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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия 335

КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ**СОБЫТИЯ** ПУБЛИКАЦИИ http://www.drevnerus.narod.ru
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При перепечатке ссылка на рассылку Центра изучения православия и древнерусской культуры обязательна
Редактор бюллетеня Т.В. Чумакова
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В блоге архив с 2007 года и информация о том, по каким адресам Вы можете подписаться на наш бюллетень
14 ноября 2009 г.

Санкт-Петербургский  Государственный  Университет

Философский факультет

Кафедра философии религии  и религиоведения

Центр изучения православия  и древнерусской  культуры

Сектор  методологии междисциплинарных  исследований человека ИФ РАН

Санкт-Петербургское  отделение (при СПбГУ)  Российского общества интеллектуальной истории 

аннотации докладов Вы сможете найти на сайте конференции http://sites.google.com/site/meropriatiacentra/
там же размещены программы еще двух мероприятий нашей кафедры, бкоторые пройдут 19-21 ноября



20 ноября 151 аудитория (3 этаж)  Философского факультета  СПбГУ  (Менделеевская линия, дом 5)

10-10-20 регистрация.

10-20 - 10-30 — Приветственное слово

Первое заседание. Ведущие Т.В. Чумакова, Н.Ю.Бубнов

10-30 — 10-45 Кенанов Димитар (Болгария) профессор Великотырновского университета. Митрополит Григорий Цамблак. Уния и Констанцский собор.

10-45 — 11-00 Голикова Светлана Викторовна (Екатеринбург)«Своя дорога к богу: личный религиозный опыт и конфессиональные практики жителей Урала XIX - начала XX вв.»

11-00 — 11-15 Терюкова Екатерина Александровна (Санкт-Петербург) «Описание подробной жизни и всех приключений сектанта адвентиста седьмого для субботы и её празднования Я.А. Беликова (по материалам из научно-исторического архива ГМИР)»

11-15 — 11-30 Хижая Татьяна Игоревна (Владимир) «Образ Христа и отношение к Новому Завету в представлениях русских иудействующих (XVIII – начало XX вв.).  »

11-30 — 11-45 Берман Андрей Геннадьевич (Чебоксары) «Саббатианство и руская хлыстовщина. К вопросу о типологии русского и еврейского апокалипсического мессианизма».

11-45 — 12-00 Хижий Максим Леонидович, (Владимир) Владимирский государственный университет, кандидат философских наук. «Образ "Святой Руси" и церковные преобразования в начале ХХ века»

12-00 — 12-30 дискуссия

Ведущие О.В. Чумичева, Т.И. Хижая

12-30 — 12-45 Мильков Владимир Владимирович (Москва), , Милькова Светлана Валентиновна (Москва) «Влияние идей античной философии на антропологические сюжеты древнерусской письменности»

12-45 — 13-00 Шахнович Марианна Михайловна (Санкт-Петербург,) д.ф.н., проф., зав. кафедрой философии религии и религиоведения СПбГУ «Древнерусские азбуковники об античной философии».

13-00 — 13-15 Бубнов Николай Юрьевич (Санкт-Петербург) . «Житие Андрея Юродивого в старообрядческой изобразительной традиции».

13-15 — 13-30 Денисова Елена Владиславовна (Санкт-Петербург), «Кийский крест: к истории почитания общерусских святынь»

13-30 — 13-45 Баженова Ольга Дмитриевна (Минск, Белоруссия), Белорусский государственный университет, Государственный институт управления и социальных технологий, доцент, кандидат искусствоведения «Визуализация веры. Симеон Полоцкий и белорусская иконопись 17 века".

13-45 — 14-00 Шустова Юлия Эдуардовна (Москва) «Символика орудий Страстей Христовых в православной книжности второй половины XVII в.»

14-00 - 14-30 дискуссия

14-30 - 15-30 обед

второе заседание

Ведущие М.С. Киселева, О.Д. Баженова

15-30 — 15 -45 Грицевская Ирина Михайловна (Нижний Новгород) «Индексы ложных книг в древнерусской книжности XIV-XVII вв.»

