Цитаты из фильмов. Вспомните любимые цитаты, узнайте новые. Новогодний тур.
Киноцитаты дня от QUIZ.FILM.RU
Оцените разыгранные цитаты по 5-балльной шкале. Вот примерные критерии оценки:
1: Никчемная цитата: незапоминающаяся, из неинтересного фильма, пошлая, оскорбительная; не надо было разыгрывать.
2: Цитата как цитата, проходная.
3: Хорошая цитата: легко угадалась, или напомнила о забытом фильме, или пробудила интерес к еще не виденному фильму.
4: Отличная цитата: часто на слуху; хорошо иллюстрирует интересный фильм; надо будет взять на вооружение и при случае ввернуть в разговор.
5: Классика! Это знают все, а если не знают, то должны знать.
Заметки на полях
1. I'm sorry for wrecking your board meeting, and for cramming those eleven christmas cookies in the vcr.
2. Nature of claim: Christmas tree through window.
3. I'm really not okay with any of this. I mean, buying a Christmas present for a serial killer?
4. - I have a strong psychic belief that the world will end on New Year's Eve. - Well, for your sake, I hope you're right.
5. Christmas?? Christmas means dinner, dinner means death! Death means carnage, Christmas means carnage! (Leka)
6. Bridget:
So... Mark: So. Bridget: You staying with your parents for new years? Mark: Yes...and you? Bridget: Oh no, I've just come back from a party. Afrid I'm a bit hungover. New Year's resolution, stop drinking *looks at wine in hand and laughs.* And, stop smoking... *Both look at cigarette* ...and stop talking absolute nonsense to strangers. Mark: Yes...well, perhaps its time to eat.
7. ....5 o'clock Christmas morning, I run downstairs and look under the tree and what do I find? Uncle Alfresco,
dead on the floor, shot through the back of the head. Plus no bicycle. It was a dispointing Christmas on many levels
9. Listen to this. Phone service in the greater Chicago area was tied up for two hours Christmas Eve because some kid called a phone-in radio show to get a wife for his father. Two thousand women called in for the number.
11. Mayor: Oh, how horrible our Christmas will be! Jack Skellington: No, how jolly! Mayor: Ooohhh... [looking really depressed] Mayor: How jolly our Christmas
will be...
12. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
14. ...и наслаждайтесь тем непроходимым тупым моментом, когда мы пытаемся всунуть лишнее слово в четвертую строчку.