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Бесплатные описания вязаных изделий: роскошный пуловер от LANA GROSSA

Luxor Pullover, size M and L

Figures in brackets are given for size M. If only one figure is given, it applies to all sizes.

Abbreviations: alt = alternately, ch = chain, col = colour, cont = continue, dc= double crochet, dec = decrease, dtr = double treble, foll = following, gst = garter stitch, htr = half treble, inc = increase, K = knit, mt = meterage, P = purl, patt = pattern, patt g (MS) = pattern group, psso = pass slipped st(s) over, rem = remaining, rep = repeat, rev stst = reversed stocking stitch, Rs = right side, slst = slip stitch, st(s) = stitch(es), stst = stocking stitch, tbl = through back of loop, tog = together, tr = treble, Ws = wrong side, Wwm = when work measures, yo = yarn over needle

Materials: Lana Grossa quality "Luxor", 51% merino extrafine, 49% microfibers/ polyamide, mt = 150 m/50 g) 400 (450) g camel (col 8), one pair 4.5 mm needles, one long 4.5 mm circular needle.

Border pattern: alt K1, P1.

Stockinette stitch: K on right side, P on wrong side.

Moss pattern: alt K1, P1, stagger pattern on every row by 1 st.

Cable stripe over 20 sts: rows 1-3: P2, K16, P2. 2nd row and all further return rows: work sts as set. 5th row: P2, slip 4 on cable needle and leave at back of work, K4, then K4 from cable needle, slip foll 4 sts on cable needle and leave at front of work, K4, then K4 from cable needle, P2. 7th row: P2, K16, P2, rep rows 1-8.

Gauge: moss pattern = 18 sts and 33 rows to 10 cm or 4" square.

Front: cast on 89 (97) sts and cont 6 rows = approx 2 cm or 13/16" in border pattern, cont as foll: 13 (17) sts moss pattern, for cable stripe work over foll 12 sts over 8 sts each time K1 and K1 tbl = 20 sts cable stripe, 39 sts moss pattern, on foll 12 sts inc again 8 sts for cable stripe = 20 sts, 13 (17) sts moss pattern = 105 (113) sts. After 13 (17) cm or 5 1/8 (6 3/4)" from beginning divide work after 41 (45) sts from right edge for wrap-arounds form and slip the 41 (45) sts onto a length of yarn. Over rem 64 (68) sts work right front as foll: 23 sts stockinette stitch, 8 sts moss pattern, 20 sts cable pattern, 13 (17) sts moss pattern, at right edge dec for neck shaping 1 st on every 4th row 23 times (= edge st, slip 1, K1, pass slipped stitch over). After 31 (35) cm or 12 1/4 (13 3/4)" from beginning bind off at left edge for armhole 3 sts, then on every alt row 2 sts once (twice), 1 st 7 times. When work measures 52 (56) cm or 20 1/2 (22)" from beginning bind off for shoulder at left edge on every alt row 8 (10) sts once, 6 sts twice and 3 sts 3 times. For left front pick up the idle sts, for underlap of wraparound piece cast on at left edge 23 sts = 64 (68) sts and work in reversed to right half, for neck shaping K tog 2 sts aft er edge st.

Back: cast on 89 (97) sts and cont as given for front, over the 39 center sts cont in moss pattern to end. Shape armholes on either side as for front = 81 (89) sts, shape shoulders as for front, with beginning of 2nd shoulder shaping bind off the 11 center sts and finish each side separately, at neck edge bind off on every alt row 2 sts twice and 1 st twice.

Sleeves: cast on 42 sts and work 11 cm or 4 1/4" in border pattern. Cont as foll: 15 sts moss pattern, over the 12 center sts inc 8 sts each time (= double 8 sts) = 20 sts cable stripe, 15 sts moss pattern. For sleeve shaping inc 1 st at each end on every 10th row 6 times and 1 st on every 8th row 6 times = 74 sts. When work measures 44 cm or 17 1/4" bind off 3 sts at each end, then bind off for sleeve top at each end on every alt row 2 sts twice and 1 st twice, then 1 st on every 4th row 7 times and again on every alt row 1 st 3 times, 2 sts twice, bind off rem 28 sts .

Finishing: join shoulder, side and sleeve seams, sew sleeves in position. For neck band pick up along front neck edges incl. smooth wrap-around pieces on either side 95 sts each, along neck back 29 sts, with circular needle work over all sts 3 rows in border pattern, bind off on 4th row. Position lower edge of left wrap-around pieces below of right piece and attach.




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Источник: http://www.lanagrossa.com/service/mdm/09_2006/index.html

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