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Чит коды от Cheat Zone

Чит коды от Cheat Zone

05.01.2003 (Выпуск #28)



       Если Вы еще не скачали с сайта программу Gamers Desktop Book - рекомендую сделать это. Тем самым, Вы сэкономите время в сети. Вам не нужно будет искать на сайте нужную информацию, в программе есть все то, что есть на сайте Cheat Zone.. Примерно раз в две недели я выкладываю на сайт модули с обновлениями базы. Если Вы будете скачивать все модули - у Вас будет точная копия этого сайта. Более подробно о программе GDB Вы можете прочитать здесь...


Jack In The Dark
Anyway as the story begins you are an 8 year old girl, locked within a shop full of "haunted" toys. Santa Claus has been captured and held prisoner by your nemesis in the game "One Eyed Jack" a mean spirited jack in the box. Your impossible mission is to free Santa.

1: Get "Oil Lamp" (floor) & "Toy Drum" (Chest)
2: Behind counter find "DIME" & "BOOK". (Read the book)
3: Use "DIME" in Candy Machine on Counter.
4: "EMPTY" "Oil Lamp" on floor directly in front of attacking puppet.
5: Stand next to and right of open "Chest" and begin playing drum until 3 toys jump into chest.
6: Go to next room get "Vanity" and "Mirror".
7: Drop "Vanity" in front of and to the left (out of the way) of guards.
8: Get "Candy Stick" that guards drop.
9: Give "Candy Stick" to "One Eyed Jack".
10: Use "Mirror" on "One Eyed Jack".

Congratulations.....You Win.

Jack Orlando
Pressure in the Game [ F9 ], appears a small window. If you enter here EPILOGUE, the final sequence is shown.

Jack The Ripper
Float on ceiling:
In the London Underground level, you can grind up the rail in the second main room that leads to the top platform in the room. Once you grind that, jump off at the very end and land on the edge of that ledge. You will float upside down on the ceiling for a few seconds, just like Jack The Ripper from Shadow Man.

James Pond
At the begining of the game pick up the items in this order:

1.The cake
2.The Hammer
3.The Earth
4.The Apple
5.The Tap

The first letters of each of these words spells out the word CHEAT. This makes you invisible and you can't die BUT only works for about half an hour.

James Pond 2
Launch the program in this way:


where XX is the level number you want to play (i.e. 02).

Так же были добавлены солюшены и хинты для игр (все на русском языке):
- Need For Speed 4 (hint)
- Messiah (солюшен)
- Atlantis 2 (солюшен)
- 3 Skulls Of Toltecs (солюшен)
- Crusader Of Might And Magic (солюшен)
- Need For Speed 4 (hint)
- Neverhood (солюшен)
- Hовые Бременские Музыканты (солюшен)
- Magicland Dizzy (солюшен)
- Might And Magic 7: For Blood And Honor (hint)
- Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle Of Flesh (солюшен)

Copyright by Ice

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