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Первое информационное письмо


Национальный парк «Водлозерский» и научно-образовательный центр по изучению и использованию историко-культурного наследия Европейского Севера при Петрозаводском государственном университете извещают о проведении научной конференции «Святые и святыни Обонежья», посвященной 380-летию со дня преставления святого преподобного Диодора Юрьегорского, основателя Троицкого монастыря в Водлозерье.


Тематика конференции:

Святой преподобный Диодор Юрьегорский и созданный им монастырь.

Книжные памятники и устные нарративы, посвященные святым Обонежья.

Иконография святых Обонежья; чудотворные иконы и сказания о них.

История монастырей и церквей Обонежья.

Памятники церковной архитектуры и современные проблемы их изучения.

История старообрядчества в Обонежье.

Церковная певческая культура на Русском Севере.


Проведение конференции планируется на сентябрь 2013 г. в течение 4—5 дней (точное время будет указано в следующих информационных письмах). Заседания состоятся на территории Национального парка «Водлозерский» в дер. Варишпельда (с посещением известного памятника архитектуры конца XVIII в. Ильинской церкви на Водлозере). Оргкомитет берет на себя расходы по проживанию и питанию участников конференции на территории парка, обеспечит бесплатный проезд из Петрозаводска до места проведения конференции и обратно. Проезд от места проживания участников конференции до Петрозаводска и обратно, к сожалению, оргкомитет оплатить не может. По итогам конференции будет издан сборник статей.


Заявки просим присылать электронной почтой до 15 декабря 2012 г. по адресу: julmarnick@onego.ru – Юлия Николаевна Кожевникова; или vodloz@karelia.ru – Елена Дмитриевна Белоусова (технический секретарь).

В заявке необходимо указать ФИО докладчика, ученую степень, должность, место работы, тему доклада, необходимые технические средства, просим прислать также краткие тезисы доклада (5—6 предложений).

Поскольку условия проживания в дер. Варишпельда не позволяют принять более 25—30 человек, оргкомитет оставляет за собой право отбора заявок.



Председатель директор Национального парка «Водлозерский» А.Ю. Гудым

Сопредседатель профессор ПетрГУ А.В. Пигин

Секретарь кандидат исторических наук Ю.Н. Кожевникова (ПетрГУ)

Члены оргкомитета: профессор ПетрГУ А.М. Пашков

доцент ПетрГУ И.Н. Ружинская

научный сотрудник парка Н.В. Червякова

иерей Олег Червяков


Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Российский государственный гуманитарный университет»

Историко-архивный институт

Высшая школа источниковедения, вспомогательных и специальных исторических дисциплин



XXV Юбилейная ежегодная научная конференция


Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современном научном знании



Уважаемые коллеги!


Приглашаем Вас принять участие в XXV Юбилейной ежегодной научной конференции «Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современном научном знании», которая состоится 31 января − 2 февраля 2013 г.


На обсуждение выносятся следующие проблемы:

– Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины: проблемы классификации и терминологии

– Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современных научных исследованиях

– Историография вспомогательных исторических дисциплин

– Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины и источниковедение в гуманитарном и естественнонаучном знании

– Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в архивных и музейных исследованиях

– Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в междисциплинарных исследованиях


На конференции предполагается организовать секции по основным направлениям вспомогательных исторических дисциплин: палеография, кодикология, эпиграфика, историческая хронология, историческая география, историческая метрология, ономастика, геральдика и эмблематика, сфрагистика, генеалогия, нумизматика и бонистика, вексиллология, фалеристика и др.


Тезисы сообщений (отредактированный и вычитанный текст в формате MS Word DOC, OpenOffice.org Writer ODT или RTF объемом не более 6 000 знаков с учетом пробелов) принимаются по электронной почте (ivid.konf@gmail.com) строго до 7 ноября 2013 г.

При оформлении тезисов просьба: не набирать заголовок в режиме Caps Lock, ссылки помещать внутри текста в круглых скобках, не использовать таблиц, диаграмм и т.п., не устанавливать отступов табуляцией или пробелом.

После текста тезисов необходимо поместить информацию об авторе (ФИО полностью, ученая степень и звание, место работы и должность, почтовый адрес и телефон, адрес электронной почты для переписки). В теме письма просьба указать «Конференция 2013».

К сожалению, Оргкомитет конференции не имеет возможности оплатить иногородним участникам конференции проезд и проживание в гостинице.

Телефон для справок – (495) 606-0148 (Высшая школа источниковедения, вспомогательных и специальных исторических дисциплин; отв. секретарь Оргкомитета – Брусиловский Никита Максимович).

