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   КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ**СОБЫТИЯ** ПУБЛИКАЦИИ http://www.drevnerus.narod.ru

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7 марта 2009 г.


Issue #3 (summer 2009)
Deadline: May 31st

The HUMANICUS academic journal is accepting new essays for the
upcoming 3
rd issue (approx. time of publishing: summer 2009).

Humanicus is an academic journal concentrating on social sciences,
humanities and philosophy, at the address
Technically, essays that can be classified as belonging to any social
science are accepted for review and potential publishing. For now, we
are accepting works in following areas:
Linguistics (general linguistics, English studies, Serbocroatian
studies, Swedish studies, Chinese studies)
Culture studies (sometimes referred to as culturology) and anthropology

As the number of our reviewers grows, so will the count of the areas
for which we accept essays.
The concept of Humanicus is, in its ideal form, to publish essays in
any and all world languages. In practice, that means that articles
shall be accepted for review and publishing in those languages for
which we at the moment have proofreaders for. We naturally hope that
the number of the languages will grow during time. For the time being,
we are accepting articles in English, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian,
Swedish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese (Mandarin). As the
number of languages grows, we will post information on the web page.

Humanicus is an electronic journal. The newest issue will always be
downloadable in a .pdf format from this address, for free, as it is
the opinion of the editor and the reviewing board that academic
education should be available to all, not only to those with a deep
The journal comprises three parts:
1) The standard academic essay section
In this section, standard academic essays shall be published. Holders
of any and all academic degrees are invited to submit their papers, in
accordance with the current call for papers.
2) Reviews
Reviews of relevant books, essays, articles, even fiction books are
accepted in this section.
3) The student section
Maybe even the most important of sections, the student section will
concentrate on students, those who still have not achieved official
academic expertise and still haven't received an academic title. The
general idea is to promote academic writing amongst students. The
level of expertise for academic writing is not easy to achieve, and
students are seldom encouraged to write academically. This section
should help students in honing their writing skills during the course
of their studies. We invite all students (especially final-year
students, seniors) to send us their essays. The essays shall be
reviewed by a member of the reviewing board in accordance with the
topic, after which the essay shall be sent back to the student with
ideas and comments about how to make the essay better. Once the
student has corrected the essay, he or she will resubmit, after which
the review board will choose whether it will be published or not.

Instructions for contributors:

Works should be sent in a .doc format (MS Word) as an attachment.
Hard-copied submissions are not accepted.

The essay should be sent to

Every essay should have a short summary (not longer than 300 words),
located on the front page, with the name of the author and his
academic degree(s).

The scope of the work can vary from subject to subject. We recommend
to our contributors, however, that they should stick to an approximate
number of 10 to 25 author-type pages – 1.5 lines spacing. Reviews
should be kept under five pages.

The essay should be formatted in the following way:
Font Times New Roman or Ariel, size 12
Paper format A4 (for contributors from the USA or Canada: please do
not use the LETTER format!)
Spacing 1.5

Quoting/citing: Do not use the Chicago style. Instead, the Turabian
method is encouraged:

Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co, 2006.

Please use footnotes rather than endnotes.

Though we completely understand that matter, in science, is more
important than form, please keep the essay consistent with itself,
e.g. use one method of citing throughout the essay and make the essay
as clear and accessible for reading/reviewing as possible.



Beliefs, Concepts and Things: Materiality & the Immaterial
Eighth Annual World Art Postgraduate Symposium
School of World Art Studies and Museology
University of East Anglia
Saturday 16th May 2009

The eighth symposium in the School of World Art and Museology series will
focus on how humans articulate their beliefs, concepts and the immaterial
through the material world.

Topics could include: how materials are used to express concepts, how sacred
architecture materializes beliefs, the role of the material within ritual,
the interplay between material qualities - colour, hue, light, texture,
density, hardness - and beliefs and concepts.

This annual symposium is a multidisciplinary event, where students working
on relevant topics in the fields of art history, anthropology, archaeology,
cultural heritage and museology can present their research in a friendly and
non-confrontational atmosphere.

