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11 декабря 2008 г.


Specialization Religious Studies – Call for applications

The Central European University (CEU) in Budapest now invites applications for a Specialization in Religious Studies within the one-year and two-year MA programs of its School of History.

Budapest, 25 November 2008

Dear Colleague,

First of all, let me express my thanks for your consistent interest in our programs and in working with us. We are writing to request your support in making the information on our recruitment effort for 2009-2010 accessible to those with a potential interest in our program. We especially ask you to pass on this information to students you consider qualified.

Since fall 2007, Central European University offers a unique academic program, the Specialization in Religious Studies. The Specialization is offered to MA students in History or Medieval Studies, providing the opportunity to receive a certificate of attendance, together with the degree in either History or Medieval Studies. The program engages in the study of religious phenomena from a historical point of view and from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. Since CEU is geographically located in a region that has been the crossroads of major religious, cultural, and political histories and lineages, this specialist field provides a unique experience and access to sources in three areas:

- in-depth engagement with religious thought and traditions,

- focusing on the three monotheistic religions, in a historically and conceptually grounded way,

- comparative study of their social, societal, institutional, cultural, intellectual, and political contexts and implications.

The fact that CEU students find themselves in a unique cosmopolitan environment and among fellow students with various cultural backgrounds provides the additional opportunity to continue learning outside the classroom.

The focus of the specialization is on the History of Monotheistic Religions, without geographical boundaries. The program includes comparative courses on

- Religion and Political Thought

- Sacred Texts and Bookish Traditions

- Philosophy of Religion and Theology

- Art and Liturgy

- Monastic Traditions

- Hagiography

- Sacred Kingship

- Magic, Cults and Occultism

- Heterodoxy

- Socio-historical aspects of religion

- Religion, Modernity, and Secularism

- Religious Movements

- Interaction and Exchange between the Religions

- and a variety of other topics.

Additionally, we can offer language courses in Ancient Greek, Latin, Biblical Hebrew, and Arabic; more languages (Ottoman Turkish, Syriac) will be added soon. Professors teaching in this program come from Western, Central, and Eastern Europe, as well as the Middle East, and represent a variety of disciplines, such as History, Political Science, Archaeology, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology and Islamic Studies. In conjunction with the Specialization there exists a Religious Studies Program which supports research activities, lecture series and annual student conferences. It is well networked, regionally and internationally.

Students can apply to either the History or the Medieval Studies Departments of CEU, indicating their interest in the Religious Studies Specialization. We welcome applications from students who have done their undergraduate work in history and religious studies but also in related disciplines, such as political science, sociology, theology, Islamic studies etc. General information about the admissions process is available at www.ceu.hu/admissions/apply

There are a variety of funding opportunities, available from resources within and outside CEU. Please contact us for details information on this issue.

For more information on this program or student registration, please go to the CEU History Department’s website, www.hist.ceu.hu. Information on the program can be found under the link to Religious Studies Specialization. Alternatively, you can contact directly the program coordinator, Esther Holbrook: rsp@ceu.hu.

Religious Studies Specialization

History Department

Central European University

Nador u. 11

Telephone: +36 1 327-3000/ext. 2170

E-mail: rsp@ceu.hu

With thanks for your cooperation,

Aziz Al-Azmeh

Nadia Al-Bagdadi

Matthias Riedl

(faculty in charge)



Announces one-week course revision sessions for the

SPRING 2009 semester

organized in cooperation with the Departments and Programs

of the Central European University


In order to increase the impact of the CRC sessions on the curricula of participants’ local universities, from Spring 2009 we are introducing some new elements in our programs.

1. Some regional departments already signaled to us that in order to have a “critical mass” of revised syllabi and trained faculty members at their departments, they would like to send more than one of their faculty to CRC sessions, in which case they would be willing to cover the costs of the extra participants.

For this reason we are now making possible in case of all types of CRC sessions (Open House, Course Innovation and Topical Issues in Curriculum Development) the participation of more than one faculty member from the same department, if matching funds to cover travel and accommodation for the extra participants are secured by the sending department or university.

2. For the departments that wish, in addition to revise a number of their individual courses, also to align them to the objectives of the whole degree program (i.e. coordinate their courses from the point of view of their place in the overall curriculum, their content, level, approach, learning outcomes etc.) we are offering a new type of CRC session. Those interested in this opportunity, please read the details under the description of the “Topical Issues in Curriculum Development” type of CRC session below.

