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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия 396

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При перепечатке ссылка на рассылку Центра изучения православия и древнерусской культуры обязательна
Редактор бюллетеня Т.В. Чумакова
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  21 июня 2011 г

Уважаемые коллеги и дорогие друзья,

это последний выпуск бюллетеня перед летними каникулами, желаем всем отличного летнего отдыха. До встречи в сентябре

С уважением

Ваша Татьяна Чумакова


Дорогие коллеги!

Прошедший в Институте славяноведения 14 июня сего года IV круглый стол
"Древняя Русь и германский мир в филологической и исторической
перспективе" был записан на видео "Живым ТВ". Записи всех докладов
можно увидеть по адресу: http://tv-l.ru/tk/index.shtml

С уважением,
Ф. Б. Успенский и С. М. Михеев
Центр славяно-германских исследований Института славяноведения РАН

119334 Москва, Ленинский проспект, 32а, 9 эт., к. 914


22 июня 2011 года, в 14 часов в Малом конференц-зале Пушкинского дома состоится
Доклад Т. И. Афанасьевой
«"Слово о церковнем сказании"как древнерусский перевод домонгольского периода».


источник ЖЖ сообщество Древняя Русь


Приглашение на конференцию «Церковное подполье в СССР»

18-19 ноября 2011, Чернигов, Украина

Черниговский национальный педагогический университет им. Т.Г. Шевченко (Украина), Информационный центр «Мемориал» (Москва, Россия), При участии представителей Кестонского института (Оксфорд, Великобритания)

Дорогие коллеги!

Приглашаем вас принять участие в международной научной конференции «Церковное подполье в СССР», координируемой несколькими образовательными и культурными организациями Чернигова, во главе с Черниговским национальным педагогическим университетом им. Т.Г. Шевченко. В состав организационного комитета входит также информационный центр «Мемориал» (Москва, Россия), в работе принимают участие представители Кестонского института (Оксфорд, Великобритания).

Конференция состоится в Чернигове 18-19 ноября 2011 года.

Несмотря на то, что полувековая история церковного подполья в СССР известна на Западе, эта тема значительно менее изучена на родине. Интерес русских и украинских учёных, особенно молодых исследователей, к теме духовного противостояния тоталитарному режиму крайне важен именно сейчас, когда история России и Украины опять переписывается заново, в соответствии с новейшей политической ситуацией. Историческая ложь распространяется сейчас в первую очередь на Церковь.

Цель международной научной конференции «Церковное подполье в СССР» – воодушевить научную дискуссию между западными и отечественными исследователями и привлечь к ней молодых историков и социологов. Несколько известных авторов уже предложили свои доклады: каноник Майкл Бурдо и Ксения Деннен (Кестон), Владимир Мосс, Лев Регельсон, Михаил Шкаровский, Ирина Осипова, Лидия Сикорская, Виталий Шумило, протоиерей Алексей Лебедев.

Помимо докладов на конференции будет работать выставка по истории Кестонского института – из материалов богатейшего Кестонского архива, расположенного теперь в Техасе, а также выставка катакомбных книг, икон, предметов облачения и других памятников катакомбной церкви советского периода из личного собрания В.В. Шумило. Кроме того, будут организованы экскурсии по Чернигову – древнейшему городу Киевской Руси.

После конференции планируется публикация сборника материалов с цветными иллюстрациями и распространение сборника по университетским библиотекам в Европе, США, России и Украине.

Приглашаем желающих выступить с докладами на темы, связанные с историей церковного подполья в СССР. Приветствуется рассмотрение истории церковного подполья в разных аспектах: историческом, политическом, богословском, социологическом, психологическом, художественном.

Заявки принимаются (прислать имя автора и название доклада) – до 30 сентября 2011 года. Адреса: проф. Светлана Шумило veraigizn@rambler.ru или c. Татиана (Спектор) sistertatianaspektor@gmail.com


участника Международной конференции

«Церковное подполье в СССР»

Фамилия __________________________Имя____________________________

Отчество ___________________Дата рождения _______________________

Место работы, должность _________________________________________


Ученая степень ___________________ Ученое звание ___________________

Дополнительные cведения__________________________________________


Наименование темы доклада (сообщения)____________________________




Адрес, контактные данные:






Необходимость бронирования номера в гостинице__________________________

Дополнительные пожелания к Оргкомитету по организации Вашего выступления на конференции:______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Call for Papers

The Religious Underground in the USSR

November 18 to 19, 2011

Chernigov, Ukraine

The Shevchenko University of Chernigov, with the participation of the Memorial Information Center and members of the Keston Institute

Dear Colleagues:

We invite you to participate in Ukraine’s first international convention examining «The Religious Underground in the USSR», organized by a group of Ukrainian educational and cultural organizations under the leadership of the Shevchenko University of Chernigov. The conference will be held in Chernigov, Ukraine, on the 18th and 19th of November, 2011. The organizing committee also includes the Memorial Information Center (Moscow, Russia), and is being advised by members of the Keston Institute (Oxford, U.K.).


