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Самые смешные анекдоты на английском языке

Самые смешные анекдоты на английском языке

New Years Poems

Happy New Year To You

Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
Bring you sweet surprises--
A happiness buffet.

Happy New Year to you,
And when the new year's done,
May the next year be even better,
Full of pleasure, joy and fun.

By Joanna Fuchs

On this page, you'll find free New Year greetings for New Year cards and e-cards, New Years toasts, a rhyme for a New Year's Eve party invitation, and one about a New Years Eve party, plus two New Years resolution verses. Note: I know New Year's is supposed to have an apostrophe, but most people don't type it that way into their search box. So to let people find this page, I have put the term in all three ways that people search for what's here.

New Years poems for greeting cards should carry a happy message. This New Year poem is perfect for a regular New Year card or a New Years e-card.

New Year's Reflections

Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.

Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.

And when I/we ponder those who do,
I/we immediately think of you.

Thanks for being one of the reasons I'll/We'll have a Happy New Year!

By Joanna Fuchs

Happy New Years poems are often about New Year wishes. Here's a general Happy New Year wish poem that can be sent to just about anyone.

Happy New Year Wish

My Happy New Year wish for you
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get.

A year in which you cherish
The past year's memories,
And live your life each new day
Full of bright expectancies.

I wish for you a holiday
With happiness galore;
And when it's done, I wish you
Happy New Year, and many more.

By Joanna Fuchs

New Years poems often talk about New Years resolutions. Following are two New Years poems about New Years resolutions. The following New Year poem, for a card or e-card, makes light of New Year resolutions.

New Year's Reality Check

Another year, another chance
To start our lives anew;
This time we'll leap old barriers
To have a real breakthrough.

We'll take one little step
And then we'll take one more,
Our unlimited potential
We'll totally explore.

We'll show off all our talents
Everyone will be inspired;
(Hmm:while I'm writing this,
I'm getting very tired.)

We'll give up all bad habits;
We'll read and learn a lot,
All our goals will be accomplished,
Sigh...or maybe not.

Oh well, Happy New Year anyway!

By Joanna Fuchs

New Years poems can be humorous and funny New Years poems often talk about the futility of making New Years resolutions. This New Year poem about a New Year resolution doesn't take itself seriously.

New Year's Resolutions

Each year I resolve with the strongest intent
To be better this year than the last.
And I work very hard; the rules hardly get bent,
But this discipline gets old so fast!

But with this new year I just know I'll win out,
Just watch how I do and you'll see!
I'm not going to have yet another blowout;
I'll be good as I know I can be.

But, if wicked things beckon, and I'm not so strong,
If I weaken and fall on my ast,
I'll be thankful again that you'll help me along
As you have during all new years past.

I'm so grateful that you're my (title)! Happy New Year!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

New Year's poems are often used on greeting cards. That's what this free verse New Year poem was written for.

In The New Year

In the New Year,
we wish you the best year you've ever had,
and that each New Year
will be better than the last.
May you realize your fondest dreams
and take time to recognize and enjoy
each and every blessing.

Happy New Year, And many more!

By Joanna Fuchs

This free verse New Year's poem talks about priorities for the coming year.

People Like You

A brand new year!
A clean slate on which to write
our hopes and dreams.
This year:
Less time and energy on things;
More time and energy on people.
All of life's best rewards,
deepest and finest feelings,
greatest satisfactions,
Come from people--
People like you.

Happy New Year!

Here's another New Years wish that would fit nicely on a New Year greeting card. It's a New Year wish designed to make the recipient feel valued.

Pieces of Time

New years come and new years go,
Pieces of time all in a row.
As we live our life, each second and minute,
We know we're privileged to have you in it.
Our appreciation never ends
For our greatest blessings: our family and friends.

Happy New Year!

By Joanna Fuchs

New Years poems can be about a variety of New Year subjects. The following two New Years poems are related to New Year's Eve parties.

You can break up New Years poems, if you like, and just use the parts that work for you. Choose the stanzas from this New Years poem that relate to your New Year's Eve party and leave the others out.

New Year's Eve Party Invitation

The New Year's rolling in;
We're planning quite a bash.
We need to have you here.
So it will be a smash!

We really want to see you;
We hope that you can make it.
So help us make our party fun,
Or we might have to fake it!

Just bring your awesome self (or "selves")
And what you want to drink.
And we'll provide the other stuff,
Including the kitchen sink!

When you let us know you'll come,
We'll smile and shout "Whoopee!"
So sit right down and phone us
With your R.S.V.P!

By Joanna Fuchs

New Years poems can be about a variety of subjects, but New Year's Eve parties are often the subject of New Years poems. This New Years Eve poem describes a fantasy New Years Eve party.

The New Year's Eve Party

The new year is coming; the party is near.
I'm sure looking forward to lots of good cheer.
I'll be all dressed up in my snazziest best,
So I won't disappear in the crowd like the rest.

I rap on the door and it opens to screams;
There are several guys hanging from high ceiling beams.
The guy in the lampshade looks ready to go,
As the girl on his shoulders shouts, "Giddyup Joe!"

I walk right on in to be one of the throng,
And they yell out my name while they bang a brass gong.
We laugh and we frolic, we dance and we sing,
(Is that my grandmother out there on the swing?)

