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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия 398

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  5 сентября 2011 г

International Association for the History of Religions Special Conference


Religions, Science and Technology in Cultural Contexts:

Dynamics of Change

Venue: NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology

1-3 March 2012

In current public and academic debates, the complex relationships between

religion’ and ‘science’ tend to be reduced into one between monolithic

entities. By exploring historical and contemporary interactions between

religions, science and technology, a more complex understanding may be

reached of the areas and ways in which they overlap, correspond, challenge

and conflict with each other.

This conference seeks to explore how religions, science and technology

interact and generate change (progressive, reactive, regressive),

particularly in relation to such issues as the environment and climate

change; the economy; welfare; life expectancy; popular representation; and

sexual equality.

Of particular interest are explorations of dynamic relationships between

worldviews/cosmologies, socio-cultural practices and technologies; and of

the politics of change’, i.e. how different actors seek to convince the

public of the benefits of their own approaches or of the detriment of ‘the

others’ approaches.

The conference is organized by the Department of Archaeology and Religious

Studies of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in


Registration fee until 1 December 2011 is 250 EUR, which includes

conference materials, lunches and refreshments. There will also be

bursaries for participants from lower income countries.

Abstracts of 200 words and affiliation details should be submitted by 15th

of September 2011. For submitting your abstracts and for any type of

inquiries, you are welcome to contact the Conference secretary, Filip

Ivanovic (filip.ivanovic@ntnu.no)

Conference website: http://www.ntnu.no/iar/konferanser/relsci


Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Российский государственный гуманитарный университет»

Историко-архивный институт

Кафедра источниковедения и вспомогательных исторических дисциплин

Факультет истории искусств

Кафедра музеологии

Федеральное государственное бюджетное научно-исследовательское учреждение


Сектор музейной энциклопедии

АРХЕОГРАФИя музейнОГО предмета

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в конференции «Археография музейного предмета», которая проводится кафедрой источниковедения и вспомогательных исторических дисциплин Историко-архивного института и кафедрой музеологии факультета истории искусств Российского государственного гуманитарного университета, сектором музейной энциклопедии Российского института культурологии 16–17 марта 2012 г.

На обсуждение выносятся следующие проблемы:

Проблема актуализации, интерпретации и публикации музейных собраний

Источниковедческие исследования в музее: традиции и новации;

Музейные издания как способ презентации источниковедческих исследований в музее;

Проблема публикации вещественных и изобразительных источников;

Публикация музейных предметов и коллекций: методология и методика;

Формы и виды публикаций музейных коллекций.

На конференции пройдет круглый стол по теме:

«Археография музейного предмета в структуре гуманитарного знания»

Тезисы сообщений (отредактированный и вычитанный текст в формате MS Word DOC, OpenOffice.org Writer ODT или RTF объемом не более 6 000 знаков с учетом пробелов) принимаются по электронной почте (mf-r@yandex.ru) строго по 15 декабря 2011 г.

При оформлении тезисов просьба: не набирать заголовок в режиме Caps Lock, ссылки помещать внутри текста в круглых скобках (подстрочные и затекстовые ссылки будут автоматически вырезаны), не использовать таблиц, диаграмм и т.п., не устанавливать отступов табуляцией или пробелом, избегать использования букв с диакритиками, не пользоваться специальными шрифтами.

После текста тезисов необходимо поместить информацию об авторе (ФИО полностью, ученая степень и звание, место работы и должность, почтовый адрес и телефон, адрес электронной почты для переписки). В теме письма просьба указать «Археография музейного предмета».

Тезисы докладов и сообщений, не имеющие отношения к проблематике конференции, превышающие по объему 6 000 знаков, не имеющие электронного варианта в формате, совместимом с MS Word / OpenOffice.org, оформленные с отступлениями от приведенных выше требований, не сопровождающиеся информацией об авторе или полученные после 15 декабря 2011 г. Оргкомитетом приниматься к рассмотрению не будут.

Внимание!!! По сложившемуся порядку, Оргкомитет подтверждает получение тезисов кратким письмом. Если Вы не получили такого подтверждения, значит, Ваше отправление было потеряно при пересылке и Вам необходимо срочно связаться с Оргкомитетом.


Российская Академия Наук

Институт Всеобщей Истории

Отдел западноевропейского Средневековья и

раннего Нового времени

Центр культурной и исторической антропологии

Приглашают принять участие во всероссийской научной конференции памяти А.Л. Ястребицкой (1932-2010)

Новая историческая наука” и А.Л. Ястребицкая: от реферирования новинок к поиску истоков.

Вклад Аллы Львовны Ястребицкой (1932–2010), крупного отечественного медиевиста, в изучение истории и историографии Средних веков еще предстоит оценить. Еще задолго до развернувшихся в годы перестройки публичных дискуссий о кризисе исторической науки и новых основаниях работы историка труды А.Л. Ястребицкой способствовали изменению облика отечественной науки.

Широта кругозора и смелая общественная позиция позволили Алле Львовне не только успешно изучать историю раннего периода немецкого книгопечатания, культуры Западной Европы XI–XIII и урбанистики, но и познакомить сообщество со многими актуальными проблемами мировой медиевистики и новыми подходами в их решении.

