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Самые смешные анекдоты на английском языке

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Самые смешные анекдоты на английском языке

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What's a definition of a gynecologist? Gynecologist is a person who looks for problems in a place where most people find pleasure.


A young kid's in a shipwreck and he winds up stranded on a tropical island. For twenty years he never sees another human being. Then one day a beautiful girl with long blond hair, her clothes half-ripped off, washes up on a piece of driftwood. He explains to her how he existed for twenty years, digging for clams, and eating fruits and berries. She says, "Well, what did you do for love?" He says, "Love? What's that?" She says, "I'll show you." She shows him. Then she shows him again. Then she shows him one more time. When they're finally done, she says, "Well, how do you like love?" He says, "It's great. But look what you did to my clam digger."

My face in the mirror
isn't wrinkled or drawn;
My house isn't dirty,
the cobwebs are gone.
My garden looks lovely,
and so does my lawn;
I think I might never
put my glasses back on!

My wife and I took out life insurance policies on each other ...
So now it's just a waiting game.
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Сайт рассылки: http://www.English4U.com.ua (АУДИОКНИГИ и ФИЛЬМЫ на английском языке с бесплатной доставкой по УКРАИНЕ: Шрек 2, Люди в Черном 2, Соблазн, Правила Секса, Троя, Послезавтра, Любовь по правилам и без... ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ СЕЙЧАС)
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