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14 февраля 2010

Информационное письмо

                                           Уважаемые коллеги!

      Московский Государственный Объединенный Музей-Заповедник приглашает Вас принять участие  научно-практической конференции              

                «Коломенское. Россия и Европа XVII в.».

     Научно-практическая конференция состоится 13 мая 2010 г. Конференция приурочена к дате закладки знаменитого дворца царя Алексея Михайловича в Коломенском (2–3 мая 1667 г. по старому стилю). Разобранный   в XVIII в. дворец,  в настоящее время  воссоздан на новом месте по сохранившимся чертежам и изображениям.

 Задача конференции - показать отражение жизни  русского общества XVII в. в быте и церемониале Дворца. Дворец во время посещения его царем становился средоточием жизни страны.

   Это определяет многообразие направлений работы конференции. Тематическим стержнем конференции будет введение новых источников и исследование фондовых коллекций МГОМЗ. 

  На конференцию принимаются доклады, темы которых связаны с историей Коломенского по следующей проблематике:

1. Жизнь русских царей в XVII в. (Церемониал, календарь двора Алексея Михайловича, Федора Алексеевича и царевны Софьи).

2. Церковные святыни Коломенского

3. Дипломатия в XVII в  Посещение иностранных посольств Коломенского

4. Записки иностранцев. Описание Коломенского

5. Материальная культура в XVII в .

6. Духовная культура в XVII в  Традиции и новации.

7. Архитектура XVII в.

8. История техники в XVII в.

9. Военная история XVII в.

10. Народные движения в XVII в.

11. Памятники XVII в. из фондовых коллекций МГОМЗ.

Для участия в конференции приглашаются историки, филологи, искусствоведы.


По итогам конференции предполагается издание  её материалов.

 Заявки и тезисы докладов (с указанием Ваших ФИО, звания, должности, места работы, контактного телефона, e-mail и названия доклада) просьба прислать до 15 февраля 2010 г.

Объем тезисов не должен превышать 1000 знаков.

Оргкомитет конференции оставляет за собой право отбора тезисов.

Заявки и тезисы докладов просим присылать по адресам:

marina_ink@mail.ru- ученый секретарь МГОМЗ Ляпина Марина Викторовна,

8-903-276-01-26 моб. 8-499-725-14-53 рабочий

tao_tany@rambler.ru- зав.научным отделом Опарина Татьяна Анатольевна

Информационные материалы конференции размещены на сайте музея-заповедника.

Оргкомитет конференции:  

Председатель: директор МГОМЗ «Коломенское» - Колесникова Л.П.

Члены оргкомитета:  Зам. директора по науке – Лаврентьев А.В.,

Ученый секретарь музея -  Ляпина М.В.,

 Зав.научным отделом – Опарина Татьяна Анатольевна


Староладожский историко-архитектурный и археологический музей-заповедник и Никольский Староладожский монастырь планируют 20-21 мая 2010 г. провести научно-практическую конференцию, посвященную 770-летию Никольского Староладожского монастыря. 

На конференции предполагается обсудить следующие темы: 

- Никольский Староладожский монастырь в истории России
- Древнерусская монументальная живопись Северо-Запада России
- Личность князя Александра Невского в оценках современников и потомков
- Монастырская культура Русского Северо-Запада XII-XVII вв. 

Конференция состоится в помещении Музея археологии Старой Ладоги по адресу: 187412, Ленинградская обл., Волховский р-н, с. Старая Ладога, ул. Культуры, д. 2.


В программу конференции включены экскурсия по Старой Ладоге и Никольскому Староладожскому монастырю. 

Заявки на участие в конференции принимаются до 1 мая 2010 г. В заявке необходимо указать тему возможного выступления, фамилию, имя и отчество автора, место работы и должность, ученую степень и звание, необходимость в бронировании места в гостинице, технические средства, необходимые для доклада.

           К сожалению, Оргкомитет не имеет возможности оплатить проживание, питание и проезд участников конференции. 

