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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия 340

КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ**СОБЫТИЯ** ПУБЛИКАЦИИ http://www.drevnerus.narod.ru
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При перепечатке ссылка на рассылку Центра изучения православия и древнерусской культуры обязательна
Редактор бюллетеня Т.В. Чумакова
Теперь читайте и в блоге http://drevnerus.blogspot.com
В блоге архив с 2007 года и информация о том, по каким адресам Вы можете подписаться на наш бюллетень
15 декабря 2009 г.

ЦЕУ – Центр развития образовательных программ.
ЦЕУ – Исторический факультет
Сессия инновационного университетского преподавания
Спорные проблемы истории Восточной Европы.
Средние века – XX век.

8-14 февраля 2010 года
(срок подачи заявок

Центр развития образовательных программ и Исторический факультет ЦЕУ (при участии Центра изучения России, Кавказа и Центральной Азии Высшей школы исследований в общественных науках, Париж) предлагает университетским преподавателям, работающим в области истории Восточной Европы и бывшего СССР,  принять участие в сессии по развитию инновационного университетского преподавания. Запланированная сессия ставит задачей помочь университетским преподавателям развить инновационные и научно релевантные курсы, которые используют внеидеологические сравнительные и, по возможности, междисциплинарные подходы, соединяющие опыт исторических, социологических и антропологических исследований. Курсы должны касаться одной из четырёх тем:

Византийско-православные традиции в истории Восточной Европы

Национальное самосознание и национализм в XVIII - XX вв.

Интеллигенция и революционные движения в Восточной Европе, 1800 -1917 гг.

Культурные преобразования и наука в годы коммунистических режимов Восточной Европы

NB: кандидаты должны прислать заявку, отражающую их пожелания, мотивацию и сведения об их исследовательских и преподавательских интересах.

Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) / Central European University
Nádor utca 9, H -1051 Budapest, Hungary;
Tel: ++ (36 - 1) 327 3189 or 327 3000;
Fax: ++ (36 -1) 327 3190
E-mail: crc@ceu.hu;
www address: www.ceu.hu/crc

Curriculum Resource Center Application Form

(This application form is free and may be photocopied)

Directions for applying to CRC Sessions:

Complete this CRC application form.

Attach the draft syllabus of the course you wish to prepare or revise.

Attach a copy of your curriculum vitae.

Attach one letter of support from the institution for which you are preparing your course which can attest to both your professional experience and to the need for this course to be taught along with an indication to when this course will start.

For Course Innovation sessions attach additional documents, IF it is specified in the call for applications.

Make sure your passport is valid for another 6 months from the date of the session and your institution agrees with your participation in the session.

Send your application to the CRC either by regular mail or e-mail, use fax only in emergency.

Incomplete applications will not be considered!

Please see last page for further guidelines, instructions and contact information!

CRC Session you are applying for: _________________________ _______________

(Subject area) (Dates)


(Title of the session)

Contact Information

(Please Print)

First Name:

As in your passport

Last Name:

As in your passport

Sex: □ Female □ Male

Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:

City, Country


E-mail Address:


FAX nr (where the invitation letter can be sent) :

IMPORTANT! If you have no e-mail address, please provide Spouse’s, Friend’s!

Home Address:

Street / number:


Post code:







University web page:

University e-mail:

University Address:

Street / number:


Post code:




Academic Background and Interests

Describe your current position(s) and responsibilities at the university/institution(s) where you are employed?

Titles of Courses Taught Over the Last Two Years:

What other countries have you visited for academic/professional purposes?




Have you ever participated in any other Soros sponsored CEU academic program? If yes, please indicate which program and in which year (previous CRC, Summer University, CEU MA or PhD program, RSS research grant, HESP program, etc.) (Applicants are not eligible to apply to a CRC session if they are currently receiving funding from a CEU faculty oriented program, or finished receiving it within a year time (except for SUN) or attended another CRC session in the same calendar or academic year. Applicants should justify their intention to apply in an attachment if they have already participated in two fully funded CEU faculty oriented program in the past 4 years.


Title of Course:



How did you learn about the CRC?