Внимание!!! По сложившемуся порядку, Оргкомитет подтверждает получение тезисов кратким письмом. Если Вы не получили такого подтверждения, значит, Ваше отправление было потеряно при пересылке, и Вам необходимо срочно связаться с отв. секретарем.

  ===================== International workshop on "New religiosity in migration"
Convenors: Nelly Elias and Julia Lerner
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

May 27-30, 2013

What are the relations between a spiritual quest and an intercultural
migration experience? Why immigrants become more religious than they were
before immigrating? How do host national contexts influence immigrant
religiosity? What are the patterns of immigrant religiosity within the
global boom of religion and spiritual movements? Based on these questions
we suggest bringing together the research insights on immigrant
religiosity emerging in the host cultural contexts and to examine new
forms, languages and meanings constituted by this intercultural religious

The workshop will be organized as an exchange of ideas rising in empirical
investigations of various migration contexts and immigrant groups in
Israel, Europe, US and the post-Soviet space with a special focus on
post-socialist spiritual trends and religious trajectories in the
Russian-speaking diaspora. We believe that juxtaposition and comparison of
different manifestations of migrant religiosity will encourage new ways of
conceptualization of these phenomenon.

As a space of extensive migration, Israeli cultural and political context
introduces a variety of immigrant groups that bring with them different
religious and spiritual worldviews or reinvent them in their new country.
In this sense Israel serves as a strategic location for a workshop on
immigrant religiosity. Apart from intellectual discussions we invite the
participants to take advantage of the immediate surrounding and conduct
fieldwork tours to the spaces of immigrant religiosity in the area.

We invite scholars from social and cultural studies of migration,
contemporary religion, spirituality & new age, and post-socialist cultural
condition to join our working colloquium organized according to the
following themes:

Religiosity as a device of national belonging and citizenship
Religion provides symbols, rituals and scripts that immigrants can use to
affirm, pass on, or reinvent their collective identity and position
themselves vis-à-vis the host and the home countries. Therefore, religion
choices could teach us on migrants’ relocation strategies. In some
national contexts the religious practices represent imitative adoption of
the local cultural and political patterns, while in the other contexts
they represent an alternative or resistance to the host society and its
way of life.

Immigrant religion as acquisition of a new habitus
Any migration implies some degree of cultural change, all the more
adopting religious rules and prescriptions of everyday practice in
migration intensifies the need for adopting a new habitus. Adult migrants
work to change their everyday practice, body appearance and visibility,
consumption behavior, social network, patterns of interpersonal
communication and family relations. Using their new and old cultural
repertoire, immigrants develop everyday strategies to keep and maneuver
the cultural worlds they live in, separate or mix them together.

Therapeutic powers of religion in migration
Migration and settling down in a new country are often associated with
various individual and group “crises”: crisis of identify, psychological
stress, family crisis etc. In this regard, religious affiliation and
practice perform a therapeutic function when religious doctrine and
religious community serve as an emotional shelter in the state of
instability, as a surrogate family symbolically replacing distant
relatives, or as a source for a new collective meaning instead of the one
that was lost in migration. The proximity of psychological and religious
discourses in the contemporary religious and spiritual movements makes the
therapeutic appeal of religion in migration especially powerful and

Immigrant religiosity as intercultural translation
Immigrant religiosity often involves work of intercultural interpretation,
converting the code of the core religious ideas and symbols. As they
acquire religious thinking and practice in a new language, immigrants
learn simultaneously to speak locally and religiously. Reinventing their
beliefs in a new context they are preoccupied with the translation of
cultural ideas creating a hybrid religious code. This eclecticism becomes
intertwined with the tendency of the contemporary religious and spiritual
rhetoric to bring together discourses of different and even contradictory
cultural origins.

Transnational immigrant religiosity and new media
Religious life in and through new media represents a crucial factor that
affects the ways of belief and practice of contemporary religiosity. It is
especially prominent for immigrant religious communities that cross and
challenge national and cultural borders. Immigrants use new media
platforms either to reestablish their affiliation with religious
communities of their home countries or to create completely new local or
transnational frames of belonging.

Those who wish to take part are invited to send us a short proposal (up to
250 words) of your research related to one of the workshop themes as well
as your CV by October 5, 2012 to
Answers are expected at November 15, 2012. Some contribution towards
participants' expenses will be available.

About the workshop venue and the convenors:
The workshop is will be hosted by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
(Beer Sheva, Israel). BGU is known for its expertise and extensive
research on the issues of contemporary religion, migration and diaspora.