15-45 — 16-00 Добровольский Дмитрий Анатольевич (Москва). «Библейские выдержки в Повести временных лет: оценка точности цитирования»

16-00 — 16-15 Цыбульский Сергей Леонидович (Москва) «Апокрифические сказания о Псалтири в Древней Руси: постановка проблемы»

16-15 — 16-30 Гайденко Павел Иванович (Казань) «Антицерковные выступления» 1071 г.: языческие волнения или рост церковного сознания? 

16-30 — 16 -45 Чумичева Ольга Валерьевна (Санкт-Петербург) «Мистерия власти Ричард II и Иван IV (Король - Шут - Бог)»

16-45 — 17-00 Дергачёва Ирина Владимировна (Москва) «Преставления о посмертной судьбе в средневековой Руси»

17-00 — 17-15 Сукина Людмила Борисовна «Культурная норма "человека верующего" в русской книжности XVI в.»

17-15 — 17-30 Киселева Марина Сергеевна (Москва) «Имперские темы в барочной проповеди Стефана Яворского».

17-30 — 18-00 дискуссия

третье заседание. Ведущие: Т.И. Лузина, Т.В. Чумакова

18-00 — 18-15 Жукова Ольга Анатольевна  Образы  святости и традиция благочестия в  духовном опыте русской  культурыН

18-15 — 18-30 Апакидзе Тамар Гудзаевна (Санкт-Петербург)Жертвоприношение Иоасафа: Трансформация концепта ненасилия в Повести о Варлааме и Иоасафе как следствие перехода ее из манихейской в восточнохристианскую традицию.

18-30 — 18 -45 Лузина Татьяна Ивановна (Санкт-Петербург) доцент. кафедры философии религии и религиоведения СпбГУ. «В.П. Свенцицкий: путь исканий»

18-45 — 19 -15 дискуссия, подведение итогов первого дня конференции

21 ноября 144 аудитория

первое заседание. Ведущие Т.В. Чумакова, С.М. Панич.

10-00 - 10- 15 Севастьянова Светлана Климентьевна (Рубцовск), «Тема греха и покаяния в окружном послании патриарха Никона о моровой язве».

10-15 — 10-30 Орлова Ольга Олеговна (Москва) РГГУ «Религиозная составляющая образа врага (по старообрядческим повествованиям о патриархе Никоне»

10-30-10-45 Опарина Татьяна Анатольевна (Москва) Поиски философского камня в России царствования Михаила Федоровича

10-45 — 11-00 Колпакова Юлия Вячеславовна (Псков)"Динамика состава христианских образов на предметах личного благочестия кон. X-XVIII вв. (на материале Пскова и Псковской земли)"

11-15 — 11-30

11-30 — 11- 45 Суториус Константин Владимирович (Санкт-Петербург) к.и.н. «Феофан Прокопович и традиции богословия в Киевском коллегиуме/академии»

11- 45 — 12 -00 Чумакова Татьяна Витаутасовна (Санкт-Петербург) проф. Кафедры философии религии и религиоведения СпбГУ. «Трактат Феофана Прокоповича об атеизме»

12-00 — 12 — 30 Щербакова Марина Ивановна (Москва). У истоков  формирования Н.Н. Страхова как философа и литературного  критика 

12-30 — 12-45 игумен Вениамин (Новик) (С-Петербург) Опыт христианского гуманизма Л.Н.Толстого

12-45 — 13-00 Панич Светлана Михайловна (Москва) «"Человек верующий versus человек религиозный": о содержании одной из антиномий богословского мышления прот. Александра Шмемана"»

13-00 — 13-30 дискуссия

13-30 — 14-30 — обед

второе заседание Ведущие М.И.Щербакова, А.В. Радецкая

14-30 — 14-45 Кучурин Владимир Владимирович (Санкт-Петербург) «Особенности религиозной жизни и религиозности российских масонов-розенкрейцеров на рубеже XVIII-XIX вв.»

