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Бесплатные описания вязаных изделий: теплый комплект от LANA GROSSA

Mille sweater and cap
Bingo turn-ups and gloves

Sweater size 36 and 40

Figures in brackets are given for size M. If only one figure is given, it applies to all sizes.

Abbreviations: alt = alternately, ch = chain, col = colour, cont = continue, dc= double crochet, dec = decrease, dtr = double treble, foll = following, gst = garter stitch, htr = half treble, inc = increase, K = knit, mt = meterage, P = purl, patt = pattern, patt g (MS) = pattern group, psso = pass slipped st(s) over, rem = remaining, rep = repeat, rev stst = reversed stocking stitch, Rs = right side, slst = slip stitch, st(s) = stitch(es), stst = stocking stitch, tbl = through back of loop, tog = together, tr = treble, Ws = wrong side, Wwm = when work measures, yo = yarn over needle

Materials: Lana Grossa Quality "Mille" (50% merino extrafine, 50% acrylic); sweater: approx. 500 (600) g; cap: approx. 100 g nature (col 17), 7 mm needles and for the cap 7 mm needles and one 6 mm crochet hook

Rib pattern: K1 P2 alt.

Cable pattern: see diagram. Only right side rows are given. On return rows work sts as set. Rep rows 1 - 10 for pattern. 1 square = 1 st and 2 rows.

Reversed stockinette stitch: P on right side, K on wrong side.

Gauge: 12 sts and 16 rows to 10 cm or 4" square (cable pattern with 7 mm needles); 10 sts and 16 rows to 10 cm or 4" square (rib pattern with 7 mm needles, measured stretched).

cast on 51 (65) sts with 7 mm needles and cont in cable pattern: edge st, rep patt g 7 (9) times, edge st. When work measures 33 cm or 13" from beginning bind off 1 x 3 (4) sts at each end, then on every alt row 2 sts once and 1 st once at each end. When work measures 42 (45) cm or 16 1/2 (17 3/4)" from beginning bind off for V-neck the center st and slip sts of right front onto a length of yarn. Cont over sts of left front, for neck shaping bind off on every alt row 2 sts twice and 1 st 5 times. When work measures 52 (55) cm or 20 1/2 (21 3/4)" from beginning bind off rem sts. End right front in reverse.

Back: work as for front. When work mesures 49 (52) cm or 19 1/4 (20 1/2)" from beginning bind off for nech the 9 sts center sts. At neck edge bind off every alt row 3 sts once and 2 sts once. When work measures 52 (55) cm or 20 1/2 (21 3/4)" from beginning bind off rem sts.

Sleeves: cast on 26 (29) sts with 7 mm needles and cont in rib pattern: edge st, K1 * P1 K2, rep from *, P1, K1, edge st. For sleeve shaping inc on 9th row 1 st once at each end, then on every 10th row 1 st twice and on every 8th row 1 st 3 times. When work measures 35 cm or 13 3/4" from beginning bind off for sleeve top 3 sts once at each end, then on every alt row 1 st 10 times. When work measures 49 cm or 19 1/4" from beginning bind off rem sts. Work 2nd sleeve alike.

Finishing: Block pieces to measurements, cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry. Join seams. For neck band pick up along neck back with 7 mm needles approx. 20 sts and cont in reversed stockinette stitch. Then pick up on every row at the end of row each time another 3 sts 4 times = 44 sts. Work return row alike = at the end of every row bind off 3 sts 4 times. Bind off rem 20 sts. Fold collar half over wrong side and sew on.

Basic Pattern: number of sts multiple of 4 + edge st. 1st row (= wrong side): P all sts. 2nd row (= right side): edge st, * into foll st work 3 sts (= K1 P1 K1), P3 tog, rep from *, edge st. 3rd row: P all sts. 4th row: edge st, * P3 tog, into foll st work 3 sts (= K1 P1 K1), rep from *, edge st. Rep rows 1 - 4.

Gauge:  13 sts and 16 rows to 10 cm or 4" square (basic pattern with 7 mm needles).

Cap: start with 1st ear flap. Cast on 10 sts with 7 mm needles and cont in basic pattern, on 3rd row inc 1 st once at each end and inc on 2nd foll row 1 st once at each end = 14 sts. K inc sts. When work measures approx. 9 cm or 3 5/8" from beginning slip sts onto a length of yarn. Work 2nd ear flap alike. For head of cap work as foll, starting at center back: cast on 4 sts, pick up 14 sts of 1st ear flap, cast on 30 sts, then pick up 14 sts of 2nd ear flap, cast on 4 sts = 66 sts. Cont in basic pattern, arrange patt in cont. of ear flaps. When work measures 14 cm or 5 1/2" from beginning of cap start dec, P 5 sts tog 3 times evenly across, thus dec 3 patt g. Rep these dec on every 4th round another twice. On 2nd foll round P2 tog each time. Tighten work with the yarn.

Finishing:  join back seam. Along lower edge of cap and border of ear flaps crochet 1 round sc and 1 round crab sts (=sc from left to right).

Turn-ups and gloves
Materials: Lana Grossa quality "Bingo" (100% wool merino), turn-ups: approx. 200 g, gloves: 100 g nature (col 23), turn-ups: short circular needle or double-pointed needles size 4 mm, gloves: 4.5 and 5 mm double-pointed needles.

Border pattern:  alt K2, P2.

Cable: Rows 1-4: stockinette stitch (K on right side, P on wrong side). 5th row: slip 2 on cable needle and leave at front of work, K2, then K2 on cable needle. 6th row: p. Rows 7 and 8: stockinette stitch. Rep rows 1-8 for pattern.

Gauge:  18 sts and 24 rows to 10 cm or 4" square (stockinette stitch with 5 mm needles).

Stockinette stitch:  cast on 80 sts with 4 mm needles, join in round and work 4 cm or 1 5/8" in border pattern.Then * K2, P2, 4 sts cable, rep from *. When work measures 26 cm or 10 1/4" from beginning work another 4 cm or 1 5/8" in border pattern. Bind off.

Gloves: cast on 40 sts with 4.5 mm double-pointed needles, join in round and work 7 cm or 2 3/4" in border pattern. Cont with 5 mm needles in stockinette stitch. For thumb gusset work as foll: right glove mark 2nd st on 1st needle, left glove mark 2nd st from end of 4th needle with a length of yarn. On either side of marked sts enlarge gusset sts as foll: Rounds 1 and 2: 1 yo, on next round K1 tbl into yo = 5 gusset sts. Cont as given = on either side of gusset sts work 1 yo. On foll round K1 tbl into yo until there are 11 sts. Slip gusset sts onto a length of yarn and cast on 5 gusset sts, cont. As foll: dec gusset sts: 1st round: K2 tog tbl. K1, K2 tog. 2nd round: K3. 3rd round: K3 tog. Cont straight to level of ring finger. Tip: work slip dec over sts 2 and 3 on needles 2 and 4 (= slip 1 knitwise, K1, pass slipped st over) and K tog sts 3 and 2 from end of needles 1 and 3. Rep these dec on every alt round. At the end tighten rem 8 sts with a length of yarn. Sew yarn off.


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Источник: http://www.lanagrossa.com/service/mdm/12_2006/index.html

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