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Рассылка 2006-06-26
Мега-картинки ::: SMS-гейт ::: N ET скуке. Общаемся здесь

  Премиум-аккаунты на Rapidshare.de!
  Есть премиум-аккаунты на Rapidshare.de. Стоимость - $5 в месяц.
  Кого интересует - пишите в ICQ 7418585 или email: macten@webrelax.com

  Хостинг на физически выделенном сервере всего от $1 !
  Просто, дешево, удобно. Присоединяйтесь.

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  ; Интимные предложения и не только. Море фотографий пользователей.
  Удобный интерфейс, система поиска и много другого.

Что нового появилось на сайте за 26/06/2006
Stacked With Daniel Negreanu (10:44)

Stacked with Daniel Negreanu is the first video game to bring next-generation gameplay and broadcast quality production to Texas Hold 'em Poker. Learn everything from the fundamentals to advanced strategies from poker's premiere player and refine your game against the world's most advanced artificial intelligence system before testing your sk ills in massive online tournaments. Stacked will feature its own sanctioned multi-table tournament system called "Stacked Masters" and will also include involvement from the seven professional players associated with the game, providing the most in-depth online play and community experience for any poker video game. Through MTV.com, players will be able to participate in the official Stacked sanctioned online tournaments including special challenges with the pros as well as view tournament standings and game play stats.
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Airborne Assault: Conquest Of The Aegean (10:38)

In Conquest of the Aegean, players get to take on the role of either the Allied or German commanders and pit their wits agai nst either a computer controlled opponent or a human opponent via LAN or the internet. Play as the Allies in a desperate fight to maintain a foothold on the southern flank of Europe using the mountainous Greek terrain to achieve concealment and surprise. Or fight as the Axis, driving hard achieve a quick victory with minimal losses. Battles in the game cover the Greco-Italian War, the German Invasion of Greece, the German Invasion of Crete, a fictional scenario for the Invasion of Malta by Axis forces, and numerous other "what if" scenarios that will allow you to reshape history.
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