Надеемся, что конференция станет поводом осмыслить разные стороны научного творчества А.Л. Ястребицкой, поговорить о её роли в отечественной медиевистике.

На конференции предполагается обсудить следующие темы:

1. Пути складывания сообщества медиевистов: А.Л. Ястребицкая и феномен реферативных сборников ИНИОН.

2. Новая социальная история как предмет историографической рефлексии.

3. Повседневность и ее история: конструирование предмета и метода или выбор стиля?

4. «Познавательные основы урбанистики» XX в. в работах А.Л. Ястребицкой.

5. Особенности исследовательской практики А.Л. Ястребицкой.

6. Место книги в культурной и экономической жизни средневекового общества.

Конференция пройдет в ИВИ РАН 5-6 декабря 2011 г.

Проезд и проживание за счет командирующей стороны.

Заявки на участие с темами выступления принимаются до 1 октября 2011 г. по адресу: yastrebitskaya2011@yandex.ru.

Оргкомитет конференции: д.и.н. в.н.с. Ю.Е. Арнаутова, д.и.н., в.н.с. М.В. Винокурова, д.и.н. в.н.с. С.И. Лучицкая, член-корр. РАН П.Ю. Уваров.

Секретари оргкомитета: А.А. Анисимова, к.и.н. А.Б. Герштейн, к.и.н. А.А. Майзлиш, к.и.н. А.К. Гладков.


Apologies for cross-postings

Call for Papers

*Approaching Methodology*, a special issue of *RMN Newsletter* to appear in

May 2012.

Questions of method and methodology are often both problematic and elusive.

Method’ is easily conflated with ‘theory’ and even ‘argumentation’ or

objectives’. Discussions on method have been developing to some degree

independently in the research traditions of many countries and diverse

fields with emphasis on different types of traditions and corpora. It is

important to open discussion on method and methodology on a broadly

international and cross-disciplinary level. We would therefore like to open

the discourse on method in the emerging discourse space of *RMN Newsletter*,

the international open access bi-annual publication of Folklore Studies /

Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of

Helsinki (ISSN 1799-4497). Our publication promotes cross-disciplinary

discussion on diachronic, comparative and source-critical treatments of

cultural expression across diverse and intersecting disciplines:


* *

*Approaching Methodology* will appear as a special issue of *RMN Newsletter

*in May 2012, with Pauliina Latvala (Dr. phil., University of Helsinki) as a

guest editor. We would like to invite short contributions (3–10 pages)

addressing either specific methodologies or abstract and theoretical

questions and problems associated with method and methodologies. We would

welcome contributions on any of the following or related themes:

Defining ‘method’: What is a ‘method’? Why is ‘method’ often

problematic for researchers in a way that e.g. ‘argument’ is not?

Method and methodology in a particular field: What is the

relationship between a particular method or methodology in the history of

discourse? – in the present day?

Method, theory, argumentation and dominant research paradigms: What

is the relationship between method and theory? – between method and

argumentation or dominant paradigms in a discipline?

Method and research objectives: To what degree should research

objectives be determinant factors in the choice of method or methods? To

what degree can method condition research objectives or findings either

directly or indirectly (e.g. through data selection)?

Established methods: What are the problems or benefits of methods

currently employed or established in a discipline? Are certain established

methods complementary or contradictory?

Outdated methods: Are there elements or features of older methods

that have been rejected or fallen out of favour that can have value and

relevance today? What do statements such as, “[a certain scholar] was right

for the wrong reasons”, inform us about particular methods?

New methods: We would welcome the introduction of new or emerging

methodologies and opening those methodologies for international discussion.

* *

When addressing specific methods, please focus on the method, why it was

chosen or developed, how and why it was or was not effective, etc., rather

than focusing on the specific findings of your own research. We would like

submissions to be oriented to discussion and engagement in discourse, and

reasonably accessible to scholars from other fields.

* *

*Approaching Methodology* will be subject to a length restriction as a

whole, requiring us to limit the number of contributions. The deadline for

participation in *Approaching Methodology* will be earlier than the standard

deadline for *RMN Newsletter*. This will allow us the opportunity to work

with contributors and to coordinate contributions with one another prior to

publication. The completed 3–10 page submission will have a deadline of

Monday, January 15th, 2012, allowing contributors to respond to comments and

coordinate their papers with other authors in February and March, with final

language-checking in the beginning of April. If you are interested in

participating in this international and cross-disciplinary discussion,

please submit a 500 word abstract of your proposed contribution, with your

name, affiliation and contact information to Pauliina Latvala (

pauliina.latvala@helsinki.fi) by Friday, 30th September, 2011.


The Manipur University in collaboration with the International Society for

Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) is going to organize the Belief Narratives

International Symposium at Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur from 6-8

February 2012.