14-45 — 15-00 Недашковская Надежда Игоревна (Казань) «Румянцевский  кружок: к истории источниковедческих идей российского богословия первой четверти XIX в.» .

1500- 15-30 Бренькова Александра Сергеевна (С-Петербург) Н.Ф. Федоров как христианский мыслитель

15-30— 15-45 Петрова Любовь Алексеевна (С.-Петербург) «Тема духовной радости в православном вероучении»

15-45— 16-00 Радецкая Анна Вадимовна (Санкт-Петербург)«Русская Православная церковь. Экуменическому движению да или нет?»

16-00 — 16-15 Векшина Наталья Михайловна (Санкт-Петербург) «О Православии в современной Японии»

16-15— 16-30 Белякова Надежда Алексеевна (Москва) «Религиозность населения и религиозные практики в "позднем" СССР" (по материалам Совета по делам религий при Совмине СССР"

16-00 — 16-15 Корзо Маргарита Анатольевна (Москва), кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник. Института философии РАН «Освоение католической традиции московскими книжниками 17 века : случай Симеона Полоцкого».

16-15 — 16-30 Воробьева Наталия Владимировна (Омск) «Концептуальная картина мира патриарха Никона»

дискуссия. Закрытие конференции


  The Curriculum Resource Office of the Central European University
announces one-week long course revision and teaching methodology
sessions for 2010 Spring semester, organized in cooperation with the
Departments and Programs of the Central European University.

Target group: university faculty

Discipline areas: Gender Studies, Environmental Studies, History,
Jewish Studies, Medieval Studies, Political Science, Public Policy,
Sociology and social Anthropology. CRC also
offers opportunity for departments to revise
their curricula or organize new programs (MA, PHD), see details below.

In the Spring 2010 semester CRC is offering the following sessions:

1. Open House Sessions in broad discipline areas

The Open House sessions are organized in broad discipline areas covered
by one or more CEU departments. These sessions are intended to introduce
participants to CEU's approach to a relevant discipline and new
techniques for designing courses in that field. To this end the sessions
will provide participants access to the facilities and resources of the
CEU and the appropriate department, as well as general training
workshops on course design and teaching methodology. Participants are
invited to use the CEU library, visit relevant classes and meet faculty.

Public Policy: March 22- 28, 2010 - (deadline for
applications: 5th February, 2010)

2. Course Innovation Sessions

These sessions intend to explore the cutting edge developments in a
particular discipline. The sessions are meant primarily for senior
faculty with significant teaching and research experience or for
outstanding, research-oriented junior faculty. By discussing recent
developments and exploring contemporary debates with CEU's host
departments and faculty, participants are expected to revise or update
their courses or offer new courses in their particular area of interest.
Additional training on course development is also offered by the CRC.
These sessions are organized with a strong involvement of CEU
departments and often will be combined with a workshop or a conference
on the topic of the session.

Debatable Problems of Eastern European History from the Middle Ages to
the 20th Century

February 8-14, 2010
(deadline for applications: 15th December, 2009)

The Curriculum Resource Centre and CEU History department (in
cooperation with Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris)
offers academic training for university teachers working in the field of
the history of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The CRC
session aims to assist university teachers to revise and develop
innovative, academically relevant courses that are non-ideological,
comparative and preferably multidisciplinary, combining tools of
historical, sociological and anthropological studies. Courses should
deal with one of the following four major controversial topics:

 * Byzantine-Orthodox traditions as cultural patterns in the history of
Eastern Europe;
 * National identities and nationalisms in 18th- 20th centuries;
 * Intelligentsia and revolutionary movements in Eastern Europe in 1800-1917;
 * Cultural reconstruction and sciences under the communist rule in
Eastern Europe.

The CRC session will foster a consistently critical approach to the
present day theories and representations of the above mentioned topics.

NOTE: Applicants are expected to send statements of interest and data
concerning their field of research and teaching interests.