Although religious resistance to the totalitarian regime in the USSR has been studied in the West for over fifty years, it lacks attention of a similar scope from native scholars. Such attention is critically important now, because of the dangerous trend in Russian and Ukrainian scholarship that many Western scholars have noted, of rewriting recent Russian and Ukrainian history to reflect the politics and concerns of current regimes. This is especially true in matters concerning the Church.

The international convention « The Religious Underground in the USSR” aims to inspire dialogue between Western and Eastern students of this phenomenon, and to attract the attention of younger scholars. Several widely known scholars in the field have already offered to present papers at the convention, including Rev. Michael Bourdeaux, Xenia Dennen, Vladimir Moss, Lev Regelson, Mikhail Shkarovskii, Irina Osipova, Lydia Sikorskaia, and Rev. Aleksei Lebedev.

An exhibit presenting the history and achievements of the Keston Institute is planned for the convention. Copies of items from the Keston Archive located at the Baylor University (Texas, USA) will be displayed, including unique documents and photographs witnessing the history of religious persecution in the USSR. The conference program also includes excursions around the city of Chernigov, led by the members of the National Association “Historical Chernigov.”

We invite papers describing underground religious movements and activity in the USSR from various perspectives: historical, political, theological, and sociological. Papers presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings which will be distributed by the organizing committee to Western and Russian and Ukrainian academic libraries.

Deadline: September 30, 2011

Contact: Prof. Svetlana Shumilo veraigizn@rumbler.ru or

Sister Tatiana sistertatianaspektor@gmail.com


 Call for Papers
Final call with June 29th deadline

Faith, Film and Philosophy Seminar
Faith, Philosophy, & Mystery in Film”

September 30th & October 1st, 2011

Gonzaga University’s Faith and Reason Institute and Whitworth
University’s Weyerhaeuser Center for Faith and Learning are pleased to
announce their Fifth Annual Seminar on Faith, Film and Philosophy,
entitled “Faith, Philosophy, & Mystery in Film.”  The seminar and its
associated public lectures are part of a series of jointly-sponsored
programs focused on “Faith, Reason and Popular Culture.”  The
conviction behind these programs is that if Christian institutions of
higher learning are to respond properly to their charge to be places
where faith seeks understanding, then they must engage contemporary
popular culture. Film is among the most powerful and important forms
of popular culture. Thus, the seminar organizers seek scholars who
will engage in two days of discussion investigating issues of faith
and philosophical import raised by contemporary popular film.
Presenters need not have any formal academic appointment.

Seminar sessions will take place on Friday (September 30) and Saturday
(October 1). Public lectures associated with the seminar will be given
on the evenings of 28-30 September 2011.

This year’s seminar examines the mystery genre in film. One of the
most popular forms of narrative in the contemporary world is mystery
fiction, where a crime is committed and eventually solved by an
amateur or professional detective.  On the silver screen, mystery is
almost as old as film itself, with the first Sherlock Holmes movie
appearing in 1903. Mysteries are among the very finest movies ever
made (e.g., Alfred Hitchcock’s) as well as among the very worst
(countless forgotten B-movies); and they are so well-known that the
list of parodies and spoofs is almost as long as the list of serious
attempts at good mystery. One would think that mystery fiction is as
old as story-telling itself, yet the genre did not really come into
its own until a century and a half ago. What is it about the mystery
that modern audiences find so enthralling?

Possible topics for seminar papers include the following, though
proposals on related topics are welcome and encouraged.

Mystery and epistemology, or how the detective comes to know
Mystery and moral or political philosophy: the author or detective’s
assumptions about justice, the natural law, or the lack thereof.
Mystery and Christianity from Fr. Brown to the Name of the Rose: how
might religious faith impede or accelerate the solving of crimes?
Mystery and the mystery of being: do mystery stories eventually lead
to nihilism or to optimism? Or are there no metaphysical implications
to mystery?
Mysteries and faith: do the faith commitments of mystery writers
affect the types of mysteries they write and do any such effects show
up on the screen?
Science and mystery, or the CSI factor: the role of forensics and
Drawing the line, or how to separate Sherlock Holmes from James
Bond: what makes a mystery different from action adventure? From
The use and abuse of history for mystery: the character and purpose
of period mystery films
Signs of the times: portrayals of religion in mystery films
Pulp and projector: why do so many mystery novels make their way to
the big screen, and what is lost or gained in the process?
Juvenile mystery (Nancy Drew, etc.)
The changing faces of mystery from the Golden Age of Hollywood to
the present
Dames and mystery, from femmes fatales to Miss Marple
Open versus closed mysteries: the art and philosophy behind telling
the audience who the culprit is earlier in the film (open) or waiting
until the end (closed)
Famous detectives vis-à-vis any of the topics mentioned above
Directors, producers, or screenwriters vis-à-vis any of the topics
mentioned above

