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The deadline is December 15.

The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) announces the
establishment of the Dietrich Reinhart OSB Fellowship in Eastern
Christian Manuscript Studies, to be awarded annually for three years
beginning with the Academic Year 2013-2014. The fellowship has been
established through the generosity of Rebecca Haile and Jean Manas of
New York, New York, in memory of Br. Dietrich Reinhart OSB
(1949-2008). Br. Dietrich, 11th President of Saint John's University,
was a visionary leader who saw HMML as integral to the mission of
Saint John's Abbey and University, and enthusiastically promoted
HMML's work in the Middle East, Ethiopia, and India.

Awardees must be undertaking research on some aspect of Eastern
Christian studies requiring use of the digital or microfilm manuscript
collections at HMML. They must have already been awarded a doctoral
degree in a relevant field and have demonstrated expertise in the
languages and cultures of Eastern Christianity relevant for their

The Fellowship may be held for a full academic year (September 1-April
30) or for one semester (September 1-December 20; January 4-April 30).
The Fellowship provides accommodation in an apartment at the
Collegeville Institute on the Saint John’s University campus; working
space at HMML; access to library, recreational and cultural activities
at Saint John’s University; round-trip transportation; and a stipend
of up to $25,000 for a full academic year. Stipends will be adjusted
for less than a full year in residence.

Awardees will be expected to devote full attention to their research
projects while in residence. They will also be expected to participate
in a weekly seminar for Collegeville Institute resident scholars, to
present their research in a public lecture sponsored by HMML, and to
be a resource for HMML staff and other researchers during their stay.

Applicants are asked to provide: 1) a cover letter with current
contact information and an indication of availability for a full-year
or one-semester residency; 2) a description of the project to be
pursued, including an explanation of how access to HMML’s resources
will be important for its success (1000-1500 words); 3) an updated
curriculum vitae; 4) two letters of reference.

The cover letter, project description, and CV should be sent by the
applicant to hmmlfellowships@csbsju.edu; letters should be sent by the
referees directly to the same email address or in hard copy to Julie
Dietman, HMML, Box 7300, Collegeville, MN 56321.

Applications for the Academic Year 2013-14 are due December 15, 2012.
The decision and acceptance process will be completed by the end of
February 2013.

The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library is a sponsored program of Saint
John’s University, with the world’s largest collection of research
material for the study of manuscripts. HMML holds microfilm and
digital images of more than 135,000 complete manuscripts. In addition
to Latin manuscripts, HMML’s collections are particularly rich in
Ethiopic, Syriac, Arabic, and Armenian manuscripts.


  Theme: Religion and Secularism in Modern Democracies
Type: International Interdisciplinary Summer School 2013
Institution: Forum Scientiarum, University of Tübingen
Location: Tübingen (Germany)
Date: 3.–7.6.2013
Deadline: 20.2.2013Topic

In this summer school this year’s guest to the Unseld Lectures,
Charles Taylor, will discuss the place taken by religion, and often
by the associated culture, in defining the political identity of
modern democracies.

According to Taylor, we used to live in societies whose political
organizations were “guaranteed by some faith in, or adherence to God,
or some notion of ultimate reality” (A secular age 2007, p.1).
Accordingly, he argues that society as a whole imagined itself to
constitute a corporate religious body under moral norms ordained by
God; religious belief has had a great impact on all different spheres
of private as well as public life. Consequently, politics and
religion were highly related to one another.

In Taylor’s narrative the story begins in the Middle Ages in an
enchanted world. With the Enlightenment between the sixteenth and
nineteenth century, along with the rise of modern science and the
modern state, however, sacred meanings are no longer expressed
directly in the universe around us. Taylor thinks that this Weberian
“disenchantment” initiated a process of secularization.

Secularism, in this understanding, describes the modern autonomous
differentiation of the secular and the religious sphere leading to
the eventual separation of church and state. However, Taylor rejects
the view that secularization necessarily is followed by a progressive
decline and eventual disappearance of religion. Thus, he does not
conceive secularist regimes as “bulwarks against religion” (The Power
of Religion in the Public Sphere 2011, p.56), but rather as a
consequence of the irreversible and growing internal diversity of
modern societies.

In his recent publications Taylor, thus, reflects the state’s
relationship to religious diversity. In his opinion, in many Western
societies we presently are faced with a plurality of incompatible and
irreconcilable values, beliefs and worldviews of citizens.
Nevertheless, these different beliefs express themselves in public.
Therefore, Taylor ponders on the tensions between private religious
thinking and the political impact of religion in civil society and
asks how our religious beliefs interact with our political structures.