Medieval Studies
The Variety of Jewish-Christian Contacts in the Middle Ages

February 22 - 28, 2010
(deadline for applications: 10th January, 2010)

Christians and Jews populated medieval Europe from the English Channel
and the Atlantic Ocean to the Baltic Sea and from the North Sea to the
Mediterranean. Within these broad geographical limits groups and
individuals set up an intricate network system of commerce, trade,
finance as well as the exchange of professional knowledge from
philosophical concepts to domestic medical know-how. Recent scholarship
has shown that the denominational divide, although ever present and at
times even violently so, did not stop people from forming ties and
expanding in more intricate ways and forms than previously thought. At
times these networks functioned with what seems to be a disregard to the
denominational and religious difference. This is by no means a simple
and self evident statement. The theological background regarding
"other" faiths within each respective religion, strong social,
religious and authoritative circles critiquing such contacts if not
discouraging them altogether created a formidable opposition for these
contacts and networks.

The CRC session intends to establish awareness and understanding of the
variety of contacts, connections and links of Christians and Jews in the
past that always existed beside the violent divide.
NOTE: Applicants are invited to submit a one-page essay about their
understanding of Jewish-Christian relations in the past and/or in
present times.

Jewish Studies and Gender Studies
Testimonies and Teaching: New Sources and Methodologies for Jewish

February 22 - 28, 2010
(deadline for applications: 10th January, 2010)

This CRC workshop will be structured around the extensive Visual
History Archive of the USC
Shoah Foundation, which contains interviews with 52,000 people:

The CEU Library has recently been given access to this remarkable
resource, and the CRC workshop will explore ways in which this database
can be useful in designing university courses. Participants will be able
to consult with CEU faculty in Jewish Studies and Gender Studies. During
the session they will also have the opportunity to use the Visual
History Archive. Teachers of history, sociology, anthropology and gender
studies are encouraged to apply.

NOTE: applicants are requested to submit an 800-word statement of
intention on how they are planning to use the archive in their

Gender Studies
Sexuality and Queer Theory

March 1-7, 2010
(deadline for applications: 15th January, 2010)

Recent events throughout the post-socialist/post-Soviet region have
made abundantly clear the salience of sexuality to national and
transnational political debates. This CRC session seeks to develop
focused ways of understanding the role of homophobia in producing and
sustaining conflicting forms of citizenship and national belonging and
the roles/strategies of diverse actors in these processes. We invite
applications from the fields of both Social Sciences and Humanities who
wish to address these issues in their courses.

NOTE: Applicants are requested to attach a one-page essay discussing
how, in their view, homophobia is currently manifested in the politics
and everyday life of their country/region.

Environmental Sciences and Policy
Environmental Options at the Time of Economic Downturn: Crisis or a
Window for Opportunities?

March 8-14, 2010
(deadline for applications: 22nd January, 2010)

The recent, globally experienced economic downturn shook the
foundations of a number of models that had seemed to steadily define the
modes of operations that, among others, influenced the environment
related decisions of states. As it seems, the new situation might give
room for rethinking the old models while searching for solutions. There
are many talks about emerging "Green Economy" and that it might help
getting out of the crisis. This CRC session examines what opportunities
environmental options have among the changed circumstances and how they
can help us to find a way out of the crisis.

NOTE: Applicants are requested to attach a one-page essay discussing
their view on the question.

Political Science
Narrating the Nation: Identities, Scholarship and Power

March 29 - April 4, 2010
(deadline for applications: 5th February, 2010)

National history (re-)writing has occupied a central place in the
process of state- and nation-building in post-communist Eurasia and is
one of the most politically charged aspects in the region. The role of
intellectuals, the relationship between scholars and policy-makers, the
contextualization in and link to (and more often lack thereof) to
analogous processes of national identity (trans)formation in neighboring
states, the teleologies of national identity formation are some of the
aspects that will receive attention in this workshop. In short the
central question driving this CRC session is the following: how does
post-communist scholarship on questions of state and nation defines its
role vis-a-vis officialdom (authorities and narratives)?

