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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия 387



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  4 апреля 2011 г.


Religious minorities, minority religions: visibility and recognition in

the public space

International conference, 7-8 April 2011, Strasbourg


Asking for a greater legal recognition or for a greater social

legitimacy, more and more religious minorities are using positive

affirmation and greater visibility in the European public space. In

certain cases, it is the growth of the group which attracts attention;

in some cases the internal changes to groups appear as "new" minorities.

These minorities may emerge within the same dimension (like the

evangelical protestants as a protestant minority group), or cross the

minority dimensions (for examples see the recent claims of the French

black Jews or of the gay Muslims in the Netherlands); finally it could

be about the transformation of a minority, as in the case of the second

or third generations immigrant descendants.

In all cases, taking into account the dynamics of the evolution and the

transformation of the relations, from a scientific view point, is

necessary from the social and political points of views. This evolution

of relations may also be perceived in minority relations to other

minorities, from minority to majority relations, in the internal

dynamics of the minorities, or in the evolution of the minority


The question of minorities in the public space is linked to that of

their visibility and political representation; this public visibility

may be used as the lever, intra-community or face to face, for the

public powers.

Based on the models of multiculturalism by Will Kymlicka or, more

recently, by Francesco Fistetti, one considers the de-privatization of

religions or the privatization of the public space in legislation and

Western jurisprudence, as a measure of the scope, the variables and the

attempt to exactly understand the meaning. This approach leads us to

investigate the evolution of the notion of the legal order and the

pertinence of the paradigm of "ordered pluralism" developed by several

authors: for example, Neil MacCormick or Mireille Delmas-Marty.

The political approach of the subject takes into account the involvement

at the state level in order to encourage or limit this same visibility

in the various national European spaces. From this point of view, the

hesitations in France, on the increased visibility of the Muslims or of

the "colored" French in the media, form a subject study. In this

context, the conference will highlight the work of Minority Media, an

excellent crew financed by the European Commission and received by

MIGRINTER - CNRS of Poitier. Also, the vote in Switzerland, concerning

the banning of minarets, or the decisions of Belgium and France

concerning the wearing of the Burqa, and above all the debate that these

"decisions" caused across Europe, notably in France, Germany and Turkey,

constituting an important field of analysis. In another dimension, the

banning of symbols associated to the Kurds or of the wearing of

headscarves in universities in Turkey, or the difficulties shown to the

Jehovah Witnesses in Greece, consisting of many study subjects

permitting the freeing of general tendencies and making possible a


The binding legislation to increase or decrease the visibility of

religious groups is not limited to these cases. As Chantal Ammi states

many institutional and financial limits exist in Europe, and they oppose

this visibility.

Finally, in a sociological approach, this conference will attempt to

look at in which type of public space, in the Habermasian sense of the

term, the visibility of religious minorities is perceived by the

dominant majority as menacing the national unity and religion, and

possibly the values of this majority.

The objective of this conference is to study the use of the public space

by the religious minorities. The visibility of the minorities, taking

into account their public debate and their positions in European

politics, will be some of the different aspects of the conversation.

The presence of important minority religions is a historical reality in

Alsace (notably the presence of Judaism and Protestantism). The recent

evolution of immigration has increased the number, diversity and

importance of the minority religious groups, which one notices from the

evolution of public representation; the stakes illustrated by this local

reality are supplementary grounds of interest for this conference.

Samim Akgönül, Anne-Laure Zwilling

Steering committee

* Samim AKGÖNÜL (Faculty of Letters, University of Strasbourg - PRISME -

UMR 7012).

* Jean-François HAVARD (University of Haute-Alsace - PRISME - UMR 7012).

* Solenne JOUANNEAU (Institute of Political Studies, Strasbourg - PRISME

- UMR 7012)

* Jérôme LASSERRE CAPDEVILLE (Faculty of Law - Center of Business Law).

* Éric MAULIN (Faculty of Law, University of Strasbourg - PRISME - UMR


* Anne-Laure MOSBRUCKER (University of Strasbourg/ CNRS, Federation of

European Research in transformations - UMR 3241).

* Céline PAUTHIER (Faculty of Law, University of Strasbourg - Center of

Private Law).

