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Бесплатные описания вязаных изделий: теплый комплект от Lana Grossa

Dandy Cap and Wristlets
Soffice stole, size 50 x 160 cm (20" x 64")


Dandy Cap and Wristlets
Materials: Lana Grossa "Dandy" (40% merino, 15% mohair, 25% microfiber/polyamide, 20% acrylic), approx. 150 g blue-green (color 10). Short circular knitting needles, 1 each in sizes 4.5 mm and 5.5 mm (US 7 and 9/ UK 7 and 5); 1 set double-pointed needles, size 5.5 mm (US 9/ UK 5).
Rib pattern:  K1, p1 alt.
Cable pattern: Rnds 1 – 16: * p10, k8, rep from * cont. Rnd 17: * p2, slip 8 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, k8, then p sts from cable needle, rep from * cont. Rnd 18: * p2, k8, p8, rep from * cont. Rnds 19 – 34: * p2, k8, p8, rep from * cont. Rnd 35: * p2, slip 8 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, p8, then k sts from cable needle, rep from * cont. Rnd 36: * p10, k8, rep from * cont. Work rnds 1 – 36 once.
Cable/diamond pattern: See diagram, which shows only Rs rows. In Ws rows work all sts as they appear. Rep rows 1 – 16 6x, then rep rows 1 and 2 once more. 1 square = 1 st and 2 rows.
Stocking stitch (Stst): K Rs rows, p Ws rows.
Gauge: 16 sts and 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm (4" x 4") in Stst with 5.5 mm needles.
Cap: With 4.5 mm needles, cast on 80 sts and close to rnd. Work 4 cm (1 5/8") in rib pattern, inc 28 sts, evenly spaced, in last rnd (= 108 sts). Change to 5.5 mm needles and cont in cable pattern. Work rnds 1 – 36 of cable pattern once, then work rnds 1 – 9. In the foll 10th rnd beg dec: Rnd 10: k or p every 5th and 6th sts tog (= 90 sts). Rnd 12: k or p every 4th and 5th sts tog (= 72 sts). Rnd 14: k or p every 3rd and 4th sts tog (= 54 sts). Rnd 15: k or p every 2nd and 3rd sts tog (= 36 sts). Rnd 16: always k pairs of sts tog (= 18 sts). Rnd 17: always k pairs of sts tog (= 9 sts).
Run working yarn through rem sts, pull yarn to close cap, and hide yarn end.
Wristlets: With 5.5 mm needles, cast on 36 sts and work directly in diamond pattern. When work measures 21 cm (8 1/4") from beg, inc 1 k st both after the 1st k rib and before the 2nd k rib. When work measures 33 cm (13") from beg, rep these incs. When work measures approx. 45 cm (18") from beg, bind off all sts. Make 2nd wristlet in same manner.
Finishing: Sew seams.

Soffice Stole
Materials: Lana Grossa "Soffice" (62% merino extrafine, 28% acrylic, 10% cashmere), approx. 400 g blue-green (color 8). Knitting needles, size 5.5 mm (US 9/ UK 5).
Rib pattern: K2, p2 alt.
Cable pattern: Rows 1 and 3: k15, p2, k15. Row 2 and all Ws rows: Work sts as they appear. Row 5: Slip 5 sts onto cable needle and hold behind work, k5, then k sts from cable needle, k5, p2, slip 5 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, k5, then k sts from cable needle, k5. Rows 7 and 9: k15, p2, k15. Row 11: k5, slip 5 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, k5, then k sts from cable needle, p2, k5, slip 5 sts onto cable needle and hold behind work, k5, then k sts from cable needle. Rep rows 1 – 12 cont.
Diamond pattern: See diagram, which only shows Rs rows. In Ws rows work all sts as they appear. Rep rows 1 – 32 11x, then work rows 1 – 30 once more. 1 square = 1 st and 2 rows.
Gauge: 22 sts and 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm (4" x 4") in rib pattern with 5.5 mm needles, measured unstretched.
Stole: With 5.5 mm needles, cast on 116 sts. P 1 Ws row then work sts as foll: edge st, * k2, p2, rep from * 2 more times, 32 sts cable pattern, 26 sts diamond pattern, 32 sts cable pattern, * p2, k2, rep from * 2 more times, edge st. K edge sts in Rs rows and p edge sts in Ws rows. When work measures approx. 160 cm (64") (= 382 rows), from beg, bind off all sts
Finishing: Knot thick fringes of 8 pieces of yarn each in narrow ends of stole. Finished fringe length = approx. 22 cm (8 3/4"). Knot fringes again, at various levels.


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Источник: http://www.lanagrossa.com

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