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"Вопросы библеистики". Ресурс для самообразования

“Вопросы библеистики”

ресурс для самообразования

Славянский новости


Библиотекой подготовлен новый комплект электронных факсимиле - В помощь изучающему латинский язык, диск №2. Он содержит следующие отсканированные печатные издания в формате Adobe Acrobat:

1. Oxford Latin Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2150 pages.

Fifty years in the making, the Oxford Latin Dictionary is the first Latin-English dictionary based on a fresh reading of original sources. The Dictionary was published in eight fascicles between 1968 and 1982 and is now available in a single bound volume.

Features of the Oxford Latin Dictionary:
First Latin-English dictionary composed directly from original sources;
Comprehensive coverage of classical Latin with entries for approximately 40,000 words;
Based on a collection of over one million quotations that illustrate the meaning and use of Latin words from the earliest known instance;
Definitions are in modern English and based on modern lexicographical principles;
Up-to-date with the inclusion of better texts as well as epigraphical material that was previously unavailable.

The Oxford Latin Dictionary is a comprehensive and authoritative reference work for students, teachers, professionals, and general readers interested in classical languages and literature, ancient history, medieval studies, languages, art history, ancient philosophy, religion, archaeology, law, medicine, and natural science.

2. Peter V. Jones, Keith C. Sidwell "Reading Latin: Grammar, vocabulary and exercises", Cambridge University Press, 640 pages.

Reading Latin is a Latin course designed to help mature beginners read Latin fluently and intelligently, primarily in the context of classical culture, but with some mediaeval Latin too. It does this in three ways; it encourages reading of continuous texts from the start; it offers generous help with translation at every stage; and it integrates the learning of Classical Latin with an appreciation of the influence of the Latin language upon English and European culture from Antiquity to the present. The text, richly illustrated, consists at the start of carefully graded adaptations from original Classical Latin texts. The adaptations are gradually phased out until unadultered prose and verse can be read. The Grammar, Vocabulary and Exercises volume supplies all the help needed to do this, together with a range of reinforcing exercises for each section, including English into Latin for those who want it. At the end of each section, a selection of Latin epigrams, mottoes, quotations, everyday Latin, word-derivations, examples of mediaeval Latin and discussions of the influence of Latin upon English illustrate the language's impact on Western culture. Reading Latin is principally designed for university and adult beginners, and also for sixth-formers (eleventh and twelth graders in the USA). It is also ideal for those people who may have learned Latin many years ago, and wish to renew their acquaintance with the language. Its companion course, Reading Greek is one of the most widely used mature beginners' courses in the world.

Стоимость комплекта - 20 укр.гривен или 150 рос.рублей. Форма оплаты: почтовый перевод в адрес: Федосов С.А., ул.Пинтера 18-27, Донецк, 83120, Украина. Предпочтительнее так называемый электронный перевод - деньги будут в Донецке на следующий день. Дополнительно следует сообщить в email: sergej@sbible.donetsk.ua дату перевода, Ваш почтовый адрес и название заказываемого комплекта. Он будет отправлен Вам заказной бандеролью в день поступления оплаты в Донецк. Почтовые расходы включены в стоимость комплектов.

Жители Украины могут заказать нашу продукцию наложенным платежом, с оплатой на почте при получении. В этом случае стоимость пересылки наложенным платежом (около 7 гривен) будет добавлена к стоимости заказа.

Федосов Сергей

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