* Anne-Laure ZWILLING (University of Strasbourg/ CNRS, PRISME - UMR 7012)


Speculative Philosophies and Religious Practices: New Directions in the

Philosophy of Religion and Post-Secular Practical Theology

A One-day Workshop at the University of Chester on 1st June



Pamela Sue Anderson (University of Oxford)

Elaine Graham (University of Chester)

Katharine Moody (University of Lancaster)

John Reader (William Temple Foundation)

Steven Shakespeare (Liverpool Hope University)

Anthony Paul Smith (University of Nottingham)

Graeme Smith (Chichester University)

We are pleased to announce a one-day workshop exploring the intersection

between recent trends in continental philosophy of religion and realist

versions of public theology. The workshop will take place on 1st June

under the auspices of the Centre for Faiths and Public Policy at the

University of Chester and in association with the Department of Philosophy

at the University of Liverpool and the William Temple Foundation. Further

details about the day and registration information can be found here:


This workshop is an interrogation of the implications – whether political,

theological or practical – of the turn to the Real in recent thought. From

the perspective of public and practical theology, this involves bolstering

the realist strands of the discipline (Manchester Realism and the William

Temple Foundation) with the resources of philosophy, constructing a

philosophical toolkit for realist public theologians. John Reader and

Christopher Baker’s Entering the New Theological Space, for example, has

already started drawing on post-Derridean philosophies as theoretical

background to their theological enterprises, moving beyond the

sociological and pragmatic basis that public theologians have

traditionally found sufficient; there is a growing realisation, however,

that a new generation of philosophers – the philosophers of the

speculative turn – may well be more fruitful for deepening and broadening

public theology’s self-understanding. Therefore and from the perspective

of philosophy of religion, this interrogation of the Real involves

thinking through the consequences of continental philosophy of religion’s

recent flirtations with a more realist brand of speculation. The

philosophies of Alain Badiou, Slavoj Zizek, Graham Harman, Iain Hamilton

Grant and Quentin Meillassoux are beginning to be felt throughout the

humanities, and the papers in this workshop, following the lead

established in Smith and Whistler’s After the Postsecular and the

Postmodern, will begin to think through the broader impact of this new

tendency, especially as it impacts on philosophy of religion. In other

words, the guiding question for the day is: what has the speculative turn

in continental philosophy of religion to do with religious practice? This

workshop brings together public theologians and philosophers of religion

to inhabit the intersection between philosophical theory and religious


The day-long workshop will explore the above themes through a series of

eight 20 minute papers with extensive time for responses and discussion. A

summary of the day will be posted on the websites of contributing

institutions. The papers will be works in progress, provisional

explorations of an intersection that is crying out to be examined in more

detail. As such, this workshop is envisioned as the first in a series of

events in the North-West devoted to the interchange between philosophy of

religion and public and practical theology, in which we hope to give all

interested parties the opportunity to share their ideas. Moreover, this

initial exploratory workshop has the overall aim of examining the

feasibility of a fully-fledged research network (involving substantial

publications), and so we would encourage anyone with an interest in this

area to attend the first workshop in order to participate in the shaping

of a future network bid.


Nature as book and image –

scientific communication and

exchange in 18th century Europe

A cross-disciplinary workshop in Trondheim

12-13 May 2011, at Suhmhuset /The Gunnerus

Library, NTNU Trondheim


The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, the Faculty of

Humanities and the University Library, both at the Norwegian University of

Science and Technology (NTNU).

The workshop will explore central themes in the “long” 18th century

history of science. Its four sessions

focus on: 1) scientific networks, 2) the significance of illustrations and

images in scientific communication

and development, 3) Liber naturae, theology and the investigation of

nature, and 4) the relationship

between body and soul in 18th century philosophy and science. The workshop

begins with a lecture

Laboratory enlightenment” and investigates these four topics in the

following two days.

The workshop commemorates the 250th anniversary of the first volume of the

Transactions of the Royal

Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters:

http://www.ntnu.no/ojs/index.php/DKN VS_skrifter/issue/

archive. One of its founders, Bishop Johan Ernst Gunnerus (1718-1773),

initiated and edited this journal

which is still published. He studied and worked at the universities of

Halle, Jena and Copenhagen

before he took his place as bishop of Trondheim in 1758. Gunnerus was

educated in an environment

of rich international scientific impulses that he carried with him to

Norway and Trondheim where he

developed and maintained an extensive international network. The workshop

will highlight parts of this


The organizers of the workshop are the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences

and Letters, the Faculty

of Humanities and the University Library both at the Norwegian University

of Science and Technology

(NTNU). The workshop is founded on the close cooperation with German

research institutions in

Halle, Jena and Gotha. More than 250 years after Gunnerus, new contacts

have been established with

research communities located in these cities. The invited lecturers from

Germany are: Professor Olaf

Breidbach, director of the Institut für Geschichte der Medizin,

Naturwissenschaften und Technik at

the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and holder of a Chair in the

History of Sciences, Technology and

Medicine; Professor Friedemann Stengel from Interdisziplinäres Zentrum

für die Erforschung der Europäischen

Aufklärung (IZEA) at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg; and

Professor Alexander

Schunka at Forschungszentrum Gotha für kultur- und

sozialwissenschaftliche Studien at Erfurt University.