Newspaper advertisement

Soros Foundation

CRC web site

Former CRC participant

Home university



(This section is optional)

Please list books that would help you in developing your course/courses that you would possibly like to obtain at CEU. Please provide full title and author.

Please note that books not currently available in the CEU bookshop need to be ordered. Books by European publishers are easier to obtain.

1. Author:


ISBN: Year:


2. Author:


ISBN: Year:


ISBN: Year:

3. Author:


ISBN: Year:


4. Author:


ISBN: Year:


ISBN: Year:

Course Development Plan:

What course would you like to revise or develop while at CEU?

Course Outline:

Please provide the outline of the course you intend to develop/update (300 words minimum). Please attach additional page with draft syllabus.

Questions on Your Needs for the CRC Session:

(The CRC is continually looking for ways to improve the quality of its curriculum development sessions. We would greatly appreciate if you could assist us by responding to the below questions, we however cannot guarantee that these suggestions will be incorporated into your particular CRC session.)

What type of meetings would be most beneficial to you in developing your course (i.e., one-on-one meetings with CEU faculty, panel discussions, meetings with other CRC participants, etc.)?

Other ideas of how the CRC session would best assist you in your curriculum development needs?

If this is your second application to a CEU sponsored program, please provide rationale for your need to return to the CEU.

Language Skills:

A strong command of English language is essential for CRC visitors. Please fill in the self-evaluation form concerning your language abilities. Participants whose English is not at the same level as indicated on this form will not be eligible to participate in future CEU faculty initiative activities (i.e., CRC, Summer University, Senior and Junior Faculty Fellowships, etc.) If you are uncertain about the level of your English language ability, please contact your local Soros Foundation or the CRC Office.

I. Summary of English Language Studies:

1. Number of years you have studied English:

2. Where did you study English (primary, secondary school, etc.):

3. Please indicate the type and score of English language training/proficiency certificate(s) that you have received and attach a photocopy of it:

  • international exam (e.g. TOEFL, Cambridge English Proficiency, etc.):________________

  • national exam in your country.):______________________________________________

II. Language Evaluation Form:

Please evaluate your own language skills. Put a tick in the box which you feel best describes your language skills.


Beginning (I can read simple, everyday text)

Intermediate (I can read specialized literature in my field.)

Advanced ( I can read non-academic and academic prose

without difficulty)


Beginning (I can understand slow, articulate speech)

Intermediate (I can follow natural speed conversation)

Advanced (I can understand seminar discussions and follow



Beginning (I can communicate at a survival level)

Intermediate (I can communicate fairly comfortably in everyday


Advanced (I can interact with ease in a wide range of situations,

both academic and non-academic)


Beginning (I can write personal and business letters)

Intermediate (I can write essays and compositions on

non- academic subjects)

Advanced (I can write research papers)

Signature of Applicant

By signing above you verify that you have responded honestly to all the above questions


For the purpose of the evaluation and selection process it is essential that all questions in the application form are answered. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE CONSIDERED FOR SELECTION.


  • University teachers in the Social Sciences and Humanities from Eastern Europe (non-EU countries) and the former Soviet Union who are developing or revising a university course may apply to participate in a CRC curriculum development session.

  • All applicants should propose a specific course they would like to improve or develop while at CEU.

  • Preference will be given to applicants whose course development plan can clearly benefit from the resources available at CEU.

  • Applicants must have sufficient English language competence to make adequate use of library materials and to participate in group discussions.

  • Applicants are not eligible to apply to a CRC session if they attended either a CRC or SUN program in the same calendar or academic year (i.e., they must wait one year after their participation in one of the above programs before applying to the CRC). Additionally, applicants are not eligible to apply to the CRC if they have participated in two CEU regional faculty programs (i.e., CRC, SUN) within a four year period.

  • Previous CRC participants must give rationale for their need to re-visit the CEU.

  • Citizens of EU-member countries from East-Central Europe are welcome to apply and participate if they (or their institution) covers their travel and living costs in Budapest. THERE IS NO PARTICIPATION FEE!