We invite proposals to develop courses which aim to critically rethink
the issues above and/or incorporate such questions in the curriculum.
The workshop will provide participants with suggestions about course
formats, reading lists and topics for discussion which they could then
build on when designing or revising their own courses. The workshop is
recommended in particular to faculty with research and teaching
interests in the study of political science, history, sociology,
anthropology. Applicants with a background in linguistics/philology are
asked to explicitly address the relevance of the themes discussed in the
workshop to their current or proposed courses. Applications from
Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia, and Ukraine are especially

NOTE: In preparation for the workshop, applicants are asked to submit
the following: (i) a one-page elaboration of their envisaged
contribution to the workshop; and (ii) a 750-word essay on 'Power, the
Nation, and National Historiography'.

3. Topical Issues in Curriculum Development

These types of sessions are expected to cover topical issues of
particular importance to the development of higher education in the
region, in all areas related to curriculum development. Organized by the
CRC office in co-operation with a wide range of strategic partners,
these sessions address current trends in curriculum development, degree
structures and particular or special interest issues.

In the Spring 2010 semester CRC is offering the following Topical
Issues session

OSA (Open Society Archives at CEU) - Sociology and Social Anthropology

Rethinking Cultural Geography: Critical Concepts, Political Landscapes
and Cultural Identities

April 26 - May 2, 2010
(deadline for applications: 15th March, 2010)

Responding to the growing interest in the sub-disciplines of Human
Geography, the CRC session will provide faculty with an opportunity to
enhance their curricula by examining key concepts of Cultural Geography.
The session is meant to foster a fruitful exchange of theory and method
for research-oriented faculty and will bring together discussants from
around the world and from a range of disciplines, providing new
perspectives related to the topic. Some of the themes of the session
will include a critical examination of universal narratives of cultural
identity, the ontological and discursive significance of national
perimeters, developments in tourism geography, cultural convergence and
the corporate governance of culture, post-colonial readings of
landscape, the a future of undocumented migrants and unanswered
peripheral questions relating to citizenship, and the fear of
fluctuating legal boundaries.

The main objectives of the session are to survey cultural geographical
theory and methodology and its politics and praxis, as well as to
explore topical issues of relevance. Additional aims are to present an
opportunity for faculty to clarify conceptual issues and provide them
with theoretical signposts to guide their own curricula.

In addition to having the chance to carry out research at the CEU
library, faculty will also be invited to attend a conference entitled
Creativity and Culture, that will take place concurrently with the CRC
session, organized jointly by the International Alternative Culture
Center, CEU OSA Archive and the Department of Sociology of the Central
European University.

NOTE: Applicants are asked to contribute a 500 word essay on how
participation in the CRC session will enrich their curricula.

Departmental Curriculum Development Sessions

 - timing: one week agreed for mid-April - June, 2010

Deadline for application is 15th February, 2010

Departments that are in the process of revising their existing
curricula or are designing new programs (BA or MA) are invited to apply
and send a group of their faculty to a new type of CRC session called
Departmental Curriculum Development Session. We can only accept
applications from departments whose discipline area is also present at
the Central European University.

In addition to the regular CRC trainings (in individual course design
and teaching methodology), these new sessions would offer workshops in
curriculum development, revision and harmonization. Participants will
have the opportunity to revise their own individual courses and to
coordinate them from the point of view of content, level, approach,
learning outcomes, as well as to jointly design outcomes-based
departmental learning grids. In defining the exact content of these
sessions we will take into account the specific needs of the applying

Timing of these sessions will be between mid-April and June, exact
timeframe and length of sessions will be agreed upon with selected
departments. For the sake of a smooth and quick arrangement of the
session, departments are requested to propose more than one timeframe.
Interest in a possible session during the 2010 Fall semester can also be
signaled on the joint group application form.


The group members need to be selected by the sending department. They
all should meet the eligibility criteria of CRC, and should fill out an
individual application form. Beside the individual application forms a
joint group application form should be filled out and sent with all the
application materials, possibly in one e-mail/pack, to the CRC (CEU CRC,
1051 Budapest Nador u. 9, crc@ceu.hu).

