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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - New conferences

Информация о новых конференциях

Мальцевские чтения
Новосибирск, 14-16 ноября 2006

1. Институт математики им. С.Л. Соболева СО РАН и Новосибирский
государственный университет при поддержке Российского фонда
фундаментальных исследований организуют традиционную международную

Конференция пройдет в г. Новосибирске с 14 по 16 ноября 2006 года.

2. В состав программного комитета входят академик РАН Ю.Л. Ершов (председатель),
чл.-корр. РАН C.C. Гончаров, чл.-корр. РАН В.Д. Мазуров, д.ф.-м.н., проф.
Л.А. Бокуть, д.ф.-м.н.., проф. Л.Л. Максимова, д.ф.-м.н., проф. А.С. Морозов
(председатель организационного комитета), д.ф.-м.н., проф. Д.Е. Пальчунов,
д.ф.-м.н., проф. Е.А. Палютин.

3. Программа конференции включает утренние пленарные заседания, на которых
будут представлены доклады по приглашению, и вечерние заседания секций
математической логики, теории групп, теории колец и алгебро-логических
методов в информационных технологиях.

По традиции любое выступление на конференции приравнивается к выступлению на
семинаре "Алгебра и логика", т. е. изложенные результаты могут быть
представлены к публикации в журнале "Алгебра и логика".

4. Для размещения иногородних участников конференции будут предоставлены
места в гостинице СО РАН "Золотая долина". Кроме того, оргкомитет
рассчитывает на некоторое количество более дешевых мест в общежитиях
и гостинице студгородка НГУ. Эти места будут в первую очередь
предоставляться студентам, аспирантам и молодым специалистам.
Ориентировочная стоимость проживания в гостинице - 550 рублей в сутки за
место в двухместном номере, от 650 до 900 рублей в сутки за одноместный
номер. Ориентировочная стоимость места в студгородке НГУ - 150-200
рублей в сутки.

Предварительные заявки на поселение принимаются оргкомитетом до
31 октября 2006 года включительно.

5. Для регистрации достаточно заполнить форму в конце данного сообщения
и выслать ее по электронной почте. Если Вы не имеете регулярного
доступа к электронной почте, можно напечатать форму и отправить
обычной почтой на адрес оргкомитета.

6. Тезисы докладов можно разместить в электронном виде на странице конференции
в сети Интернет. Для этого необходимо до 7 ноября 2006 года отправить на
адрес оргкомитета файл с текстом тезисов. Файл следует оформить в не самой
старой (но и не слишком новой) версии LaTeX, желательно с использованием стиля
amsproc. Предпочтительный объем - 1-2 страницы. Тезисы не редактируются и
публикуются в авторской версии!

7. Обновляемая информация о конференции доступна по адресу

Пожалуйста, передайте информацию данного сообщения своим коллегам, студентам,
аспирантам и т.д., которым она может быть интересна.

"Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics", Lund, 12-14 October, 2006



Dear Colleague,

this is the second announcement for the international conference

"Rings and Categories of Modules"
dedicated to Kent Fuller.

The conference will take place at "Casa della Gioventù", Università di Padova,

Bressanone (Bolzano), Italy, December 14-16, 2006.

We confirm that the scientific program will include six main lectures, given by the following speakers:

    Walter Burgess (Ottawa)
    Robert Colby (Cedar Rapids)
    Louis Gomez Pardo (Santiago de Compostela)
    Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann (Santa Barbara)
    Idun Reiten (Trondheim)
    Dan Zacharia (Syracuse)

We would be very happy if you could attend the conference and honor our friend Kent.

The application form, a list of suggested hotels,and more information are available at


If you intend to participate, please be so kind to help us REGISTERING YOURSELF, BY FILLING THE REGISTRATION FORM ON-LINE, WITHIN SEPTEMBER 30, 2006.

Remember to reserve your accommodation with considerable advance.

Our third and final announcement will be sent only to registered people.

Best wishes,

Riccardo Colpi, Manolo Saorin, Alberto Tonolo


Indo-US Ramanujan Symposium
On Non-Commutative Rings, Group Rings, Diagram Algebras, and Applications

December 18-22,2006

Organized by
The Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (University of Madras, India),
and The Center of Ring Theory and its Applications (Ohio University, USA)

Venue: Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Chennai, India

Invited Speakers include:
A. Facchini
K. Goodearl
C. Hajarnavis
Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann
Dinh V. Huynh
T.Y. Lam
Andre Leroy
Paul Martin
I. B. S. Passi
Don Passman
Louis Rowen
L. Small
R. Sridharan
J.B. Srivastava
V.S. Sunder
R. Wisbauer
Chang Chang Xi
E. Zelmanov

For Registration and Abstract please go to

Deadline for submitting your abstract: November 15, 2006

6-th international conference on applied mathematics

February  6-9, 2007, Bratislava

Deadline for registration: September 30, 2006.

Dear Colleague, 

On behalf of the Aplimat 2007 Organizing Committee, I would like to invite you to participate and to submit Your Registration form and Your work to the Aplimat 2007 - 6th-international conference. We also hope that you will inform your colleagues of this event and encourage them to submit their quality work.
Please note that the paper submission deadline is October 15, 2006 (or for other possibilities see or web page) .
APLIMAT Conferences started in Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2001; from then on, they have grown from 42 papers / 60 participants to 176 papers / 192 participants from 16 countries in 2006. Nowadays, the conference has become an international forum where researchers and practitioners examine key issues in the field of applied mathematics and in the field of pedagogical methodology in mathematics education at technical and economics universities. As well as Participants from Universities and industries share ideas, knowledge and experiences among different disciplines.