3. Due to the recent diversification of various CEU faculty oriented programs, we have also widened the scope of our eligibility criteria, creating further opportunities for our past and future participants to follow their personal needs in professional development. For our modified eligibility criteria please see the section further in this document.

In the Spring 2009 semester CRC is offering the following sessions:

1. Course Innovation Sessions

These sessions intend to explore the cutting edge developments in a particular discipline. The sessions are meant primarily for senior faculty with significant teaching and research experience or for outstanding, research-oriented junior faculty. By discussing recent developments and exploring contemporary debates with CEU’s host departments and faculty, participants are expected to revise or update their courses or offer new courses in their particular area of interest. Additional training on course development is also offered by the CRC. These sessions are organized with a strong involvement of CEU departments and often will be combined with a workshop or a conference on the topic of the session.

In Spring 2009 we offer the following Course Innovation Sessions:

History - Religious Studies

Challenges to the Study of Religion in Multiconfessional Societies

February, 23 - 27, 2009

(deadline for applications: 15th January, 2009)

Current debates about the clash of religions prompted religious studies to review their methodologies and basic questions of study. The aim of this CRC session is to create an awareness of methodological plurality and a necessity of a historical perspective. Ideally the session will result in comparative perspectives and conceptual clarity on specific social, historical and confessional problems.

The CRC session is open to specialists on all religions, as well as to all relevant disciplines and periods.

Course leaders: the session by the Religious Studies Program, School of History and Interdisciplinary Historical Studies

Note: Applicants are requested to attach a one-page long essay about the so-called clash of religion and/or challenges to the study of religion today as perceived from their personal and/or national, regional perspective.


International Relations and European Studies

Transnational Migration in Post-Communist Countries

March 2 – 6, 2009

(deadline for applications: 20th January, 2009)

Transnational migration is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Integrating migrants, devising suitable migratory frameworks, ensuring the security of both state and individuals constitute some of the challenges that receiving states face almost on a daily basis. Sending countries have to cope with the mixed blessing of remittances sending income crucial to the survival of entire households and a political valve for realizing pressure, as well as the virtual disappearance of the most active segment of the population. In a post 9/11 world attention has been primarily given to the security dimension of migration. While this is by no means insignificant, the workshop seeks to offer a broader, a multi-dimensional approach to migration studies, focusing especially on post-communist Eurasia, but also drawing from the experience of other regions, including Europe and North America.

How do states choose migration policies? What are the implications thereof for both sending and receiving countries? What is the role of migrant communities in the migration process? Whose security is safeguarded by migration laws? What lessons can be drawn from European and North American experiences in dealing with migration?

The workshop will provide participants with suggestions about course formats, reading lists and topics for discussion which they could then build on when designing or revising their own courses. The workshop is recommended in particular to faculty with research and teaching interests in the study of international relations, security studies, political science, sociology, and anthropology.



Teaching Comparative History in Eastern Europe: Theory, Methods and Case Studies

March 9 – 13, 2009.

(deadline for applications: 30th January, 2009)

During the last two decades, various attempts have been made in historiography to go “beyond the national” and to bridge the gap between various national historical narratives by fostering new integrative regional, European or global perspectives. In contrast with these trends, however, historical studies in Eastern Europe have by and large remained a national enterprise (frequently state-controlled, parochial, or overtly nationalistic).

In order to enhance the formation of a truly inter-cultural framework of teaching and conducting research on comparative studies, applications are invited with courses aiming at providing a systematic introduction into the methodology of comparative history and at exploring various European historiographic traditions of comparative history in the 20th century.

Of particular interest are courses seeking to link major European paradigms of comparative historiography (Annales-school, socio-economic history, historical sociology, cultural transfer studies, etc.) with those ‘local’ historiographic canons in East-Central Europe which developed regional frameworks of comparison, often as a counter-current to the national master-narrative.

In addition to their work on their courses, successful applicants might be also integrated into the CEU-HESP Comparative History Project, hosted by the Department of History and Past, Inc., Center for Historical Studies, and will also have the opportunity to cooperate with the academic journal East Central Europe.


Sociology and Open Society Archives

Urban Studies: Alternative Culture(s) and Urban Space

March 30 – April 3, 2009.