Following the selection of departments the CRC will contact the group
leader and start negotiations on funding and the arrangement of the

Funding of Departmental Curriculum Development Sessions
CRC covers all the expenses of the group leader (if from the target
region) related to travel and accommodation as well as provides him/her
with all the benefits a CRC participant receives (book allowance,
stipend). The expenses of the rest of the group should be covered
through a matching funds scheme which will be individually discussed
with the groups.

To download application forms for this type of session please visit our

Summary of CRC Spring 2010 sessions:

1. Open House Sessions:

Public Policy: March 22 - 28, 2010 - (deadline for applications: 5th
February, 2010)

2. Course Innovation Sessions

Debatable Problems of Eastern European History from the Middle Ages to
the 20th Century February 8 -14, 2010 - (deadline for applications: 15th
December, 2009)

Medieval Studies:
The Variety of Jewish-Christian Contacts in the Middle Ages
February 22-28, 2010 - (deadline for applications: 10th January, 2010)

Jewish Studies and Gender Studies:
Testimonies and Teaching: New Sources and Methodologies for Jewish
February 22-28, 2010 - (deadline for applications: 10th January, 2010)

Gender Studies:
Sexuality and Queer Theory
March 1-7, 2010 - (deadline for applications: 15th January, 2010)

Environmental Sciences and Policy:
Environmental Options at the Time of Economic Downturn: Crisis or a
Window for Opportunities March 8 -14, 2010 - (deadline for applications:
22nd January, 2010)

Political Science:
Narrating the Nation: Identities, Scholarship and Power
March 29 - April 4, 2010 - (deadline for applications: 5th February,

3. Topical Issues in Curriculum Development Sessions
OSA-Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Rethinking Cultural Geography: Critical Concepts, Political Landscapes
and Cultural Identities
April 26 - May 2, 2010 - (deadline for applications: 15th March, 2010)

4. Departmental Curriculum Development Session

one week agreed for mid-April-June, 2010 - (deadline for application:
15th February, 2010)

Note: CRC Fall 2010 sessions are planned to be announced by 1st April,


All CRC Applicants need to teach courses (at least part-time) at
accredited higher education institutions, and have good command of
English, both written and spoken, to actively participate in workshops,
training sessions and roundtables, as well as to use resource materials
available at CEU.


CRC fully funds the participation of those eligible applicants who are
citizens of our target region: former Soviet Union, Mongolia,
South-Eastern Europe. Citizens of EU member states are welcome to attend
our sessions but need to cover their travel to and accommodation in
Budapest from external funding.

Funding for those applicants who have already participated in a fully
funded CEU faculty oriented program is available under the following

 * Within a four year period one is entitled to receive full
funding for two of our programs. However, it is possible to apply for a
third time in four years for a fully funded program, in which case the
applicant needs to attach to the application form a short justification
of his/her intention.

 * As a general rule, within one academic/calendar year one can not
receive funding from two CEU faculty-oriented programs. Participants of
SUN are exempted from this rule.

 * Applicants who wish to re-apply for the same type of CRC session
(Open House, Course Innovation or Topical Issues in Curriculum
Development) should attach to the application form a short justification
of their intention. Priority in the selection of participants will be
given to newcomers.

 * The above restrictions only apply for those who receive full
funding from CEU. Applicants who are able to pay for their participation
(to cover travel and accommodation) or receive external funding are
eligible to apply to all our programs with no restriction.

Curriculum Resource Session application forms, application deadlines,
the session schedule and further information on the center's outreach
activities and resources may be obtained from the CRC office at the
Central European University or through national Soros Foundations.

CRC Contact Address:

Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) / Central European University
Nádor utca 9, H -1051 Budapest, Hungary;
Tel: ++ (36 - 1) 327 3189 or 327 3000;
Fax: ++ (36 -1) 327 3190
E-mail: crc@ceu.hu;
www address: www.ceu.hu/crc

Aniko Kellner
Central European University
Curriculum Resource Center
Budapest, 1051, Nador u. 9
00 36 1 327 3190

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