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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conferences

Объявления о конференциях

Groups and Symmetries: A conference in celebration of Rob Curtis' 60th birthday
Thursday 20th-Saturday 22nd September 2007
School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham

ESF Mathematics Conference in Poland in partnership with MSHE and The Institute of Mathematics (PAN)
Algebraic Aspects in Geometry
Mathematical Research and Conference Center, Będlewo, Poland, 17-23 October 2007
Closing Date for Applications: extended to 15 SEPTEMBER 2007

Dear  Colleague,

We are organizing a short conference entitled "Categorical methods for Rings and Modules" dedicated to our friend José Luis Gomez Pardo. The conference will take place in Murcia (Spain), December 3-6, 2007.

The following speakers, related to Gomez Pardo's work, have been invited.

PERE ARA (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
ALBERTO FACCHINI (Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
KENT FULLER (Iowa University, USA)
JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
BIRGE HUISGEN-ZIMMERMANN (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
PASCUAL JARA (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
CONSUELO MARTÍNEZ (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)
CLAUDIA MENINI (Universitá di Ferrara, Italy)
CONSTANTIN NASTASESCU (Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania)
FRED VAN OYSTAEYEN (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
PATRICK F. SMITH (University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK)
BLAS TORRECILLAS (Universidad de Almería, Spain)
NGUYEN VIET DUNG (Ohio University, USA)
EMILIO VILLANUEVA (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
ROBERT WISBAUER (Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany)

We would be very happy if you could attend the conference.

More information about the conference, and the registration form, is available at the web page

For any other additional information about the conference, please e-mail to rings@um.es.

Best wishes,


Pedro A. Guil Asensio (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Jose Asensio Mayor (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Angel del Rio (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Jose L. Garcia (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Juan Martinez Hernandez (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Manuel Saorin (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)

Final Call for Papers

 The Eighth Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM 2007)
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 15-17, 2007

Invited Speakers:
 * Rida T. Farouki, University of California at Davis
    Geometrical and Algorithmic Foundations for the Minkowski Algebra of
    Complex Sets
 * Georges Gonthier, Microsoft Research in Cambridge
 * Xiaoyun Wang, Tsinghua University and Shangdong University


Research papers on all aspects of the interaction between computers
and mathematics are solicited for the symposium.  Specific topics
include but are not limited to:

   *  Computer-aided problem solving and instruction
   *  Symbolic, algebraic, and geometric computation
   *  Computational number theory, cryptography, and combinatorics
   *  Automated mathematical reasoning and interactive theorem proving
   *  Symbolic/numeric hybrid methods
   *  Computational algebra and geometry
   *  Formalization of mathematics
   *  Computational methods for differential and difference equations
   *  Mathematical software design and implementation
   *  Parallel/distributed/network computing
   *  System Design, Control Theory, and Hybrid Systems
   *  Mathematical Modeling of Biological and related Systems
   *  Scientific and Engineering Applications (including CAGD/CAD, geometric modeling, robotics, and vision)

Papers should be written in English, in single column, not exceeding
15 pages, and the main text font not smaller than 10 pt. Authors are
expected to submit their papers electronically (in postscript, or
pdf format). See submission instructions from the conference
webpage: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~ascm2007/A_Instructions.htm.
The first page of each paper should contain its title, author(s)
with affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es), and an abstract.

All submitted papers will undergo a standard review process and the
selection of papers by the program committee will be based on their
originality and significance of contribution, their relevance to the
scope of the conference as well as their presentation. A
pre-symposium proceedings will be available at the conference in
electronic form. A post-symposium proceedings is planned. The
selected papers will be published as a volume in the Springer
LNCS/LNAI series after the conference.

Sep 17 24:00(CST, Beijing Time), 2007:  Deadline for Paper Submission
Oct 31, 2007:  Notification to Authors
Nov  7, 2007:  Deadline for Early Online Registration
Dec  1, 2007:  Deadline for Camera Ready Upload
Dec 15-17, 2007:  Conference Dates


Conference Chairs:

 Eng-Wee Chionh   (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
 Wang Huaxiong  (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Program Committee:


  Deepak Kapur
  Department of Computer Science
  The University of New Mexico
  Albuquerque, NM, USA 87131
  kapur at cs dot unm dot edu


Manindra Agarwal (IIT, Kanpur, India)
Leonid Bokut (Sobolev Institute, Novosibirsk, Russia)
John Cannon (Univ. of Sydney, Australia)
Shang-Ching Chou (Wichita State Univ., US)
Falai Chen (Univ. of Science and Technology, Hefei, China)
Guoting Chen (Univ. of Lille I, France)
Eng-Wee Chionh (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
Andreas Dolzmann (Univ. Passau, Germany)
Ding-Zhu Du (Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Xiao-Shan Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Shuhong Gao (Clemson Univ., US)
Keith Geddes (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada)
Vladimir Gerdt (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
Hoon Hong (North Carolina State Univ., US)
Jieh Hsiang (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)
Tetsuo Ida (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
Seok-Jin Kang (Seoul National Univ., Korea)
Deepak Kapur (Univ. of New Mexico, USA)
Yonggu Kim (Chonnam National Univ., Korea)
Wen-shin Lee (Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium)
Ziming Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Miroslaw Majewski (Zayed Univ., Abu Dhabi, UAE)
Raja Natarajan (TIFR, India)
Matu-Tarow Noda (Ehime Univ., Japan)
Tobias Nipkow (Technical Univ. of Munich, Germany)
Hoang Xuan Phu (Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Meera Sitharam (Univ. of Florida, US)
Lim Yohanes Stefanus (Univ. of Indonesia, Indonesia)
Nobuki Takayama (Kobe Univ., Japan)
Toby Walsh (National ICT, Australia)
Dongming Wang (Beihang Univ., Beijing, China, and UPMC-CNRS, Paris)
Chaoping Xing (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
Lu Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Kazuhiro Yokoyama (Rikkyo Univ., Japan)
Jianmin Zheng (Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore)


Dingkang Wang (KLMM, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

   Dear Colleague,

   The next conference of the International Linear Algebra Society
will be held in Cancún, México, from  June 16 to June 20, 2008.
 Additional information is available at the ILAS-08 website: 

   For information about ILAS and the past conferences see the ILAS
 Information Center home-page:

   We look forward to meeting you in Cancún,
        The Organizing Committee

Conference on Computational Group Theory and Cohomology
Harlaxton College, Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK
August 4-8, 2008

Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath
University of Bath, Bath, England
1 August - 15 August 2009

С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.

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