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Русская Еврейская община в Нью Йорке

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(if any lady happens to read this, read on, but I am addressing myself to the men [your husband most likely], for a change).

      On behalf of N'Shei Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov i ot sebia lichno, I would like to cordially invite your wives, mothers, and other ladies of your acquaintance to our Second Annual Tea. This historical event will take place this Sunday, November 3, at 6:30 pm, in the Prospect Park Yeshiva Auditorium (1601 Avenue R).

      Event will include:

  • Musical Extravaganza (show) "Once it was a Shteitel"
  • Annual Ladies' Tea with speach adressed by Rebetzin Zahava Braunstein
  • mini-Chinese Auction

      Please use your male authority to ensure their coming. We are (almost) inviting half of the United States to this event (and advertising it as far as Israel, Russia and France), and we would be really disappointed if our own women could not attend for want of babysitters or suchlike trifling matters. Fathers and other male relatives have been known to deal with babies and children, including feeding, changing diapers, and even putting them to bed (anyone in need of advice can call Yehonathan Emergency Hotline at 339-6835).

      We even consulted some Rabbinical autority. They agreed, that babysitting for sake of mommy relaxing and having little entertainment for short time, is not considered Bittul Zman even for a Full Time Yeshivah Learning person.

      If no one else is available to be with children, babysitters can be hired for money (I speak as a professional). This should not be a reason to keep a grandmother or a mother from attending our Tea. Please consider your options before you decide that mommy or bubby has to stay home. (By the way, bringing small children to the Tea is not an option. Girls of middle school age are welcome).

      Please, realize also that this is an excellent kiruv opportunity for those not "affiliated", so, think of aunts, grandmothers and cousins who might be encouraged by our fiery and funny show to take a different look at Judaism and those who practice it. Or, as Venechka Yerofeev so aptly put it: "Kogda ugnetennaya zhenshina Vostoka skinet svoyu paranzhu...", they might see something they did not expect under the "paranzha" of a gloomy backwards frum woman who still lives in the Dark Middle Ages.

      Please spread the word. And I will see your nearest and dearest on Sunday.

Sincerely yours,
Mariana Alexandrovich

P.S. Sorry if you got this message more than once.

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