Prof. Nelly Elias and Dr. Julia Lerner are conducting a joint research on
“Belief and Practice of Belonging: Religious Transformation of Post-Soviet
Immigrants in Israel”. The study traces the routes of the
Russian-speaking religiosity in Israel, focusing on the newly established
Christian and Jewish movements and communities. Elias as a scholar of
immigrant media (from the Department of Communication, BGU) and Lerner as
an anthropologist of knowledge (from the departments of Sociology and
Anthropology, BGU), bring together their theoretical lens and emphasize
the cultural and discursive turn of the new post-soviet religiosity
manifested in immigrants’ narratives and experience of everyday life.


Research Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Science will have an on-line conference for "junior scholars and graduate students" "Istoriia Rossii s drevneishikh vremen do XXI veka: problemy, dikussii, novye vzgliady" October 9-23 2012. The deadline for the proposals is September 15. I know that this is a very short notice, but I have just received an email from them today, and I decided to share it anyway, just in case... More information is found at the conference site


The contact email is smu_IRIRAN@mail.ru<mailto:smu_IRIRAN@mail.ru>



Socrel / HEA Teaching and Studying Religion, 2nd Annual Symposium

Call for Papers
The 2012 Socrel / HEA Teaching and Studying Religion symposium will
explore the theme: Religion and Citizenship: Re-Thinking the Boundaries of
Religion and the Secular.
The symposium is organised by Socrel, the BSA Sociology of Religion Study
Group, with funding from the Higher Education Academy, Philosophy, and
Religious Studies Subject Centre. Last year’s inaugural symposium was
over-subscribed and therefore early submissions are encouraged.

Keynote speaker: Dr Nasar Meer, Northumbria University
Venue: BSA Meeting Room, Imperial Wharf, London

Date:  13 December 2012

10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Religions today are implicated in a wide variety of publics. From contests
over the environment and democracy to protests against capitalism,
religions remain important factors in political and public life across
diverse, and interconnected, global contexts. A variety of diverse
responses have been articulated to the so-called ‘return of religion’ in
the public sphere, drawing into question relations between the religious,
the non-religious and the secular. As scholars have developed new
theoretical understandings of the terms of these debates and questioned
how these are bound up with cultural conceptualizations of citizenship,
education – in schools, universities and less formal educational contexts
– has often been a site where contestations of the religious and the
secular have been acutely felt.
The aim of this symposium is to consider the interrelation between
conceptions of the religious, the secular, citizenship and education, and
to explore how these issues affect the study of religion in higher
education. We hope to attract presentations of sufficient quality to lead
to an edited publication.
The day will be highly participative and engaged. The symposium will be
organised as a single stream so that the day is as much about discussion
as it is about presentation, and therefore the number of formal papers
will be limited.
Papers are invited from students, teachers, and researchers in the
disciplines of sociology, anthropology, geography, theology, history,
psychology, political science, religious studies and others where religion
is taught and studied.
Empirical, methodological, and theoretical papers
are welcomed.
Presenters will circulate a five-page summary of their paper before the
day so that all participants can come prepared for discussion.
Presentations will last 10 minutes and will be structured into three
sessions, each followed by a discussant drawing out key points.
The day
will conclude with a discussant-led, focused panel discussion.
Key questions to be addressed may include, but are not limited to:
What are the relationships between the religious, the secular and the
public sphere, and how do these affect the study of religion, in both
universities and schools?
How do different historical constructions of religion and secularity shape
understandings of the civil sphere and citizenship, and what are the
implications of this for the study of religion?
Does the increased public visibility of religion in national and global
contexts affect how we study it?
What is the role of religious education (school and/or university) in
forming citizens and shaping understandings of citizenship?
Are there distinct regional, national or international conceptions of the
Are there distinct regional, national or international conceptions of
How do different disciplines approach and study these conceptions, and
what are the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches?
Abstracts of 200 words are invited by September 15 2012. Please send these
to: Dr Paul-François Tremlett
Costs: £36.00 for BSA/SocRel members; £45.00 for non-members; £20.00 for
SocRel/BSA Postgraduate members; £25.00 for Postgraduate non-members.


Subject: ANN: Russian Art & Culture Postgraduate Writing Competition

Deadline: Oct 15, 2012
Russian Art and Culture Postgraduate Writing Competition
Call for entries

Russian Art and Culture, the largest Russian art website in the UK, is
launching a new graduate writing competition to coincide with our
official launch event in November 2012. This prize is intended to give
graduates an opportunity to have academic work published.

