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    28 сентября 2009 г.


Российская  комиссия по сравнительному изучению истории  церквей,

Франко-российский Центр гуманитарных и общественных наук, 

Центр украинистики и  белорусистики  МГУ 


6 октября 2009 г., вторник, в 17.00  

в библиотеке Франко-российского  центра гуманитарных и общественных наук 

круглый стол: 


Гуманитарное  знание и религиозные  взгляды:  конфликт науки  и аксиологии? 

Действительно ли объективный подход в изучении истории христианства и других конфессий не совместим с религиозными убеждениями?

Как преподавать историю христианства в светских  университетах, вузах, гимназиях и школах?

Существует ли универсальный «рецепт» отделения церкви от государства, религии  -  от университета и школы?

Круглый стол откроется выступлением Д. Авона (университет Мэна, Франция): 

«Религия  и историческая критика  в атмосфере либерализма». 

Материалы круглого стола будут  помещены на сайте  Центра украинистики и белорусистики  МГУ (www.hist.msu.ru/Labs/UkrBel).

Дискуссия будет продолжена post factum на этом же сайте. 

Приглашаются  все заинтересованные. 

Вход  свободный.

Адрес Франко-российского центра гуманитарных и общественных наук в ИНИОНе: Москва, Нахимовский проспект 51/21 (метро «Профсоюзная», первый вагон от центра, в переходе - влево).

Перевод и ответ А. Гау (университет Альберты, Канада) доступны на сайте: www.hist.msu.ru/Labs/UkrBel/disforum.htm. Франц. текст: www.hist.msu.ru/Labs/UkrBel/foi.htm.


  Call for Papers

"(En)countering Globalizations: Religion in the Contemporary World"
2010 AAGS Conference
Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS)
National Chung Cheng University
Chiayi (Taiwan)
13-14 March 2010

After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the end of the ideological
dichotomy of the Cold War years that divided the world for more than
four decades, religion has emerged as a major factor in global
affairs: religion lies at the core of various conflicts with global
reach and religion has entered the global consciousness as a force
that aggressively challenges globalization. At the same time, as
world religions promote universal values religious movements
potentially may play a role in forming new communities at the global
and local levels.

How does globalization affect religious life in local cultures and
how have religions responded to the challenges of globalization? How
do religions evolve under the conditions associated with
globalization? Under which circumstances could religions profit from
the processes of globalization? AAGS invites scholars from all
relevant fields to discuss these and other questions related to the
complex relationship of globalization and religion.

Participants are invited to submit proposals on the themes below:
1. Culture and identity
2. Conflicts and violence
3. Gender relations
4. Immigration and migration
5. Security issues
6. Communication and technology
7. Economy
8. Society and welfare
9. Theory formation
10. Others

Proposals should be between 150 to 200 words and include the paper's
title and the author's name, affiliation, and contact information. A
bio of 100 to 125 words describing the author's background,
accomplishments and research interests should also accompany the
proposal. Both proposals and bios should be written using the
templates provided at:

Applications should then be submitted as email attachments to
conferenceproposals@asia-globalstudies.org>. Documents not using the
templates or following the specified format will not be accepted.
Please note that we can offer no travel support or funding to
participants. Thus, please only submit a proposal if you are certain
you will have your own financial means to attend the conference.

Important deadlines:
Submission of abstract: October 31, 2009
Notification of proposal result: November 14, 2009
Deadline for earlybird registration: December 14, 2009
Deadline for registration: January 14, 2010
Deadline for visa application processing: January 7, 2010
Submission of full paper: January 31, 2010
Deadline for refunds: January 31, 2010
Conference event: March 13-14, 2010


Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS)
2-1-27 Sakurabashi Chiyoda Bldg. 6F
Doujima, Kita-ku
Osaka 573-0003
 CONF./CFP- Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism,
LSE, Apr. 13-15

Posted by: ASEN Conference <

Call for Papers

The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) is
holding its 20th Anniversary Conference entitled "Nation and
Charisma", on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 13 - 15 April 2010 at
the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The conference will include keynote addresses from leading scholars in
the field:

Lord Desai: "Gandhi and Nehru: Reason and Charisma in Narratives of Nationhood"

Prof. MacGregor Knox: "Mussolini and Hitler: Charisma, Regime and Nationalism"

Prof. Erik Zurcher: "The Ataturk Cult in Turkey"

Prof. Lucy Riall: "Mazzini and Garibaldi"

Prof. David Martin: "Theory and Charisma: Examining Max Weber"

Prof. Elleke Boehmer: "Madiba Magic: Mandela's Outlier Charisma"

The conference will offer opportunities for young and established
scholars from various disciplines to examine the relationship between
nationalism and charisma in a series of panel sessions. Please see
Call for Papers attached for more information. Further enquires are
welcome at

Please see the ASEN website
http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/ASEN/ for
more information and to submit your proposal.

Kind Regards,

Margit Wunsch and Dr. Vivian Ibrahim

ASEN 2010 Conference co-Chairs
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
Tel: +44 (0)20 7955 6801
Fax: +44 (0)20 7955 6218

Call For Papers

The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) is
holding its 20th Anniversary Conference entitled "Nation and
Charisma", on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 13 - 15 April 2010 at
the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Must nations have 'founding fathers', and nationalist movements
charismatic leaders? Does nationalism differ in this respect from any
other mass movement? If nationalism is a species of secular religion,
is it also therefore a cult of the hero or heroine? How important is
leadership for the national cause, and what are its effects for good
or ill? These are some of the questions which the ASEN's 20th
Anniversary Conference seeks to address.

The conference will include keynote addresses from leading scholars in
the field, along with opportunities for scholars from various
disciplines to examine the relationship between nationalism and
charisma in a series of panel sessions. Suggested themes include:

 * Charismatic Authority and Oratory
 * Charisma, Cultural Nationalism and the Arts
 * Religious Charisma and Secular Nationalism
 * Iconography and Personality Cults
 * Popular Mobilisation vs. Elite Manipulation
 * Charismatic Leadership from Above and Grass-root Movements from Below
 * Political Transformation of Charisma

The first day will explore the theoretical and historical relationship
between nations, nationalism and the concept of charisma. The second
day will address types of political leadership, ranging from right to
left; religious to secular; democratic to authoritarian. The third day
will explore how far charismatic nationalism is a movement from below
or above, and how it responds to the national vision of historians,
linguists, poets, musicians and other intellectuals. The conference
will adopt an interdisciplinary approach focusing on historical,
theoretical, and contemporary aspects of the theme.

The 2010 Conference Committee is now calling for papers to be
presented at the conference. The application is open to any researcher
who is interested in the study of nationalism, and PhD students and
young scholars are particularly encouraged to apply. The abstracts of
the proposed papers should not exceed 500 words and are expected by
Friday, 6 November 2009.

Suggestions for panels and additional themes are also welcome. The
Committee will notify applicants with its decision in December 2009.

Please see the ASEN website
http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/ASEN/ for
more information and to submit your proposal.

Papers submitted to the conference will be considered for publication
in a special issue of Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN).
Please note that ASEN cannot cover travel and accommodation costs.

Presenters are expected to register for the conference. Further
enquires are welcome at:


The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN),
London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7955 6801 Fax: +44 (0)20 7955 6218
  CONF./CFP- Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), April 15-17, 2010
Posted by: Dominique Arel <
Call For Papers
"Nations and States: On the Map and In the Mind"15th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)

International Affairs Building,
Columbia University, NY
Sponsored by the Harriman Institute
15-17 April 2010

***Proposal deadline: 4 November 2009***

Contact information:
proposals must be submitted to:
darel@uottawa.ca and darelasn2010@gmail.com

120+ PANELS on the Balkans, Central Europe and the Baltics, Russia,
Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey,
Afghanistan, China,
and Nationalism Studies

History, Politics, and Memory
Interpretive and Cognitive Approaches in Ethnography
The Resurgence of Russia: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications

THEMATIC Panels on
Islam and Politics, Genocide and Mass Killing, Ethnic Violence,
Religion, Language Politics, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Autonomy,
Gender and Identity, EU Integration, NATO Expansion, Diaspora and
Transnational Networks, International Law and Tribunals, Political
Economy and the Nation, History and Nation-Building, and many more...