Dr. theol. Rolv Nøtvik Jakobsen, NTNU, is responsible for the workshop


For further information and registration, please contact:


The conference language will be English.

Workshop fee: NOK 500

Workshop fee including conference dinner: NOK 1000


Call for Applications

Theme: Correlations

Subtitle: Law, Language and Culture

Type: 3rd International Osnabrück Graduate Summer School on the

Cultural Study of the Law

Institution: Institute of English and American Studies,

University of Osnabrück

Location: Osnabrück (Germany)

Date: 7.–21.8.2011

Deadline: 30.4.2011



The Third International Summer School on the Cultural Study of the

Law will be held from this August 7th to August 21st in Osnabrück,

Germany. Hosted by the Institute of English and American Studies, in

collaboration with the University of Copenhagen, the Birkbeck School

of Law at the University of London, York University, Toronto, The

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and the European Legal Studies

Institute at the University of Osnabrück, the summer school seeks to

bring together graduate students from around the world to promote and

examine the interdisciplinary study and research of law and culture.

During the two week program, students will partake in a unique

experience of scholarly collaboration and exchange through workshops,

public lectures, panel discussions, excursions and a final symposium.

The School will offer a total of four workshops for 20-25

international graduate students over a two-week period. The first

workshop will be concerned with basic theories, concepts and

perspectives within the emerging field of cultural legal studies,

focusing specifically on the range and potential of interdisciplinary

studies and approaches. The remaining three workshops will focus on

key areas of critical inquiry that have been central to the dynamic

development of the field and are of particular importance within an

European context, for example:

- The relation between human rights and cultural rights

- Towards a culture of rights?: Law, literature and the cultural

presence of the law

- Copyright, authorship and the ‘propertization’ of culture

Participant Eligibility

Doctoral candidates in literature, the law, the arts, the humanities,

and the related social sciences are invited to apply, as are advanced

students pursuing a J.D. or its equivalent (such as the L.L.B). Young

scholars or junior faculty members who have received a Ph.D. or

corresponding degree in the last five years are also eligible. There

are openings for approximately 25 students to participate in the

summer school.

Application Process

Applicants should complete:

- An application form, indicating preferred workshop that can be

found at:


- A statement of purpose no more than two pages long, describing

current scholarly interests, previous research, and plans for how

the Summer School would specifically further these interests and


- An up-to-date curriculum vitae.

Students interested in taking part in the Summer School should submit

their applications no later than April 30, 2011. Detailed information

about the school, the workshops, international faculty, admission and

fees can be found at: http://www.blogs.uni-osnabrueck.de/lawandculture


Please direct all inquiries about the school to our coordinator's

office at: lawandculture@uos.de


Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Universität Osnabrück

Neuer Graben 40

D-49069 Osnabrück


Phone: +49-(0)541-969-4412

Fax: +49-(0)541-969-4256

Email: lawandculture@uos.de

Web: http://www.blogs.uni-osnabrueck.de/lawandculture/


Министерство образования и науки РФ

ГОУ ВПО «Тамбовский государственный университет имени Г.Р. Державина»

Институт языка и литературы им. Якуба Коласа и Янки Купалы

Национальной академии наук Беларуси

Корпоративный международный Славянский институт им. Г.Р. Державина (Македония)

Национальный волынский университет имени Леси Украинки (Украина)

Управление образования и науки Тамбовской области

Совет молодых ученых и специалистов Тамбовской области

Тамбовская Епархия

Тамбовское областное филологическое общество


Институт филологии Тамбовского государственного университета имени Г.Р. Державина приглашает вас принять участие в работе Второй международной научной конференции


( к юбилеям В.Г. Белинского, Ф.М. Достоевского и М.А. Булгакова)

Конференция проводится 17-19 мая 2011 года

в рамках Дней славянской письменности и культуры.

Планируется обсуждение следующих проблем:

Общие вопросы национального языкового сознания.

Духовные традиции славян и национальная речевая культура.

Славянский мир в зеркале национальных литератур.

Славянский фольклор: проблемы изучения и преподавания.

Славянский мир и проблемы межкультурной коммуникации.

Славистика и региональные исследования.

Проблемы преподавания славянских языков и литератур.

Проблемы творчества В.Г. Белинского.

