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WorldDX 159 часть 1

WorldDX 159 от 15/03/2008
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Короткие Волны

12080 Radio Australia; 2042-2047+, 29-Jan; 2M in Pidgin
discussion of Solomon Is.; RA ID @2047 w/FM promo. SIO=2+33- (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

2485 VL8K Katherine(p) 1416-1433 Feb 2. Male announcer hosting mx program to 1430, then apparent news by YL. Fair signal and struggling, unsuccessfully, to rise

above my local noise level. Noted // 2325 and probably 2310, as well. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

2325 VL8t ABC, Tennant Creek, 0952+, January 21, English,
report by male in // with VL8K ABC Radio, Katherine, 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

2485 VL8K ABC Radio, Katherine, Northern Territory Sce., 1000+, January 20,
reports, interview, short music, announcement, ID, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 03/02/2008)

4950KHz Angola R.Nacional Angola Mulenvos 02/03 PP 0025-0039 african music, 0030 ads, 0031 announcer discussions w/ some listeners by phone about Carnival

aspects, people involvement, financial, announcer questions: " o Carnaval une a patria, une as pessoas?". 33223
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

4949.97 ANGOLA. R. Nacional, 2330, 2/2/08. Long
winded talk by OM, possible nx headlines. Fair signal
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

4950, Radio Nacional de Angola, Luanda, 2213-2240, 02-02, locutor, portugues, comentarios de Angola, canciones. 34333
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain = hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

15344.48v, R. Nacional, 0207-0222, Feb 2, excited live
sports coverage, fair, // 6059.93 (poor/QRM/6060.0) (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

6060 R. Nacional 0940-1000+ 4 Feb. Very good signal with
morning chat and feature about a journalists' reunion, national lottery
promos, and several jingle IDs as "Radio Nacional-la radio publica",
TCs (sounded like UTC-2, example: "ocho en punto en la capital
federal"), R. Tupi's enthusiastic evangelist heard underneath, slowly
picking up strength past 1000.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

7250. Bangladesh Betar with 1228 to 1245 carrier on, time pips and then into English news. Hum of the transmitter, yl and om with English news. Didn't count the time pips

and didn't hear them yesterday. Could pick out a word or two but generally in the mud. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumrbeDX 01/02/2008)

7250 presumed Bangladesh Betar, 1228-1242,
Jan 29, English. Strings and wind instrument IS. YL w/
talk at BoH, able to note occasional EG. Hindi-like
music bit at 1237 followed by YL, "...now the news in
...". Lost the signal at 1242. Poor listening in
ECCS-USB. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

7360, R.Belarus, 2155-2210, Jan 31, English.
Pop-like music in native language at t/in. ID at ToH
followed by news; signal too weak/fluttery to detail.
Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

7390 R Belarus Minsk produces two terrible sideband spurs on
7357-7363 and 7416-7422 kHz, at present 1300 UT, Feb 4th. Another 75 kW unit
of Minsk site is still underneath on even 7360.00 kHz.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 04/02/2008)

5040.6, Myanmar Radio, 1340, 02/02/08, Burmese. Male and female announcers speaking alternately like a news report, running // to 5985.8 (w/fair to good signal). First

time hearing anything more than just a carrier on this frequency here. Fair/poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

5040.6 MYANMAR. Myanma Radio (p), 1350, 2/2/08. Steep
filters in Perseus SDR made easy work of separating
from Jeypore on 5040. Very weak at listed 25 KW.
Burmese chatter and ethnic music heard, but too weak
for more details. Overtook Jeypore by 1423 when signal
peaked and then declined (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

5985.83, Myanma Radio, 1430-1600*, Feb 5, just after
Shiokaze signed-off at 1430 heard start of an English lesson,
"International English" program presented by David and YL, "My name is
David. My name is …" "Where are you from? I am from India", question
repeated many times with different responses (U.S., Japan, Brazil,
etc.), vocabulary given (cinema, hotel, restaurant, etc.), played some
music (Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance", etc.), in the past I have also
noted a similar program on 5040.6. At 1514 usual marching music, local
time given, news in English (several mentions of the State Peace and
Development Council and the Ministry of Defense, etc.), weather for
Myanmar and Myanmar waters, "That was the news from Myanma Radio,
Yangon", slogans about development given over indiginious music, long
segment of non-stop EZL instrumental music, before sign-off titles of
music given, played National Anthem, fair-poor, after 1445 bothered by
a het, after 1500 splatter from strong station on 5980. Not often that
I hear them with decent reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

6000, presumed R. Varna, 2220-2234, Jan 27,
listed Bulgarian. OM b/w lite pop music and ballads.
Wiped out by RHC carrier at 2234. Weak/poor.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

4699.34, Radio San Miguel, 1048-1100 Steady Spanish comments from
two males. At 1056 a female comments briefly.
Music heard at 1057. In the meantime, the signal drops into the noise.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 02/02/2008)

5460.5, Radio Emisora Bolivar, Doubtful, 1140-1150 Noted a carrier
here with occasional audio sneaking thru. Visually, the carrier is
very strong, but there's not much audio to proof this is Emisora Bolivar?
I'm using the WR G305e. for this. The band starts to decay at 1147
allowing harmonics to pop in. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 02/02/2008)

5996.39, Radio Loyola, Sucre, 1008-1025, Feb 2, Spanish
talk. Bolivian music. Poor. Weak with splatter from 6000. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

4409.79, R. Eco, 0218-0230*, Jan 27, Spanish.
Easy-listening SP music. Ancr at 0024 w/ distorted
audio; mx from 0226 until pulled the plug at 0230.
Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2312-2328, 02-02, canciones, musica de flauta, locutor presentando el programa: "Muy bien, muy bien por nuestra musica". 25322.
4699.3, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2305-2322, 02-02, locutor, espanol, leyendo cartas de los oyentes con saludos para familiares. 25322. (Mendez)
4865, Radio Logos, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 2252-2310, 02-02, locutor, locutora, espanol, comentarios religiosos. 24322. (Mendez)
(Manuel Mendnez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

3310 R Mosoj Chaski 2/1 w/ Bolivian anthem at 0759, inst mx and man ann 0800.5, then man and woman talking w/ some nice Bolivian inst mx at 0808, vocal/inst at 0812.

Rooster crowing sound effect w/ anmts at 0815. More vocal/inst pieces at 0815.5, 0819 and again at 0823. Love their Bolivian mx – very traditional! Very nice S3 signal w/

S-meter peaking at S9+25. No QRM, light static, slow QSB w/ flutter overlay. SINPO 35433 w/ slight undermod audio.
(Bruce Ch., USA - CumbreDX 05/02/2008)

11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1112-1120, 02-02, locutor, locutora, comentario sobre el Carnaval, identificacion: "Radio Anhanguera". 33333. (Mendez)
11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2207-2209, 02-02, locutor, comentarios de futbol y anuncios comerciales, identificacion: "Radio Bandeirantes". 34433. (Mendez)
11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 2204-2207, 02-02, locutor, portugues, comentarios. 24322. (Mendez)
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

Буркина Фасо
7230KHz Burkina Faso R.Burkina Ouagadougou 02/03 Dialects 0817-0828 local music anternating male talks, 0822 male talks. CNR QRM 33433
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

5030 BURKINA FASO, 2326, 2/2/08. Lively Afro pops w/
French commentary and a few phone calls. Good signal
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

RNV CI via CUBA, 11680, Tue Jan 29 at 1501-1514 was all in
Spanish, no English, the usual Chavista stuff, as if everything going on in V
revolves around Hugo; signal started out weaker than usual, gradually grew. Re
their poor English when it happens: can`t they find any native speaker in
Venezuela willing to spout the Chavista propaganda lines fluently? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

6060, R. Nac. de Venezuela via Cuba, *1100-1114,
Feb 3, Spanish ID, program schedule in English ("Welcome to our
international shortwave outlet"), brief ID in Spanish, segment in
English (news and analysis about Organization of American States,
etc.), back to Spanish, political speech, poor, mixing with Sichuan
PBS-2 (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0540-0602*, 03-02, programa en ingles "Spiritual Songs", canciones y comentarios.Locutor, Identificacion a las 0556: "Radio Verdad,

Chiquimula, Guatemala, Central America", luego identificacion por locutora en espanol, himno nacional de Guatemala y cierre. 25322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

R. Farda, 11750, Jan 31 at 1445 with ID and music. This is
Lampertheim, Germany, 100 kW, 108 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

Mon Feb 4 1400-1457 UT jamming free on 11645 15620 15640 15660
Tue Feb 5 1400-1457 UT jamming on 11645 15640;
jamming free 15620 15660
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

3340, HRMI, 0205-0217, Jan 31, Spanish.
Rapid fire anncr w/ lite, pop-like music. Tentative ID
in passing at 0213. Weak but clear w/ mild fades.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0531-0540, 03-02, canciones religiosas, locutor, comentarios, espanol. Senal muy debil. Mejor en LSB. 15321.
(Manuel Mendez, Spain - hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

3339.97 R. Misiones Internacional (pres.) 1109 two soft songs,
1118 sev. canned SP anmnts by M portions w/echo. 1119 back to mx. 1129,
1139 more canned anmnts. During anmnts, heard what sounded like FM IDs as
"Estereo Luz". Went off suddenly in mid-song at 1140:05. Audio a bit too
bassy. Been hearing this off and on in both the mornings and evenings
lately (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

6250.1 Radio Cairo (p); 2035-2042+, 31-Jan; W in FF w/cmtry re Palestine. SIO=443-, minor ute clatter. Het on 9990.3, but no audio.
Not //6290 Egyptian Radio (p) w/AR vocal music. SIO=4+53+ (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

5915, ZNBC, 0251-0300, Feb 3. Fish Eagle IS.
Choral music at 0252 followed by anncr and drums.
Music at 0257; overtaken by 5920 splatter at ToH.
Poor/weak. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

11610, Radio Voice of the
People, *0400-0430, Feb 1, Still on this frequency. Sign on with
vernacular talk. Short music breaks. Occasional IDs. Poor. Weak.
Fairly well covered by the music loop jammer which did not start until
0420. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

3396, ZBC, 0149-0202, Feb 1, vernacular.
Usual format of anncr b/w easy listening Afropops.
Presumed phone number given at ToH. As usual, no
discernible ID noted. Weak but clear. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

11620 All India Radio; 2052-2101+, 29-Jan; Sitar music to EE ID
2059:40 & into EE news. SIO=333; IS came up under @2056:53 but no
detectable s/on @2100. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

5040 INDIA. AIR Jeypore, 1344, 2/2/08. Fair signal but
big buzzy het from 5040.6. Flute mx and Hindi comment
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

4800, AIR Hyderabad, 1711-1713, 02-02, musica hindu. Interferencia de La Voz de China en la misma frecuencia. 33333. (Mendez)
4810, AIR Bhopal, 1708-1711, 02-02, musica hindu. 35333. (Mendez)
4840, AIR Mumbai, 1713-1715, 02-02, musica hindu, locutor, comentarios, vernaculo. 35433. (Mendez)
4860, AIR Delhi A, 1715-1718, 02-02, musica hindu. 35433. (Mendez)
4920, AIR Chennai, 1718-1720, 02-02, musica hindu. 45444. (Mendez)
5010, AIR Thiruvananthapuram,1720-1722, 02-02, musica hindu. 34433. (Mendez)
5040, AIR Jeypore, 1722-1725, 02-02, musica hindu. 34433. (Mendez)
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

V. of Indonesia, 9526, mostly missing lately; not there Jan 29 at
1430 check; but Jan 30 at 1403, Suara Indonesia ID in warta berita, with hum,
ringing sound; 1404 cut off briefly. Jan 31 at 1441, missing. Also RRI, 9680,
Jan 30 at 1414 Indo ballads mixing with Chinese talk, SAH of about 4 Hz varying
slightly (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

9680, RRI Jakarta, RE: DXLD 8-012 – KGRE Jan 27
preempted: Back to normal schedule, 1001-1021, Feb 3 (Sun.), mostly in
English, program #5805 with Kevin, Sue and Maggie, program all about
food, played some pop songs, fair-poor, moderate QRM/WYFR in French
(Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

