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    Выпуск 7
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    В чьих руках наше счастье...

     Невинный Стенг
     Victoria forever
     Гюльчатай, открой личико!


    На нашем английском форуме регистрируется некто Stang из штата Юта. Его первый пост звучит несколько странно

    I have been looking for a serious relationship....I put my info on dating sites, I've searched sites for Russian and Ukrainian women. I dont know if I have even had a real person who I have emailed. I looked at many Russian dating sites. I have had many attempts made to scam. I have posted the possible scams online. Now today someone, who I dont know, has emailed me and said I have been blacklisted. I just wanted to put a note , I do not know what the site is, I only received a email with this message..
    your picture and email are in the black list forum of foreign
    men who cheat Ukrainian women. it says you seek for sexually penpals and
    that you are a scam that women should be aware and avoid. I think you
    must know about it.
    Your welcome.

    I was writing a women from Sumy, Ukraine, but I dont think I made her mad. We have only exchanged emails twice. I did explain exactly what I was looking for, maybe she got mad at that.
    The past few weeks have been very frustrating. I did searches on google and Yandex.com but all I could find is my ad in one of the intro sites.
    I am sure it is someone who was in the middle of a scam, since I found similar letters on a scam site. All I want is to try and find a real, sincere, nice woman who I could communicate with and possibly become serious with.
    Is this possible? or all most just looking to direct you to join sites or scam?

    История странная! Кто-то информирует Стенга о том, что его разместили в черном списке, но никаких координат не сообщает. Зачем? Кому это выгодно?
    Мы решили раскрутить эту историю.

     Невинный Стенг

    Итак, вскоре мы вышли на всем знакомый сайт stop-scammers.com и обнаружили жалобщика из Юты там. Он по-прежнему пытался восстановить справедливость и отыскать тот самый черный список, в котором красуется его фото и мыло. Однако на этот раз, среди американских подельщиков г-н Стенг оказался намного откровеннее.

    I have recently made it a hobby to find scammers. I've only been doing it for a week and I have posted 2 and I have a possible 5 more I'm working on . This is more work than I thought. Just wondering If anyone else does this as a hobby and can give me information on other places to report or anything else that would help me. It also seems like a never ending battle...
    In the last month I have communicated with probably 20 women. 17 of those, I believe, were scammers. I believe in love at first site, but not love at first email. Of those three, One was a very nice lady in the Ukraine, who after emailing awhile, we could tell we did not have enough in common. I am also emailing a very nice lady in Moscow, I am learning a lot from her and she from me. the third? I truly believed she was not a scammer, she may not be, but if the next email comes back asking for money, I will know.....I really dont care if there are scammers out there, I can now tell the difference within 3 emails whether a women is a scammer or not. Without searching the net...lol..

    Как видите, бедный невинный Стенг оказался банальным охотником на скаммеров.

     Victoria forever

    Теперь самое интересное, кто же, собственно говоря, эта самая Виктория. Сначала, мы подумали, что это – очередная наша доброжелательница, мечтающая войти в доверие к американскому рыцарю и охомутать его… ан нет! Захожу по случаю на одиозный сайт RWG и читаю - mamma mia! 

    AVOID bogdana !!!
    Just a warning to you guys. bogdana agency located in Vinnitsa Ukraine added a new twist to their scamming ways.
    I was browsing their site, as I do from time to time to check and see how many of my girls photos have been stolen and transformed into "Fat Yuris"
    I did not see any stolen photos but I did see that they have launched their own "Men Scammers" page. Apparently if you are unfortunate enough to get loured into that den of thieves and you decide at some point you do not want any more letters from "Fat Yuri". Guess what , you get labeled a man scammer.
    Not only do you get the label, you will get your photo posted on their site with slanderous claims made about you.
    Along with your photo you will`find your full name and address.
    I decided to print one guys mug shot and send it to him to see if he was aware of this.
    Well about three weeks later I get an email from the guy thanking me profusely for the infomation. He told me that all he had done was to cancel his membership with bogdana and that he had never done anything to warrant being labeled a scammer.
    In fact he was, until recently retiring, a police officer and member of the .S.W.A.T. Team in Florida.
    Just a another example of a typical Ukrainian owned and operated marriage agency. As I said in the past there are some good locally owned agencies here it's just that 95% of the bad apples spoil the the rest in the barrel.

    Имя автора поста – Брайн. Он житель Украины, владелец брачного агентства Russian Destiny в Виннице и давнишний конкурент другого марьяжного агентства Богдана из того же города.  

     Гюльчатай, открой личико!

     Ну естественно, мы же любопытные, нам захотелось увидеть: кого же и за что отправила Богдана в черный список. Well, well, well! Зоечка, ну вы бы хоть писали за что. Тем не менее, мы запостим тут тех граждан, который обнаружили в черном списке агентства Богдана, тем паче, что их там не густо, всего двое:

    Vaughn J. Kenny
    2150 Spencer road, apt 19-F
    Orange park, FL 32073

    Alexander Mansfeld
    Freihatstrasse 25
    Berlin, XX 485000

    Мда-с! Ну вот! Еще раз убедились, что мы всего лишь разменная монета в их бизнесе.

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