As Taylor observes that many liberal democratic polities are
grappling with these questions, his aim is to provide "an adequate
conceptual analysis of the constitutive principles of
secularism" (Secularism and Freedom of Conscience 2011, p.3). In his
account, these principles are respect for the moral equality of
persons on the one hand, and the protection of freedom of conscience
and religion on the other. The operative modes of these two
principles are the separation of church and state, and state
neutrality towards religious beliefs and other matters of conscience.
Further, he argues that there is a need to balance freedom of
conscience and respect of moral equality. The need to find such a
balance is particularly obvious with regard to minorities since their
religious practices in some cases have been taken to violate secular
norms and institutional arrangements.

Taylor also reminds us of the role religion plays to provide values
delineating national identity. He stresses the continuing importance
which religious markers play for the constitution of ethnic and
historical identities – particularly in those societies that are
forced to defend their integrity against external oppression. In some
cases religious and national value systems can not be separated
completely. Instead, existing religious symbols are often given a
secular interpretation.

- Taking its cues from Charles Taylor’s meditations on secularism,
the summer school will primarily focus on following questions: Which
is the place of religion in modern societies? What deserves to be
called a secularist regime in contemporary democracies?

- May secularism be seen as a response to this diversity, not just of
religious positions, but of nonreligious positions as well? How to
distinct, if at all possible, religion and culture adequately?

- In which manner do secular regimes react to tensions between the
religious and the political sphere, and which of these manners are


The interdisciplinary summer school will take place at the Forum
Scientiarum of Tuebingen University, from June 3rd - June 7th, 2013.
During the summer school twenty graduate students and junior
scientists from all over the world will have the opportunity to
discourse Taylor´s ideas and concepts with him and the group as well
as to discuss their own projects: in the mornings selected
participants will present their own contributions to the topic to the
plenum; the afternoon sessions will be led by Charles Taylor and
dedicated to his academic work. The participants will also attend the
Unseld Lecture, held by Charles Taylor, and an interdisciplinary
colloquium, both open to the public.

Application procedure

To apply for the international summer school, applicants have to send
in a completed application form downloadable from this website (see
right column), including a CV according to usual standards.
Additionally, each applicant is required to submit an essay of up to
1000 words. For those interested in presenting their own work, this
essay should outline the project or case study to be introduced
during the summer school. Prospects who want to participate without
any personal presentation, this essay should delineate their specific
motivations for the summer school’s topic. Deadline for the receipt
of complete applications (application form, CV, essay) is February
20th, 2013. A letter of admission will reach successful applicants by
March 15th.

There is no program fee. The Forum Scientiarum seeks to facilitate
the participation of competent students from all over the world –
limited financial resources should not affect your decision to apply.
The Forum Scientiarum is provided a limited fund by the Udo Keller
Foundation Forum Humanum, one of our supporting institutions, for
covering part of travel expenses. These can be applied for by the
applicants, but only selected participants with little or no funding
from other institutions may be granted partial funding. More
information will be provided upon acceptance.

Albeit, each participant (excluding participants residing in the area
of Tübingen) will be granted a fixed amount of 100 Euro for financial
support for overnight costs, meals, etc. Moreover, the Forum
Scientiarum will assist participants in finding inexpensive

Applications should be sent to unseld@fsci.uni-tuebingen.de or to
our postal address:

Forum Scientiarum
Doblerstr. 33
D-72074 Tübingen

We ask applicants to subscribe to a mailing list for further updates
on this event. For subscription, simply send an e-mail to
unseld@fsci.uni-tuebingen.de including the name of your university.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by
e-mail or consult our website:


Forum Scientiarum
University of Tübingen
Doblerstr. 33
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel: +49 (0)7071 40716-0
Fax: +49 (0)7071 40716-20
Email: unseld@fsci.uni-tuebingen.de



The Likhachev Foundation (St. Petersburg, Russia) together with
Committee on External Relations of Saint Petersburg and B. Yeltsin
Presidential Center (Moscow, Russia) announces competition for 2-week
cultural fellowships in Russia (St. Petersburg) from May 13 till May
26, 2013 for American and European professionals in the field of arts
and culture who work on projects related to Russian culture. Airfare
(economy class)  and accommodation in St. Petersburg will be covered by
the organizers.

