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Call for Papers

Theme: Identity, Religion and Ethnicity
Subtitle: New Patterns, Realities, and Pitfalls
Type: International Conference
Institution: Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies (GCIS), KU Leuven
 Intercultural Dialogue Platform (IDP)
 Department of Sociology, Suleyman Sah University
Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Date: 29.11.–1.12.2012
Deadline: 10.8.2012


Workshop theme and questions

Identity, Religion and Ethnicity are three terms interrelated and
become all important issues in the European Union and its
neighbourhood. The socio-economic transformations of societies
resulting from immigration and emigration of people, mindsets,
symbols are forcing the change on identity and citizenship relations.
Today, a high degree of human mobility, telecommunications have
contributed to the new understanding of citizenship as a mode of
identity in relation to national identity, ethnicity, religion and
social movements. Belonging to an ethnic-religious group and
consequent features are increasingly either blurred or strengthened
in the new national and international contexts. The motivations and
modes of belonging and identifying are much more diverse. It is
therefore useful to explore relatively new patterns of the
interactions between religion, identity and ethnicity issues. As
noted “ethnicity, and nationality” are not only concepts in the world
but they are ways of perception of that world. They are ways of
understanding and identifying oneself, making sense of one’s problems
and predicaments, identifying one’s interests, and orienting one’s
actions. They are also ways of recognizing, identifying, and
classifying other people, of construing sameness and difference, and
of “coding” and making sense of their actions” (Brubaker, Loveman,
and Stamatov 2004). The workshop proposes to analyse the relation
between these three notions interconnected in different political,
cultural and economic cases to understand also some challenges and
pitfalls in a pluralalistic societies.

Workshop issues

What are the relationships between identity, ethnicity and
citizenship in a global world? What are the new patterns of ethnic
identities in pluralistic societies? Can globalization de-ethnicize
religion? How are ethnic and religious identities changed when faced
with social and economic transitions? What are the roles of social
movements in these undergoing changes? What are the challenges for
the classic ethno-religious identity? Can ‘nation state models’
influence the plurality of religious and ethnic groups? How does EU
reconcile with ethnic pluralism and diversity?

Participants in the workshop about Identity, Religion and Ethnicity
will explore possible answers to these questions. The workshop will
analyse the interaction and the interpenetration of nationality,
ethnicity and identity through the problematic of transnationalism,
globalization and nation-state perspectives. The workshop will be
supplemented by practical visits to local communities. Participants
are invited to consider the theoretical debates and issues in
differing local areas with a variety of social practitioners and
representatives to gain further insights of demographic, economic,
philosophic, legal and socio-anthropological approaches. This
workshop looks at identity, citizenship and ethnicity issues across
Belgium as well as in Turkey, focused primarily on Belgium-EU cases.

Topics of Workshops

The workshop will be organized around three central themes.

Authors are invited to send abstracts (maximum 500 words) of their
papers on themes of their own choosing, which may include (by way of
example only):

1. Ethnicity and ethno-nationalism
- Multiple language policies and education
- Racism and nationalism
- Immigration, assimilation and national history

2. Religion and ethnic identities
- Religious minority and identity
- Immigration and religion

3. Politics and ethnicity
- Identity policies and citizenship
- Citizenship and nation state
- Multiculturalism and ethnic relations

Tuition Fees and Scholarships

There is no tuition fee for participants in the workshop programme.
The IDP will organize and finance board, accommodation and airport
transfers in cooperation with Suleyman Sah University. However,
presenters and participants are expected to pay the costs of their
flights to and from Turkey. A limited number of scholarships are
available for outstanding candidates to cover travel fees as well.


Within six months of the event, a book will be produced and published
by the GCIS, comprising some or all of the papers presented at the
Workshop. The papers will be arranged and introduced, and to the
extent appropriate, edited, by scholar(s) to be appointed by the
Editorial Board.

Copyright of the papers accepted to the Workshop will be vested in
the GCIS.

Selection Criteria

The workshop will accept up to 20 participants, each of whom must
meet the following requirements:
- have a professional and/or research background in related topics of
 the workshop;
- be able to attend the entire programme.

Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers as well as civil servants and
professionals from intergovernmental and governmental agencies
working in ethnicity, migration areas are encouraged to apply.

Since the Workshop expects to address a broad range of topics while
the number of participants has to be limited, writers submitting
abstracts are requested to bear in mind the need to ensure that their
language is technical only where absolutely necessary and
intelligible to non-specialists and specialists in disciplines other
than their own; and present clear, coherent arguments in a rational
way and in accordance with the usual standards and format for
publishable work.


