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Бесплатные описания вязаных изделий: кардиган от Berroco

cardigan Luanna

Cardigan Luanna

Skill level: Experienced

Directions are for women's size X-Small.  Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large, 1X and 2X are in parentheses.

Bust (closed) - 32(36-40-44-48-52)"
Length - 22 (22-22 1/2-23-23 1/2-24)"

12(13-15-17-19-21) Hanks BERROCO SOFTWIST (50 grs), #9416 Blue Gabardine
Straight knitting needles, size 8 (5.00 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
Four 1" buttons
2 St markers

20 sts = 4";  28 rows = 4" in St st
22 sts = 4";  28 rows = 4" in Lace Pat
24 sts = 4";  28 rows = 4" in Rib Pat

LACE PATTERN (Multiple of 21 sts + 13 to start)
Note:  Due to the nature of this pattern, the number of sts will change from row to row.  You will increase 2 sts for each repeat and 2 sts for the end section on Row 4.  These sts will be decreased on Row 6 returning you to the original number of sts.
Row 1 and all WS rows:  Purl, working through front of first double yo and through back of second yo.
Row 2 (RS):  * (K1, yo) twice, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, k3, k3 tog, (yo, k1) twice, k2, k2 tog, yo twice, SSK, k2, rep from * across, end (k1, yo) twice, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, k3, k3 tog, (yo, k1) twice.
Row 4:  * K1, yo, k3, yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, (k2 tog, yo twice, SSK) twice, rep from * across, end k1, yo, k3, yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k3, yo, k1.
Row 6:  * K1, yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k1, (k2 tog, yo twice, SSK) twice, rep from * across, end k1, yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k1.
Row 8:  * K1, (yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k1) twice, k2, k2 tog, yo twice, SSK, k2, rep from * across, end k1, (yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k1) twice.
Row 10:  * K1, (yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k1) twice, (k2 tog, yo twice, SSK) twice, rep from * across, end k1, (yo, SSK, k1, k2 tog, yo, k1) twice.
Rep these 10 rows for Lace Pat.

RIB PATTERN (Odd number of sts)
Row 1 (RS):  K1 TBL, * p1, k1TBL, rep from * across.
Row 2:  P1, * k1 TBL, p1, rep from * across.
Rep these 2 rows for Rib Pat.

With straight needles, cast on 88 (99-109-120-130-143) sts.
Establish Lace Pat:  Row 1 (WS):  P6(1-6-1-6-2), place marker, work Row 1 of Lace Pat to last 6(1-6-1-6-2) sts, place marker, p to end.
Row 2 (RS):  K to 1st marker, work Row 2 of Lace Pat to last marker, k to end.  Work even in pat as established until piece measures approximately 13" from beg, end on WS with Row 2 of Pat St - 88 (99-109-120-130-143) sts.  P the next row, dropping markers and increasing 9 (10-12-13-15-14) sts across - 97 (109-121-133-145-157).  Work even in Rib Pat until piece measures 14" from beg, end on WS.
Note:  When decreasing or increasing over a yo pattern st, be careful to that each yo is balanced by an SSK or a k2 tog.  If there are not enough sts to work the entire repeat, work extra sts in Reverse St st.
Shape Armholes:  Bind off 4 (5-6-7-8-8) sts at beg of the next 2 rows - 89 (99-109-119-129-141) sts.  Dec 1 st each side EVERY row 0 (0-0-4-8-14) times, then every RS row 8 (10-12-10-8-5) times - 73 (79-85-91-97-103) sts.  Work even until armholes measure 7 (7-7 1/2-8-8 1/2-9)", end on WS.
Shape Shoulders and Neck:  Bind off 5 (6-7-8-9-10) sts at beg of the next 6 rows.  Bind off remaining 43 sts for back neck.