By February 1, 2013 the Likhachev Foundation will accept applications
from professionals in the field of culture and history or arts from the
USA and Europe who are currently working on creative projects related
to Russian culture or history. Command of the Russian language is very
helpful but not required. Students are not eligible. Working languages
of the program are English and Russian.

Creative project could be a museum exhibition project, a theater
performance, a film, photo exhibition, preparation of fiction or
research books, etc. related to Russian culture or history. Creative
project should be conceived in the USA or Europe for a broad American
or European audience. Residence in Russia should serve as an important
stage in the realization of the applicant’s cultural project.

The Likhachev Foundation will prepare individual programs for the
fellows according to their projects’ specifics, to help them achieve
maximum results during their fellowships. These programs will include
meetings with Russian colleagues, possibilities to work at St.
Petersburg museums, libraries, archives and other organizations.

Ten two-week fellowships will be organized from May 13 till May 26,
2013 in St. Petersburg (Russia).

Deadline for submitted applications is February 1, 2013.
Applicants will be notified of the review panel decision by March 1,

Application should include:

∙    CV (including information on Russian language skills, previous
creative projects related to Russia and previous visits to Russia).
∙    Description of creative project (up to 3 pages) such as museum or
exhibition project, theater performance, film, preparation of fiction
or research book and other types of cultural projects related to
Russian culture or history. It should contain, in particular, a
paragraph on how a residency in St. Petersburg will benefit the
applicant’s creative project and which cultural organizations in St.
Petersburg the applicant would like to work with.

Please, email your application in Russian or English to the competition
coordinator Mrs. Elena Vitenberg at vitenberg@lfond.spb.ru and
elenavitenberg@gmail.com with subject line «application for the

The D. S. Likhachev International Charitable Foundation

The name of the Academician D. S. Likhachev (1906-1999) is symbolic for
the 20 century Russian culture. A Russian intellectual, survivor of the
Soviet Gulag, a great scientist and thinker, a popular figure, he
managed to preserve under the totalitarian regime his integrity, honor
and fealty to Russia. In the 90s he has become a moral gold standard
for many Russians. During his late years D. S. Likhachev conceived the
idea of a humanitarian charitable foundation. The idea has been
implemented after his death.

The D. S. Likhachev International Charitable Foundation had been
founded in St. Petersburg at the end of 2001. The mission for the
Foundation was stated by D. S. Likhachev himself as promotion of the
Russian culture, education, humanities as well as affirmation of
democratic and humanistic values in the society. The foundation
supports both regional and international programs, awards grants,
promotes seminars and conferences, publishes books, etc.

B. Yeltsin Presidential Center

The Fund of the First Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin was founded in
November 2000, as a charity whose main aim is to give the youth of
Russia the opportunity to reach their creative potential. The Fund has
also taken it upon itself to analyze the var-ious changes that Russia
and the world in general went through during the end of the 20th
century: to carry out studies on the historical and political
foundations of the re-forms that took place in Russia. The Fund is
working to nurture peaceful and friendly relations between the world’s
nations, offering help in the battle against social and religious

Committee on External Relations of Saint Petersburg

The executive authority - The City Administration is the superior
executive body of St. Petersburg headed by the Governor of the city and
other executive departments - the city committees and the
administrative-territorial departments. The St. Petersburg
Administration is formed of the Governor, the Government, The
Governor's Chancel-lery, the city committees and the
administrative-territorial departments of the Admin-istration
subordinate to him. The Committee on External Relations is responsible
for state policy of Saint Petersburg in external relations.

Reference / Quellennachweis:
STIP: Cultural Fellowships in Russia. In: H-ArtHist, Dec 10, 2012.


  “ 100-летие Первого Всероссийского Съезда

православных старообрядцев (единоверцев)”

17 декабря (понедельник) 2012


1.  Конференция

“ 100 лет Первого Всероссийского Съезда

православных старообрядцев (единоверцев)”


Дата: 17 декабря 2012, 11.00

Место проведения: читальный зал библиотеки СПБДАиС . Наб. Обводного канал 17

Организатор: протоиерей Петр Чубаров, настоятель Никольской единоверческой церкви (РПЦ МП)


Вступительное слово. Cвященноиерей  Петр Чубаров, настоятель Никольской единоверческой церкви  


Священноиерей Евгений Саранча. Единоверческий храм Архистратига Михаила, с.Михайловская Слобода, Московская область. “100-летие Первого Всероссийского Съезда православных старообрядцев (единоверцев)”

Cвященноиерей  Петр Чубаров. Настоятель Никольской единоверческой церкви. “Академик А.А. Ухтомский”

Михаил Витальевич Шкаровский. Доктор исторических наук, профессор СПбДА. "Община Никольской единоверческой церкви Петрограда (Ленинграда) в 1920-х - начале 1930-х гг."