Телефон для справки

+79111227927, Адриан

e-mail adrian_selin@mail.ru
  From: Andreas Umland
Date: February 11, 2010

Dear colleagues,

we would like to bring to your attention the latest special issue of the open-access Russian-language webjournal "Forum noveishei vostochnoevropeiskoi istorii i kul'tury" (vol. 6, no. 2, 2009) freely available at:


This issue, the previous one, and the following two issues of the "Forum" have been/will be devoted to anti-Western ideologies in contemporary Russia and their historical roots.

Please, find below the latest issue's transliterated list of contents:

Forum noveishei vostochnoevropeiskoi istorii i kul'tury 6:2 (2009)

I. Antizapadnye ideologicheskie techeniia v postsovetskoi Rossii i ikh istoki (2)

I.1. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia v Germanii i Rossii i "klassicheskoe" evraziistvo: paralleli i razlichiia

Leonid Luks (The Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt)
"Evraziistvo i konservativnaia revoliutsiia: soblazn antizapadnichestva v Rossii i Germanii," p. 5
Martin Beisswenger (University of Notre Dame)
"'Konservativnaia revoliutsiia' v Germanii i dvizhenie evraziitsev: tochki soprikosnoveniia," p. 23

Valerii Senderov (Moscow)
"Konservativnaia revoliutsiia v postsovetskom izvode: kratkii kurs osnovnykh idei," p. 41

I.2. Aleksandr Dugin

Marlene Laruelle (Institute for Development and Security Policy, Stockholm)
"Aleksandr Dugin, ideologicheskii posrednik: sliianie razlichnykh doktrin pravoradikal'nogo politicheskogo spektra," p. 63

Leonid Luks
"'Tretii put'' ili nazad v 'Tretii reikh'? O 'neoevraziiskoi' gruppe 'Elementy'," p. 88

Anton Shekhovtsov (National Technical University of Sevastopol)
"Palingeneticheskii proekt neoevraziistva: idei vozrozhdeniia v mirovozzrenii Aleksandra Dugina," p. 105

Andreas Umland (The Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt)
"Patologicheskie tendentsii v russkom 'neoevraziistve': o znachenii vzleta Aleksandra Dugina dlia interpretatsii obshchestvennoi zhizni sovremennoi Rossii," p. 127

I.3. Aleksandr Panarin

Marlene Laruelle
"Aleksandr Panarin i 'tsivilizatsionnyi natsionalizm' v Rossii," p. 143

Marina Peunova (Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva)
"Vostochnaia inkarnatsiia evropeiskikh 'novykh pravykh': Aleksandr Panarin i neoevraziiskii diskurs v sovremennoi Rossii," p. 159

II. Istoriia idei

Vladimir Kantor (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
"Kul'turno-filosofskii natsionalizm kak provokatsiia imperskogo krizisa v Rossii kontsa XIX - nachala XX vv.," p. 175

III. Stranitsy noveishei istorii

Vladimir Sapon (Nizhnii Novgorod State University)
"Vospominaniia sormovskogo rabochego ob otse russkoi sotsial-demokratii G.V. Plekhanove," p. 187

IV. Esse

Boris Khazanov (Munich)
"Pisatel' - zhurnalist - pisatel': Ehrenburg i Vailland," p. 199

Andreas Umland, Ingmar Bredies (University of Regensburg)
"Postsovetskii paradoks: demokratiia v Ukraine, avtokratiia v Rossii," p. 207

V. Retsenzii

Simon Cosgrove: Russian Nationalism and the Politics of Soviet Literature. The Case of "Nash Sovremennik," 1981-91 (Andreas Umland), p. 211

Stefan Wiederkehr: Die Eurasische Bewegung. Wissenschaft und Politik in der russischen Emigration der Zwischenkriegszeit und im postsowjetischen Russland (Leonid Luks), p. 213

Korotko ob avtorakh, p. 219

We have about 10 more papers on Russian anti-Western ideologies, and are planning, at least, one more special "Forum" issue on this topic in July 2010.

Please, note that we are still accepting submissions for our theme series. The deadline for additional papers for these special issues has been extended until 1 June 2010 - although we prefer earlier arrival of texts.

