The Kazakhstan Government has confiscated 116 acres of land from the Religious Organization Society for Krishna Consciousness. And now the Government is concerned only with declaring a resolution and silencing the issue with the Krishna community.
The Supreme Court annulled its decision to grant the right to land use to the Society for Krishna Consciousness in Almaty region, the religious community informed the agency.
Thirteen houses of Krishna community members pulling down planned for May in Karasay region of Almaty has been suspended, the Society of consciousness of Krishna informed the agency.
Even though a Hare Krishna commune was told by phone today (4 May) that
court executors were on their way to re-start demolitions of Hare Krishna-owned homes, none had arrived by late afternoon today, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. The latest demolition threat repeated an official warning given yesterday. This morning, the electricity supply to the commune's homes was cut off – but was then restored after 30 minutes. The only official who spoke to Forum 18, in the Justice Ministry's Religious Affairs Committee, refused to give his name and insisted that the dispute is economic
and not religious discrimination.