Ideally, most of the films discussed in the seminar should be less
than thirty years old; if an author wishes to discuss a wider span of
film history (e.g., the changing depictions of Sherlock Holmes from
the 1930s on), weight should be given to the more recent or at least
to relatively well-known examples. Obscure films, which one would not
reasonably expect the seminar audience to have seen, should be
generally avoided.

Proposals not longer than one page (double-spaced), and in Word
format, should be submitted electronically to the attention of
Margaret Rankin at faithandreason@gonzaga.edu no later than 29 June
2011, and should include title, author(s), institutional association
(if any), mailing address, email address, and the text of proposal.
The seminar organizers will send acceptances by 06 July 2011.

For further information consult www.gufaithreason.org.


 9th Annual International Conference on History: From Ancient to Modern,
1-4 August
2011, Athens, Greece

Final Call for Papers and Participation

The History Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and
Research (ATINER) will organize its 9th Annual International Conference
on History in Athens, Greece on 1-4 August 2011. The conference will be
held in downtown Athens, within walking distance of the Acropolis
(Parthenon) and other historical sites of Athens.

Papers (in English) from all areas of history are welcome. Special
sessions will be organized in the following areas: Ancient Greek and
Roman History, Cultural History, History of Religion, Arts History,
Economic History, Political and Social History, Sports History (History
of Olympic Games), History of Sciences, History of Philosophy,
Intellectual History, Modern American History, Latin American History,
African History, Asian History, European History, Personalities in
Philosophy and History, Interactions of Civilizations (East-West &
North-South), Historiography, Historic Preservation and the Future of
Historical Studies. You may participate as panel organizer, presenter of
one paper, chair a session or observer. The conference website is
http://www.atiner.gr/history.htm. Selected papers will be published in a
Special Volume of the Conference Proceedings. The previous conferences
produced a number of books. Visit our site
http://www.atiner.gr/docs/HISTORY_PUBLICATIONS.htm  for titles, table of
contents and order form.

The registration fee is 250 euro, covering access to all sessions,
conference material and 2 lunches. Special arrangements will be made
with local hotels for a limited number of rooms at a special conference
rate. In addition, planned tours to historical sites and nearby islands
will be organized. A special evening is organized with live Greek music
and dinner. During the tour, we will visit, among other sites: Hadrian’s
Arch, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Panathenaic Stadium where the
first Olympic Games of the modern era were held in 1896, and on
Acropolis: the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erectheion and
finally “the harmony between material and spirit”, the monument that
puts order in the mind”, the Parthenon.

Please submit a 300-word abstract via email only by 24th of June 2011 to
the following address: Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Professor of History, Sam
Houston State University, USA and Vice-President of ATINER. 8 Valaoritou
Street, Kolonaki, 10671 Athens, Greece. Tel.: + 30 210 363-4210 Fax: +
30 210 363-4209 Email: atiner@atiner.gr. Abstracts should include: Title
of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address
and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your
submission. We also invite people to chair sessions, act as reviewers
and editors of the book(s) that will be published after the conference.
If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. chair a
session, evaluate papers to be included in the conference proceedings or
books, contribute to the editing, or any other offer to help please send
an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, gtp@atiner.gr, Director, ATINER.

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established
in 1995 as an independent academic organization with the mission to
become a forum, where academics and researchers - from all over the
world - could meet in Athens and exchange ideas on their research and
discuss the future developments of their discipline. Since 1995, ATINER
has organized more than 100 international conferences and has published
over 100 books. Academically, the Institute consists of four research
divisions and nineteen research units. Each research unit organizes at
least an annual conference and undertakes various small and large
research projects.

Please accept our apologies for any crossed emails.


Religions and their Despisers: Criticism and Vilification of Religions and

Call for Papers Date:

Date Submitted:

Announcement ID:


We are currently soliciting papers for the upcoming conference of the
Dutch Association for the Academic Study of Religion (4-5 November 2011).

The conference theme is 'Religions and their Despisers: Criticism and
Vilification of Religions and Believers'.

Paper proposals (500 words) are welcome from the fields of religious
studies, history, cultural anthropology, social sciences, media studies,
critical theory, philosophy, ethics, and other disciplines.

Deadline: 20 July, 2011

Visit the website at

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