1. Abstracts (300–500 words maximum) and CVs (maximum 1 page) to be
received by 10th August 2012.

2. Abstracts to be short-listed by the Editorial Board and papers
invited by 30th August 2012.

3. Papers (2,500 words minimum – 5,000 words maximum, excluding
bibliography) to be received by 1st October 2012.

4. Papers reviewed by the Editorial Board and classed as: Accepted –
No Recommendations; Accepted – See Recommendations; Conditional
Acceptance – See Recommendations; Not Accepted.

5. Final papers to be received by 20th October 2012.

Workshop Editorial Board

Johan Leman, KULeuven
Erkan Toguslu, KULeuven
Ismail Mesut Sezgin, IDP and Leeds Metropolitan University
Workshop Co-ordinator
Ismail Mesut Sezgin


The international workshop will be entirely conducted in English and
will be hosted by Suleyman Sah University in Istanbul, Turkey.

Papers and abstract should be sent to Erkan Toguslu


Erkan Toguslu
Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Parkstraat 45 – box 3615
B-3000 Leuven
http://www.gcis-kuleuven.com/workshops/this is to inform you that the website for the 2013 conference of the
International Society for Folk Narrative Research in Vilnius, Lithuania, is
now available at
www.isfnr2013.lt. The conference is open to both members and

Ulrich Marzolph, President of the ISFNR
http://www.isfnr.orgKalamazoo, MI, May 9 - 12, 2013
Deadline: Aug 30, 2012
Call for Papers:
48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI (May
9-12, 2013)

Time and the Medieval Object
Sponsor: The Material Collective
Organizers: Gerry Guest, John Carroll University, and Maggie Williams,
William Paterson University.

This session will consider the complex relationship between art objects
and time in the Middle Ages and beyond.  It proceeds from the notion
that medieval things refuse to remain fixed in single temporal moments.
 Instead, they reach back into the past and also anticipate their
future lives through a variety of strategies, both materialist and

Medieval objects are regularly marked by a temporal instability.
Ancient and foreign spolia were integrated into fine golden church
furnishings and reliquaries. Composite objects made connections across
time through stylistic affiliations and iconographic citations, and
they were regularly altered through the addition of new components and
the removal of old. They were also subject to wear and tear through
ongoing use and occasional repurposing. Gifting and other changes of
setting created complex genealogies mapped out over time.  Medieval
objects continued to exist beyond the Middle Ages, and their impact on
subsequent moments in time could also be a focus for proposed papers.
Speakers should feel free to draw on theoretical developments in areas
such as object-oriented philosophy, thing theory, and other realms of

Please send brief abstracts (no more than 500 words) by August 30, 2012
to Gerry Guest (
gguest@jcu.edu) and/or Maggie Williams

Theme: The Others
Type: International Interdisciplinary Student Conference 2012
Institution: A priori. Society for Humanities, Art and Cultural Theory
 Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Location: Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Date: 16.–18.11.2012
Deadline: 16.9.2012


In submitted papers we will be looking for constructive thinking
which will be focused on the relationship to and the construction of
the others in any level of humanistic thought.

The goal is to point out and inquire about the concept of the other
or others in relationship to our own existence.

Questions like these come to mind: Who or what is the other? How does
the other appear? What is the role and position of the other in the
process of formation and establishing and keeping our own identity?
Why having others? Why the need for being different and not diverse?
What kind of interactions appear between us and others? How it feels
when we become the other? Is this classification apparent in today’s
social climate? Can we learn something about people and their society
from the way they accept others? How are others articulated and what
kind of discourse appears in connection to them? Where are the
differences most apparent and why in those areas? How important is
differentiation and where it leads? What is natural in
differentiation, if anything at all? Is differentiation good or
should it be avoided?

We are interested in the others in relationship with gender,
religion, continent, country (nationality), culture (subculture and
contra culture), ethnicity, sexual orientation, world view (values),
family, individual, and also others; others in media, school, work
place, everyday life, social difference, literature, history, etc.

Who is being addressed with the term other; society or nature,
foreigner or enemy, us or them?

Other info:

All interested parties should send their abstracts in English
language (up to 300 words) to this address:
no later than 16.9.2012, Subject: IISC2012.first name.surname.the
title of the paper.

Please let us know your information (first name, surname, e-mail,
faculty/department, university, a short biography and an address to
which you will receive the post-conference volume with selected
papers short biography) in the same document.

You are provided with: 2x sleeping with breakfast, 1x conference
dinner, 1x lunch between sessions, snacks and refreshments during the
conference, working material and a copy of the post-conference
volume. Travel expenses are covered by participants themselves.

