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29 мая 2009 г.


The following is an early call to inform persons interested in the
world-historical significance of Byzantine and/or Ottoman civilizations
about a planned symposiun in Istanbul. This co-sponsored symposium is
in addition to the 2010 Annual WHA Conference, which will be held in
San Diego at the Handlery Hotel, 24-27 June. Additional information
regarding both the conference and the symposium will be available at the
WHA Conference in Salem, MA (25-28 June 2009) and in future news releases.

- Call for Papers -

Byzantine and Ottoman Civilizations in World History

A Symposium Sponsored by Istanbul Sehir University and the World
History Association, 21-24 October 2010, Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Sehir University and the World History Association proudly
announce a symposium focusing on the world-historical significance of
Byzantine and Ottoman civilizations, 330-1922. The symposium will
consist of 30 papers plus a keynote address and several other plenary
sessions. The official languages of the symposium will be English and

Panel and paper proposals dealing with either Byzantine or Ottoman
civilizations (or both) in the context of world history and across all
relevant disciplines are invited and should be submitted
electronically no later than 1 October 2009 to the World History
Association's dedicated web page, which will be up by 15 July 2009.
Delivery time for each paper must not exceed 20 minutes. Panels, each
of which is two hours in length, should consist of a chair, four paper
presenters, and a discussant.  A committee will review all proposals
and make its decision regarding acceptances by 15 November 2009.
Criteria for acceptance include a proposal?s world-historical scope,
its originality, and its depth of scholarship.

Successful participants must pay their own travel and lodging
expenses. However, Istanbul Sehir University will assist conferees in
securing accommodations at nearby 4- and 5-star hotels at deeply
discounted conference rates. Moreover participants who are presenting
will be hosted daily for lunch and dinner throughout the conference
and will enjoy a complimentary city tour to major Byzantine and
Ottoman sites. There is no registration fee.

Persons not presenting a paper may also register for the
conference,attend at no fee, and will be eligible for the discounted
lodging. On-line registration will be found as early as 15 July 2009
at the WHA  web site, www.thewha.org. In order to participate in any
capacity, persons must register on-line no later than 15 September 2010.

The conference organizers will endeavor to publish selected papers
delivered at the symposium.

Questions and inquiries should be directed to A. J. Andrea at
aandrea@uvm.edu,  Hayrettin Yucesoy at yucesoyh@slu.edu, or Nurullah
Ardiç at nurullahardic@sehir.edu.tr.

Periodic informational updates will appear at www.thewha.org beginning
September 2009.

Hayrettin Yucesoy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of History
Saint Louis University
3800 Lindell Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63108
Phone: (314) 977-3397
Fax: (314) 977-1603
Messianic Beliefs and Imperial Politics in Medieval Islam

Muzaffer SENEL
Marmara University
Department of Political Science and International Relations
Kuyubasi-Göztepe/ISTANBUL Tel: + 90 216 336 28 09 - 119
Fax: + 90 216 338 99 42
E-Posta: msenel@marmara.edu.tr

Call for Papers

"Transcultural Memory"
Interdisciplinary Conference
Department of English and Comparative Literature,
Goldsmiths' College, and
Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory, Institute of
Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London
London (UK)
5-6 February 2010


Conference organizers: Lucy Bond, Rick Crownshaw and Jessica
Rapson (Goldsmiths); Katia Pizzi and Ricarda Vidal
(Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies).

Venue: Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University
of London

Keynote speakers:
Astrid Erll (University of Wuppertal)
Andrew Hoskins (University of Warwick)
Dirk Moses (University of Sydney)
Michael Rothberg (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Susannah Radstone (University of East London)

Skeptical reactions to the rise of memory studies have
focused on the viability of concepts such as “collective”
memory. Can societies really remember collectively? More to
the point, can individuals really remember what they have
not directly witnessed or experienced? Is to speak of
collective memory simply to speak of ideology or political
fantasy? The concept of cultural memory has overcome this
binary opposition between the individual and the collective,
attending to their reciprocal relationship and the cultural
grounds on which their mediation takes place (Assman).