11785.0, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta-Cimanggis,
1701-1755, Feb 5, multi-language ID for the VOI program in Spanish,
ballads, Middle Eastern type music, poor-fair, surprised to find them
on frequency (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

Until Jan 31, V. of Mesopotamia was via the Kishinev,
Moldova transmitter site, 500 or 300 kW at 116 degrees, but as from February 1
moved to ``Simferopol``, Ukraine, on same frequencies as follows:
0500-1500 on 11530, 500 kW, 129 degrees
1500-1900 on 7540, 500 kW, 129 degrees
1900-2100 on 7540, 300 kW, 129 degrees
I often check 11530 before 1500, and not much was making it Feb 1, but
reception is quite variable depending on propagation. It will be interesting to
see whether the site move improves overall reception here or not (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

Looking for Mauritanie 4845 which BTW has been absent
for nealy a week, I happened to hear something
splattering and found this chinese like transmission
on 4845 at 0230. Only this that matches on this
schedule per Aoki B07 is PBS Heilonjiang, just 50kW
ND. One of a kind reception for an Asian station at
this time on 60m., where commonly those can be heard
at local sunset, around 1130UTC. SIO 353.
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

5050, Guangxi PBS-Nanning, 1125-1146, Jan 27,
vernacular. Anncr w/ vernacular talk b/w ballads.
Tentative ID announcement at 1133. Poor/fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

4900 CHINA. Voice of Strait, 1302, 2/2/08. Poor to
fair w/ pop-style mx and CODAR interference
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

5050 CHINA. Guangxi Foreign BS, 2320, 2/2/08. Listed
Vietnamese service had haunting vocals. fair signal
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

4010KHz Kirgizstan Kyrgiz Radio(tent.) Bishkek 02/02 Kyrgyz 0040-0053 male and female talks. Very weak, noisy 24222
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 02/02/2008)

5910 COLOMBIA. Marfil Estereo, 0010, 2/3/08. Always
amazed at signal which reached S8. Listed at 1 KW.
Usual pgm of romantic ballads (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

6210 R. Kahuzi (tent.) set the rx and recorder to start at 1930.
Weak audio with a lot of tlk by M. Discussions also. Mx at 2000 and M
anncr later. It usually goes off after 2000, and true to form, it went off
at 2008:10. Right at threshold. Oddly never got any worse or better.
Running out of time to get an ID on this one.
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

4759.97, ELWA, Monrovia, 2250-2302*, Feb 1, contemporary
Christian music. English ID & closing announcements at 2300. National
Anthem at 2301. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

4760 ELWA, Monrovia 0711-0725+ 4 Feb. Christian contemp-
pop, call-letter ID at 0714, syndicated "Guidelines" program to 0720,
WAfr-sounding hymn with reggae beat past 0725 as signal slid into the
noise.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

5010.0, Radio Madagasikara, 2235-2330+,
Feb 2, On late again with Malagasy talk, jingles, ID, promos.
Wide variety of local styles of music including lite pop, country
style, folk, & religious. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 03/02/2008)

5010 MADAGASCAR. R. Madagaskara, 2335, 2/2/08. Signal
good at times with light pop and country mx + Malagasy
tlk (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

5009.97 R. Madagascara 2050 high-life mx, M anncr at 2052.
Sounded like a live round-robin tlk over ToH. More tlk and Hi-life mx. Was
listening to this on the Web rx at the same time and caught a nice R.
Madagascara by W during apparent promo by M and W at 2153. Back to mx over
ToH. Went over the 2300 ToH w/mx as well. Still doing well at 2318 when
the MD ran out. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

9635KHz Mali R.Mali Bamako 02/03 FF 0913-0923 male anmts "la atualite" w/ outside talks. 33323
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 03/02/2008)

13615, VOA, 1620, 02/02/08, English. Business English lessons, then a world news bulletin followed by a look at George Bush's State of the Union address in Special

English, providing a rich opportunity for making sarcastic log comments if one desired to. Strong echo effect. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

After a few days` absence, XEYU back on 9599.3v, Jan 29 at 0610 with
classical, deep fades; and at 1410 news about water shortage in Mexico City,
and blackouts. 1528 recheck, classical. XEPPM 6185: no repeat of yesterday`s
daytime apparition, checked Jan 29 at 1526

Jan 30 at 1412, 9599+ again on in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

9599.25, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 2305-2340, Feb 1,
Spanish talk. US pop tune at 2330. Radio Universidad ID at 2332.
Radio UNAM IDs at 2333. Classical music at 2334. Good. Strong.
In the clear until 2312 when Vatican Radio 9600 carrier came on the
air. Must use ECSS-LSB after 2312. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

6010 MEXICO. XEOI R. Mil, 1318, 2/3/08. Ballads w/
long ad strings and jingles. Mention of "musica
romantica." Very commercial sound. "R. Mil" ID @ 1325.
Signal reached S4 (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

9599.3 MEXICO. XEYU, R. UNAM, 1418, 2/3/08. Classical
mx pgm at S6 rising to S9 by 1430. Still S8 @ 1756
with some fading. Lengthy announcements/nx at
1755 through TOH until 1802. "R. UNAM" ID @ 1802. Long
tlk by OM bout local politics (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

4770 Radio Nigeria; 2237-2258*, 30-Jan; M in hvy accented EE
w/pgm of reggae tunes; 2253:45 M in EE w/pgm notes, RN ID, TC & news;
band anthem at close. SIO=443, but seemed to have problem with music
feed. Base sig remained approx. S9 throughout out, but most music
sounded subdued, like audio under a strong OC. Anthem ended @2257:41;
4 descending music notes @2258:10 & pulled plug @2302:48.
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1408-1500, Feb 1, tune-in
to Euro-pop/US pop music. Chimes/gongs at 1430 & into English
news at 1431-1440. ID. Back to pop music at 1440-1500. Weak
modulation but better than usual. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

9965, T8BZ/Voice of Hope, 1356, 02/02/08, Mandarin. Female presenter to theme music and announcements, then a sort of easy-listening gospel tune, and into a long

presumed sermon. No ID or announcements in English noted at ToH unlike log a few months ago. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

Папуа Новая Гвинея
3289.98, R. Central, 1143-1159*, Feb
2, English. Anncr b/w ballads; only able to fully hear
a few words. NA at s/off. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

4835, Radio Maranon, 1125-1135, With a fair to good signal, noted a
male in Spanish comments with TC and ID just before Hauynos type music. At
1131 male returns with TC and ID, then back to music. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 02/02/2008)

4834.92, Radio Maranon, Jaen, 0225-0235, Feb 2, Spanish
ballads. Spanish announcements, promos. ID. Poor. Weak.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

4950 PERU. R. Madre de Dios, Pt. Maldanado (p), 1253,
2/3/08. Ballads just above noise. Audio from studio
had reverb. TOH announcements. Peaked at poor level.
New station for me (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

4800, XERTA, Radio Transcontinetal de America (probable), Mexico DF, 0725-0734, 03-02, canciones, locutor, comentarios. Senal muy debil, mejor en LSB. 14321.


6010, Radio Mil, Mexico DF, 0805-0833, 03-02, canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, comentarios, identificacion: "En Radio Mil, vive la musica de Mexico". Senal muy

debil. No interferencia hoy de LVTC. 14321. (Mendez)

6185, Radio Educacion, Mexico DF, 0710-0845, 03-02. Identeficacion a las 0713: "Radio Educacion, 1060 AM, transmitimos con 100.000 watts de potencia desde Colonia

del Valle, Mexico Distrito Federal". Canciones. 34333.A veces interferencia de CVC La Voz, en la misma frecuencia. 33333. (Mendez)

9599.2, Radio UNAM, Mexico DF, 0825-0935, 03-02. Musica clasica, locutora presentando el programa. A las 0855 identificacion: "Transmite Radio UNAM, 860 Kilociclos

de Amplitud Modula y Onda Corta, 9600 Kilociclos, banda de 31metros, Adolfo Prieto 133, Colonia del Valle, Mexico Distrito Federal". 34433 deteriorarse al final a 24422.

(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

3329.61 Ondas del Huallaga Canned ID by M at 1108 during ad block.
Difficult to separate from CHU and had to do a lot of rx control
manipulating. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

PERU 5939.23 R. Melodia 1040 discussion by sev. people at t/in. Ments of
Arequipa, Cusco, politica, Peru. Took some phone-in reports. W anncr every
minute w/voice-over TCs and IDs. 1055-1057 finally ad block, then pgm
continued. Fading and QRMed by 1100. (2 Feb.)

PERU 3329.61 Ondas del Huallaga Hrd again 1111 w/Huayno mx. Canned M
anmnt between songs. Fading pretty quickly and local noise started as well.
Could still barely hear it at 1130. (2 Feb.)
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

PERU 6173.83 R. Tawantinsuyo (pres.) OC as early as 0819. Pgm start up
at 0910:08 w/Campo mx. Unfortunately no official s/on. 0920 M anncr w/TC
Buenos dias, more anmnts, then back to mx. Continued w/more mx and
occasional anmnts by same M anncr. Too bad that there was so much slop QRM
from another stn on an adjacent freq. Then at 0958, yet another stn came on
completely wiping it out. (3 Feb.)
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

7200KHz Russia NVK R.Sakha - R.Rossii(tent.) Yakutsk 02/03 Russian 0842-0900 long segments of eloquent and humored female talks w/ short canned anmts,

0859 maybe ID, 0900 time pips. 33323 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

9865 RUSSIA.VOR via Novosibirsk, 1239, 2/3/08. Urdu
service. Long-winded tlk by YL into folk mx. Fair to
good. (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

6100 Radio Serbia Int'l; 2023-2032+, 31-Jan; Electro-pop music
to W in SS ID at close; IS w/various instruments 2028-2031 then back on
in Slavic LL w/ID. SIO=3+43. WRTVH seems sure of location--Passport
not. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

Huge signal ---no other thing I can define--- tonight,
0100, from Serbia Montenegro in English on 7115, not
listed by Aoki nor Eibi.

Remarkable the laziness to speak of this poor woman
that must have been forced to wake up in the middle of
the wee hours to fill the schedule, leaving you with
the impression she was reading the script from her bed
in the studio. Now we know the RAI announcers were not
alone on this. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

3240, TWR, 0313-0322, Feb 3, vernacular.
Music at t/in; anncr w/ ID; banter w/ YL followed by
talk until 0319 choral music. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

7135 SINGAPORE. BBC via Kranji, 1314, 2/2/08. Indo
service featuring OM & YL alternating in presumed nx
comment program. Poor- fair signal (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

6225, WYFR, 1425-1500*, Feb 2, call-in program "Open
Forum" in English, poor-fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

7205, VOA-Udon Thani, 2323-2335, Feb 2,
English. VOA Special English w/ Functioning in
Business prg. ID at 2330 followed by world news. Good
listening in ECCS-LSB. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

6040 THAILAND. VOA, 1326, 2/2/08. Mandarin service.
Long winded chatter by YL with big reverb. Hint of
Belaruskoye Radio underneath. Poor-fair
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

7220 THAILAND. VOA via Udon Thani, 2257, 2/2/08.
English service w/ VOA News Now. Fair w/ HRO slop
(Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 03/02/2008)

11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1800-1830, Feb 1,
Still no English news. Swahili talk only. Distinctive local music. Fair to
good signal (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1759-1817, Feb 2,
local drums at 1759. Time pips & English news at 1800-1810.
"Spice FM" ID. Swahili talk at 1810. Local music at 1816. Good.
English rarely heard lately from this station. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1757-1812, Feb 5, pop
song, ToH sounded like Swahili, seemed to be segment about Islam and
brief reciting from Qur'an, into music program (calypso type song,
songs in English ["You're Still The One" by Shania Twain, etc.), fair.
As Brian Alexander and others have recently noted, the Spice FM news
at 1800, in English, is "rarely heard lately" (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

5 февраля 2008 г. в 7 UTC на 549 кГц не было прграммы Немецкой Волны, более
того, не было и самого <Проминя>, на частоте хозяйничали одновременно
<Маяк> и <Приднестровье>, может профилактика? Или финиш? 3.02 Проминь был.
Андрей Волошко, Украина - open_dx 05/02/2008)

Действительно, это была профилактика - рудимент советских правил
эксплуатации радиостанций (за границей такого по-моему нет). Я
подумываю, не опубликовать ли где-нибудь (на сайте) график? Хотя правило
довольно простое для запоминания и регулярное (за некоторым исключением,
связанным с накладками на линиях связи или с другим оборудованием,
например 26 мая и 8 сентября на УКВ, когда проводятся генеральные
профилактики антенного и энергохозяйства):

1) ДВ/СВ:
УР1: два раза в месяц по понедельникам (только не по праздникам)
09.00-16.00 (время местное);
УР2 - то же, но по вторникам;
УР3 - то же, но по средам.