(deadline for applications: 20th February, 2009)

We understand alternative culture as that produced by all sorts of cultural producers: from artists, musicians and event organizers to bar-owners, drinkers, dancers, informal traders, dog-owners, the homeless, etc. In addition, we understand alternative cultures as including cultures neglected by the dominant national and media discourses: that perhaps of the Jewish community disappeared from much of Eastern Europe or of the migrants and/or exiles living and trading in various markets in the region in constantly changing configurations, or of sexual, gendered and class minorities. What can we learn from considering the space of the cities in our region from the perspective of these alternative cultures?

A major focus of our interest is on the possibilities of culture for creating alternative spaces in an era when culture itself has become a major part of the economies of contemporary cities. This is particularly intriguing in relation to the cities of the post-communist zone, given that the whole region is often connoted as itself being somehow alternative. However, we are also interested in the way alternative spaces function differently in changing historical periods: for instance, the cartography, meaning and social impact of alternative spaces in communist society might be very different from that of contemporary societies, or alternative spaces might work differently in Baku than in Prague. In addition, culture has been and is increasingly used by urban researchers as both a tool and end-product of research: urban researchers often hope their work can itself propose an alternative, more community orientated urban culture in opposition to the prevailing norms. We therefore envisage our seminar as moving towards a reflection as to what strategies, both artistic and academic, can be used in the post-communist region to impact on and explore the alternative production and uses of space given the socio-economic configurations of capitalism in which we function.

Disciplines: The session and seminar are aimed at researchers and educators in many branches of the humanities: sociologists, social geographers, philosophers and art historians, as well as scholars from gender studies, cultural studies and visual studies. It is also hoped that it will appeal to those interested in the more practical elements of cultural entrepreneurialism and artistic practice, and those engaged in social activism and urban planning.

Prospective participants will take part in discussions related to their different areas of expertise and teaching experience but bounded by the general theme of “alternative culture”. The CRC participants will also have a chance to take part in the seminar which seeks to engage in a broad series of reflections on the way in which culture or cultures impact on the space of cities and the ways in which city-space is used.

Note: Applicants are expected to write a one-page essay (not more then 750 words) with reflections on their interests and how they plan to incorporate this theme into their own teaching.



The State of Art of Modern Macroeconomics

April 6 – April 10, 2009.

(deadline for applications: 20th February, 2009)

The purpose of this session is to discuss the state of the art of modern macroeconomics with particular emphasis on business cycle theory, labor markets and monetary economics. The session is meant to target scholars interested in developing graduate courses in macroeconomic theory and monetary economics.

Participants are asked to submit a sample syllabus of the course they would like to develop, which will then constitute the base for the discussions during the workshop.

Note: Applicants are expected to write a one-page essay (not more then 750 words) on their research interests.

2. Topical Issues in Curriculum Development

These sessions are expected to cover topical issues of particular importance to the development of higher education in the region, in all areas related to curriculum development. Organized by the CRC office in co-operation with a wide range of strategic partners, these sessions address current trends in curriculum development, degree structures and particular or special interest issues. These sessions could be directed at a particular group of academics or focus on a target region or institution(s).

3.a Departmental Curriculum Development Sessions

Departments that are in the process of revising their existing curricula or are designing new programs (BA or MA) are invited to apply and send a group of their faculty to a new type of CRC session called Departmental Curriculum Development Session. In addition to the regular CRC trainings (in individual course design and teaching methodology), these new sessions would offer workshops in curriculum development, revision and harmonization. Participants will have the opportunity to revise their own individual courses and to coordinate them from the point of view of content, level, approach, learning outcomes, and to jointly design outcomes-based departmental learning grids. In defining the exact content of these sessions we will take into account the specific needs of the applying department.

Timing of these sessions will be between mid-April and end of May, exact timeframe and length of sessions will be agreed upon with selected departments. For the sake of a smooth and quick arrangement of the session, departments are requested to propose more than one timeframe. Interest in a possible session during the 2009 Fall semester can also be signaled on the joint group application form.


The group members need to be selected by the sending department. They all should meet the eligibility criteria of CRC, and should fill out an individual application form. Beside the individual application forms a joint group application form should be filled out and sent with all the application materials, possibly in one e-mail/pack, to the CRC (CEU CRC, 1051 Budapest Nador u. 9, crc@ceu.hu).

Following the selection of departments the CRC will contact the group leader and start negotiations on funding and the arrangement of the session.

Funding of Departmental Curriculum Development Sessions

CRC covers all the expenses of the group leader (if from the target region) related to travel and accommodation as well as provides him/her with all the benefits a CRC participant receives (book allowance, stipend). The expenses of the rest of the group should be covered through a matching funds scheme which will be individually discussed with the groups.

