACM SIGPLAN (pending)

INQUIRIES to flops2008 at math dot nagoya-u dot ac dot jp
8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
19-22 May 2008, Lyon, France

Conference on Algebra and its Applications

In honor of S.K. Jain on his 70th birthday

June 18-21, 2008, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

The Conference is dedicated to recent developments in classical Ring Theory,
Module Theory, Representation Theory, Group Algebras, Rings with Polynomial
Identities, and related topics including applications

Invited Speakers include:

Alberto Facchini (University of Padova, Italy)
Carl Faith (Rutgers University, USA)
Jose Luis Gomez Pardo (University do Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Ken Goodearl (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Charudatta Hajarnavis (University of Warwick, UK)
Birge Huisgen-Zimmerman (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
T.Y. Lam (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Barbara Osofsky (Rutgers University, USA)
Jae K. Park (Busan National University, South Korea)
Donald Passman (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
Louis Rowen (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Sudarshan K. Sehgal (University of Alberta, Canada)
Lance Small (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Agata Smoktunowicz (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
Robert Wisbauer (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)
E. Zelmanov (University of California, San Diego, USA)

There will also be sessions for contributed talks.

Deadline for submitting abstracts for all talks is: May 15, 2008

For registration, submission of abstract, and other information, please go to

5 European Congress of Mathematics

Amsterdam, July 14-18, 2008


                                ISSAC 2008
       International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
                    Hagenberg, Austria, July 20-23, 2008


The International Symposium on Symbolic and  Algebraic  Computation  (ISSAC)
is the premier annual conference to present  and  discuss  new  developments
and  original  research  results  in  all  areas  of  symbolic  mathematical
computation. Planned  activities  include  invited  presentations,  research
papers, poster sessions, tutorial  courses,  vendor  exhibits  and  software


ISSAC 2008 will be held July 20 to 23, 2008 in Hagenberg near Linz, Austria
Deadline for submissions: January 14, 2008 (Midnight [24:00 EST])


They include, but are not limited to:

Algorithmic  Mathematics:    Algebraic,   symbolic   and    symbolic-numeric
algorithms.  Simplification,  function manipulation, summation, integration,
polynomial / differential / difference  equations,  linear  algebra,  number
theory,  group and invariant theory, geometric computing.

Computer  Science:  Theoretical   and   practical   problems   in   symbolic
computation.  Systems,  problem  solving  environments,   user   interfaces,
software,   libraries, parallel / distributed   computing  and   programming
languages,  concrete  analysis, benchmarking,  theoretical   and   practical
complexity, automatic differentiation, code  generation,  mathematical  data
structures and exchange protocols.

Applications:  Problem treatments using  algebraic,  symbolic  or  symbolic-
numeric computation  in an essential or a novel way. Engineering,  economics
and finance, physical  and  biological  sciences,  computer science,  logic,
mathematics and education.


Original research results and insightful analyses of  current  concerns  are
solicited for submission. Submissions must not duplicate work  published  or
submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by the  program
committee and additional referees. Proceedings will be  distributed  at  the
symposium. Papers must be in English and should not exceed 8  pages  in  the
standard format for ACM proceedings, or 20 to 22  pages  of  text  in  LaTeX
12pt article style.

To  submit your contribution,  please visit the  paper  submission  page  at
http://www.easychair.org/ISSAC2008/. Authors of accepted papers are expected
to present their work at the symposium.

General Chair      Program Committee Chair       Local Arrangements Chair

J. Rafael Sendra      Laureano González-Vega             Franz Winkler

Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics

A Satellite Meeting of the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics

Brussels, July 22-26, 2008

First announcement

Topics: Non-commutative geometry; algebraic and categorical structures; quantum groups and their representations; applications in mathematical physics.

Invited speakers: Y. Manin (Evanston and Bonn), C. De Concini (Rome), C. Kassel (Strasbourg), M. Van den Bergh (Hasselt), H.-J. Schneider (Munich), G. Böhm (Budapest), G. Landi (Trieste), S. Waldmann (Freiburg),  J. Andersen (Aarhus), M. Markl (Prague), K. Fredenhagen (Hamburg), E. Karolinsky (Kharkov), M. Kapranov (New Haven).

Organizing Commitee: S. Caenepeel (Brussels), F. Van Oystaeyen (Antwerp), S. Gutt (Brussels), C. Schweigert (Hamburg), J. Fuchs (Karlstad), A. Stolin (G\"oteborg)

Local Commitee: S. Caenepeel, K. Janssen, J. Vercruysse

Related event: Minisymposium "Representation Theoretical Methods and Quantization" at the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics  in Amsterdam.

Parallel sessions: Requests for talks in parallel sessions will be considered by a selection committee;  they should be submitted upon registration. Registration will start in October  2007.

Website: http://dwispc8.vub.ac.be/NoMaP
Website of 5ecm: http://www.5ecm.nl

                    First Call for Papers 
Third International Conference on Algebraic Biology 
July 31-August 2, 2008, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria 


The Third International Conference on Algebraic Biology, AB'08, is an
international forum to promote discussion and interaction between
researchers who apply symbolic computation (e.g. algebraic, discrete,
logical, hybrid) methods to various issues in biology / life
sciences. The conference covers all aspects of applications of
symbolic computation methods in biology (see CONFERENCE TOPICS).