2) УКВ:
для всех программ один раз в месяц (обычно последний понедельник)
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 05/02/2008)

7220KHz Philippines R.Liberty Tinang 02/02 Russian 0910-0917 presumed news programme w/ outside talks, 0915 ads about programme of R. Liberty, talks maybe

news'commentaries. Strong 44444 (Lucio O.B, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 02/02/2008)

9785 Radio Taiwan Int'l; 1626-1635+, 31-Jan; 2W in EE w/feature
on a storytelling competition in Taiwan. Tough copy; one mentioned
"vibrating"--not sure how that figures in, but sounds intriguing. SIO=
322, need USB due to loud grinding QRM centering about 9795.
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

Oletteko seuranneet mita Tshadissa tapahtuu?
Kapinallisjoukko kampeaa presidenttia vallasta ja
saattaa jopa onnistuakin.
Eilen saunanlammityksen jalkeen huomasin klo 20.30Z
taajuudella 4905 kHz pelkan vahvan kantoaallon, ohjelmaa ei
kuulunut. Klo 20.45 lahetin oli sammutettu tai sammunut.
(Jorma Mantyla, Kangasala, Fi - DX 03/02/2008)

3279.9 LV del Napo, Tena 0611-0705+ 4 Feb. Possibly running
AN with Spanish/Quechua mix of songs, telephone interview, mention of a
family conference in late February, a couple of echoing slogans
sounding like "Radio Maria" into Ave Maria and poss. Apostle's Creed
past 0700 (WRTH2008 says LVdN airs Radio Maria del Ecuador programs),
heard on rechecks past 1000. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

Экваториальная Гвинея
6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, 0535-0610,
Feb 1, Spanish talk. Hi-life music. Radio Nacional ID at 0603. Radio
Malabo ID at 0604. Fair but occasional rtty QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, *0527-0615,
Feb 2, sign on with African music. Spanish talk. Afro-pop music.
Threshold signal at sign on but improved to a weak but readable
level by 0537. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

6250, Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Malabo, 0600*-0640, 03-02, inicio del programa, cancion, locutor: "Informamos de lo que le interesa, Radio Nacional de Guinea

Ecuatorial", "Saludos desde Malabo, asi iniciamos tiempo de noticias", locutor, locutora, noticias de Guinea Ecuatorial y del mundo. "Las 7de la manana con 9 minutos

aqui en tiempo de noticias en Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial". "Las 7 de la manana con 11 minutos, hora oficial de la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial.". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain = hard-core-dx 03/02/2008)

6250 R Malabo on 2/4 hrd w/ nice S4 signal at 0603 tune – was not hrd prior to 0545 but seems to fade in after that. News by man at 0603 w/ mentions of earthquake in DR

of Congo (remote woman reporter) and other items, many w/ remote reports. Gave time, ID and news anmt at 0613. Female vocal w/band 0627-36, then into pgm of man

and woman anns w/ periodic highlife inst for a few seconds until 0648. After 0645 started slow fade to S3. On 2/5 in same time period, barely audible at 0600, so 2/4 was an

unusually good opening. SINPO 44433 w/ periodic bothersome ute QRM, but not overly detrimental.
(Bruce Ch., USA - CumbreDX 05/02/2008)

7099.98, VOBME, Asmara, program 1, *0355-0425,
Feb 1, IS/opening announcements. Talk at 0359. Some Horn of
Africa music. Fair. Program 2 on 7170/7175 not heard.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

7110, Radio Ethiopia, *0259-0325, Feb 1, sign on with
IS on electronic keyboard. Amharic talk at 0300. Horn of Africa music
at 0303. Fair but some adjacent channel splatter. No //s heard.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/02/2008)

Ю. Африка/Германия
11845 Adventist World Radio; 2038, 29-Jan; EE AWR ID w/
Lagos Nigeria address & into LL cmtry. S10 sig (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

3945KHz Japan R. Nikkei 2(pres.) Tokyo-Nagara 02/02 Japanese 0831-0843 lite music selections, 0835 Bossa Nova in EE. Noisy 23222
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 02/02/2008)

1450 WAVG IN Jeffersonville goes TALK, was OLD C&W
1250 KYYS KS Kansas City EX:KKHK Format:SS
1590 WAKR OH Akron goes OLD, was NOS
1340 WAGN MI Menominee VT's as OLD "13-40 Gold-WAGN", DROPS ABC Oldies Radio
540 WRRD WI Jackson 2b SPO:ESPN mid FEB
1070 CHOK ON Sarnia ADDS 200w@103.9.AM remains on
1280 CFBN ON Toronto surrenders license. SILent

1190 KRFT MO DeSoto, Talk Monster 11-90
1260 KBLY Idaho Falls, NewsTalk 6-90 and 12-60
(VE4DX1SMA - mwdx 01/02/2008)

640 CBN St Johns NL. “CBC Radio 1” ID. Soon clobbered by Spanish
station. G 0108 03/02 JF

730 CKAC Montreal QC. French football commentary. CKAC IDs heard G 0127
01/02 JF

860 CJBC Toronto ON. French CBC programme W 0124 01/02 JF

1050 CHUM Toronto ON. CHUM ID and usual oldies F 0121 01/02 JF

1050 WEPN New York NY. “ESPN 10-50 New York City” F 0120 01/02 JF

1080 WTIC Hartford CT. Mixing equal levels with Spain. Discussion show F
0145 01/02 JF

1090 WBAL Baltimore MD. Phone in show. Crystal clear when Talk Shite
1089 stops chattering! G 0140 01/02 JF

1290 WRNI Providence RI. Personal First and first time I have heard
Rhode Island State! National Public Radio IDs, phone number 1-800 909
9287 (which points to NPR) and mention of 102.7 – WRNI’s FM frequency.
Difficult channel with lots of splatter. F 0229 01/02 JF

1330 WRCA Waltham MA. Phone number in Spanish 781 642 0645 points to
Waltham, MA. Unusually good and brief peak G 0211 01/02 JF

1440 WJAB Portland ME. Sports. “Sporting News Radio” ID. Luxembourg off
until 03:50. Weak underneath Saudi Arabia, but a Spanish station also
present playing lively Latin music. W 0330 03/02 JF

1670 WVVM Dry Branch GA. Back to back Spanish pop music, punctuated by
regular “Viva” and “Viva Atlanta” shouts. W 0623 03/02 JF
(John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 03/02/2008)

1650 4/02 0545- WHKT, Portsmouth VA (USA)3
Px mx, vari ID in E "Radio Disney"

1500 4/02 0545- WWWT, Washington DC (USA) 3/4
Comunicati, traffico, ID in E alle 0600

1510 4/02 0545- WWZN, Boston MA (USA) 2/3
Notizie e commenti di sport, ID in E

1520 4/02 0545- WWKB, Buffalo NY (USA) 2
Interviste, slogan e ID in E

1570 4/02 0545- XERF,La Poderosa Ciudad Acuna (MEX)
Px mx, ID in S "... La Poderosa"
(Saverio De Cian, Sedico, Spain - playdx2003 04/02/2008)

Domestic MW DX, all times EST (UTC-5):

590 CKRS QC Saguenay - 2/2 1900 - Good;
"...le FM parlé de Saguenay-Lac St. Jean,"
into network talk, "A CKAC Sport..." (BC-NH)

600 KSJB ND Jamestown - 2/2 0558 - Very
tentative under WICC and R.Rebelde Cuba;
CST time check, Bismarck news items, but
not enough for positive ID. (BC-NH)

600 CKAT ON North Bay - 2/2 2000 - Good;
Toronto Maple Leafs hockey, "...on North
Bay's sports leader, AM 600 CKAT." (BC-NH)

640 CFMJ ON Richmond Hill - 2/2 2000 - Fair,
over CBN; promo/ID, "...AM 640 Toronto Radio."

930 WDLX NC Washington - 2/4 0600 - Under WGIN;
"You're listening to the Voice of the Pirate
Nation... WGHB Farmville, Greenville." (BC-NH)

1020 WRHB FL Kendall - 2/3 2355 - Presumed with
lively Haitian compas under KDKA and R.Reloj
Cuba, just couldn't pull up enough signal for ID.

1440 WFNY NY Gloversville - 2/3 1700 - Fair, over
WVEI; "1440 WFNY Gloversville, Johnstown, New York,"
and USA news. (BC-NH)

1450 CFAB NS Windsor - 2/3 0600 - Fair; Sunday
morning religious programs, "From Windsor at 1450,
this is CFAB..." and "The Voice of Prophecy." (BC-NH)

1460 WKDV VA Manassas - 2/2 2300 - Fair; multiple
station ID, "...WKDV Manassas, Washington, Silver
Springs, and 1250 WKDL Warrenton... Winchester...
La Kaliente!" and Mexican music. (BC-NH)

1500 WGHT NJ Pompton Lakes - 2/2 1700 - Under WFIF;
Billy Preston instrumental leading up to ID, "Great
Oldies WGHT Pompton Lakes, Paterson, the Lakelands (?)"
and network news. (BC-NH)

1510 WLAC TN Nashville - 2/3 0559 - Under WWZN;
promo, "...on Nashville's home of the Vols." (BC-NH)

1550 WAZX GA Smyrna - 2/2 1801 - Fair; Mexican music,
AM/FM and shouting "La Que Buena" IDs. (BC-NH)

1560 WQEW NY New York - 2/2 1800 - Noted not splattering
as bad as usual, on the spectrum analyzer looking like
analog bandwidth is limited to +/- 5 kHz in preparation
for HD digital. (BC-NH)

1610 CHHA ON Toronto - 2/2 1800 - Good; "...aquí en
Voces Latinas, 1610 AM, desde Toronto, Canada, la
ciudad más cosmopolito del mundo," into a bachata
vocal by Aventura. (BC-NH)
(Bruce Conti, NH, USA - mwdx 04/02/2008)

International MW DX, all times UTC:

531 SPAIN RNE5 synchros FEB 3 0100 - Over
unID time pips; bumper music, time marker,
fanfare into news, parallel 585 kHz. [Conti-NH]

558 SPAIN RNE5 synchros FEB 3 0100 - Fair;
echoing time pips, fanfare into news
parallel 585 kHz. [Conti-NH]

585 SPAIN RNE1 Madrid (4028'N 352'W) FEB 3 0100
- Excellent; "Radio Nacional de España, Informativos"
with fanfare, then time check, "Las dos, la una en
Canarias," and news. [Conti-NH]

603 SPAIN RNE5 Monte Viejo (4201'N 433'W)
and La Corchuela (3720'N 600'W) FEB 3 0000
- Good; both synchros received with double time
markers and echoed news due to delay between
stations. [Conti-NH]

639 SPAIN RNE1 La Coruña et al. FEB 3 0100
- Fair; bumper music, time marker, fanfare into
news, parallel 585 kHz. [Conti-NH]

930 CUBA R.Reloj, multiple locations
FEB 4 0402 - Under WGIN and WPAT; minute marker
and RR code ID, Sunday chimes instead of RR heard
before top of the hour. [Conti-NH]

940 MEXICO XEQ Besame, Iztapalapa, México
(1919'N 9905'W) FEB 4 0355 - Under CINW;
romántica, "Esta es la hora nacional, en vivo"
on the hour. [Conti-NH]

950 CUBA R.Reloj, La Habana and Mayarí Arriba
FEB 4 0345 - Good; in Sunday mode with RR code
replaced by chimes during bottom half hour,
double minute markers and echo due to delay
between stations. [Conti-NH]