Entries must relate to Russian/Soviet art (i.e. painting, sculpture,
architecture, film, design or photography) and are invited from all
recent (within the last 12 months) or current History of Art graduates
enrolled on a Masters course or PhD.
Submissions will be judged by a
panel of experts in the field of Russian art.
The prize winning entry will receive a £400 cash prize as well as
publication of the essay on Russian Art and Culture website and in the
first issue of a new online journal of graduate writing launched by the
website in November.
For full guidelines and details see
or contact with queries or submissions to
Deadline for submission: Monday 15 October 2012
Reference / Quellennachweis:
ANN: Russian Art & Culture Postgraduate Writing Competition. In:
H-ArtHist, Sep 5, 2012. <


  Subject: ANN: Russian Art & Culture Postgraduate Writing Competition
Deadline: Oct 15, 2012
Russian Art and Culture Postgraduate Writing Competition
Call for entries

Russian Art and Culture, the largest Russian art website in the UK, is
launching a new graduate writing competition to coincide with our
official launch event in November 2012.
This prize is intended to give
graduates an opportunity to have academic work published.

Entries must relate to Russian/Soviet art (i.e. painting, sculpture,
architecture, film, design or photography) and are invited from all
recent (within the last 12 months) or current History of Art graduates
enrolled on a Masters course or PhD.
Submissions will be judged by a
panel of experts in the field of Russian art.

The prize winning entry will receive a £400 cash prize as well as
publication of the essay on Russian Art and Culture website and in the
first issue of a new online journal of graduate writing launched by the
website in November.

For full guidelines and details see
or contact with queries or submissions to
Deadline for submission: Monday 15 October 2012
Reference / Quellennachweis:
ANN: Russian Art & Culture Postgraduate Writing Competition. In:
H-ArtHist, Sep 5, 2012. <


  Orthodox Christianity in Russia and Eastern Europe: Historical and
Contemporary Perspectives
12th Annual International Young Researchers Conference
Havighurst Center for Russian & Post-Soviet Studies

Organizer: Scott M. Kenworthy
Miami University
Oxford, OH
March 28 – 31, 2013

Before the collapse of communism, religion in Russia and Eastern Europe
was rarely a topic of scholarly research.
The prevalence of the
secularization thesis in the West, combined with the dominance of
militantly atheist regimes in the East, led scholars to assume that
religion no longer mattered in the region. Moreover, long held stereotypes
about the Orthodox Church contributed to the dismissal of Orthodoxy’s
importance as a factor in Russian or East European history; only a few
pioneers in the field challenged this tendency. Since the collapse of
communism, however, religion has reasserted itself in the public sphere in
the former communist bloc as in many other parts of the world. There has
been a renewed appreciation of Orthodoxy’s significance in the history of
the region, as well as growing interest among political scientists and
anthropologists who study Russia and Eastern Europe.
This conference seeks to tap into a new wave of research on Orthodoxy in
Russia and Eastern Europe.
It is intended to be interdisciplinary, so we
invite papers from a number of disciplinary perspectives: historical,
anthropological, sociological, intellectual, literary, and/or political
science. We also seek to cut across geographical lines, so papers can be
concerned with the Russian Empire/Soviet Union and its successor states as
well as Eastern Europe (former Habsburg and Ottoman empires, Romania,
Bulgaria, and the former Yugoslavia). We invite papers that tap into the
transnational dimensions of Orthodoxy—ties between Russia or Eastern
Europe and the new world, for example, or Orthodox missions outside
traditional territories. We also invite papers that explore the
relationship of Orthodoxy to other religious traditions in the region.
We encourage proposals from young researchers who have already completed
their dissertation research (ABD) or have defended their dissertation
within the last three years.
This will be an intensive 2-1/2 day working
conference (March 28-31, 2013) during which each of the selected papers
will be critiqued by the other participants, including all invited
presenters, keynote speakers, and a team of discussants made up of Miami
University faculty. Papers will be circulated in advance, and participants
are expected to be prepared to discuss other participants’ papers. The
conference will include two keynote speakers: Dr. Lucian Turcescu
(Concordia University, Montreal) and Dr. Gregory Freeze (Brandeis
The Havighurst Center will provide accommodation in Oxford, ground
transportation to and from the airport, and partial travel funding ($300
for domestic travel and $800 for international travel).
To be considered for the conference, submit an abstract of approximately
250 words and a short CV
tohavighurstcenter@muohio.edu by October 1, 2012.
Please type "2013 Young Researchers Conference" as the subject of the
email. Selected papers will be announced by December 1, 2012. If selected,
participants must submit completed papers for circulation to other
conference participants by March 1, 2013.