The purpose of Aplimat Conference is to promote discussions and interactions between researchers and practitioners focused on disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary issues, ideas, concepts, theories, methodologies and applications. We are particularly interested in fostering the exchange of concepts, research ideas, and other results which could contribute to the academic arena and also benefit business, and the industrial community

What is Aplimat 2007?

Aplimat 2007 is an international forum for scientists and engineers, researchers and educatiors, theoreticians and practitioners in the fields of applied mathematics. The forum focuses into specific disciplinary research, and also in multi, inter, and trans-disciplinary studies and projects. One of its aims is to relate disciplines, fostering analogical thinking and, hence, producing input to the logical thinking.
Conference fields:
- Statistical methods in technical and economic sciences and practice
- Differential equations and their applications
- Financial and actuary mathematics
- New trends in mathematics education
- Engineering applications and scientific computations using software products
- Modeling and simulation
- Algebra and its application
- Geometry and its application
- Fuzzy mathematics and its applications
- Special section "MATHEMATICA® in Bratislava"
Ways of Participation

To participate in Aplimat Conference fill, please, the Registration form at the conference web site. Participation in the conference could be done by means of one or several of the following activities:
             The submission of a paper.
             The organization of Invited Session(s).
             The reviewing process.
             The conference promotion activity.
             Recommending teachers/researchers in order to have an active participation and/or submit the papers
Types of Submissions Accepted
1.        Research papers in science
2.        Research papers in engineering, including systems analysis, design, implementation, synthesis, deployment, maintenance, etc.
             Review papers. Case studies. Position papers.
             Reports: technical reports, engineering reports, reports on a methodological application, etc.
             Invited - Sessions Data regarding invited session to be organized by the submitter (title of the invited session, name of the organizer, affiliation, titles of the papers accepted for the invited session, authors' names, etc.) More details could be found below or at the conference web site.
             Panel-Poster Presentation.
Important Dates
before or on September 30th, 2006:           - deadline for registration,
                                                                  - preliminary acceptation (see Your Profile)
before or on October 15th, 2006:               - paper (extended abstracts, reports...) for reviewing
before or on November 15th, 2006:           - paper (extended abstracts, reports...) with open
                                                                  review form provided by participant
before or on November 15th, 2006:           - reviewing process
                                                                  - acceptance of the paper
                                                                  - final versions of accepted papers
before or on November 30th, 2006         - payment for reduced fee
February 6- 7, 2007            Special session MATHEMATICA in Bratislava
February 6th, 2007 - February 9th, 2007:    Aplimat 2007
Scientific Committee
CARKOVS Jevgenijs (Latvia), DE LA VILLA Augustin (Spain), DOLEŽALOVÁ Jarmila (Czech Republic), FERREIRA M. A. Martins (Portugal), GIRG Peter (Czech Republic), KARPÍŠEK Zdeněk (Czech Republic), KÖRTESI Péter (Hungary), LAWSON Duncan (Great Britain), WEIß Gunter (Germany), DOBRAKOVOVÁ Jana (Slovak Republic), HARMAN Blahoslav (Slovak Republic), JANIGA Ivan (Slovak Republic), KOVÁČOVÁ Monika (Slovak Republic), MESIAR Radko (Slovak Republic), VELICHOVÁ Daniela (Slovak Republic)

Representations of Algebras and their Geometry
Conference in Honour of Helmut Lenzing
Paderborn, November 11-12, 2006

SPEAKERS: R.-O. Buchweitz (Toronto), W.W. Crawley-Boevey (Leeds), J.A. de la
Pena (Mexico), L. Hille (Hamburg), M. Prest (Manchester), I. Reiten
(Trondheim), C.M. Ringel (Bielefeld), O. Schiffmann (Paris), A. Skowronski
(Torun), M. van den Bergh (Hasselt)

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: R.-O. Buchweitz (Toronto), D. Happel (Chemnitz), H.
Krause (Paderborn), D. Kussin (Paderborn), I. Reiten (Trondheim)

WEB SITE: http://www2.math.uni-paderborn.de/lenzing2006

REGISTRATION: Please use the form which is provided on the web site. Observe
the deadline (August 25, 2006) for booking hotel accomodation at a reduced

XVII Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra
Medellin, Colombia, South America

July 23 to 27, 2007

First Announcement

The XVII Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra brings together several researchers of the International Algebra Community to show their latest works. This XVII edition of the event is going to be in Medellin City, Colombia, July 23 to 27, 2007.

Scientific Committee

 Carlos Julio Moreno (CUNY, USA)
 Cesar Polcino Milies (Universidade de  São Paulo, Brasil)
 Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University, USA)
 Ivan P. Shestakov (Universidade de  São Paulo, Brasil)
 Jose Antonio de la Peña (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico)
 Julio Cesar Lopez (Universidad de Campinas, Brasil)
 Le Dung Trang (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italia)
 Marcel Morales (Institut Fourier, Université de Grenoble I, France)
 Nicolas Andruskiewisch (Universidad de Cordoba, Argentina)
 Olga Patricia Salazar (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)
 Xavier Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)

Local organizing committee:

 Hernán Giraldo (Coordinator) (Universidad de  Antioquia, Colombia)
 Carlos Trujillo (Universidad del Cauca, Colombia)
 Mario Estrada (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
 Juan Diego Velez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)
 Gilberto García (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
 Faber Gómez (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
 Juan Miguel Velásquez (Universidad del Valle, Colombia)

The web-page of the Conference is under construction:

С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.




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