All the applications will be read by the organizing committee who
will let the applicant know their decision by 26. 9. 2012. The
participants will then, with a conformational e-mail, register until
5. 10. 2012 or his/her position in the conference will be passed on
to the next willing applicant.

The conference will be held in the English language. Each participant
has been allocated 20 min to present his/her paper, plus 10 min for

The best papers will be selected and published in the post-conference

We kindly ask you to send the invitation to all who you find could be
interested and help them gain new experiences, and at the same time
to make the confernece even better. Thank you!

Event is organized by A priori, society for humanities, art and
cultural theory (A priori, društvo za humanistiko, umetnost in
kulturološka vprašanja). Project leader is Nika Škof.


Nika Škof
A priori. Society for Humanities, Art and Cultural Theory


Уважаемые коллеги!

В этом году Библейско-богословский институт св. апостола Андрея проводит следующие международные конференции:

- "Единство Церкви: экуменическое богословие и герменевтика в эпоху постмодерна" (17-20 окт. 2012, Бозе, Италия); 
- "Богословие диалога" (7-10 нояб. 2012, Нови-Сад, Сербия).

Рабочий язык обеих конференций - английский. Подробная информация (на англ.) и бланки регистрационных форм прилагаются к этому письму, а также доступны на сайте ББИ www.standrews.ru.

Оргкомитет конференций

Библейско-богословский институт св. апостола Андрея
ул. Иерусалимская, д. 3, Москва, 109316, Россия
Телефон/факс: (495) 670-22-00, 670-76-44
Е-mail: info@standrews.ru, standrews@yandex.ru
Web: www.standrews.ru



Call for Papers: Gender and Medieval Studies Conference 2013 - Call For
Gender in Material Culture

Corsham Court, Bath Spa University
4th-6th January 2013

Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Catherine Karkov, University of Leeds
Dr Simon Yarrow, University of Birmingham

From saintly relics to grave goods, and from domestic furnishings to the
built environment, medieval people inhabited a material world saturated
with symbolism. Gender had a profound influence on production and
consumption in this material culture. Birth charms and objects of Marian
devotion were crafted most often with women in mind, whilst gender shaped
the internal spaces of male and female religious houses. The material
environment could evoke intense emotions from onlookers, whether fostering
reverence in religious rituals, or inspiring awe during royal processions.
How did gender influence encounters with these objects and the built
environment? Seldom purely functional, these items could incorporate
complex meanings, enabling acts of display at every level of society, in
fashionable circles at European courts or amongst civic guilds sponsoring
lavish pageants. Did gender influence aesthetic choices, and how did
status shape the way that people engaged with their physical surroundings?
In literary texts and in art, the depiction of clothing and objects can be
used to negotiate symbolic space as well as class, gender, sexuality and
ethnicity. Texts and images also circulated as material objects
themselves, with patterns of transmission across the British Isles, the
Anglo-Norman world, and between East and West. The exchange of such
objects both accompanied and enacted cross-fertilisation in linguistic,
political and cultural spheres.

The Conference will consider the gendered nature of social, religious and
economic uses of 'things', exploring the way that objects and material
culture were produced, consumed and displayed. Papers will address
questions of gender from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives,
embracing literature, history, art history, and archaeology.

Themes will include:

 *   adornment, clothing and self-fashioning
 *   the material culture of devotion
 *   objects and materialism
 *   the material culture of children and adolescents
 *   the material culture of life cycle
 *   emotion, intimacy and love-gifts
 *   entertainment and games
 *   memory and commemoration
 *   pleasure, pain, and bodily discipline
 *   production and consumption
 *   monastic material culture
 *   material culture in literary texts

Please e-mail proposals of approximately 300 words for 20 minute papers to
the GMS committee<mailto:
gms.bathspa.2013@gmail.com> by 14 September 2012.
Please also include your name, research area, institution and level of
study in your abstract“Post-Atheism”:
Religion, Society, and Culture in Post-Communist
Eastern Europe and Eurasia

The Melikian Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies at
Arizona State University is pleased to announce an international
symposium on “Post-Atheism” in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, to be held
on the ASU campus in Tempe, Arizona, February 7-9, 2013. The symposium
will feature presentations by international visiting scholars from
Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, and elsewhere from the
region. Professor Jose Casanova (Georgetown University), author of
Public Religions in the Modern World, will keynote the symposium on
Thursday, February 7.