An abstract of no more than 250 words for a twenty-minute paper or academic
poster should be submitted by Friday 27th March 2009 to Pippa Lacey or Helen
Lunnon by email
pippa.lacey@uea.ac.uk or h.lunnon@uea.ac.uk . Please
indicate whether you would like to present a paper or a poster. Postal mail
submissions should be sent to School of World Art and Museology, University
of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ.


Cosmos, Nature and Culture
A Transdiscipinary Conference

July 18-21, 2009
Phoenix, AZ

There is something within us, manifested as it is in the entire spectrum
of human endeavor, that demands we pursue the whole story of the whole
cosmos if we are to be whole persons - in order to know who we are, where
we are from, and where we are going... more

Please visit our Conference 2009 website
to sign-up for updates:


Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and
the Arts


Publisher: Karl Jaspers Society of North America

The mission of Existenz is to encourage research and publication on
problems and topics consistent with the general overview of Karl Jaspers,
namely, the history of philosophy, phenomenology, existentialism, and
hermeneutics; psychology, philosophy of religion, politics, culture, and
the arts.

This journal will serve as a publication outlet for various international
Jaspers societies, including those in the United States, Germany, Austria,
Great Britain, Russia, and Japan, and will also consider direct submissions
of articles for online publication.

ISSN 1932-1066


Alan M. Olson

Helmut Wautischer

Existenz is available free of charge as an Open Access journal on the

Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and PDF format.

Current Issue: Volume 3, No. 2, Fall 2008

Date: 24 February 2009


Совет научной молодёжи Института истории СО РАН приглашает к участию в ежегодном издании «Исторический ежегодник».

Цель Ежегодника: предоставление молодым исследователям возможности публикации научных результатов, представляющих интерес для широкой аудитории историков. Исторический ежегодник издаётся на базе Института истории Сибирского отделения РАН. Работы принимаются к публикации на конкурсной основе. В рецензировании статей участвуют специалисты из академических институтов и вузов. Ежегодник открыт для участников из любых стран и регионов. К участию приглашаются аспиранты и молодые исследователи (не старше 35 лет на начало года).

Тексты принимаются в электронном виде. Требования к оформлению: объем не более 0,75 а.л.
(30 тыс. знаков, включая сноски и пробелы), сноски автоматические.

К статье прилагается аннотация на русском и английском языках.
Схема аннотации: 1) название статьи и автор; 2) цель статьи;
3) характеристика проблемного поля; перечень основных проблем затронутых в статье;
4) вклад автора в решение проблемы; 5) ключевые слова (не более 10 слов).
Общий объем – около 700–850 знаков с пробелами.

Одновременно необходимо представить заявку, в которой указываются следующие данные: 1) фамилия, имя, отчество, 2) дата рождения, 3) место работы или учёбы, должность, 4) учёная степень и звание, 5) заглавие статьи, 6) фамилия, имя, отчество научного руководителя (для аспирантов), 7) электронный адрес для переписки, 8) электронный адрес для публикации в сведениях об авторе; 9) почтовый адрес (включая индекс), 10) телефон.

Предлагая статью на рассмотрение редколлегии, автор тем самым даёт согласие на её размещение в Интернете (
http://www.history.nsc.ru/snm/) после выхода Ежегодника из печати.
Редакция подтверждает получение электронных вариантов статей в течение не более чем 10 дней. Присланные рукописи не возвращаются.

В редколлегию входят сотрудники Института истории СО РАН: д.и.н. С.А. Красильников (главный редактор), к.и.н. А.К. Кириллов, к.и.н. О.Н. Калинина, Р.Е. Романов (ответственный секретарь).

Адреса редакции:
E-mail: istoriki{at}list.ru (в теме письма указывайте: "для Исторического ежегодника")
630090, г. Новосибирск, ул. Николаева 8, Институт истории СО РАН, к. 309.
Телефон: +7 (383) 330-54-41 (Романов Роман Евгеньевич); 330-38-21 (Кириллов Алексей Константинович), факс: +7 (383) 333-24-37 (с пометкой: для Р. Е. Романова).

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