Some technical details for such submissions can be found in this - by now dated - Call for Papers:
http://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/ZIMOS/CallForPapersRu.html or, in English, http://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/ZIMOS/CallForPapers.html

The "Forum" is published by the Eichstaett Institute for Central and East European Studies in Upper Bavaria, Germany. See http://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/ZIMOS/

Previous issues are available at http://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/ZIMOS/forumruss.html

We shall be delighted to receive submissions for, and possible comments on, our special issues and the journal "Forum."

Thank you!
Leonid Luks, Andreas Umland
The "Forum's" editors
  Program on " Anthropological Approaches to Religion and Secularism" - ReSET

 - Three-year program
 - First year summer session in Tbilisi, Georgia
  Aug. 2-15, 2010
 - Supported by: Open Society Institute, Higher Education Support Program
  under the Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching (ReSET) program

"Anthropological Approaches to Religion and Secularism"

Discipline:     Anthropology
Project Period: July 2010 - June 2013
Target Region:  Former Soviet Countries and Mongolia (Armenia,
               Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
               Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia,
               Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan);
               those from outside the named countries may be able to
               participate on certain terms (see below)
Host:           Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Dept. of
               Ethnology, in cooperation with the Program on Central
               Asia and the Caucasus at Harvard Univ., Cambridge, USA)
Working Lang.:  English (required)
Co-Directors:   Ketevan Khutsushvili (Tbilisi State University),
               Maria Louw (Aarhus University),
               John Schoeberlein (Harvard University)
Contact:        Ketevan Khutsishvili (Co-Director) <anth.rel.sec@gmail.com>
Appl. Deadline: March 26, 2010
Application at: http://centasia.fas.harvard.edu/ReSET_Religion_Secularism.html

Religion is emerging with new importance everywhere and quite
evidently throughout the former-Communist countries. Secularism's
changing role is less apparent, because it is the norm inherited from
the Soviet era, but it too presents new challenges for study.  Both
religion and secularism were topics that were marginally developed in
scholarship under Communism -- religion, because of official
antagonism to it, and secularism, because it was treated as a
naturalized, unquestionable norm. Today, official attitudes in the
region towards religion have become more diverse, though examination
of religion in the social sciences and humanities has developed
slowly.  In education and scholarship, secularism remains for many --
especially those who set agendas for public educational institutions
-- an unquestionable norm and not an object of analysis.

We are starting a new project on religion and secularism, and we are
looking for people who have a deep interest the study of questions of
religion and/or secularism to join the project.  The aim is to help
develop scholarship -- research, debate, teaching -- with new tools
for understanding these topics.  Our main focus will be on
anthropological approaches, but we are keen to involve those coming
from a variety of disciplines, who would like to draw on what
anthropology has to offer in this study.

In this project, we will explore approaches to religion and secularism
together with some of the most prominent anthropologists currently
contributing to this field internationally (see the resource faculty
below).  We will consider in particular how approaches that have been
developed in anthropology worldwide can be applied in the context of
teaching and research in the former-Soviet space.  Anthropology is
typified by its integrated approach, treating religion (and other
aspects of the socio-cultural realm) in its local contexts,
sympathetically, as part of human experience, and analytically, as
part of larger social processes.  Religion and secularism have not
been well-analyzed in the post-Soviet context in particular, and
anthropological approaches can also contribute to broader societal
discussions which are needed to analyze critically important processes
which are taking place.

Georgia, where the main summer sessions of the project will take
place, itself offers not only a picturesque and culturally-rich venue
for our activities, but is a place where the social and political
importance of the issues that we'll be exploring are everywhere

ReSET on "Anthropological Approaches to Religion and Secularism"

This Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching (ReSET), like others,
involves a group of about 25 younger faculty from the region -- in
this case, the former Soviet Union and Mongolia -- and a group of
resource faculty who work together over three years: We will meet for
two weeks each summer, and for several days in another meeting each
year, probably in the spring, and interact in other ways through the
rest of the three-year period.  The goal is to pursue activities which
will strengthen university-level teaching of our subject matter.
Important components of this ReSET include building an understanding
of how anthropological approaches are pursued in research, and how
research can be integrated with the undergraduate teaching process.
For more information on the ReSET program, see

The seminar will explore current theoretical approaches employed by
anthropologists in the study of religion and secularism, research and
teaching methods, and related matters such as the challenges and
ethical issues entailed in efforts to approach and to understand
another religious world.