960 CUBA R.Reloj, multiple locations FEB 4 0350
- Clock, minute marker, and chimes under WELI.

1000 MEXICO XEOY R.Mil, Iztacalco, México DF
(1923'N 9907'W) FEB 4 0400 - Under WMVP; La
Hora Nacional parallel 940 XEQ. [Conti-NH]

1020 CUBA R.Reloj, unknown location FEB 4 0445
- About even with KDKA, over unID compas music (WRHB?);
in Sunday mode with chimes replacing RR code during
bottom half hour. [Conti-NH]

1062 DENMARK Danmarks Radio, Kalundborg
(5540'N 1104'E) JAN 29 0455 - Fading up strong
over Italy; Toto "Africa," woman in distinct Danish.
Sounded like a "DR" ID followed by fanfare and news
on the hour. [Conti-NH]

1062 ITALY Rai Radiouno synchros JAN 29 0450
- Good, over Denmark; pre-0500 sign-on test tones.

1107 SPAIN RNE5 synchros JAN 31 0455 - Loud loud
synchro synchro echo echo; double minute markers
into news on the hour. Usual growl of off-frequency
synchro sub-audible het not noted. [Conti-NH]

1116 ITALY Rai Radiouno synchros JAN 30 0454
- Pre-0500 sign-on test tones under SER. [Conti-NH]

1179 SWEDEN R.Sweden Int'l, Sölvesborg (5559'N 1440'E)
JAN 31 0500 - Fair, over [I]SER[/I]; signature chimes
and ID. [Conti-NH]

1557 FRANCE France Info, Fontbonne (4346'N 725'E)
FEB 2 2159 - Fair; woman in French, a quick "France
Info..." and fanfare into news on the hour. [Conti-NH]

1566 BENIN TWR Parakou FEB 3 0400 - Presumed with
church choir music through the hour, no interval
signal heard for positive ID. A rather unimpressive
signal by comparison with 1557 France Info a good 20 dB
stronger. At least 1566 has a clear shot with 1570
CFAV R.Boomer nulled, now that 1560 WQEW R.Disney has
reduced analog bandwidth to +/- 5 kHz in preparation
for HD digital. [Conti-NH]
(Bruce Conti, USA - mwdx 04/02/2008)

Radio Sweden's German service on MW 1179, SW 6065 and local Stockholm FM
ends after 69 years in service on March 29, 2008

Radio Schweden-Homepage:

Radio Schweden
Die Sendung am 4. Februar 2008
Schluss fuer Radio Schweden-Programm

Nach 69 Jahren ist Schluss: Die halbstuendigen Rundfunkprogramme von
Radio Schweden, die bisher auf Kurz- und Mittelwelle (sowie auf UKW in
Stockholm) ausgestrahlt werden und auch im Internet zu hoeren sind,
werden zum 1. April eingestellt. Es wird nur mehr Nachrichten im
Internet und eine minimale Podcast-Variante geben. Was ist der Grund?
Gespraech mit Ingemar Loefgren, Chef von SR International, dem
Auslandsprogramm des Schwedischen Rundfunks.
(Anne Rentzsch, Germany - dxldyg 04/02/2008)

11:54 87.90 E30A Canal_EX Merida E
14:38 87.90 5158 MU.CS___ Vesuvio, Neaples I
(W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 01/02/2008)
Digital Radio
Неофициальное вещание

5985, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze (JSR) via Yamata,
Japan, 1400-1430, Feb 1 (Fri.), in English, piano IS, request for
information about abductees, gives e-mail address, mailing address and
three phone numbers (depending on where one is calling from), program
"News on North Korea Issues", reading news items from Associated
Press, NHK, etc., this must have been a repeat of an earlier program
as the items were all dated from Jan 14-19, IDs "This is Shiokaze Sea
Breeze from Tokyo, Japan", the very last ID give at 1429:30 was "This
is JSR, Shiokaze Sea Breeze from Tokyo, Japan", piano IS till off,
fair. RE: DXLD 8-013 (Japan) – discussion about change of antenna
direction: Did not notice any real change today in my reception than
from my recent receptions on Jan 14, 19 and 26 (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 02/02/2008)


6000- 03.45-04.00- Radio Habana Cuba- английский- 32332
6185- 04.20- Radio Vaticana- белорусский- 44444
7400- 04.25- Radio Bulgaria- русский- 45444
7360- 04.31- Radio Vaticana- французский- 45544- африканская служба
6280- 04.35- Kol Israel- английский- 45544- новости
9935- 15.30- Radiostation Makedonias- греческий- 43433
7165- 16.40- TWR- армянский- 32322
5950- 17.00+- TWR- фарси- 44444
9500- 17.30+- TWR Swasiland- английский- 44434
9730- 17.45- Voice of Vietnam- вьетнамский- 33433
9885- 18.20- WYFR- английский- 44344
9485- 18.30+- Radio Slovakia Int.- русский- 33333
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 01/02/2008)

25.01-15120- 06.55- Voice of Nigeria- английский- 44334
25.01-15120- 07.00+- Voice of Nigeria- французский- 34333
25.01- 9740- 07.10- HCJB- Ecuador- немецкий- 44434
25.01- 9830- 10.40- Voice of Croatia- хорватский- 44444
25.01- 15270- 10.50- CVC International- английский- 55434
25.01- 15400- 11.32- HCJB-Australia- китайский- 44444
25.01- 9475- 12.00+- Radio Australia- английский- 44544
25.01- 9455- 18.50- Radio Portugal Int.- португальский- 43444
26.01- 12085- 08.05- Voice of Mongolia- японский- 34333
26.01- 6165- 08.15- Radio Japan- русский- 22432
26.01- 12085- 08.35- Voice of Mongolia- монгольский-34333
26.01- 11735- 08.45- Voice of Korea- русский- 24332
26.01- 12085- 09.30+- Voice of Mongolia- английский- 44444
26.01- 12085- 10.00+- Voice of Mongolia- монгольский-34333
26.01- 11650- 10.10- KFBS- русский- 34333
26.01- 6285- 14.35- Voice of Korea- русский- 44434
27.01- 9840- 06.15- Радио России- русский- 34333
27.01- 15495- 06.45- Radio Kuwait- арабский- 45444
27.01- 12085- 09.25- Voice of Mongolia- китайский- 34333
27.01- 12105- 09.30+- KTWR- китайский- 43444
27.01- 9510- 10.15- Italian Radio Relay Service- английский- 33433
27.01- 9510- 13.45- AWR Guam- русский- 44444
28.01- 9575- 15.50- Radio Medi 1- французский- 44434
28.01- 6985- 18.10- Kol Israel- французский- 44444
28.01- 9420- 18.35- Voice of Greece- греческий- 43444
28.01- 5910- 20.00+- Radio Romania Int.- украинский- 33333
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 01/02/2008)

6230- 06.15+- TWR- польский- 34333
7380- 06.25- TWR- польский- 45444
9690- 06.45- Radio Romania Int.- английский- 33433
15100- 06.57- Radio Pakistan- урду- 33433
15120- 07.00+- Voice of Nigeria- французский- 43333
15285- 07.15- Radio Liberty- русский- 45434
15630- 07.20- Voice of Greece- греческий- 45444
15690- 07.25- Radio Farda- фарси- 55545
15505- 07.35- Radio Kuwait- арабский- 34333
12075- 08.40- Радио России- русский- 34333
9860- 08.50- Radio Prague- французский- 55455
9495- 09.00-09.05- Radio Abkhazia- русский- 34333- выпуск новостей, в 09.06 передатчик отключился
9635- 11.20- KTWR- вьетнамский- 44444
7110- 12.40- Белорусское радио- белорусский- 44333
9885- 16.00+- Radio Emmanuil- украинский- 43444
7190- 16.40- Radio Romania Int.- русский- 44434
9525- 19.05+- TWR Swaziland- лингала- 34333
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 01/02/2008)

Back home in Sweden after 3 month in the Sunshine State, I was out last night together with some friends for DX-ing in our shack. Very good conditions, this is some of

what I heard.

3254.5 R Educadora 6 de Agosto, B with YL talk. Poor with id 2315 (Olsson, Feb 1)
3396 Zimbabwe BC, ZWE with high life music at 2020. Fair (Olsson, Feb 2)
4750 Bangladesh Betar, BGD with news in English at 1530. Very good. (Olsson, Feb 1)
4775 R Tarma, PRU (t) with px in SS at 2330. Fair (Olsson, Feb 2)
4845.2 R Cultural Ondas Tropicais, B with a lot of ID. Good at 2210. (Olsson, Feb 1)
4865 R Logos via R Centenario, BOL with a music px and id. Fair at 2240 (Olsson, Feb 1)
4950 R Nacional de Angola, AGL with news in PP. Very good at 2300 (Olsson, Feb 1)
7255 China Radio International, Kashi, CHN Px in English “China Drive” Very good 1700-1800. (Olsson, Feb 1)
(Claes Olsson, Norrkoping, SWEDEN - CumbreDX 02/02/2008)

1053 30/1 22.55 COPE - Zaragoza, Aragon, Spagna, SS ID e pubblicita locale
1125 31/1 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Toledo SS NX reg. Castilla-La
Mancha buono
1125 1/2 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Vitoria SS NX reg. Pais Vasco
1359 29/1 22.40 Gold - 3 TXs , (relay 1548 Gold AM London, UK), TX ???
EE MX suff. ( 1359 R.N.E. Madrid off, 30/01 on !! )
1566 1/2 20.15 Tent. TWR - Parakou, Benin, Vern. MX afro e talk OM
suff. Email : 1566@twr.org Address : BP 1039 PARAKOU.
(Studio Dx program)
3340 2/2 04.20 R. Misiones Int. - Comayaguela, Honduras, SS predica stile
4790 2/2 04.25 R. Vision - Chiclayo, Peru, SS predica stile I1YGL buono
4825 2/2 23.35 R. Educadora - Braganca, Brasil, PP MX buono
4880 2/2 16.50 AIR - Lucknow, India, Hindy nenia triestina suff.
4925 2/2 23.40 R.R.I. - Jambi, Indonesia, Bahasa talk OM buono
5000 2/2 23.45 YVTO - Caracas, Venezuela, SS ID e pip pip, time signal
5910 2/2 23.20 Marfil Estereo - Lomalinda, Bogota, Colombia, SS MX buono
6035 2/2 23.25 Voz del Guaviare - S. Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, SS
MX buono
6211 3/2 10.10 R. Carnevalini - Postfach 101145 - 99801 Eise-
nach - Germania Dutch ID e MX buono
6307 3/2 09.30 R. Real Madrid ??? EE ID e MX buono
11780 29/1 22.20 R. Nac. da Amazonia - Brasilia PP A Voz do
Brazil suff.
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 03/02/2008)