Проблемы творчества Ф.М. Достоевского.

Проблемы творчества М.А. Булгакова.

Памятники славянской письменности и книгоиздательская практика.

Образы славянской культуры в средствах массовой информации.

В рамках конференции будут организованы мастер-классы для молодых исследователей.

Оргкомитет приветствует участие в конференции преподавателей средних специальных учебных заведений, учителей школ, работников культуры и СМИ, книгоиздателей, представителей государственных учреждений и общественных организаций.

Условия участия в конференции

Для участия в конференции необходимо до 20 апреля 2011 года направить по адресу оргкомитета:

  • заявку на участие;

  • краткую аннотацию доклада (до 300 знаков с пробелами)

  • подтверждение оплаты оргвзноса (копию платежного поручения).

В заявке необходимо указать фамилию, имя, отчество (на русском и английском языках); ученую степень, ученое звание, должность; место работы; тему выступления (на русском и английском языках); почтовый и электронный адреса, контактный телефон.

По итогам конференции будет опубликован сборник материалов. Текст материала для публикации, оформленный в соответствии с нижеследующими правилами, необходимо представить не позднее 1 июня 2011 года.

Требования к оформлению рукописей, представляемых для публикации в сборнике

Текст статьи (формат страницы А4) представляется на дискете и в распечатанном виде (1 экз.) в редакторе MS Word версии от 7.0 и выше через 1,5 интервала, шрифт 14пт, Times New Roman, поля со всех сторон по 2 см.

На верхней строке по центру указываются инициалы и фамилия автора (авторов) – 14пт жирный курсив. Название статьи печатается ЖИРНЫМ ПРОПИСНЫМ шрифтом 14пт, выравнивание по центру без отступа. Точка в конце названия не ставится. До и после названия - пробел в 1,5 интервала. Текст набирается обычным шрифтом 14 пт. Выравнивание абзаца по ширине, отступ первой строки абзаца (красная строка) – 1 см.

Слово «Таблица» с порядковым номером размещается по правому краю перед таблицей. На следующей строке приводится название таблицы (выравнивание по центру без отступа и переноса слогов) без точки в конце. После таблицы – пробел в 1,5 интервала. Единственная в статье таблица не нумеруется.

Ссылки на источники даются в тексте статьи с указанием фамилии автора, года издания и цитируемой страницы в квадратных скобках [Иванов 1990: 25; Петров 2001; см. также: Сидоров 2002; 2003 и др.]. Список источников, оформленный по новейшему ГОСТу, приводится после текста статьи в алфавитном порядке после слов Список литературы (без точки или двоеточия в конце). Шрифт 14 пт обычный. Нумерованный список не применять.

  • Оргкомитет оставляет за собой право не публиковать материалы, содержание которых не соответствует тематике конференции, оформленные с существенными техническими отклонениями от изложенных требований, представленные позже указанных сроков, а также без оплаченного оргвзноса.

Оргвзнос в сумме 400 рублей, для членов ТОФО - 300 рублей (за каждую страницу публикации объемом более 5-ти страниц стоимость увеличивается на 150 рублей), предназначается для подготовки и проведения конференции, издания программы и материалов (сумма взноса рассчитана только на 1 экземпляр одной книги). Проживание в гостинице, питание и проезд участники оплачивают самостоятельно. В случае выполнения работы в соавторстве необходимо внести только один оргвзнос для получения одного экземпляра сборника. Программа в электронном виде будет выслана до 15 мая 2011 года.

Заявку и материалы для публикации в электронном виде, а также копию отсканированной банковской квитанции об оплате оргвзноса следует направлять только по электронному адресу slavmir2011@mail.ru, Желтовой Наталии Юрьевне.

Банковские реквизиты для перечисления организационного взноса:

Получатель: УФК по Тамбовской области (ГОУВПО «Тамбовский государственный университет имени Г.Р. Державина»). Банковские реквизиты: ИНН 68290127 90; КПП 683101001; Л/счет 03641А28310; р/счет 40503810200001000221; ГРКЦ ГУ Банка России по Тамбовской области, г. Тамбов; БИК 046850001; ОКАТО 68401000000; Назначение платежа: 07430302010010000180 «Прочие безвозмездные поступления» (Оргвзнос за участие ФИО в конференции «Славянский мир: духовные традиции и словесность»).

Телефон для справок: 8(4752) 723434 (доб. 8218) Наталия Юрьевна Желтова, д.фил. н., проф., зам. директора Института филологии по научной работе ТГУ им. Г.Р. Державина.

Благодарим за участие!



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