This ReSET is organized by Co-Directors Ketevan Khutsushvili (Tbilisi
State University), Maria Louw (University of Aarhus), and John
Schoeberlein (Harvard University).  The institutional host is Tbilisi
State University's Dept. of Ethnology, in cooperation with the Program
on Central Asia and the Caucasus at Harvard University. The Core
Resource Faculty include Mathijs Pelkmans (London School of Economics)
in addition to the three Co-Directors.

Project Activities

During summer sessions, there will be a variety of activities,
including seminars and workshops on anthropological theories, field
methods, ethics, teaching strategies, grant seeking, academic writing
and publishing, and much more. The program will include organized
sessions of varied character (seminars, discussions, practicums,
etc.), as well time for socializing with the group and experiencing
Georgia and other sites in the region where our spring meetings will
be held.

Both during the summer session, and in the remainder of the year
following the summer session, participants will be expected to carry
out a number of projects of varying dimensions, including projects in
research, teaching, and curriculum development.  Those involved in the
ReSET -- both faculty and participants -- will provide intensive
inputs and feedback on the projects, and the outcomes will be aimed at
practical implementation.  For example, we expect the research
projects to yield contributions to your field and publications; the
pedagogical projects will yield plans that can be implemented as new
courses and curricula.

More information about the program may be obtained by contacting the

Resource Faculty

Nino Abakelia, Dept. of Anthropology, Chavchavadze University (Tbilisi,
Tone Bringa, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Bergen (Bergen,
Marine Chitashvili, Center for Social Studies, Tbilisi State University
  (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Michael Herzfeld, Dept. of Anthropology, Harvard University
  (Cambridge, USA)
Ketevan Khutsishvili, Dept. of Ethnology, Tbilisi State University
  (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Zhanna Kormina, Dept. of Sociology, Higher School of Economics (St.
  Petersburg, Russia)
Michael Lambek, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Toronto-
  Scarborough (Toronto, Canada)
Maria Louw, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Aarhus (Aarhus,
Saba Mahmood, Dept. of Anthropology, University of California
  (Berkeley, USA)
David Montgomery, Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh,
Robert Orsi, Dept. of Religious Studies, Northwestern University
  (Chicago, USA)
Mathijs Pelkmans, Dept. of Anthropology, London School of Economics
  (London, UK)
Guzel Sabirova, Region Research Center, Ulyanovsk State University
  (Ulyanovsk, Russia)
John Schoeberlein, Dept. of Anthropology and Program on Central Asia
  and the Caucasus, Harvard University (Cambridge, USA)

We expect to invite some additional faculty to contribute to
particular sessions in the course of the three years.


 * Applicants must be pursuing a career to teach at the undergraduate
  university level.  Most participants will be those who currently teach
  courses for students pursuing "diplom" or "bakalavr" (i.e., post-
  secondary, or BA equivalent) at institutions of higher education in
  the region.  Some participants may be those with advanced training in
  their field who anticipate teaching undergraduate courses within two
 * Target participants are drawn from the former Soviet Union and
  Mongolia.  (Those from outside of this region who are interested in
  participating may be able to; see note below under "Provisions for
 * No prior training in anthropology is required.  However, prior
  background in the subject matter -- independent reading, participation
  in seminars, advanced training, etc. -- will be considered a sign that
  the applicant is more committed to the goals of the ReSET and will
  have more to bring to it.  Those with advanced degrees in sociocultural
  anthropology are encouraged to apply, as the program will be geared
  toward the needs of those who are deeply involved in the subject-matter
  but who may have both greater and lesser knowledge of anthropological
 * Applicants may be those whose major focus is anthropology itself.
  Equally, they may be those who expect to use anthropological methods,
  theories and approaches in their scholarship and teaching in another
  related field (comparative religious studies, sociology, history,
  cultural studies, political science, etc.).
 * A strong knowledge of both spoken and written English is a very
  important requirement for participants.  The ReSET will be conducted
  in English, and will involve participants who have no other common
  language.  In order to develop an in-depth understanding of
  anthropological approaches, to read the essential literature, and to
  contribute to international scholarly discourse and publication,
  English is vital.
 * For those who may already be involved in (or considering applying
  to) another ReSET project, please note that the ReSET program does
  not allow ReSET funding to go toward any individual in more than one
  ReSET project in a given year.  (Participation in a second ReSET is
  allowed only if funding to cover that individual is obtained from
  another source.)
 * All participants are expected to participate in all three years of
  the project, and all applicants must be able to commit to this.
 * There are no age limitations, but applicants who have some maturity
  as teachers and scholars, as well as showing the flexibility to take
  on new approaches typical of younger scholars, are expected to be
  better able to benefit from and contribute to the project.