7465,0 1906 S R SWEDEN-Horby Nx sobre Kenia 01/02 Sue 45333
7490,0 1909 MDA FAMILY RADIO-Kishinev-Grigoriopol Com Relig (segun eibi) 01/02 Esp 45444
6040,0 1936 G R VLAANDEREN-Skelton relay Px domestico 01/02 Hol 45444
6265,0 2043 LTU LVRII-Sitkumai Nx//7130 Kalamabad 45444 01/02 Esp 35333
7140,0 2049 ROU RRI-Galbeni Com audio muy debil 01/02 Esp 45333
7260,0 2057 AFS BBC-Meyerton Nx 01/02 Por 33333
7390,0 2114 BLR R BELARUS-Minsk-Kalodzicy Mx+Com 01/12 Ing 35333
7430,0 2115 ALB R TIRANA-Shijak Nx 01/02 Ing 35433
6265,0 2132 LTU KBC-Sitkunai Mx 01/02 Ing 35333
6070,0 2203 ROU RRI-Galbeni Nx sobre Securitate 01/02 Esp 33333
13635,0 1414 AUS CVC-Darwin Mx+com 02/02 Ing 35333
7495,0 1426 THA Deewa R.-Udon Thani Com OM 02/02 Pas 35222
7235,0 1431 MRA VOA-Tinian (tent) Com +Mx 02/02 Kor 25322
7225,0 1437 D VOA-Biblis Special English 02/02 ing 35443
17660,0 1448 ARS BSKSA-Riad Com 02/02 Fra 35333
15420,0 1506 SEY BBC-Mahe Nx 02/02 Ing 35433
15410,0 1530 CHL CVC-Santiago Mx+Promos 02/02 Por 25222
15260,0 1605 AFS FAMILY RADIO-Meyerton Rlg 02/02 Por 45333
15235,0 1607 AFS CHANNEL AFRICA-Meyerton Entrevista 02/02 Fra 35443
3965,0 2053 F RTI-Issoudun Px en frances… no sched en Esp 02/02 Fra 45444
9335,0 2115 CLN R FARDA-Irana Wila PX MX 02/02 Per 35333
6145,0 2139 RUS LV RUSIA-Moscu Entrevista a Cubanos 02/02 Esp 45333
6100,0 2215 BIH R SERBIA INT-Bjeljina Mx pop + Id 02/02 Ing 44444
6000,0 2227 RUS LV RUSIA-Samara Id+FX 02/02 Ser 45444
7400,0 2232 BUL R BULGARIA-Plovdiv Nx 02/02 Ing 35222
6280,0 2247 CHN FIREDRAKE QRM a Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH 02/02 25222
13710,0 1018 IND AIR-Bangalore Mx tipica 03/02 Ing 35443
15475,0 1029 TUR V TURQUIA-Emirler Com+Mx 03/02 Tur 45333
15665,0 1450 USA WHRA-Greenbush Rlg 03/02 Ing 45444
15825,0 1454 USA WWCR-Nashville Rlg 03/02 Ing 25332
15330,0 1505 USA R MARTI-Greenville Com polit//13820 03/02 Esp 15321
13650,0 1515 ZMB CVC-Lusaka Rlg 03/02 Ing 24332
11690,0 1548 JOR R JORDANIA-Al Karanah Mx pop,telef, 03/02 Fra 45444
11665,0 1610 - Interval signal 03/02 - 45444
11575,0 1634 MRC Radio Ashna(VOA)-Tanger-Briech Nx+Id 03/02 Dari 55444
11785,0 1653 IND V DE INDONESIA-Jakarta-Cimanggis Mx tipica 03/02 Ara 35333
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 03/02/2008)

01.02.08 вечером какое-то время не было электроэнергии в нашем районе
города, поэтому удалось немного послушать радио в отсутствие помех.

225кГц//279//738//584кГц - Радио России
666кГц - новости на английском, была ID - BBC. Откуда???
576//594//846//900//1359кГц - Маяк
1359кГц - помеха для Маяка от Китая
981кГц - Китай
1134кГЦ - 2 станции: 1-на китайском, 2-на арабском
6180кГц - UNID на испанском, слабый сигнал. Также что-то на испанском с
таким же по-уровню сигналом принято на 6120кГц. Кто это может быть?
9965кГц - KHBN

4990кГц - AIR Itanagar
4975кГц - сначала думал, что здесь вещает Иран или Пакистан, оказалось Голос России.
4970кГц - UNID на английском. Похоже на Индию.
4965кГц - 2 станции: Голос России //4975кГц, вторая - AIR New Delhi
4950кГц - UNID на непонятном южноазиатском языке (не хинди). Кто?
4895кГц - 2 станции UNID
4860кГц - UNID, язык не разобрал, но чем-то похож на арабский.
4835кГц - PBC Islamabad
4775кГц - AIR Imphal
4750кГц - 2 станции: Китай и кто-то еще из Юго-Восточной Азии.
3040, 3065, 3077кГц - пираты HAM'ы.

1548кГц - Radio Sawa на арабском, четкая ID. Очень сильный сигнал.
1539кГц - арабская речь. Кто это может быть?
1467кГц - Trans World Radio на английском. 44554. Помеха на арабском.
1323кГц - CRI на английском в 1500UTC.

А потом дали свет и мой прием на СВ закончился. Мощнейшая помеха в виде сильного треска по всему дапазону.
На КВ слышно только самых мощных.

И еще:
02.02.08 в 0940UTC принял Radio Joystick на частоте 9290кГц на немецком. 35433.
(Дмитрий Пузанов, Казахстан - open_dx 03/02/2008)

4950KHz Angola R.Nacional Angola Mulenvos 02/03 PP 0025-0039 african music, 0030 ads, 0031 announcer discussions w/ some listeners by phone about Carnival

aspects, people involvement, financial, announcer questions: " o Carnaval une a patria, une as pessoas?". 33223 (LOB-B).
7200KHz Russia NVK R.Sakha - R.Rossii(tent.) Yakutsk 02/03 Russian 0842-0900 long segments of eloquent and humored female talks w/ short canned anmts,

0859 maybe ID, 0900 time pips. 33323 (LOB-B).
7230KHz Burkina Faso R.Burkina Ouagadougou 02/03 Dialects 0817-0828 local music anternating male talks, 0822 male talks. CNR QRM 33433 (LOB-B).
9635KHz Mali R.Mali Bamako 02/03 FF 0913-0923 male anmts "la atualite" w/ outside talks. 33323 (LOB-B).
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 03/02/2008)

5045 BRASIL: R. Guaruja FM 104.5 MHz, via Radio Guaruja Paulista,
Guaruja-SP, PP, 02/02 1738. Cancoes brasileiras, Joana, Roberto Carlos, id
‘Guaruja FM’ (1550 kHz estava com outra programacao). Sem sinais em 3235
kHz, o que faz supor uma possivel substituicao destes pelos 5045 kHz.
Lembrando que as frequencias ‘originais’ da R. Guaruja Paulista sao: 3235,
3385, 5045, 5930 kHz, e anuncia-se os sinais de 9715 kHz para em breve
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

6418 LSB INDIA: VTP, CW marker, 04/02 0120. Um sinal relativamente forte,
bom para ser identificado. No site
encontram-se varias referencias a tx desta natureza, dentre os quais: 6418.0
VTP-Indian Naval Vizakhapatnam V marker CW, o que confirma a referida tx,
557 (RST) (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

9820 CHINA: Guangxi Foreign Broadcasting Station, Nanning, Ch, 03/02 0006.
OM: talk, YL: talk, mx instrumental apos curtos blocos de comunicacao
(Sugere-se ser um bloco de noticias), 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

9910 INDIA: AIR, Aligarh, Tamil, 03/02 0012. OM: talk, mx tipica, 35533
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

11625 VATICANO: R. Vaticano, Santa Maria di Galeria, PP, 03/02 1805. Tx para
o segmento ‘portugues’ da Africa, YL: talk com outra YL sobre criancas,
saude, ao fim da comunicacao, uma das YL foi identificada como ‘irma
Filomena Araujo’, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

11690 EQUADOR: HCJB, Quito, SS, 03/02 1428. OM: comentario baseado na
Biblia, mx crista, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

11805 BRASIL: R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, PP, 03/02 1840. Id: ‘R.Globo’ (a
tradicional id da Globo com eco, precedida de assovio), OM: talk sobre
festejos de carnaval no Rio de Janeiro. Entrevista., 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

15285 ESTADOS UNIDOS: World Harvest Radio, Cypress Creek, EE, 03/02 1843. Mx
‘Live the life’, por Michael W. Smith, OM: id da cancao, talk, outra mx
crista, (comunicacao de locucao diferente da habitualmente ouvida pelas
programacoes da World Harvest Radio), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

15355 GABAO: R. Japan, via Moyabi, JJ, 03/02 1735. Mx pop em JJ, OM: talk
com outro OM, 35533 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 04/02/2008)

6.110 kHz, Radio Tirana, 27-01-08, 0003-0024. Noticias sobre Kosovo, identificacion emisora y musica, en albanes. SINPO 44333
6.175 kHz, Radio Int. China., 26-01-08, 2324-2358. Lectura cartas oyentes, programa de cocina, curso de chino, musica e identificacion emisora, en espanol. SINPO


15.345 kHz, RAE Radio Argentina al Exterior, 02-02-08, 2316-2319. Comentarios sobre el partido de futbol amistoso entre Boca y River, en espanol. SINPO 34333
15.345 kHz, RAE Radio Argentina al Exterior, 03-02-08, 0033-0037. Retransmision del partido de futbol amistoso entre Boca y River, gol de River 1-1, en espanol. SINPO


6.090 kHz, Radio Belarus, 02-02-08, 2320-0000. Musica pop con comentarios de locutora, en ruso. SINPO 45433

6.045 kHz, Nei Menggu PBS, 03-02-08, 0001-0006. Comentarios de locutor, en chino. SINPO 44343

5.955 kHz, Democratic Voice of Burma, 03-02-08, 0009-0029. Comentarios con referencias a Indonesia, musica y fin de emision, en birmano. SINPO 55555
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche, Spain - radioescutas 04/02/2008)

River DXPedition Three cups of java from thermos, xyl work me up at 1000 GMT as requested, tnx. Humidity was very low and conditions to Asia seemed to hold in.

Receiver is a Dallas Lankford modified SONY 2010XA [beta test]. Paid close attention to the the synrchro lock in upper and lower. With the exception of VL8K and North

Korea, the lock was strong and did not break. Tuning SONY 2010XA ssb can zero beat with the RIT.
Wide Synchro a bit noisy so used narrow. On next occasion will use audio filters, as river site number one does have remote power supply. Power lines are buried. rlcw

2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 1108 weak signal but strongest of the three NT Australians. [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

2850 North Korea 1133 yl , weak; good band indicator. ssb log [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

3279.6 Ecuador, La Voz del Napo Tena "atenecion.. Sra Lopez" 1100 to 1110 [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

3329.53 Peru, Ondas del Huallaga Huanuco 1043; 1050 with music [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

3340 Honduras, Radio Misiones Internacionales Comayaguela 1040 " religious message Gracias Senor Por su Amor..." [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

4604.8 Indonesia, RRI Serui strong signal 1115 to 1120 [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

4732. Bolivia Radio Universitaria, Cobija, Pando *1100 to 1110 with music, good signal; no ID slogan heard. [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

4760 Andaman Islands , Port Blair 1140 fade in with subcontinental music, yl at 1157 and 1217. Providing a steady signal [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

5039.2 Peru, Radio Libertad, Junin with om and music at 1115, good lock in lower synchro [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

5040.6 Burma, Radio Myanmar 1140; 1220 to 1230 yl and music [Wilkner-River DXPedition]

7250 Bangladesh Betar 1227 carrier on, followed by 1229 time pip, brief East Asian music then into news by yl till 1238 then om news. Hum on the signal and

occasional ARO. Switched between synchro upper and lower. [Wilkner-River DXPedition]
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 04/02/2008)

1630 2253 01/02 R. AM Restauración, Hurlingham, mx, YL, SS 35233 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
1640 2253 01/02 R. Bethel, Villa Caraza, OM, relg, SS 25232 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
1620 0116 02/02 Concierto FM, QTH??, mx variada intercalada c/ notícias locais, OM, SS 45333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
1620 0131 03/02 Concierto FM, QTH??, rock argentino, SS 45333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
1650 0146 03/02 Unid, mx argentina, SS 25232 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
1660 0151 03/02 R. Hosanna, Ezeiza, mx, SS 15221 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
870 0241 04/02 R. Nacional, Buenos Aires, OM c/ história, SS 43333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)

1580 0128 02/02 Unid, ?? - RJ, OM, tx do Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro 43333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
560 0212 04/02 R. Paulista AM, Santa Isabel - SP, OM (Davi Miranda), relg da IPDA 33333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
630 0215 04/02 R. Difusora Bom Jesus, Cuiabá - MT, OM, menção às emissoras que compõem a Rede Canção Nova de Rádio, relg 43343 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso;

Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
690 0219 04/02 R. Clube, QTH??, mx c/ Daniel, vinheta por voz feminina: "Clube" 44333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)
730 0234 04/02 Unid, OM, tx do Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro 43333 (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil)

810 0239 04/02 R. El Espectador, Montevidéu, OM/OM, talks, SS 43343
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil - radioescutas 04/02/2008)

530 0825-0832 4 Feb. Apparently the same guy Harry Helms heard
on 2 Feb. with 20 seconds of "1-2-3...15" and about 16 seconds of 1kHz
tone under Oceanside CA HAR, LAX TIS and maybe Vision Cristiana.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 05/02/2008)

5780 kHz is an Intermodulation at 18.00-20.00 UTC.
Nothing on symmetrical 6200 kHz.