SCREENING of New Documentaries
AWARDS for Best Doctoral Student Papers

SPECIAL EVENTS sponsored by the ASN Journal Nationalities Papers

The ASN Convention, the most attended international and
inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals
on a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic
conflict and national identity in Central Europe, the Balkans, the
former Soviet Union, the Caucasus, the Turkic world, and Central
Eurasia. The Convention also invites proposals devoted to comparative
perspectives on nationalism-related issues in other regions of the
world, as well as theoretical approaches that need not be grounded in
any particular geographic region. Disciplines represented include
political science, history, anthropology, sociology, international
studies, security studies, area studies, economics, geography and
geopolitics, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and related fields

The Convention is inviting paper, panel, roundtable, or special
presentation proposals for three special thematic sidebars:
 * "History, Politics and Memory," on the construction and
  contestation of the memory of historical events in sites, political
  discourse and historical research;
 * "Interpretive and Cognitive Approaches in Ethnography," on the
  richness and breadth of findings in the increasingly popular
  contextual approach to the study of nationalism and ethnicity;
 * "The Resurgence of Russia: Domestic and Foreign Policy
  Implications," on the transformation in the discourse, policies and
  practices of the Russia internally and externally.

To celebrate the re-launch of Nationalities Papers, the opening
reception of the convention will be hosted by Nationalities Papers at
which occasion the re-launched journal will be introduced by the
editorial team. During  the convention, Nationalities Papers will host
the first Nationalities Debate, a high profile discussion on the state
of the art, which will be subsequently featured in the journal.

Since 2005, the ASN Convention has acknowledged excellence in graduate
studies research by offering Awards for Best Doctoral Student Papers
in five sections: Russia/Ukraine/Caucasus, Central Asia/Eurasia,
Central Europe, Balkans, and Nationalism Studies. The winners at the
2009 Convention were Sofia Sebastian (LSE, UK) for the Balkans, Jennie
Schulze (George Washington U, US) for Central Europe, Erik Scott (UC
Berkeley, US) for Russia/Ukraine/Caucasus, Fredrik Sjoberg (Harvard U,
US/Uppsala U, Sweden) and Barbara Junisbai (Indiana U, US) for Central
Eurasia, and Laia Balcells (Yale U, US) for Nationalism Studies.
Doctoral student applicants whose proposals are accepted for the 2010
Convention, who will not have defended their dissertation by 1
November 2009, and whose papers are delivered by the deadline, will
automatically be considered for the awards.

The 2010 Convention is, moreover, inviting submissions for
documentaries made within the past few years and available in DVD
format (either NTSC or PAL). Most films selected for the convention
will be screened during regular panel slots and will be followed by a
discussion moderated by an academic expert. Films on the 2009 Program
included The Singing Revolution (US, 2008), Holodomor (Hungary, 2008),
Shadow of the Holy Book (Finland, 2008), The Lost Colony (Netherlands,
2008) and Citizens K: The "K" Twins (France, 2007).

The 2010 Convention invites proposals for INDIVIDUAL PAPERS or PANELS.
A panel includes a chair, three or four presentations based on written
papers, and a discussant. Proposals using an innovative format are
encouraged. A popular new format is a roundtable on a new book, in
which the author is being engaged by three discussants - ten book
panels were featured in the 2009 Convention. Other innovative formats
in proposals are encouraged.

The 2010 Convention is also welcoming offers to serve as DISCUSSANT on
a panel to be created by the Program Committee from individual paper
proposals. The application to be considered as discussant can be
self-standing, or accompanied by an individual paper proposal.