The symposium is designed to address one of the most fascinating and
controversial issues of the post-communist world—namely, the new
public role of religion in East European and Eurasian society. Is
there separation of church and state in today’s Eastern Europe, Russia
or Eurasia? Are Iranian-like theocracies a possibility in some
regions? Is the forceful entry of religion into the public sphere a
fleeting fashion or a deeper phenomenon of lasting importance? How
does this recovery of religious identity intersect with prevailing
theory on secularization? How has religion been reintroduced into the
Academy and public education? How are the relationships between
dominant religious faith traditions and minority confessions (often
stigmatized as “destructive sects”) affected in the region?

The conference is intended to generate sustained debate and discussion
on a variety of perspectives relating to all the major faith
traditions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism) of the region,
from Central and Southeastern Europe to Russia, Ukraine,
Transcaucasia, Central Asia, and Mongolia. We will also welcome
panels/roundtables/individual presentations dealing with
non-traditional religious movements and transnational religious
currents. Conference lodging will be provided, and limited funding
will be available to support international travel.

While we are open to other topics, we specifically invite individual
and panel proposals on the following themes:

Religion, National Identity and Conflict: The Role of Religious
Actors in Framing Ideologies of Nationalism and Transnational
Globalization; Ethno-religious Conflict and Peacemaking.
Religion and Policymaking: Clerics and Religious Institutions in the
Public Arena.
Religion and Education: Theology vs. Religious Studies in the
Academy; Religion in Public Education.
Religion, Sexuality, and Gender: Patriarchy, Gender Equality, and
LGBT Issues in Modern Religious Culture.
Religion and Culture: Popular Culture, Literature, TV/Film, Folklore.

Please send us a brief (250-word limit) abstract of your individual
paper/panel proposal and a one-page bio or CV.

Deadline for Proposal Submission: August 1, 2012

Contact: Alexei Lalo, Research Administrator, ASU Melikian Center
Stephen Batalden, Director, ASU Melikian Center (
Web page:



Subject: CFP: Death: the Cultural Meaning of the End of Life (Leiden,
24-25 Jan 13)

Leiden University, Netherlands, January 24 - 25, 2013
Deadline: Nov 15, 2012

Leiden University Graduate Conference

"Death: the Cultural Meaning of the End of Life"

Death is a defining factor in the explorations of our subjectivity,
art, history, politics, and many other aspects of our social
interactions and perceptions of the world. In the modern age,
conceptions of death have continued to shift and evolve, yet our
perceptions are still fueled by an instinctive fear of the end of life.

Despite our attempts to shut-out death or overcome its inevitability,
the end of life has remained a visible and unavoidable aspect of our
society. From antiquity to the present day, perceptions of death have
been represented through various different mediums: visual culture,
art, literature, music, historical writing, cinema, religious symbols,
national anniversaries, and public expressions of mourning.

This conference aims to explore how death has been represented and
conceptualized, from classical antiquity to the modern age, and the
extent to which our perceptions and understandings of death have
changed (or remained the same) over time. The wide scope of this theme
reflects the historical range of LUCAS’s (previously called LUICD)
three research programs (Classics and Classical Civilization, Medieval
and Early Modern Studies and Modern and Contemporary Studies), as well
as the intercontinental and interdisciplinary focus of many of the
institute’s research projects.

The LUCAS Graduate Conference welcomes papers from all disciplines
within the humanities. The topic of your proposal may address the
concept of death from a cultural, historical, classical, artistic,
literary, cinematic, political, economic, or social viewpoint.

Questions that might be raised include: How have different cultures
imagined the end of life? What is the role of art (literature, or
cinema) in cultural conceptions of death? How might historical or
contemporary conceptualizations of death be related to the construction
of our subjectivity and cultural identity? What is the cultural
meaning(s) of death? To what extent has modern warfare changed our
perceptions of death? How is death presented in the media and how has
this changed? In what ways has religion influenced our reflections on
death and the afterlife?

Please send your proposal (max. 300 words) to present a 20-minute paper
lucasconference2013@gmail.com. The deadline for proposals is 15
November, 2012. You will be notified whether or not your paper has been
selected by 1 December, 2012.

As with the previous LUCAS Graduate Conference (2011), a selection of
papers will be published in the conference proceedings. For those who
attend the conference, there will be a registration fee of €45 to cover
the cost of lunches, coffee breaks, and other conference materials.
Unfortunately we cannot offer financial support at this time.

If you have any questions regarding the conference and/or the
proposals, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee
lucasconference2013@gmail.com. Further details will be available
online in the Fall.

The organizing committee:
Odile Bodde
Maarten Jansen
David Louwrier
Jenny Weston

Reference / Quellennachweis:



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