Questions can be directed to:
The Havighurst Center for Russian & Post-Soviet Studies
Miami University
Harrison Hall, Room 116
Oxford, OH 45056
            (513) 529-3303


Conference Announcement
Theme: Identity, Religion and Ethnicity
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies (GCIS), KU Leuven
 Intercultural Dialogue Platform (IDP)
 Department of Sociology, Suleyman Sah University
Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Date: 29.11.–1.12.2012
Workshop theme and questions
Identity, Religion and Ethnicity are three terms interrelated and
become all important issues in the European Union and its
The socio-economic transformations of societies
resulting from immigration and emigration of people, mindsets,
symbols are forcing the change on identity and citizenship
relations. Today, a high degree of human mobility,
telecommunications have contributed to the new understanding of
citizenship as a mode of identity in relation to national identity,
ethnicity, religion and social movements. Belonging to an
ethnic-religious group and consequent features are increasingly
either blurred or strengthened in the new national and international
contexts. The motivations and modes of belonging and identifying are
much more diverse. It is therefore useful to explore relatively new
patterns of the interactions between religion, identity and ethnicity
issues. As noted “ethnicity, and nationality” are not only concepts
in the world but they are ways of perception of that world. They are
ways of understanding and identifying oneself, making sense of one’s
problems and predicaments, identifying one’s interests, and orienting
one’s actions. They are also ways of recognizing, identifying, and
classifying other people, of construing sameness and difference, and
of “coding” and making sense of their actions” (Brubaker, Loveman,
and Stamatov 2004). The workshop proposes to analyse the relation
between these three notions interconnected in different political,
cultural and economic cases to understand also some challenges and
pitfalls in a pluralalistic societies.

Workshop issues
What are the relationships between identity, ethnicity and
citizenship in a global world?
What are the new patterns of ethnic
identities in pluralistic societies? Can globalization de-ethnicize
religion? How are ethnic and religious identities changed when faced
with social and economic transitions? What are the roles of social
movements in these undergoing changes? What are the challenges for
the classic ethno-religious identity? Can ‘nation state models’
influence the plurality of religious and ethnic groups? How does EU
reconcile with ethnic pluralism and diversity?
Participants in the workshop about Identity, Religion and Ethnicity
will explore possible answers to these questions.
The workshop will
analyse the interaction and the interpenetration of nationality,
ethnicity and identity through the problematic of transnationalism,
globalization and nation-state perspectives. The workshop will be
supplemented by practical visits to local communities. Participants
are invited to consider the theoretical debates and issues in
differing local areas with a variety of social practitioners and
representatives to gain further insights of demographic, economic,
philosophic, legal and socio-anthropological approaches. This
workshop looks at identity, citizenship and ethnicity issues across
Belgium as well as in Turkey, focused primarily on EU cases.
Topics of Workshops

The workshop will be organized around three central themes:
1. Ethnicity and ethno-nationalism
 - Multiple language policies and education
 - Racism and nationalism
 - Immigration, Assimilation and National History
2. Religion and ethnic identities
 - Religious Minority and Identity
 - Immigration and Religion
3. Politics and Ethnicity
 - Identity policies and Citizenship
 - Citizenship and Nation state
 - Multiculturalism and ethnic relations
Tuition Fees and Scholarships
There is no tuition fee for participants in the workshop programme.
The IDP will organize and finance board, accommodation and airport
transfers in cooperation with Suleyman Sah University. However,
presenters and participants are expected to pay the costs of their
flights to and from Turkey. A limited number of scholarships are
available for outstanding candidates to cover travel fees as well.
Within six months of the event, a book will be produced and published
by the GCIS, comprising some or all of the papers presented at the
The papers will be arranged and introduced, and to the
extent appropriate, edited, by scholar(s) to be appointed by the
Editorial Board.
Workshop Editorial Board
Johan Leman, KULeuven
Erkan Toguslu, KULeuven
Ismail Mesut Sezgin, IDP and Leeds Metropolitan University
Workshop Co-ordinator

Ismail Mesut Sezgin
The international workshop will be entirely conducted in English and
will be hosted by Suleyman Sah University in Istanbul.
Papers and abstract should be sent to Erkan Toguslu:
Erkan Toguslu
Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies
KU Leuven
Parkstraat 45 – box 3615
B-3000 Leuven

  Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Department of Russian Studies at Leiden University in
the Netherlands, I would like to call your attention to an event which
could be of interest to you.
Our chair of Slavic Languages and
Literature is the oldest in the land, and we hope to celebrate its
hundredth anniversary next year in 2013 by organizing a centenary
conference for Russian Studies on the theme of language and power.
Please, see the link to the website and the call for papers below. For
any questions or remarks, you're welcome to email us.

With high regards from the organizing committee, Henk Kern

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