This party is great, and the New Year looks bright.
Well, that's how I dreamed it, while sleeping last night.
I'm thinking about you and wish you were here,
So I'm sending this poem to say Happy New Year!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

New Years Toasts

These next three New Years poems in free verse are designed for New Years toasts. Choose the lines you like from each New Year poem to make your special New Year toast.

This New Years poem sees the New Year as a gift.

The Gift of a New Year

Here's to the year
that's almost past its expiration date-2006.
We all had some surprises, didn't we?
Some good, some distressing.
Let's use everything we got from our experiences,
everything we learned,
to enrich the new year.

Here's to the new year, 2007,
a gift we haven't opened yet.
May its bright, shiny package
contain even more than we hope for.

And even while we're delighting in new treasures,
let's appreciate fully what we already have-
the blessings we take for granted.
Make a list, and check it twice.

And here's to all you wonderful people
(wave glass around to encompass the whole group)
who are putting up with my toast;
I hope in the new year
you see yourselves the way I see you:
intelligent, interesting, and likable.

(Raise glass) To 2007:
May it give a whole new meaning
to the phrase, "the good life."

By Joanna Fuchs

New Years poems should focus on the positive, as this New Years toast does. Upbeat New Years poems are always welcome.

Fulfillment in the New Year

Here's to the outgoing year, 2006:
May the good times live on in our memories,
and may we learn lessons from the troubling times
that will make us stronger and better than ever.

Here's to 2007:
For each and every one of you,
may it be filled with significant steps
toward the fulfillment of your fondest wishes.

In this coming new year,
let us focus on our goals and work toward our dreams,
and yet (smile)
let's all try to go with the flow a little more
and stress a little less.

And most important,
(wave glass around to encompass the whole group)
here's to all of you.
Appreciate yourselves and each other in the new year
as I appreciate all of you now.
Let's focus on each other's good points
and choose to overlook minor annoyances
to create mutual happiness and contentment in 2006.

Here's to 2007 (raise glass): Enjoy the journey!

By Joanna Fuchs

New Years poems can rhyme or they can be in free verse, like this one, which is an all-purpose New Years Toast for your New Years Eve party.

New Year's Toast

Here's to the new year...
May it bring more joy and success
And less grief and regret.

To our dreams...
May we never stop believing in them
And taking the actions that will make them a reality.

To our friends, loved ones, associates (or colleagues)...
May we take the time to let them know
How much it means to us
To have them in our lives.

Let us encourage more and criticize less,
Give more and need less.
And whenever we can,
Let us create harmony and peace.

To new beginnings...
Let us start fresh, right now,
To make this the very best year ever.

A very Happy New Year to all of us!

By Joanna Fuchs

For the many people who are typing into their search box Christian New Years poems or religious New Years poems, here is a New Year poem that may fill those requests.

Christian New Year's Resolutions

How can I use the New Year
To better serve my Lord?
I'll read my Bible every day,
And be more in accord.

I'll find new ways to serve others;
I'll love my neighbor, too.
I'll focus on "give" instead of "get"
In everything I do.

I'll forgive the people I'm mad at;
Angry feelings I'll discard;
I'll try to love my enemies,
Even though it's hard.

In the new year, I'll lift people up,
Instead of putting them down.
I'll fill my heart with love and joy,
And never wear a frown.

I'll let go of my worries;
I'll put it all in His hands;
I'll repent and try to sin less,
And obey all His commands.

These new year's resolutions
Are difficult, at best,
But there's something I can do each day
That will put my soul at rest:

I'll love my Lord with all my heart,
With all my mind and soul,
And if I do that essential thing,
All the rest will be in control.

By Joanna Fuchs

New Year Prayer

New Years poems can be religious. New Year prayer is one of the top New Year's search terms, so this New Year poem in free verse is a New Years prayer.

New Years Prayer

Dear Lord,
In the new year, we pray
that You will guide us each new day
in paths that are pleasing to You.
Lord, the new year gives us another chance
to rededicate our lives to You,
to study Your Word
so that we know right from wrong
and to act in accordance with Your commands.
Thank you for the sense of
direction, purpose and peace we get
from aligning our lives with Your Holy will.
We pray for the strength and the will to obey You
each and every day of the new year,
and when we fail, we pray for Your mercy,
Your compassion, Your grace and Your love.
Help us in the new year to be your faithful servants.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

By Joanna Fuchs

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  • Happy feet (Делай ноги) - Мультфильм получил "Оскара" - заказать
  • Valiant (Вэлиант. Пернатый спецназ) - Мультфильм - заказать
  • Madagascar (Мадагаскар) - Мультфильм - заказать
  • The Polar Express (Полярный экспресс) - фильм-сказка с Томом Хэнксом - заказать
  • Asterix and the Vikings (Астерикс и викинги) - Мультфильм - заказать
  • Devil Wears Prada (Дьявол носит Prada) - заказать
  • Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (Парфюмер: история одного убийцы) - заказать
  • Lemony Snicket (Лемони Сникет: 33 несчастья) - с Джимом Кэрри - заказать
  • Che Guevara (Че Гевара) - документальный фильм - заказать
  • Driving Lessons (Уроки вождения) - заказать
  • 21 Gramm (21 грамм) - заказать
  • The Ring (Звонок) - заказать

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