Священноиерей Иоанн Миролюбов. Консультант ОВЦС, секретарь Комиссии по делам старообрядных приходов и взаимодействию со старообрядчеством, Москва. “Современное состояние единоверия”

Михаил Анатольевич Тюренков. Заместитель главного редактора газеты "Культура", член Приходского собрания московского единоверческого храма Святителя Николы в Студенцах, Москва. "Уроки исторического пути Единоверия и возможные перспективы его дальнейшего развития".


Заключительное слово:  протоиерей Петр Чубаров, настоятель Никольской единоверческой церкви (РПЦ МП)  

2.  "Фестиваль древнерусского знаменного пения"

Дата: 17 декабря 2012, 18.00

Место проведения: Актовый зал СПБДАиС. Наб. Обводного канал 17

Организатор: протоиерей Петр Чубаров, настоятель Никольской единоверческой церкви (РПЦ МП) 



Ведущий: протоиерей Петр Чубаров, настоятель Никольской единоверческой церкви (РПЦ МП)

Вступительное слово:  Е.А Смирнова, музыкант - медиевист


1.    Отделение русской традиционной певческой культуры ДМШ им. М.М. Ипполитова-Иванова г. Гатчины.

Руководитель - Алексей Гвоздецкий

§  Кресту Твоему. Демественный роспев

§  Христос раждается, славите. Ирмос Рождественского канона. 1-й глас, знаменный роспев. Поморский обиход.

§  Чтение на погласицу.

§  Отче наш. 6-й глас, знаменный роспев. из рукописи РГБ, ф.354 №144.


2.    Ансамбль "Ключ разумения" Санкт-Петербургской государственной консерватории им. Н.А. Римского-Корсакова. Руководитель - Наталья Мосягина


         «Се время покаяния». Покаянный стих. Знаменный распев. Глас 2.

         Кратима. Феодора Фокеа.

         «Днесь Дева раждает Творца всем». Стихира на стиховне. Рождество Христово. Знаменный распев. Глас 8.

         Величание Рождеству Христову. Строчное многоголосие. Транснотация Л.Кондрашковой.

         «Отче наш». Знаменный распев. Глас 6.


3.     Клирос Никольской единоверческой церкви СПБ. Головщица - Лидия Галанёва


4.    Клиросный знаменный хор Троице-Сергиевой приморской мужской пустыни.

Регент М.Климович.


5.    Ансамбль древнерусской музыки СПбГК «Знамение». Худ. руководитель Швец Т.В.

         «Бог Господь». 7 глас. Знаменный, греческий, болгарский роспевы и строчное многоголосие.

         «Преобразился еси на горе Христе Боже». Тропарь празднику Преображения Господня. 7 глас. Строчное многоголосие, греческий и знаменный роспевы. Руководитель программы: студентка 5 курса ДПИ Шангина Ольга.

         «Блажени вси боящиеся Господа». Псалом 127 из чина Венчания. Знаменный роспев.

         «Радуйся и веселися о Господе граде Муром». Стихира на целовании из службы святым благоверным князю Петру и княгини Февронии Муромским чудотворцам. Осмогласник. Знаменный роспев. Руководитель программы: студентка 5 курса ДПИ Никольская София


6.    Клирос единоверческого прихода храма Свят.Николы в Студенцах. Москва. Настоятель- священноигумен Петр (Васильев).


7.    Хор православной единоверческой общины Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери на Аннинском погосте Кировского района Ленинградской области. Руководитель: священноиерей О. Сергий Чиж.

         Песнопения службы Обедницы знаменного роспева (2 мин.);

         Ирмосы 8 гласа знаменного роспева  (3 мин.);

         Богослужебное чтение (2 мин.);

          Духовный стих (3 мин.).

8.    Знаменные роспевы и духовные стихи. Рук. Анастасия Морева

 Заключительное слово:  протоиерей Петр Чубаров, настоятель Никольской единоверческой церкви (РПЦ МП) 



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