How, though, does memory work when events are remembered
across and between cultures? In an age of globalization, is
it still possible to speak of local and national memory, or
do the local and national always exist in implicit and
explicit dialogue with the transnational? Holocaust- and
memory studies have begun to address these questions in
tracing the globalization of Holocaust memory as a trope by
which other modern atrocities are shaped and remembered,
and, of course, the Holocaust has been incorporated into
national memories in order to forget indigenous genocides
and shore up ideals of nation (Huyssen and Patraka).

Conversely, theories of vicarious witnessing have posited an
ethical dimension to the remembrance of events across
cultural boundaries. The ideas of “prosthetic” and “post”
memory conceive of the remembrance of events not witnessed
by those born afterwards or elsewhere, and of mass- mediated
memory as something that does not wholly belong to (and
define) the familial, ethnic or national group (Hirsch and
Landsberg). (The idea of witnessing across cultural borders
has not been without controversy in the academy.)

Recent innovations in comparative historiography (Moses,
Stone, Moshman), laying vital groundwork for developments in
memory studies, have sought to remove the “conceptual
blockages” in comparing modern atrocities, moving beyond
notions of the Holocaust’s uniqueness that might inscribe a
hierarchy of suffering across modernity, eliciting the
structural continuities and discontinuities between
atrocious events – between genocide and colonialism. Just as
Moses has configured modernity in terms of a racial century,
so in sociology and literary studies race has constituted an
overarching narrative that brings together diverse modern
spheres of both culturally creative and violent activity and
identification (Cheyette and Gilroy).
In postcolonial studies, concepts such as trauma have
enabled a spatial rather than linear approach to the
experiences of colony and postcolony (Durrant). In
philosophy, conceptions of ‘bare life’ have allowed an
international consideration of state sovereignties and their
biopolitical regimes (Agamben). In architectural and urban
studies, city development and its architecture is found to
articulate a globalised vernacular, which has implications
for spaces and places of memory and memorialisation. All of
these disciplines find that it is increasingly difficult and
problematic to isolate representations of past, which in
turn calls attention to the need for the comparative study
of memory as it takes an increasingly transcultural form –
as Rothberg’s recent ground-breaking work on the
multi-directionality of memory has shown.

The conference organizers invite abstracts on the subject of
transcultural memory from across the disciplines – English
and Comparative Literary Studies, History, Cultural Studies,
Architectural Studies, Cultural Geography, Film Studies,
Media Studies, Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology,
the Visual Arts, and so on – but recognize that the study of
memory will often involve an interdisciplinary and
transdisciplinary approach.

Conference papers might address but are not limited to how
concepts of transcultural memory might relate to:

- new directions/new paradigms in trauma studies
- testimony studies
- new media
- new technologies of historical documentation and
- memory as performed and embodied; memory and the senses
- conceptions of race
- citizenship
- ‘bare life’
- postwar, post-event, post-epochal ‘structures of feeling’
(e.g., post-1918, -1945, -1968, -1989 and -9/11)
- the recent interest in the perspective of perpetrators
- memory and gender
- memory and religion
- colonial, postcolonial, and transatlantic studies
- the study of museums, monuments, and memorials, as well as
the practical implications for heritage industries,
memorialization and urban planning
- issues of law, justice and reparations
- legal definitions of genocide
- slavery
- the relationship between genocides and other modern atrocities
- memory and terrorism
- the social implications of natural catastrophes and disasters

Abstracts (no more than 400 words) by July 21st, to:


Dr. Rick Crownshaw
Department of English and Comparative Literature
Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross
London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 (0)20 79197432
Fax: +44 (0)20 79197453
Email: transculturalmemory@gmail.com



Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в

Международной научно-практической конференции, 

«Диалог религий в пространстве современной культуры»,

которая состоится 23-26 сентября 2009 года в Волгоградском государственном университете

К участию в работе конференции приглашаются российские и зарубежные ученые, сфера научных интересов которых связана с различными аспектами исследований в области межконфессионального и межкультурного диалога, взаимоотношений государства и религиозных объединений, изучением влияния религии на культурные процессы в современной России.

