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Самые смешные анекдоты на английском языке

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Самые смешные анекдоты на английском языке

English4U.dp.ua - первый в УКРАИНЕ магазин дисков с ФИЛЬМами на английском языке с английскими и русскими субтитрами, АУДИОКНИГАми + в продаже появились АудиоКУРСЫ в формате MP3.

Prospective Yale Student

A prospective student from Texas was visiting Yale, but he was having problems finding the library. He spotted a well-dressed, proper-looking student crossing the street, so he decided to ask him where the library was.

"Excuse me, mister. Can you tell me where the library's at?" the Texan inquired.

"My good sir, people of good taste and upbringing know that you should never end a sentence with a preposition. Any student at Yale knows that. I suggest you review your grammar rules before even considering attending this fine institution."

"Oh, I see, mister. Well, then, can you tell me where the library's at, asshole?"

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