The Symposium theme: Local Legends in the Global Context


I. Belief Narratives and Society

II. The Supernatural and the Rhetoric of Truth

III. Demonology as a Doctrine and a Belief System

IV. Urban Legends

V. Belief Narratives and Cultural Validity

VI. Genres of Belief: Emic and Etic Categories

VII. Local Legends and Contemporary World

VIII. Myths, Legends, and Religion

For more information and contacts of the organizers, please see:



Call for Papers

Theme: Crossroads in Cultural Studies

Type: 9th International Conference

Institution: Sorbonne Nouvelle University

Location: Paris (France)

Date: 2.–6.7.2012

Deadline: 30.9.2011

We are pleased to announce that the 9th International Conference

Crossroads in Cultural Studies will be held in Paris, France, from

July 2nd to 6th, 2012, hosted by Sorbonne Nouvelle University with

the support of the French National Commission for UNESCO.

The city of Paris has a long and complex history as a crossroad

between cultures and peoples. Paris has played an important role in

the development and circulation of the works of authors and thinkers

that have shaped the postcolonial imagination in a significant way.

Drawing on their tradition of comprehensive and critical thought, the

organizers seek contributions in the form of papers and panels that

will continue to examine the intersection between culture, power and

knowledge from within the framework of Cultural Studies.

The conference will also be hosted by UNESCO, the international

organization that has always championed cultural diversity and

difference. Given the long association between Cultural Studies

research and UNESCO, this conference should be an occasion for

Cultural Studies to look back on its own evolution as well as explore

new scholarly insights. We believe UNESCO will also offer an

exceptional platform to discuss important current issues and

contribute to the visibility of Cultural Studies in France and Europe.

The conference is open to all topics related to Cultural Studies.

Here are some suggested topics for paper presenters as food for


Multiculturalism and Europe

Democratization and New Media

Arab and Muslim Revolutions

Postcolonial Africa

Green Studies / Environmental Justice

Transmedia and Convergence Culture

The Tourist Gaze and Catastrophes

Regional/Local Identities and Languages

The Postnational Era

Economics, Crisis and Culture

Food, Tastes and Identities

Sexualities and Nationalisms

Gender, Parenthood and Relationships

Transgender Perspectives

Religion, Beliefs and Cultural Theory

Politics of Affects

Animal Studies and Posthumanity

Disability Studies

Fashion and Media

Check the submission guidelines and submit a proposal using the

online forms - session submission or paper submission - before

September 30th, 2011.

Conference website:



Call for Papers

Theme: Borders and Borderlands

Subtitle: Contested Spaces

Type: 15th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality

Institution: Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB),

Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Location: Berlin (Germany)

Date: 28.–31.3.2012

Deadline: 30.11.2011



The Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality are a conference series

organized in cooperation between the Social Science Research Center

Berlin (WZB), Humboldt-Universität Berlin, and the Irmgard Coninx


Based on an international essay competition, we will invite

approximately 45 applicants to discuss their research, concerns and

agendas with peers and prominent scholars in Berlin. The competition

is open to scholars (max. up to 5 years after Ph.D.), journalists and

professionals working on borderlands (e.g. government agencies and

NGOs). The Irmgard Coninx Foundation will cover travel to and

accommodation in Berlin.

In the tradition of previous Berlin Roundtables the 15th Berlin

Roundtables will focus on borders and borderlands as contested

spaces. Conference papers can address but are not limited to the

following topics:

- social and cultural life in borderlands

- border cities

- constructing and undercutting borderland identities

- borders in art, literature, and film

- historical making and shifting of borders

- cultural, political, and economic blending and challenges

- legal, political and military border control systems

- creation of illegality and legality

- changing political, economic and social functions of borders

- historical contingency of border regimes

- struggle and cooperation over natural resources

- borders as a refuge for biodiversity and environmental protection

- conflicts over environmental pollution

Discussions will take place in three workshops:

- “The Social Life of Borders and Borderlands” chaired by Julie Y.

Chu (Anthropology, University of Chicago) and Tatiana Zhurzhenko

(Political Science, University of Vienna)

- “The Politics of Borders: Security and Control” chaired by Mattias

Kumm (Law, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, WZB and New York University)

and Eric Tagliacozzo (History, Cornell University)

- “Natural Resources and the Environment along Borders and

Borderlands: Conflicts and Solutions” chaired by Michael Redclift

(Geography, King’s College London) and Maria Tysiachniuk

(Environmental Unit, Center for Independent Research St.


The conference will be accompanied by evening lectures. Guest

speakers will be announced soon.

The call for papers extends to scholars (max. up to 5 years after

Ph.D.) and practitioners (e.g. workers in governmental or urban

services, NGOs, journalists). Please submit your paper (maximum 3500

words including footnotes and bibliography), an abstract (max. 300

words), a narrative biography and a CV using the online submission

form and the style sheets for your abstract and essay. Submission

deadline is November 30, 2011. Please note that co-authorship and

already published papers will not be accepted. All participants are

expected to actively participate during all days of this workshop.

Conference participants are eligible to apply for one of up to three

three-month fellowships to be used for research at in Berlin at the


For further information on the conference and the background paper:



Irmgard Coninx Stiftung

c/o Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung

Reichpietschufer 50

D-10785 Berlin


Phone: +49 30 25491-411

Fax: +49 30 25491-684

Email: info@irmgard-coninx-stiftung.de

Web: http://www.irmgard-coninx-stiftung.de


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