When 5920 kHz is alone on air, nothing heard on 5780 kHz.

When 'empty' carrier starts on St.P 6060 kHz at 17.46:35 UTC, the
carrier on 5780 kHz also occurs with S=4-6 today Febr 1st.

Arabic audio carrier starts at exact 18.00 UTC on both 6060 a n d
5780 kHz. (W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 01/02/2008)

IRIB in Arabic noted on an unstable 6066.6 kHz ... nominal 6065 kHz
... at 01.25 GMT on 5 Feb 2008.


The transmitter was hopping around a bit, but most of the time was on
6066.60 kHz according to the AOR7030+.
(Mark Hattam, U.K. - harmonics 05/02/2008)

O1, 13730, Feb 1 at 1400 going from English to German, just as QRM
from CRI via Cuba`s dirty 13740 transmitter starts modulating. Needlessly
complex English/Deutsch language schedule from Austria at 1305-1400 per EiBi:
13730 1305-1320 Mo AUT Radio Austria Int. E Eu
13730 1305-1320 Tu-Fr AUT Radio Austria Int. D Eu
13730 1305-1330 SaSu AUT Radio Austria Int. E Eu
13730 1320-1345 Mo-Fr AUT Radio Austria Int. D Eu
13730 1330-1335 SaSu AUT Radio Austria Int. D Eu
13730 1335-1400 SaSu AUT Radio Austria Int. E Eu
13730 1345-1400 Mo AUT Radio Austria Int. D Eu
13730 1345-1400 Tu-Fr AUT Radio Austria Int. E Eu
Otherwise at 0500-1830 it`s all in German. Per HFCC, 13730 switches from a 160
degree antenna to 0 degrees (or non-direxional?) at 1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/02/2008)

0806 5815 44444 Orion Radio
0819 6267 45544 Radio Scotland Int - 0842 : end
0843 6311 44444 Radio l'Arboc - via Radio Barretina
0911 6400 45444 Weekend Music Radio
0958 6211 35433 Radio Carneval
1017 6325 35433 Radio Waves Int
1029 6235 23432 Unid (in German)
1104 6210 45444 Radio Scotland Int - 1105 : end
1107 6267 25322 Radio Altrex
1112 6524 34433 Radio Ramona
1118 6260 23432 Unid
1124 6421 24432 Laser Hot Hits
1349 6140 55545 MV Baltic Radio - via Wertachtal Germany
1706 6882 34433 Pirate Music - non-stop instrumental music
2007 4025 34433 Laser Hot Hits
(Toutatis - Sw-pirates 04/02/2008)

1629,00 0202 2259 unid, Gr, romantic song 24432
1629,00 0302 2223 unid, Gr, romantic song, talks, 24322
1645,00 0202 2300 R.Barones/ R.Meteoor?,D, talks, schlager polka 24332
1650,00 0202 2338 R.Timer?, D, polka, talks, ID, schlager 24322
1655,00 0202 2337 unid,D, polka 24311
1665,00 0202 2342 R.Barones,D,E, polka, Sweet Caroline, ID, Get ready, greets to Santana,ballad 24432
1670,00 0202 2255 unid, Serbian?, talks 25422
1670,00 0202 2303 R.Technical Man, E, ID Technical man from East side of NL, calling Serbian station 24432
1680,00 0302 2228 unid,Gr, talks, folks music 24422
1690,00 0202 2302 unid,Gr, talks, music 24322
1708,00 0202 2335 R.Armada, E, greets to other stations, good morning, ID closing down at 2336 24422
1710,00 0302 2230 unid, Gr, talks 24422
5815,00 0302 0820 Orion R, E, light music, ID, bood morning, report fro Scotland, rock 24322
6140,00 0302 1300 MV Baltic R, G,Man of action,ID, website, Pink Floid, Reggae, rock, 35433
6265,00 0202 2202 KBC,E, rock and roll, KBC promo, MW.ingo. BRI promo, 45444
6265,00 0302 2130 KBC+Big L, E,jingle ID;K-po promo,Under my umbrella, Marrakesh Express,Martha Reeves 45544
6267,00 0302 0808 R.Scotland Int, E, D, rock, jingle, Bachelors, rock, report from Peter, from Finland 35333
6290,00 0202 0925 Orion R, E, schlager, ID, pops, closing down at 0943 24322
6305,00 0202 1720 R.Oscar Zulu,D,E,light music,country,email radiooscarzulu@hotmail.com, closing at 1731 24332
6305,00 0202 1817 unid,electronic music, 24222
6311,00 0202 0950 R.Barretina,Cat, relay of local FM, publ 24322
6311,00 0302 0905 R.Barretina,Cat, relay of local FM, preacher man, karaoke show, popular songs claims 24332
6400,00 0202 2325 WMR,E, ballad, jingle ID. Avril Lavigne, Spanish fly 24432
6400,00 0302 0825 WMR,E, ballad, dje Hello ID, WMR from Scotland, rock 24432
6925,00 0202 1535 Spider R, music +2205 rock and roll on USB 24322
6925,00 0302 1450 Spider R, rock, disco, FR David, Police: Message in a bottle, rock, 24322
9290,00 0202 0925 R.Joystick,G, funky ID, Charlie Prince, QTH Mulheim am Rhur, dance, Bongo sound 35443
9290,00 0202 0959 R.Nord Evergreen,Lv, ID,oldies program, tango, Piccolo Ragazzo, Diana,Quien sera… 35443

675,00 0102 2335 R.Maria,Nl, instrumental, choral, Musica Requiem. 35443
675,00 0302 2205 R.Maria,Nl, instrumental, choral 34333
5110,00 0202 2308 WBCQ,E, countr music, coments 24322
5025,00 0202 2310 R.Rebelde,Sp, live basket Capitolinos vs Ciego del Avila. ID 35443
6005,00 0302 0959 R.700,G, karneval around the world show, ID; hotline 0049 2251 921300, WEB www.radio700.de ,
email , Address : Radio 700 - Das Europaradio, Kuchenheimer Str. 155, DE-53881 Euskirchen, Alemana. , Samba 35443
(Silveri Gomez, Spain - playdx2003 05/02/2008)

6586/U New York Radio; 2136, 29-Jan; ATC wkg a/c (Frodge-MI)
6855/AM W/SS 5d #s; 2129, 29-Jan; S25 sig (Frodge-MI)
8113/U VMW Wiluna, Australia; 2040-2050:40*, 30-Jan; M/EE marine
wx. Fair w/QRM; much better than weaker //12362/U. 1st time
I've hrd these two freqs--only hrd VMW on 6230 previously
8918/U New York Radio; 1955, 31-Jan; ATC wkg a/c (Frodge-MI)
10051/U Gander Radio, NL Canada; 2127-2129:45*, 30-Jan; Western
Canada volmet; off w/ID. Copyable w/distortion (Frodge-MI)
11175/U AFI McClellan AFB, Sacramento CA; 2108, 30-Jan; Clg Reach 49
11175/U AFA Andrews AFB, Camp Springs MD; 1938, 31-Jan; Alpha msg w/
strong echo. (Frodge-MI)
11175/U USAF, Puerto Rico; 1941-1952, 31-Jan; Phone patch--not hrd.
Macaroni clg Mainsail--PR responded. Anybody know the AFB,
location & call for this one? (Frodge-MI)
11309/U New York Radio (p); 2116, 30-Jan; ATC wkg a/c; sed use 8825
for wx rpt. (Frodge-MI)

Concerning 3AC Monaco: I get a het on 8728 often with the occasional
hint of audio. At 1600 on 31-Jan on 17260, there was definite audio,
but too buried to copy. (Frodge-MI)
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/02/2008)

5517.0 El Al 072 ELY072 Mumbai to Tel Aviv selcal HRDF 4X-EAR B763 cn26262 usb 01/31 (PP)
5517.0 Reunion 975 wkg Khartum usb 01/31 (PP)
(Patrice P, France - udxf 01/02/2008)

01779.0 SDJ stockholm 0617 USB sue yl naws? 1fev08

02182.0 navire en difficulte 0620 USB esp c unid ? 1fev08

02411.0 pecheurs 0622 USB eng accent? 1fev08

02677.0 cross 0623 USB wx previsions 1fev08

02733.0 SDJ stockholm 0624 USB eng wx prev 1fev08

03485.0 gander vm 0626 USB "winnipeg...snow..." 1fev08

04134.0 unid mil? 0627 USB slave 1fev08

04600.0 pirates 0628 USB ita d/x 1fev08
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 01/02/2008)

On the 5500 kHz channel (Task Forces in AFG) another new one
appears "SHAOPS". Can't find any recently active TG in AF
with the name "Task Force Shaxxxxx" on the web.

The UH-60A helo 84-23938 came on too, calling MEROPS - another
"new" unid TF on this net. I hoped to ID the TF via the unit which
operates this helo. The web gave the 542nd Medical Company (AA),
homeplated in Korea, but some pages gave their operation area in 2006
as Iraq and "Horn of Africa", maybe now in AFG. But can't find any
newer page mentioning this kind of info.... ANY HELP ??

And on the GEO MIL a new ident was reported too: IRQ.
After ATG this is the second new ident in the last week for this net.

Any further comments? IDs? info?

00493 LD: NDB Krasnodar, RUS 2310 CW IDx2 & 6"gap. 31/JAN/08 (DL8AAM)

05440 210003: unid 0413 ALE/USB to 650009 w/LQA. 1Feb08 (ALF)

05500 SHAOPS: US Army - unid Task Force, AFG 2245a ALE/USB SND.
30Jan08 (ALF)

05500 R23938: US Army - unid Task Force/Aviation Sikorsky UH-60A
Blackhawk Helicopter #84-23938, 542nd Medical Company (AA),
AFG 2300a ALE/USB to MEROPS (unid Task Force), who replied.
30Jan08 (ALF)

05596 : Vorkuta Aero, RUS 0531 J3E/USB YL/RR sx wkg Archangelsk fr
short ra/chs. 31Jan08 (ALF)

05711 AAT3BF: US Army MARS Newark, DE (SHARES SCN Ch #4) 0357 ALE/USB
SND (complete decoded? before logged AAT3BTMARS). 1Feb08 (ALF)

05711 KTQ313: unid US Enviromental Protection Agency/EPA (SHARES SCN
Ch#4) 0358 ALE/USB SND. 1Feb08 (ALF)

05799 : unid USN MARS 0420 PACTOR-I clg NNN0MRB "".
1Feb08 (ALF)

05800 : unid 0248 ALE/USB "[TO] QHL" (complete?). 1Feb08 (ALF)

05830 : Uzbek Army ("OMEGA-Net") 0244+ ALE/USB to SADAF29RS1702P,
OMEGA70RS1702P. 31Jan08 (ALF)

05860 FAAZNY: FAA New York ARTCC (RCOM/NARACS); Ronkonkoma, NY (KCD73)
0317 ALE/USB SND. 1Feb08 (ALF)

06583 IRQ: Georgian Military ("8GS-Net") 2000 ALE/USB to 8GS w/LQA.
31Jan08 (ALF)

06583 SJS: Georgian Military ("8GS-Net") 1950 ALE/USB to 1BR w/LQA.
31Jan08 (ALF)

06583 6001: unid ("X001-Net") 1955 ALE/USB SND. 31Jan08 (ALF)

06583 9001: unid ("X001-Net") 0141 ALE/USB SND. 30Jan08 (ALF)

06583 9066: unid ("X001-Net") 0142 ALE/USB SND. 30Jan08 (ALF)

06857 : CIS Military 2247 CW 5LGs "...PYaPYaW (=01012) = K", s/off.
31Jan08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 01/02/2008)

03593,7 D: rus navy Sevastopol RUS 2332 cw Channel Marker 1Feb08 (wp3)

03593,8 P: rus navy Kaliningrad RUS 2331 cw Channel Marker 1Feb08

10871,7 D: rus navy Sevastopol RUS 1632 cw Channel Marker 1Feb08 (wp3)