Основные цели конференции: анализ современного состояния, степени изученности и проблем в области межрелигиозного и межкультурного диалога, роли государства и религиозных объединений в процессах формирования и поддержания культурной идентичности России, выработка подходов к преодолению межрелигиозной и межкультурной напряженности на пути установления толерантности и взаимопонимания.

Программа международной научно-практической конференции предполагает проведение пленарного заседания и двух секций:

Секция 1. Межрелигиозный диалог как основа толерантности. 

Основные вопросы для обсуждения:

«Уровень религиозности», «степень религиозности», «религиозная ситуация» - к проблеме операционализации понятий.

Государственно-конфессиональные отношения: история и современные тенденции.

Роль государства и религиозных объединений в процессах формирования и поддержания культурной идентичности России.

Религиозная ситуация в России: к проблеме изучения.

Секция 2. Приоритеты региональной вероисповедной политики. 

Основные вопросы для обсуждения:

Пути установления толерантности и взаимопонимания.

Приоритеты государственной политики в области обеспечения свободы совести.

Религиозная ситуация в странах СНГ и РФ.

Преодоление межкультурной и межрелигиозной напряженности в регионе.

Региональная вероисповедная политика: история и современные тенденции и др.

Рабочий язык конференции – русский.

Заявки на участие в работе конференции и тезисы докладов объемом до 10 стр. (Times New Roman, 14 шрифт, 1,5 интервал) принимаются в электронном виде до 31 августа 2009 года по электронным адресам Оргкомитета: oms@volsu.runesterova100378@mail.ru с пометкой: на конференцию «Диалог религий в пространстве современной культуры».

Заявки на участие в конференции будут рассмотрены оргкомитетом, и в срок до 10 сентября 2009 года подавшим заявки будут направлены приглашения. По окончании работы планируется издание материалов конференции. 


Место проведения конференции: г. Волгоград, пр. Университетский, 100, Волгоградский государственный университет.

Проезд и проживание участников конференции оплачивает направляющая сторона.

Дата заезда участников конференции                                 – 23 сентября,

Открытие конференции, пленарное заседание                         – 24 сентября,

Секционные заседания                                                – 24-25 сентября,

Дата отъезда участников                                                – 26 сентября.

Координатор конференции в Волгоградском государственном университете: 

Нестерова Анна Геннадиевна

тел.: (8442) 40-55-36 или 8-937-729-58-02, факс: (8442) 40-02-91

E-mail: anna.nesterova@volsu.ru или nesterova100378@mail.ru

Образец оформления заявки на участие в конференции:

ЗАЯВКА на участие в международной научно-практической конференции 

«Диалог религий в пространстве современной культуры»

ФИО участника ____________________________________(полностью)

Место работы (организация, вуз):

 Должность, ученая степень, звание____________________________

Название доклада:___________________________________________

Секция, в которой планируете принять участие (нужное подчеркнуть):

Секция 1. Межрелигиозный диалог как основа толерантности. 

Секция 2. Приоритеты региональной вероисповедной политики. 

Контактная информация: тел./факс_____________-e-mail_________________

Необходимость использования мультимедийного оборудования: ДА/НЕТ (выбрать нужное)

Необходимость в бронировании гостиницы: ДА/НЕТ (выбрать нужное)


Образец оформления статьи для сборника:

В электронном виде файл необходимо назвать по фамилии первого автора, например, «Попов.doc»

А.Г. Нестерова, Е.О. Беликова 

Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград

(пропуск строки)


(пропуск строки)

Текст доклада

Библиографический список:




 The Social Dimension of Religion in Civil Society A Comparative
 European Perspective

 Conference held at Ersta Sköndal University College Stockholm, Sweden
 September 17 - 19, 2009

 The place of religion in modern European societies has for some time
 been a relatively neglected question among scholars outside of
 departments of theology and religion. This absence of interest has to
 be understood against the background of both the relatively secular
 character of many European societies and the dominance of a
 secularization thesis that understood religion to be a relic of a past
 soon to be entirely overtaken by a post-religious, secular social
 In fact, Europe stands out as an oddity in a global context where even
 other Western countries, prominently the United States, are intensely

 Furthermore, with increased immigration and the rise of new forms of
 religiosity in Europe, it now appears that claims of the imminent
 decline of religion may have been premature. Moreover, in the wake of
 the many challenges faced by the European welfare states has followed
 an increased interest in the character and role of European civil
 society, not least the role of civil society in the provision of
 welfare, identity and community.