There is NO APPLICATION FORM to fill out in order to send proposals to
www.nationalities.org. All proposals and fact sheets must be sent by
email to Dominique Arel at both
darel@uottawa.ca and darelasn2010@gmail.com.

INDIVIDUAL PAPER PROPOSALS must include the name, email and
affiliation of the author, a postal address for paper mail, the title
of the paper, a 500-word abstract and a 100-word biographical
statement that mentions a recent or forthcoming publication, if
applicable, with all bibliographical information, and with the title
appearing in the original language of publication [with a translation
in brackets]. Long CVs will be rejected, as the bio statement must be
sent in narrative form, like a paragraph. Graduate students must
indicate the title of their dissertation and year of projected
defense. They can also submit the bibliographic information of a
recent or forthcoming publication.

PANEL PROPOSALS must include the title of the panel, a chair, three or
four paper-givers with the title of their papers, and a discussant;
the name, affiliation, email, and 100-word biographical statements of
each participant and include full bibliographic information of a
recent or forthcoming publication, if applicable. Long CVs will be
rejected, as the bio statement must be sent in narrative form, like a
paragraph. Graduate students must indicate the title of their
dissertation, the year they joined a doctoral program and the year of
projected defense. A 500-word abstract of each paper is not required
for panel proposals.

PROPOSALS FOR FILMS OR VIDEOS must include the name, email and
affiliation of the author, the title of the film, name of director,
country and year of production, a 500-word abstract of the theme of
the film and a 100-word biographical statement.

PROPOSALS USING AN INNOVATIVE FORMAT must include the title of the
panel, the names, emails, affiliations, postal addresses, 100-word
biographical statements of each participant (same specifications as
above) and a discussion on the proposed format.

email, affiliation, a paragraph about the areas of expertise of the
proposed discussant, and a 100-word biographical statement (same
specifications as above).

All proposals must be included IN THE BODY OF A SINGLE EMAIL, except
for the FACT SHEET that must be attached. Attachments other than the
Fact Sheet will be accepted only if they repeat the content of the
email message/proposal, and if all the information is contained IN A
SINGLE ATTACHMENT, except for the Fact Sheet. The receipt of all
proposals will be acknowledged electronically (with some delay during
deadline week, due to the high volume of proposals).

Participants are responsible for covering all travel and accommodation
costs. Unfortunately, ASN has no funding available for panelists.

An international Program Committee will be entrusted with the
selection of proposals. Applicants will be notified in December 2009
or January 2010. Information regarding registration costs and other
logistical questions will be communicated afterwards.

The full list of panels from last year's convention can be accessed at

The film lineup of last year's convention can be accessed at

The programs from past conventions, going back to 2001, are also
online at

Several dozen publishers and companies have had exhibits and/or
advertised in the Convention Program in past years. Due to
considerations of space, advertisers and exhibitors are encouraged to
place their order early. For information, please contact Convention
Executive Director Gordon N. Bardos (

We look forward to receiving your proposal!

The Convention Organizing Committee:
Dominique Arel, ASN President
Gordon N. Bardos, Executive Director
Sherrill Stroschein, Program Chair
Florian Bieber, Zsuzsa Csergo, Dmitry Gorenburg, and Vejas
Liulevicius, ASN Executive Committee

Deadline for proposals: 4 November 2009 (to be sent to both
darel@uottawa.ca AND darelasn2010@gmail.com)

The ASN Convention's headquarters are located at the:

Harriman Institute
Columbia University
1216 IAB
420 W. 118th St.
New York, NY 10027
212 854 8487 tel
212 666 3481 fax
МАЭ РАН (Кунсткамера)

проводит 5 – 7 октября

международную научную конференцию

«ПЕТЕРБУРГ-ИЗРАИЛЬ. Интеллектуальный диалог»