10871,8 M: rus navy Magadan RUS 1632 cw Channel Marker 1Feb08 (wp3)

10871,9 S: rus navy Severomorsk RUS 1632 cw Channel Marker 1Feb08
(W. Palmberger, Germany = udxf 02/02/2008)

06777,2 drat: FGS Emden F210 D 1643 usb/stanag4285 qsl my 0148 ?
2Feb08 (wp3)

08333,5 drat: FGS Emden F210 D 1651 usb/stanag4285 three priority
2Feb08 (wp3)

16009,7 : MFA Kairo EGY 1125 sitor-a selcalling tvqx unid emb.
2Feb08 (wp3)

16605,9 : UNFICYP (ITU) CYP 1217 195.3/twinplex 2Feb08 (wp3)

16938,0 vtg8: IN Mumbai IND 1225 cw weak, weather report 2Feb08 (wp3)

16986,0 ctp: NATO Lissabon POR 1227 rtty 75/850 naws naws de ctp ctp
ctp ship shore not avaiable ufn 2Feb08 (wp3)
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 03/02/2008)

18,30 HWU - Le Blanc F FN FSK 200/53 27-gen 1840 N-D - (BC)
19,60 GQD - Anthorn Cumbria G RN/NATO FSK 200/75 27-gen 1842 N-D - (BC)
20,27 ICV - Tavolara I IN FSK 200/85 27-gen 1843 N-D - (BC)
20,90 HWU - Le Blanc F FN FSK 200/90 27-gen 1845 N-D - (BC)
22,10 GQD - Anthorn Cumbria G RN FSK 100/45 27-gen 1846 N-D - (BC)
23,40 DHO38 - Saterland/Ramsloh D GN/NATO FSK 200/50 27-gen 1848 N-D - (BC)
26,70 TBB - Bafa TUR TN FSK 100/45 27-gen 1850 N-D - (BC)
37,50 NRK - Keflavik/Grindavik ISL USN FSK 200/80 27-gen 1852 N-D - (BC)
45,90 SXA - Spata Attikis GRC HN FSK 200/90 27-gen 1854 N-D - (BC)
51,95 GYW1 - Crimond G RN NATO 50/80 27-gen 1855 N-D - (BC)
60,00 MSF - Rugby G TS N0N 27-gen 1856 PIPS - (BC)
62,60 FUE - Brest F FN FSK 200/90 27-gen 1857 N-D - (BC)
65,80 FUE - Brest F FN FSK 200/83 27-gen 1859 N-D - (BC)
75,00 HBG - Geneve Prangins SUI TS N0N 27-gen 1900 PIPS - (BC)
77,50 DCF77 - Mainflingen D TS N0N 27-gen 1902 PIPS - (BC)
81,00 GYN2 - London G RN FSK 50/85 27-gen 1903 N-D - (BC)
82,75 GYB - London G RN NATO 75/68 27-gen 1904 N-D - (BC)
129,10 DCF49 - Mainflingen D DT FSK 200/338 27-gen 1905 N-D - (BC)
135,60 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 200/340 27-gen 1906 N-D - (BC)
139,00 DCF39 - Mainflingen D DT FSK 200/338 27-gen 1907 N-D - (BC)
147,30 DDH47 - Pinneberg D METEO BAUDOT 50/100 27-gen 1909 WX 1912 RY+QRA (BC)
1.755,00 EAO - Palma de Mallorca E RADIO J3E/USB 31-gen 1950 AV - (BC)
1.767,00 EA.. - Cabo de Gata E RADIO J3E/USB 31-gen 1950 AV - (BC)
1.785,00 LGZ - Farsund NOR RADIO J3E/USB 01-feb 2320 AV/WX - (BC)
1.852,00 IPP - Palermo I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1945 AV/WX - (BC)
1.876,00 IQN - Lampedusa I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1945 AV/WX - (BC)
1.888,00 IPD - Civitavecchia I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1945 AV/WX - (BC)
1.925,00 IPL - Livorno I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1945 AV/WX - (BC)
2.001,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 01-feb 2325 TFC KRY - (BC)
2.121,40 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 27-gen 1932 N-D - (BC)
2.182,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 01-feb 2330 IDLE - (BC)
2.212,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 100/850 27-gen 1934 N-D - (BC)
2.220,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 27-gen 1935 TFC RUS - (BC)
2.226,00 M... - Humber G BCG J3E/USB 31-gen 1940 AV - (BC)
2.329,50 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/500 31-gen 2000 N-D - (BC)
2.346,50 F... - ..... F FF CW 01-feb 2330 GR(A) //4931,0 //4833,0 //2551,0 'BT NR H2 J 30 10:29:21 1980' (BC)
2.463,00 IDR - Roma I IN BAUDOT 75/850 27-gen 1938 AVAILABILITY - (BC)
2.513,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 31-gen 2004 VVVV - (BC)
2.551,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 01-feb 2330 GR(A) //4931,0 //4833,0 //2346,5 'BT NR H2 J 30 10:29:21 1980' (BC)
2.626,00 4X.. FTJ Tel Aviv ISR MOSSAD H3E/USB 27-gen 1945 GR(A) ING - (BC)
2.628,00 IQA - Augusta I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1947 AV/WX - (BC)
2.632,00 IQH - Napoli I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1950 AV/WX - (BC)
2.651,40 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,1/170/6CH/USB 31-gen 2010 IDLE ON BOTH CH. - (BC)
2.656,00 IPA - Ancona I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1950 AV/WX - (BC)
2.661,40 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,1/170/6CH/USB 31-gen 2012 IDLE ON BOTH CH. - (BC)
2.744,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 31-gen 2014 N-D - (BC)
2.789,00 IDF - Messina I RADIO J3E/USB 27-gen 1957 AV/WX - (BC)
2.832,80 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46,2/170 27-gen 2057 TFC ARA 2100 TFC ARA (BC)
2.843,50 U... OWWP ..... RUS MILITARE CW 01-feb 2343 GR(N) - (BC)
3.150,00 4X.. PCD Tel Aviv ISR MOSSAD H3E/USB 27-gen 2000 QRA 2004 GR(A) ING (BC)
3.159,00 9MR5 RMMJ Johor Baharu MLA MlaN BAUDOT 50/850 27-gen 2005 RY+QRA - (BC)
3.175,00 7U.. RM20 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 01-feb 2346 SEND MSGS TO "BD23" - (BC)
3.175,00 7U.. ZT21 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-feb 0607 CLG "RM20" - (BC)
3.407,00 RDFG - Tashkent UZB VOLMET (R2B) J3E/USB 01-feb 2350 WX RUS - (BC)
3.455,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (CAR-B) J3E/USB 01-feb 2354 TFG ING - (BC)
3.485,00 VFG GANDER RADIO Gander,NFLD CAN VOLMET (VNAT) J3E/USB 01-feb 2350 WX - (BC)
3.494,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA ARINC J3E/USB 02-feb 0003 WKG "DELTA 525" - (BC)
4.172,00 - ..... - MILITARE NATO 100/850 01-feb 2230 N-D - (BC)
4.225,20 IDR - Roma I IN STANAG-4285/USB/600L/5N1 01-feb 2234 TFC KRY/N-D - (BC)
4.238,00 VTP4 - Vishakhapatnam IND InN CW 01-feb 2236 VVV DE - (BC)
4.243,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 01-feb 2238 N-D - (BC)
4.259,00 SAB - Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 01-feb 2240 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
4.270,90 CFH - Halifax,NFLD CAN CF FAX 120/576 01-feb 2316 CDT 0001 IC 0100 SAT IMG 0201,0301,0322,0401 CDT (BC)
4.271,00 CFH - Halifax,NFLD CAN CF BAUDOT 75/850 01-feb 2253 WX - (BC)
4.455,80 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46/160 01-feb 2245 IDLE - (BC)
4.557,70 UZ.. D Odessa UKR CISN BEACON CW 01-feb 2248 QRA - (BC)
4.557,90 RMP P Kaliningrad RUS CISN BEACON CW 01-feb 2248 QRA - (BC)
4.558,00 ROT C Moskva RUS CISN BEACON CW 01-feb 2248 QRA - (BC)
4.566,40 VCT - Tors Cove,NFLD CAN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 01-feb 2250 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
4.582,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/35-60 50/250 01-feb 2251 TFC KRY - (BC)
4.602,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/35-60 50/250 01-feb 2252 TFC KRY - (BC)
4.610,00 GYA NORTWOOD London G RN FAX 120/576 01-feb 1914 CDT 1926,1937,1949,2009,2022,2033,2046,2058 CDT (BC)
4.645,00 NSY ICZNPR Sigonella I USN ALE/USB 01-feb 2357 SOUND - (BC)
4.645,00 AFA3 ADWNPR Camps Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 02-feb 0042 SOUND - (BC)
4.645,00 AJE CRONPR Croughton G USAF ALE/USB 01-feb 2343 SOUND - (BC)
4.645,00 ..... MHE ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-feb 0535 CLG "ATG" - (BC)
4.755,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 01-feb 2303 N-D - (BC)
4.833,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 01-feb 2310 GR(A) //4931,0 //2346,5 'BT T R 70 J 30 CH2:21:32 1980' (BC)
4.931,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 01-feb 2310 GR(A) //4833,0 //2346,5 (BC)
5.110,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL J3E/USB 28-gen 1717 CLG/WKG "TAMBUR" SIMPLEX (BC)
5.133,50 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/170 01-feb 0803 N-D - (BC)
5.254,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 200/480 28-gen 1722 N-D - (BC)
5.325,00 RND79 - Moskva RUS PTT/METEO ? RUS-ARQ 100/500 01-feb 0805 N-D - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. RM40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 0902 CLG "VR52" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR45 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 1111 CLG "RM40" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR46 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 0814 CLG "VR40" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR47 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 1152 CLG "VR46" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR48 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 0937 CLG "RM40" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 0950 CLG "RM40" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR52 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 0842 CLG "VR55" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR53 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 1254 CLG "VR40" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR56 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 1149 CLG "VR40" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR57 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 1120 CLG "VR59" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR59 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 1043 CLG "RM40" - (BC)
5.443,00 7U.. VR62 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 01-feb 1354 CLG "VR57" - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 1002 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2009 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 11161 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2233 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 1307 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1917 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 1309 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2021 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 13131 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2243 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 1316 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1924 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 1318 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1910 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 22011 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2220 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 2206 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1910 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 2407 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2251 SOUND - (BC)
5.792,00 CN.. 2513 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1912 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 10133 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2213 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 11032 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2057 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 11041 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1930 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 11052 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2252 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 11063 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2231 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 11111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2241 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 1113 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1922 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 11161 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2238 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 11164 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2223 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 13051 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2244 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 13052 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2225 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 1307 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1921 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 1309 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2018 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 13132 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2237 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 13133 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1931 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 1314 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2137 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 1318 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1914 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 2206 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2221 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 22123 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2226 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 22141 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2229 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 2215 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2015 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 22154 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2233 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 24091 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2245 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 24111 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2225 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 2416 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2028 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 24181 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2231 SOUND - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 2525 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 1917 CLG "2526" - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 2526 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2104 CLG "2527" - (BC)
5.823,00 CN.. 3001 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 31-gen 2151 CLG "2205" 2211 CLG "2403" (BC)
6.316,50 VJS - Perth AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 28-gen 1755 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
6.322,50 UDK2 - Murmansk RUS RADIO SITOR 100/170 28-gen 1752 TLX 1754 CH MARKER 'DE UDK2' (BC)
6.327,50 VJS - Perth,WA AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 28-gen 1751 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
6.342,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 28-gen 1748 TFC KRY - (BC)
6.361,90 MGJ - Faslane G RN BAUDOT 75/850 28-gen 1745 AVAILABILITY - (BC)