January 7, 2008     Deadline for abstracts
January 14, 2008    Deadline for full papers
March 31, 2008      Notification of acceptance
April 28, 2008      Camera-ready paper submission


The conference covers all aspects of applications of symbolic
computation methods in biology, e.g.
    * mathematical modeling
    * model identification
    * system analysis and design
    * system verification
    * system synthesis
    * etc.
    * molecular sequence analysis
    * molecular structure analysis
    * molecular evolution
    * genomics
    * proteomics
    * gene regulation
    * gene expression
    * gene ontology
    * network inference
    * etc.
    * polynomial methods
    * group theory
    * rewriting
    * automated reasoning
    * automata theory
    * formal language methods
    * combinatorics
    * graph theory
    * artificial intelligence
    * hybrid symbolic-numerical methods
    * differential algebra
    * local analysis
    * etc.
in various computing paradigms like
    * sequential
    * parallel
    * distributed
    * grid computing
    * cellular
    * genetic
    * etc.


Authors are invited to submit original papers that have not been
submitted for publication elsewhere. Contributions that present recent
results (including significant work-in-progress) and identify and
explore new directions of research are welcome. Submitted papers will
be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will appear in the proceedings
before the conference (the proceedings of AB'07 have been published in
the Springer LNCS series). See the conference website for details on
the submission format.


Keynote Talks
   Kiyoshi Asai (Computational Biology Research Center, Japan)
   additional speakers to be announced

Life Sciences Tutorials
   Tatsuya Akutsu (Kyoto University, Japan)
   Ken Fukuda (Computational Biology Research Center, Japan)
   Tohru Natsume (Biological Information Research Center, Japan)

Symbolic Computation Tutorials
   Francois Boulier (University Lille I, France)
   Edmund Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
   additional speaker to be announced


Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria)
Katsuhisa Horimoto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
   and Technology, Japan)
Reinhard Laubenbacher (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, USA)
Bud Mishra (New York University, USA)


Katsuhisa Horimoto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
   and Technology, Japan)
Georg Regensburger (Radon Institute for Computational and Applied
   Mathematics, Austria)
Markus Rosenkranz (Radon Institute for Computational and Applied
   Mathematics, Austria)
Hiroshi Yoshida (Kyushu University, Japan)


Sachiyo Aburatani (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
   and Technology, Japan)
Tatsuya Akutsu (Kyoto University, Japan)
Hirokazu Anai (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. Japan)
Niko Beerenwinkel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Armin Biere (Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria)
Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria)
Luca Cardelli (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)
Gautam Dasgupta (Columbia University, USA)
Francois Fages (INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
Hoon Hong (North Carolina State University, USA)
Katsuhisa Horimoto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
   and Technology, Japan)
Abdul Jarrah (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, USA)
Erich Kaltofen (North Carolina State University, USA)
Veikko Keranen (Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Hans A. Kestler (University of Ulm, Germany)
Reinhard Laubenbacher (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, USA)
Pierre Lescanne (Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon, France)
James F. Lynch (Clarkson University, USA)
Manfred Minimair (Seton Hall University, USA)
Bud Mishra (New York University, USA)
Georg Regensburger (Radon Institute for Computational and Applied
   Mathematics, Austria)
Markus Rosenkranz (Radon Institute for Computational and Applied
   Mathematics, Austria)
Stanly Steinberg (University of New Mexico, USA)
Seth Sullivant (Harvard University, USA)
Carolyn L. Talcott (SRI International, USA)
Francis Thackeray (Transvaal Museum, Northern Flagship Institution,
   South Africa)
Ashish Tiwari (SRI International, USA)
Hiroyuki Toh (Kyushu University, Japan)
Dongming Wang (Beihang University, China and UPMC-CNRS, France)
Bridget S. Wilson (University of New Mexico, USA)
Limsoon Wong (National University of Singapore)
Kazuhiro Yokoyama (Rikkyo University, Japan)
Hiroshi Yoshida (Kyushu University, Japan)
Ruriko Yoshida (University of Kentucky, USA)


Hacettepe University (Beytepe Campus) at Ankara, Turkey will host the International Conference on Ring and Module Theory from August 18-22, 2008. Bus transportation from the Ankara airport to the campus on Sunday August 17, 2008 and from the campus to the airport on Saturday August 23, 2008 will be provided. The talks will begin Monday morning and end Friday afternoon. The program will consist of Plenary talks (approx. 45 min.) and Regular talks (20-25 min.). A cocktail party will be given by the Rector of Hacettepe University on Monday evening. On Wednesday there will be a social program including visits to the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, historical sites, and a banquet. Participants pay either: (1) Basic Registration Fee of approximately $100 USD, €75 or 130 YTL which will include conference materials, social program, tea and coffees and bus transportation (2) Full Registration Fee of approximately $450 USD, or €325 which will cover the Basic Registration Fee, accomodation (on Campus) and meals (breakfast, light lunch, dinner). See the webpage ´´Fees´´ for further details. There will be an additional fee of approximately $350 USD (or €250 EURO) for each person accompanying the participant which will cover their accomodation, meals, social program and bus transportation. The deadline for preliminary registration and submission of an abstract is May 1, 2008. The final Conference registration will take place at Hacettepe University from 12:00 (noon) thru 20:00 on Sunday August 17, 2008. We hope you are able to participate in the conference and help encourage Turkish research in Algebra.
Conference details and registration are on our website which will be regularly updated. This conference is intended to be as inclusive as possible for Mathematicians working in the area of Rings and Modules. So please pass on this announcement to any colleagues or students who may be interested in this conference but who may not have received this information.

С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.



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