Provisions for Participants

Costs related to the ReSET project, including travel expenses,
accommodation, meals and reading materials will be covered by the
ReSET by means of a grant from the Open Society Institute's Higher
Education Support Program.

With the OSI grant, we are able to support full costs of participation
only in the case of participants from the target region.  However,
participation may be possible for a small number of "non-regional"
participants with support from other sources (especially if you can
find your own support for transportation to the contact sessions).
Those interested should enquire with Dr. Khutsishvili.

Application Process

Deadline: March 26, 2010 at 17:00 Tbilisi time (i.e., GMT +4:00).
Applications received after the deadline cannot be assured

All applications and accompanying documents must be sent in electronic
format.  The application itself is a MS Word file that we will send
you upon request (write to: anth.rel.sec(at)gmail.com), or you can
download it from the following webpage:
Supplementary materials (listed on the application form) should be in
MS Word format, or scanned and sent as JPEG (*.jpg) or Acrobat (*.pdf)

The electronic application form and supporting documents should be sent
via email to both addresses: anth.rel.sec(at)gmail.com (Ketevan
Khutsishvili) and schoeber(at)fas.harvard.edu (John Schoeberlein's
address is provided as a backup in case of communications failures;
most correspondence will be with Dr. Khutsishvili
her assistants during this period).

Important Note: Once the first-round selection is completed, the
organizers will contact all of the top candidates by telephone to
make an assessment of their English ability.  In a brief interview,
candidates will be asked to discuss questions related to their
scholarly interests.  For this purpose, it is essential that
applicants make sure they can be reached by telephone.  We will
contact you by email to schedule the phone interview, so please
make sure that, during the period April 2-23, you are checking the
email address(es) you provide, so that we can communicate about
scheduling the interview.  If we are unable to reach you, this will
make it impossible to consider your application fully.

We expect that the selection process will be completed by about May 1,
and the applicants will be notified of the results shortly thereafter.
We will immediately begin the process to make travel arrangements
and inform you of preparations required in advance of the seminar
(readings, presentations, and teaching and research project


With questions about the project, please contact:

Dr. Ketevan Khutsishvili
  email: anth.rel.sec(at)gmail.com
  tel./fax: +995 (32) 23 26 93
Backup contact: John Schoeberlein <schoeber(at)fas.harvard.edu>
в жж old_rus появилась ссылка на скачивание:
Лосева О. В. Русские месяцесловы XI–XIV вв. М., 2001 http://narod.ru/disk/17734402000/Loseva_Mesjaceslov.djvu.html
  сайт библиотеки Свято-Успенской Киево-Печерской лавры. Адрес сайта — www.biblioteka.lavra.ua.
на сайте можно скачать эти периодические издания:

Руководство для сельских пастырей

Журнал (еженедельник), издававшийся во второй половине XIX в. при Киевской Духовной Академии
Руководство для сельских пастырей за 1870 г.
Журнал (еженедельник), издававшийся во второй половине XIX в. при Киевской Духовной Академии
Руководство для сельских пастырей за 1898 г.
Журнал (еженедельник), издававшийся во второй половине XIX в. при Киевской Духовной Академии

Труды Киевской Духовной Академии    
ТКДА 1862 г., ноябрь
ТКДА 1862 г., декабрь

В избранное