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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conferences

Информация о конференциях

SCHOOL: 14 - 25 MAY, 2007

The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, is organising a School and conference on "Algebraic K-theory and its applications" from 14 May to 1 June, 2007. The Directors of the School/Conference are Eric Friedlander, Aderemi Kuku and Claudio Pedrini.

The first two weeks will be devoted to expository lectures on several aspects of the field:

  • Categories of Motives and Motivic cohomology,
  • K-theory and Algebraic Groups,
  • K-theory and Quantum gtoups,
  • K-theory and Quadratic forms
  • Proof of the Block-Kato Conjecture,
  • Overview Introduction to Algebraic K-theory.

The last week will be devoted to a conference featuring mainly research lectures by invited specialists. There will also be some selected contributed research lectures by participants.

Application forms and information about participarion and possible financial support are avilable at http://www.ictp.it/~smr1840
and at the ICTP www server http:agenda.ictp.it/smr.php?1840.

These sites also contain information on the School/confernce (including invited speakers etc) that is being updated from time to time.

Best regards,
Aderemi Kuku.

International Conference on Rings and Things
Dedicated to Carl Faith on his 80th birthday and Barbara Osofsky on her 70th birthday
June 15-17, 2007, Ohio University, Zanesville Campus

Supported by: National Security Agency, Center of Ring Theory and Applications at Ohio University, and Ohio University regional campuses at Chillicothe, Lancaster, and Zanesville
Invited Speakers include:

  • Victor P. Camillo (University of Iowa, USA)
  • Alberto Facchini (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Kent R. Fuller (University of Iowa, USA)
  • Jose Luis Gomez Pardo (University de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
  • Charudatta Hajarnavis (University of Warwick, UK)
  • Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)
  • T.Y. Lam (University of California Berkeley, USA)
  • Patrick F. Smith (University of Glasgow, UK)
  • Agata Smoktunowicz (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Jan Trlifaj (Charles University, Czech Republic)
  • Robert Wisbauer (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)

The conference will also have contributed talks. The main topics covered at the conference include Structure Theory of Rings and Modules, Representation Theory, and Group Rings, among others.
For registration, submission of an abstract, and other information, please go to


Deadline for submitting abstract: April 30, 2007

Organizing Committee:

  • Nguyen Viet Dung, Ohio University, Zanesville Campus
  • Franco Guerriero, Ohio University, Lancaster Campus
  • Lakhdar Hammoudi, Ohio University, Chillicothe Campus
  • Pramod Kanwar (Coordinator), Ohio University, Zanesville Campus

Dear Colleague,

We invite you to attend the conference on

      (Szeged, Hungary, July 16-20, 2007)

which will be dedicated to the 75th birthday of Bela Csakany.

The program of the conference will consist of 5.6 one hour invited
lectures and numerous 20-minute contributed talks. We will inform you
about the submission of abstracts of contributed talks and the
details of the registration in due course.
Invited speakers who already accepted our invitation are:

  • Victor Dalmau (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
  • Marcin Kozik (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
  • Ralph McKenzie (Vanderbilt University, USA)
  • Jaroslav Nesetril (Charles University, Czech Republic)
  • Vera Vertesi (Lorand Eotvos University, Hungary)

All information will be posted on the conference home page at

Please, feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues and students who may not be on our mailing list.
Best regards,
Agnes Szendrei and Miklos Maroti

The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC)
Davis Centre at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 29-August 1, 2007

International Conference “Algebra and its applications”

Krasnoyarsk, August 12–18, 2007


The International Conference “Algebra and its applications” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of professor V. P. Shunkov will be held in Krasnoyarsk, August 12–18, 2007. The conference is organized jointly by Krasnoyarsk State University, the Institute of Computational Modelling of Siberian Branch of RAS and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Siberian Branch of RAS.

Scientific Committee

S. I. Adian, V. V. Bludov, N. S. Chernikov, Yu. L. Ershov, M. M. Glukhov, S. S. Goncharov, W. Guo, K. Harada, L. S. Kazarin, O. H. Kegel, A. S. Kondratiev, E. I. Khukhro, M. Kuzucuoglu, V. N. Latyshev, V. M. Levchuk, A. A. Makhnev, A. V. Mikhalev, M.R. R. Moghadam, A. Yu. Olshanskii, N. A. Peryazev, N. D. Podufalov, V. N. Remeslennikov, V. A. Romankov, N. S. Romanovskii, V. V. Rybakov, L. A. Shemetkov, L. N. Shevrin, I. P. Shestakov, A. L. Shmelkin, W. I. Suszczanski, J. Wilson.

Chairman of the Scientific Committee — a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) V. D. Mazurov.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee — a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) V. V. Shaidurov, vice-chairman — prof. V. M. Levchuk.

We plan both plenary talks and short communications in thematic sections:

  1. Group theory.
  2. Rings and modules.
  3. Algebraic geometry.
  4. Universal algebra and model theory.
  5. Applying and computational algebra.

The official languages of the conference are Russian and English.

Abstracts of the talks (1 page in LATEX formate) should be sent till May 25, 2007 (by Internet from January 1, 2007)

The conference programm includes sightseeing tours and an excurtion to famous Krasnoyarsk “Stolby

Workshop "Quantum Field Theory and Representation Theory", São Paulo, August 20-24, 2007
This is a satellite event of the conference "Algebras, representations and applications"
The workshop will consist of 3 mini-courses given by Victor Kac (MIT), Edward Frenkel (Berkeley) and Frank Michael Forger (USP). There will be also a session of contributed talks. There is no registration fee. The deadline for registration is August 1, 2007.

First Announcement
International algebraic conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of a prominent mathematician Dmitri Konstantinovich Faddeev will take place in St. Petersburg on September 24-29, 2007
D. K. Faddeev obtained outstanding results in Galois theory, homological algebra, representations of groups, integral representations, algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, computational methods of linear algebra and some other branches of mathematics.
The conference is organized by:

  • St. Petersburg State University
  • St. Petersburg Department of the V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Science
  • Euler International Mathematical Institute
  • Euler Foundation

We plan to hold plenary meetings and 4 sections:

  • Galois theory and homological algebra
  • Theory of representations
  • Algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory
  • Computational methods of linear algebra

The program committee includes: A. V. Yakovlev, S. V. Vostokov, N. A. Vavilov, A. I. Generalov, N. L. Gordeev.


Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics,
Baltic-Nordic Workshop
dedicated to memory of Issaiah Kantor
Goteborg, Sweden, 11-13 Ocober, 2007


С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.

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