  Only sizes X-Small, Large and 1X will look like the photo. On sizes Small, Medium and 2X there will be St st on both sides of the Lace Pat.
With straight needles, cast on 53 (59-63-69-74-80) sts.
Establish Lace Pat and Frontband:  Row 1 (WS):  Work Row 2 of Rib Pat over 13 sts, place marker, p0 (6-8-0-0-6), (for sizes X-Small, Large and 2X ONLY, place marker), for all sizes, work Row 1 of Lace Pat to last 6 (6-8-1-6-6) sts, place marker, p to end.
Row 2:  K to 1st marker, work Row 2 of Lace Pat to next marker, (for sizes Small, Medium and 1X ONLY, k to next marker), for all sizes, work Row 1 of Rib Pat to end.  Work even in pats as established until piece measures approximately 13" from beg, end on Row 2 of Lace Pat.
Inc Row (WS):  Work Row 2 of Rib Pat to 1st marker, drop marker, p across, dropping remaining markers and increasing 4 (4-6-6-7-7) sts across - 57 (63-69-75-81-87) sts.  Work even in Rib Pat until piece measures 14" from beg, end on WS.
Shape Armhole and Neck:  Next row (RS):  Bind off 4 (5-6-7-8-8) sts, work to end - 53 (58-63-68-73-79) sts.
Following Row:  Bind off 10 sts, work to end - 43 (48-53-58-63-69) sts.  Note:  From here you will be decreasing at both edges at the same time.  Please read through carefully.  Dec 1 st at armhole edge EVERY row 0 (0-0-4-8-14) times, then every RS row 8 (10-12-10-8-5) times.  AT THE SAME TIME, dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row 20 times.  When all decs have been completed, work even on 15 (18-21-24-27-30) sts until armhole measures 7 (7-7 1/2-8-8 1/2-9)", end on WS.  Shape Shoulder:  Bind off 5 (6-7-8-9-10) sts at beg of the next 3 RS rows for shoulder.  Mark placement of 4 buttons along frontband, the first 2" up from the lower edge, the last 2" down from bound-off sts at neck and the other 2 evenly spaced between.

With straight needles, cast on 53 (59-63-69-74-80) sts.
Establish Lace Pat and Frontband:  Row 1 (WS):  P6 (6-8-1-6-6), place marker, work Row 1 of Lace Pat over 34 (34-34-55-55-55) sts, place marker, [for sizes Small, Medium and 2X ONLY, p6 (8-6)], for all sizes place marker, work Row 2 of Rib Pat to end.
Row 2 (RS):  Work Row 1 of Rib Pat to 1st marker, (for sizes Small, Medium and 2X ONLY, k to next marker), for all sizes, work Row 2 of Lace Pat to next marker, k to end.  Work even until piece measures 2" from beg, end on WS.
Buttonhole Row (RS):  Work 6 sts, work 2 tog, yo, work to end.  Complete to correspond to Left Front, reversing all shaping and making 3 more buttonholes opposite markers on left frontband.  Bind off for armhole and shoulder on WS rows.

With straight needles, cast on 55 sts.  Work even in Lace Pat for 3", end on WS.  Inc 1 st each side of next row, placing markers on each side of center 55 sts - 57 sts.  Keeping sts between markers in Lace Pat and remaining sts in St st, inc 1 st each side every 3 1/2 (3 1/2-2-1 1/2-1-1)" 4 (4-7-9-12-14) times more - 65 (65-71-75-81-85) sts.  Work even until sleeve measures 18" from beg, end on WS.
Shape Cap:  Bind off 4 (5-6-7-8-8) sts at beg of the next 2 rows - 57 (55-59-61-65-69) sts.  Dec 1 st each side every RS row 13 (14-14-16-16-17) times, end on WS.  Bind off 2 sts at beg of the next 8 (6-6-2-2-0) rows, end on WS.  Bind off remaining 15 (15-19-25-29-35) sts.

With straight needles, cast on 160 (160-166-172-178-184) sts.  Work even in St st for 4 rows, end on WS.  Keeping 0 (0-3-6-9-12) sts each end in St st and remaining sts in Lace Pat, work even until piece measures 1 1/2", end on WS. Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 22 rows, end on WS.  Bind off remaining 50 (50-56-62-68-74) sts.

Sew shoulder seams.  Sew bound-off edge of collar to neck edge with ends of collar at outer edges of frontbands.  Sew in sleeves.  Sew side and sleeve seams.  Sew on buttons.

cardigan Luana



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Источник: http://www.berroco.com

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