"Das Neue Testament nach den ältesten griechischen Handschriften" [The
New Testament According to the Oldest Greek Manuscripts]. Edited by Karl Jaroč.
5163 pages, pdf.
The New Testament According to the Oldest Greek Manuscripts contains the
handwritten Greek manuscripts of the New Testament that were in existence before
Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. This CD-ROM contains a collection of the
oldest 95 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament from the 1st century to the
beginning of the 4th century. The CD-ROM also contains, along with the complete
facsimile image of each manuscript, a description of the document as well as a
transcription. The Greek text of the manuscripts is transcribed with accentuated
Greek and rendered in a literal [German] translation.
Стоимость диска - 20 гр. или 150 руб. Подписчикам рассылки, как обычно, 20%-ная