Организатор и научный руководитель конференции

Наталия Васильевна Юхнёва,

доктор исторических наук, главный научный сотрудник МАЭ РАН


5 октября, понедельник

Зал заседаний МАЭ


С 11 до 12 час – регистрация . Работает книжный киоск

В 12 час – открытие конференции, выступления

Заседание ведет доктор исторических наук, профессор

Тамара Михайловна Смирнова


Директор МАЭ РАН (Кунсткамера)

доктор исторических наук, профессор

Юрий Кириллович Чистов

Первый секретарь посольства государства Израиль в РФ

Болеслав Ятвецкий

Вводное слово

Наталия Васильевна Юхнёва, доктор исторических наук, главный научный сотрудник МАЭ РАН

«ПЕТЕРБУРГ-ИЗРАИЛЬ. Интеллектуальный диалог»

Общество, клуб, научная конференция, фестиваль искусств

1. Дмитрий Григорьевич Якиревич, еврейский (идиш) поэт и композитор. Иерусалим.

То, что было уничтожено. Еврейская культура в СССР между двумя мировыми


2. Александр Мотелевич Мелихов, писатель и публицист. С.-Петербург

Биробиджан вчера и сегодня. Фестиваль еврейской культуры в Биробиджане в 2009 году по личным впечатлениям

Демонстрация кинофильма « ЕВРЕЙСКОЕ СЧАСТЬЕ» с Михоэлсом в главной роли. ГОСКИНО, 1925 г. Режиссёр Алексей Грановский

Введение, перевод, комментарии - Д.Г. Якиревич


В 16 час – продолжение выступлений

Заседание ведет Тамара Михайловна Смирнова

3. Архимандрит Августин (Никитин), доцент СПб духовной академии

Храмовая гора. Страницы новейшей истории

4. Игумен Вениамин (Новик), кандидат богословия. С.-Петербург

Ежегодный марш мира христиан в Иерусалиме по личным впечатлениям
(современное состояние иудео-христианского диалога)

6 октября, вторник

Зал заседаний МАЭ

С 12 час - выступления

1. Мария Николаевна Еленевская, кандидат филологических наук, ст. преподаватель

кафедры гуманитарных наук Техниона – Израильского института технологии (Хайфа)

Русскоязычные евреи - эмигранты 1990-х, как объект исследования. Взгляд стороннего наблюдателя и видение изнутри

2. Тамара Михайловна Смирнова, доктор исторических наук, профессор, президент

РОО «СПб Дом национальных культур» (C.-Петербург)

Документы архивного фонда Еврейского Дома просвещения в ЦГАЛИ (Центральный Государственный Архив Литературы и Искусства) С-Петербурга. 1931-1938 гг

3. Михаэль Бейзер, Ph. D. Преподаватель кафедры еврейской истории Еврейского университета. Иерусалим

Центр по исследованию и документации восточно-европейского еврейства Еврейского университета в Иерусалиме. 1956-2000 гг

4.Семен Мордухович Якерсон, доктор исторических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник

Института восточных рукописей РАН (C.-Петербург)

Еврейские рукописи в депозитариях Петербурга

16.30 Продолжение выступлений

5. Семен Иосифович Августевич, издатель и шеф-редактор журнала «Корни» (Москва)

Журнал «Корни» - 15-летний опыт современной еврейской публицистики

6. Яков Николаевич Цукерман, издатель и шеф-редактор газеты АМИ-Народ мой

Эксклюзивные материалы о восточно-европейских евреях (исследования
и воспоминания) на страницах газеты АМИ

7. Игорь Николаевич Воевуцкий, зав. библиотекой Института восточных рукописей

РАН (С.-Петербург)

Общественная деятельность и художественное творчество Моше Либа

8. Юлия Валерьевна Иванова-Бучатская, научный сотрудник Отдела европеистики

МАЭ РАН (С.-Петербург)

Евреи в г. Бамберге (Франкония). Материалы полевого исследования

7 октября, среда В помещении кафе в Кунсткамере С 16 час - ОБЩАЯ ДИСКУССИЯ

Дискуссией руководит доктор социологических наук, профессор

Владимир Иванович Ильин

В избранное