 In this context some have argued that faith-based organizations
 constitute a very important part of civil society, both from a sheer
 quantitative point of view and in terms of range, durability, and
 personal significance. Thus, religious institutions, it is claimed, do
 not simply provide an opportunity for practicing a personal faith; it
 also serves a strong base for community and identity. This translates
 into both tangible social services for its members and a more subtle
 sense of belonging. In a world increasingly dominated by the cold
 logic of the market and the formal care provided by the institutions
 of the welfare state, religious communities are often said to
 constitute a "haven in a heartless world."

 On the other hand, the revival of religiosity, and not least overtly
 political and at times aggressive expressions of religious belief, has
 created a significant backlash - at times dubbed "Enlightenment
 fundamentalism" - that has been steeped in an anxiety that cherished
 modern and secular values such as gender equality and the equal civil
 rights for sexual minorities will now come under attack by faith-based
 political parties and movements that promote repressive practices
 hostile to equal right for gays and women. These concerns regarding a
 resurgent religiosity is often linked to related worries about the
 effects of increased immigration and the specter of a multiculturalism
 that will fundamentally alter European social and cultural life.

 Our goal is to bring together a diverse group of scholars from both
 Europe and elsewhere with the aim of bringing a comparative
 perspective to our analysis and discussion of religion in contemporary
 European civil societies. By inviting not only theologians and
 students of comparative religion, but also sociologists of religion,
 historians, and scholars focused on the social dimension of civil
 society, we hope to allow for a broad context to investigate one of
 the most crucial developments in modern Europe: the return of

 Submissions to present papers on the conference themes are welcome.
 The deadline for submission of abstracts (max 200 words) is June 1 and
 deadline for papers is August 10, 2009.

 The conference is open to all members of the CINEFOGO Network as well
 as to other interested colleagues. PhD students are also welcome to

 The conference will be held at Ersta Sköndal University College in
 Stockholm, Sweden. It is situated in the heart of Stockholm. For more
 information, please see www.esh.se

 The conferences is collaboratively organized and funded by the
 CINEFOGO Network of Excellence on Civil Society and New Forms of
 Governance in Europe, Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (the Bank
 of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation), Ersta Sköndal University College,
 Sweden and The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, Holland.
 Additionally, the Church of Sweden Research Unit is supporting the
 open introductory lecture.

 The conference fee will be 40 Euro (or 75 Euro including a welcome
 buffet style type dinner). The conference will be free for paper-givers,
 while travel and accommodation costs will be covered by each individual

 Registration and further information
 For registration and practical matters please contact Lena Blomquist,
 e-mail: lena.blomquist@esh.se, telephone +46 8 55505130
 The conference programme will be continuously updated. Please see the
 latest version at www.esh.se
 Deadline for registration is August 10th. Your registration is binding.


Уважаемый коллега!

Приглашаем Вас к сотрудничеству с электронным журналом "Новые российские 
гуманитарные исследования", созданным по проекту РГНФ в 2006 г. 
(программа "Образ России в современном мире") - http://www.nrgumis.ru 
(ISSN 2070-5395).

Электронный журнал "Новые российские гуманитарные исследования" является 
периодическим научным изданием, позволяющим своевременно информировать 
научную и культурную общественность в России и за рубежом о работах 
российских исследователей, об актуальных проблемах в сфере гуманитарных 
наук - лингвистики, литературоведения, искусствоведения, фольклористики, 
истории, этнологии.

Ждем от Вас статьи и материалы, в том числе по Вашему проекту, 
получившему поддержку Российского гуманитарного научного фонда. Их 
публикация в электронном журнале может быть включена в отчет по гранту РГНФ.

Интересующие Вас вопросы Вы можете задать, связавшись с нами по адресу 

Материалы и статьи для журнала можно также присылать на адрес 


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