A manager was soliciting resumes through a recruitment agency to fill in a senior staff member who had just resigned. The next day the recruitment agent came in to meet the manager and beaming he handed over a resume and said, "M'am, we have got just the right person you are looking for. The manager after skimming through the resume was visibly upset. Puzzled, the recruitment agent enquired what the matter was. The manager replied, "This candidate on the resume is the best we've got in our department".
You Might be an Internet Hobo if:
You spend more time online trying to find a way of making money than actually making money.
You have more than one degree from an online university.
Your little black book is full of usernames and passwords.
Your space is My-space.
You think a vacation is Google's earth.
Your 15 minutes of fame is on You-tube.
Road rage means a dial up connection.
You hear your kids say "the snail man's here".
Three contestants on a game show were trying to win prizes.
The emcee asked the first one, "for $3000 who invented the telephone"
"Alexandra Graham Bell," she answered.
"Right you are and as an added bonus what is your home town"
"Orange Grove Florida" she answered. O.K. you will receive a year's supply of the biggest and best oranges" said the emcee.
He asked the next one, now for $2000 who discovered America?
"Columbus she answered. Right and what is your home town? Asked the emcee.
Peach tree Georgia, she said. O.K. you will receive a year's supply of the biggest and best peaches for a year"
He then asked the last one, "now for $1000 who was the first president"
"George Washington, she said" "Right you are" said the emcee
The lady screamed out "I beat you all and hit the jack pot!"
"How can you say that asked the other two, you only won $1000"
(: Friendship :)
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В прайс-листе указаны цены на все имеющиеся на
сегодняшний день ФИЛЬМЫ, АУДИОКНИГИ и АУДИОКУРСЫ, а также описаны
способы оформления заказа. (Советуем заказывать диски наложенным
платежом, т.к. такой способ доставки на 100% гарантирует
получение Вами фильмов)
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