CRC Guidelines:

  • Visitors must submit to the CRC a copy of their new or revised course syllabus approximately two months after their visit to the CEU as well as a book confirmation (see below regarding book allowance) from their home university, or they will no longer be considered for future participation in CEU faculty initiative activities (i.e., CRC, Summer University, Junior and Senior Fellowships, etc.)

  • Participants should attend all scheduled CRC meetings and discussions.

CRC will cover all costs for:

  • Travel related expenses including airfare, airport transportation and visa fees.

Note: All reimbursement requests must be accompanied by valid receipts.

  • Hotel, transport and living expense allowance while in Budapest.

  • Book purchase allowance to buy books for the home university.

  • Note: We will require written confirmation from the home university’s library that books purchased through CRC are in the library – please see above in guidelines.

Application Submission Procedure:

  • Applications are free and may be photocopied. Application forms are also available on our Internet site (http://www.ceu.hu/crc/) or can be obtained from the CRC office via e-mail.

  • Application forms may be submitted either directly to CRC or via your local Open Society Institute/ Soros Foundation office. Applications should be submitted preferably via Internet, e-mail, or post. Fax should be used only in emergency cases.


Mailing address:

Central European University – CRC office

H -1051 Budapest,

Nador utca 9




Curriculum Resource Center (CRC)

Budapest, 1051

Zrinyi str. 14, room: 308 -309


Tel: + (36 1) 327 3189

Fax:+ (36 1) 327 3190

E-mail: crc@ceu.hu

WWW address: http://www.ceu.hu/crc/

Non-Discrimination Policy

Central European University does not discriminate on the basis of – including, but not limited to – race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, gender or sexual orientation in administering its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.



The CEU Summer University announces the course



In co-operation with the Center for Jewish Studies, The Gerst Program for Political, Economic, and Humanistic Studies, Center

for International Studies at Duke University (USA)

Supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York

Course Directors:

Michael L. Miller, Central European University, Nationalisms Studies Program/Jewish Studies, Budapest, Hungary

Matthias Riedl, Central European University, Department of History, Budapest, Hungary


Ida Frohlich, Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Hebrew Studies, Budapest, Hungary

Michael A. Gillespie, Duke University, Department of Political Science, Durham, US

Malachi Hacohen, Duke University, Department of History, Durham, US

Moshe Idel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, Israel

Vlad Naumescu, Central European University, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Hungary


This course will explore the ancient messianic idea, its spatial expansion, and its ideational development up to

the present. The topic will be approached from a wide variety of disciplines (Political Science, History,

Philosophy, Anthropology), sharing a common focus on the messiah as a central and enduring symbol of

Jewish and Christian societies and their interconnected eschatological expectations.

The main aim and objective of this course is to provide a solid knowledge of the role of messianism in

shaping Jewish and Christian traditions in order to

- relate this knowledge to phenomena in modern society and thought,

- create the ability to evaluate the ongoing relevance of the messianic traditions in modern thought

and politics, and

- identify the religious dimensions in seemingly secular ideologies and movements.

This summer school is divided into two one-week sections. The first week covers the ancient oriental origins

of the messianic idea and its articulation in Judaism and Christianity up to the Late Middle Ages. The second

week focuses on the messianic symbolisms in modern Christians and Jewish societies but also in the political

visions of liberalism and socialism, in Romantic literature, as well as in idealist and existential philosophy.

Applications are invited from junior faculty and advanced graduate students.

Central European University's summer school (CEU SUN), established in 1996, is a program in English for graduate

students, junior or post-doctoral researchers, teachers and professionals. It offers high-level, research-oriented, interdisciplinary

academic courses as well as workshops on policy issues for professional development, taught by internationally renowned scholars

and policy experts (including CEU faculty). Application from all over the world is encouraged. Financial aid is available.

Application deadline: February 15, 2010

For further academic information on the course and on eligibility criteria and funding options please visit the web site at


Non-discrimination policy statement Central European University does not discriminate on the basis of – including, but not limited to – race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, gender or

sexual orientation in administering its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered


CEU Summer University .. P.O. Box: Budapest 5, P.f.: 1082, H-1245,

..(36 1) 327 3811, Fax: (36-1) 327-3124

E-mail: summeru@ceu.hu

Skype: ceu-sun

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