To download application forms for this type of session please click here.

Deadline for application is 31 January

In Spring 2009 we offer the following Topical Issues in Curriculum Development session:

Environmental Sciences and Policy

Problems of developing of new Bologna-type 2-year Master courses in the field of Environmental Sciences and Policy in Eastern European countries

March 16 -20, 2009

(deadline for applications: 5th February, 2009)

Bologna process, which means establishment of bachelor' and master' programs is a new development in many countries, especially in Eastern Europe. They have to adapt their old system based on a single 5-year "specialist" degree to the new setting. In many cases master-level education means giving students a choice between different subjects, which is an entirely new approach in many Eastern European countries, where students often had no choice at all. More challenging still, in order to be competitive on the international market and allow easier exchanges of professors and students with the other countries (one of the main purposes of Bologna process), many universities should be able to deliver at least some courses in English language.

The purpose of this CRC session will be to discuss the difficulties and peculiarities of shifting to bachelor-master scheme in the field of Environmental Sciences and related disciplines. How to counter on interdisciplinarity? How to combine narrow specialization of different chairs with broad perspectives needed for the Master course? How should the programs be specified? How to deal with student choice of courses?

In the framework of the proposed session we would like to discuss these and other issues and with the help of course participants we would like to answer these questions and probably many more.

Summary of CRC sessions:

Course Innovation Sessions:

History, Center for Religious Studies:

Challenges to the Study of Religion in Multiconfessional Societies: February, 23 - 27, 2009 (deadline for applications: 15th January, 2009)

IRES: Transnational Migration in Post-Communist Countries: March 2 – 6, 2009

(deadline for applications: 20th January, 2009)

History: Teaching Comparative History in Eastern Europe: Theory, Methods and Case Studies

March 9 – 13, 2009 - (deadline for applications: 30th January, 2009)

Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Open Society Archives

Urban Studies: Alternative Culture(s) and Urban Space: March 30 – April 3, 2009

(deadline for applications: 20th February, 2009)

Economics: The State of Art of Modern Macroeconomics: April 6 – 10, 2009

(deadline for applications: 20th February, 2009)

Topical Issues in Curriculum Development Session:

Environmental Sciences and Policy: Problems of Developing New Bologna-type 2-year Master courses in the Field of Environmental Sciences and Policy in Eastern Europe:

March 16 – 20, 2009 (deadline for applications: 5th February, 2009)

Departmental Curriculum Development Session

April-May, 2009 (deadline for application: 31st January, 2009)

Note: CRC Fall 2009 sessions are planned to be announced by 1st May, 2009.


All CRC Applicants need to teach courses (at least part-time) at accredited higher education institutions, and have good command of English, both written and spoken, to actively participate in workshops, training sessions and roundtables, as well as to use resource materials available at CEU.


CRC fully funds the participation of those eligible applicants who are citizens of our target region: former Soviet Union, Mongolia, South-Eastern Europe. Citizens of EU member states are welcome to attend our sessions but need to cover their travel to and accommodation in Budapest from external funding.

Funding for those applicants who have already participated in a fully funded CEU faculty oriented program is available under the following conditions:

Within a four year period one is entitled to receive full funding for two of our programs. However, it is possible to apply for a third time in four years for a fully funded program, in which case the applicant needs to attach to the application form a short justification of his/her intention.

As a general rule, within one academic/calendar year one can not receive funding from two CEU faculty-oriented programs. Participants of SUN are exempted from this rule.

Applicants who wish to re-apply for the same type of CRC session (Open House, Course Innovation or Topical Issues in Curriculum Development) should attach to the application form a short justification of their intention. Priority in the selection of participants will be given to newcomers.

The above restrictions only apply for those who receive full funding from CEU. Applicants who are able to pay for their participation (to cover travel and accommodation) or receive external funding are eligible to apply to all our programs with no restriction.

Curriculum Resource Session application forms, application deadlines, the session schedule and further information on the center’s outreach activities and resources may be obtained from the CRC office at the Central European University or through national Soros Foundations.


Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) / Central European University

Nador utca 9, H -1051 Budapest, Hungary;

Tel: ++ (36 - 1) 327 3189 or 327 3000;

Fax: ++ (36 -1) 327 3190

E-mail: crc@ceu.hu;

WWW address: http://web.ceu.hu/crc/

Non-Discrimination Policy Central European University does not discriminate on the basis of – including, but not limited to – race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, gender or sexual orientation in administering its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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