6.435,50 DAO - Kiel D GLN PACTOR-II 28-gen 1800 TL 1900,2000,2100,2200 TL (BC)
6.435,50 DAO - Kiel D GLN PACTOR-III 28-gen 1742 CH MARKER - (BC)
6.456,00 ZLA - Awanui NZL GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 28-gen 1738 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
6.464,00 VIE - Darwin,NT AUS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 28-gen 1735 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
6.501,00 NRV - Apra Harbur GUM USCG J3E/USB 30-gen 2130 WX //8764,0 (BC)
6.537,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1710 TFC RUS SIMPLEX (BC)
6.604,00 KEA5 - Riverhead,NY USA AIR J3E/USB 31-gen 1900 WX - (BC)
6.617,00 RLAP - Rostov na Donu RUS VOLMET A3A 31-gen 1855 WX RUS 1925 WX RUS (BC)
6.618,50 ..... - ..... - [...] MIL STD 188/??? 28-gen 1731 N-D SIMILE 39 TONI (BC)
6.661,00 KEA5 04 Riverhead,NY USA AIR ACARS 30-gen 2302 SQUITTERS 0519 SQUITTERS (BC)
6.699,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 28-gen 1731 N-D - (BC)
6.721,00 AFA3 ADW Camp Spring,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 28-gen 0621 SOUND 0720 CLG "JNR" (BC)
6.721,00 AJE CRO Croughton G USAF ALE/USB 28-gen 0628 SOUND - (BC)
6.721,00 CUW PLA Lajes AZR USAF ALE/USB 28-gen 0616 SOUND - (BC)
6.721,00 MTS MPA Port Stanley FLK RAF/USAF ALE/USB 30-gen 2114 SOUND - (BC)
6.721,00 NKW JDG Diego Garcia DGA USN ALE/USB 28-gen 1922 SOUND - (BC)
6.721,00 NRR JNR Roosvelt Roads PTR USN SALINAS AB ALE/USB 28-gen 0714 SOUND - (BC)
6.748,00 4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 28-gen 0716 SOUND - (BC)
6.748,00 4X.. K02 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 28-gen 0810 CLG "K72" - (BC)
6.748,00 ..... 10250 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1452 SOUND - (BC)
6.748,00 ..... 3261 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 2004 SOUND - (BC)
6.748,00 ..... 3771 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 2057 SOUND - (BC)
6.748,00 ..... 9817 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1505 SOUND - (BC)
6.748,00 ..... 985 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1455 SOUND - (BC)
6.750,00 5O.. 411415 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 29-gen 1801 CLG "411411" - (BC)
6.781,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 29-gen 1758 TFC ARA - (BC)
6.785,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TNES/USB 31-gen 1851 N-D - (BC)
6.786,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 31-gen 1850 TFC ARA/S-OFF 1901 CLG/WKG Paris (BC)
6.800,00 YP.. BMAB1 Baia Mare ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0755 CLG "RESB1" - (BC)
6.800,00 YP.. BMAB1 Baia Mare ROU POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 28-gen 0755 SEND MSGS TO "RESB1" - (BC)
6.800,00 YP.. RESB1 Resita ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0755 CLG "BMAB1" - (BC)
6.800,00 YP.. RESB1 Resita ROU POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 28-gen 0757 SEND MSGS TO "BMAB1" - (BC)
6.800,00 ..... 1201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1701 SOUND - (BC)
6.800,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1934 CLG "MET" - (BC)
6.817,00 ..... 140 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1800 CLG "143" 1815 CLG "142" 1827 CLG "145" 1836 CLG "146" (BC)
6.817,00 ..... 143 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1800 CLG "140" - (BC)
6.820,00 UM.. OMEGA10RS1702P ..... UZB UzF ALE/USB 01-feb 0337 CLG "OMEGA70RS1702P" - (BC)
6.820,00 UM.. OMEGA20RS1702P ..... UZB UzF ALE/USB 01-feb 0327 CLG "OMEGA70RS1702P" - (BC)
6.820,00 UM.. OMEGA50RS1702P ..... UZB UzF ALE/USB 01-feb 0350 CLG "SADAF23RS1702P" - (BC)
6.820,00 UM.. OMEGA70RS1702P ..... UZB UzF ALE/USB 01-feb 2227 CLG "OMEGA10RS1702P" - (BC)
6.820,00 ..... 905 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1940 SOUND - (BC)
6.820,00 ..... 920 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2041 SOUND - (BC)
6.820,00 ..... 9633 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1955 SOUND - (BC)
6.877,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE BEE36/50 50/200 31-gen 1843 IDLE - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 0005 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1942 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1050 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2321 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1108 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2010 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1404 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1850 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1410 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1923 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1461 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2024 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1474 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1845 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1506 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2049 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1511 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1847 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1556 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1946 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1579 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2140 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1601 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1834 CLG "1411" - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1706 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2350 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1717 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1947 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1918 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1853 CLG "1912" - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 1919 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1852 CLG "1474" - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 212 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1848 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL??? (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 5500 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1840 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 7010 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2131 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 732 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1835 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL??? (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 77456 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1837 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 778 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1857 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL??? (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 805 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1959 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL??? (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 8802 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2203 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 8810 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 1907 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,50 ..... 9912 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 01-feb 2110 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,60 KWF22 - ..... - DoS ALE/USB 01-feb 2246 SOUND - (BC)
6.902,60 KWN - ..... - DoS ALE/USB 01-feb 1912 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL??? (BC)
6.902,60 WNG777 - ..... - DoS ALE/USB 01-feb 2330 SOUND - (BC)
6.975,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-gen 1714 N-D PROTECTED LINK (BC)
7.000,00 5A.. ZAWIA Zawia LBY GMRA ALE/USB 30-gen 0806 CLG "HQ3" - (BC)
7.000,00 5A.. ZWARA Zwara LBY GMRA ALE/USB 30-gen 0930 CLG "HQ3" 0942 CLG "HQ3" (BC)
7.000,00 7U.. CY52 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 30-gen 1102 CLG "CY51" 1116 CLG "CY40" (BC)
7.000,00 ..... ASD ..... - [...] ALE/USB 30-gen 0821 CLG "EKK" - (BC)
7.000,00 ..... - ..... - [...] MIL STD 188-110A/USB 30-gen 0602 TFC KRY - (BC)
7.467,00 RIT - Vaygach RUS CISN CW 01-feb 1811 WKG RAL48 - (BC)
7.763,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 31-gen 1838 N-D - (BC)
7.931,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 31-gen 1835 CLG/WKG Conakry - (BC)
7.954,00 5O.. 9117 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 30-gen 1701 CLG "911911" - (BC)
7.954,00 5O.. 911913 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 30-gen 1739 CLG "911911" - (BC)
8.033,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 30-gen 1655 N-D - (BC)
8.034,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 30-gen 1652 TFC ARA - (BC)
8.040,00 GYA - London G RN FAX 120/576 30-gen 1646 TAFS 1704,1716,1727 CDT (BC)
8.041,40 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170 6CH/USB 31-gen 1830 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC)
8.195,00 YP.. ARA Arad ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0851 CLG "MIR" - (BC)
8.195,00 YP.. CRA Craiova ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0823 CLG "CON" - (BC)
8.195,00 YP.. DRO Drobeta ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0831 CLG "BU4" - (BC)
8.195,00 YP.. PIT Pitesti ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0742 CLG "BU4" - (BC)
8.195,00 YP.. PNM Piatra Neamt ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0854 SOUND - (BC)
8.195,00 YP.. RES Resita ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0856 CLG "BU4" - (BC)
8.195,00 YP.. TUL Tulcea ROU POLICE ALE/USB 28-gen 0837 CLG "BU4" - (BC)
8.298,10 VTP RSBL Vishakhapatnam IND InN BAUDOT 50/850 01-feb 2320 R+QRA - (BC)
8.300,00 6WW - Dakar SEN FN STANAG-4285/USB 01-feb 1830 TFC KRY - (BC)
8.416,50 NMF - Cape Cod,MA USA USCG FEC 100/170 02-feb 0140 WX - (BC)
8.423,00 UFL - Vladivostok RUS RADIO SITOR 100/170 28-gen 1203 TLX - (BC)
8.473,00 HLG HLF Pup'yong KOR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 01-feb 1756 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
8.489,00 SAB - Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 01-feb 1755 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
8.497,00 HLG HLF Pup'yong KOR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 01-feb 1752 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
8.508,00 RDL - Karganda RUS CISN BEE/36-50 50/250 01-feb 1749 TFC KRY - (BC)
8.565,00 FUB - Paris F FN FSK 50/850 01-feb 1747 N-D - (BC)
8.597,00 HEC - Bern SUI GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 27-gen 0737 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
8.602,00 SAB - Goeteborg S GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 01-feb 1745 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
8.612,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 27-gen 0732 TFC KRY - (BC)
8.656,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 27-gen 0730 N-D - (BC)
8.672,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 27-gen 0726 TFC KRY - (BC)
8.764,00 NRV - Apra Harbur GUM USCG J3E/USB 30-gen 2130 WX //6501,0 (BC)
8.903,00 9PE - Lubumbashi COD AIR (AFI) J3E/USB 28-gen 1647 WKG "......... 3905" - (BC)
8.903,00 9PL - Kinshasa COD ACC/FIC (AFI-4) J3E/USB 28-gen 1640 WKG "KENIA 405" - (BC)
8.903,00 TNL BRAZA Brazzaville COG ACC/FIC (AFI-4) J3E/USB 28-gen 1643 TFC FRA - (BC)
8.903,00 TTL N'DJAMENA INFO N'Djamena TCD ACC/FIC (AFI) J3E/USB 28-gen 1645 WKG "AIR FRANCE ...." - (BC)
8.903,00 9VA SINGAPORE Jurong SNG AIR (CWP) J3E/USB 29-gen 1715 TFC ING - (BC)
8.992,00 FDE CIRCUS VERT Villacoublay F FAF J3E/USB 28-gen 1654 TFC FRA - (BC)
8.992,00 AFA ANDREWS Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB J3E/USB 28-gen 1656 CLG "SKYKING ?" - (BC)
9.014,00 ED.. JOTA Zaragoza E SAF J3E/USB 01-feb 1738 CLG/WKG "1014" - (BC)
9.079,70 FKO RFQP Djibouti DIJ FAF ARQ-E3 100/400 01-feb 2341 TFC FRA =DJI= 2342,2346 TFC FRA 'HORS FORMAT' (BC)
9.113,40 - ..... - JEAC VFT: ARQ-E 46,2/170/6CH/USB 27-gen 0655 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC)
9.134,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 30-gen 1649 TFC - (BC)
9.360,00 OXI - Skamlebaek DNK METEO FAX 120/576 31-gen 1010 ICE CHART 1155,1245 ICE CHART (BC)
10.166,40 VCT - Tors Cove,NFLD CAN GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 01-feb 1723 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
10.190,00 HDB20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA ALE/USB 27-gen 0700 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX (BC)
10.190,00 HDB20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA MIL STD 188-110A/USB 27-gen 0801 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC)
10.263,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 01-feb 1726 N-D - (BC)
10.291,90 M... - ..... - BF MFSK4 195 27-gen 0703 N-D - (BC)
10.309,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 01-feb 1728 N-D - (BC)
10.536,00 CFH - Halifax,NS CAN CF BAUDOT 75/850 01-feb 1732 WX - (BC)
10.568,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 27-gen 0705 TFC KRY - (BC)
10.712,00 5O.. 7112 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 27-gen 0732 SOUND - (BC)
10.733,60 KWE92 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 1006 SOUND - (BC)
10.733,60 KWF22 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 0847 CLG KWE41 - (BC)
10.733,60 KWR86 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 1013 CLG KWX57 ' [AMD]TENNESSE' (BC)
10.733,60 KWS90 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 0959 CLG KWX57 - (BC)
10.733,60 KWS92 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 0956 CLG KWX57 - (BC)
10.733,60 KWT50 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 1411 CLG KWX90 - (BC)
10.733,60 KWX57 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 0852 CLG KWS96 0921 CLG KWR86 0951 CLG KWS90 (BC)
10.733,60 KWX90 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 1411 CLG KWT50 - (BC)
10.733,60 WNG767 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 0911 CLG KWX57 - (BC)
10.832,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/850 27-gen 0713 N-D - (BC)
11.030,50 OEY41 - ..... - AuA ALE/USB 01-feb 1123 CLG OEY52 - (BC)
11.030,50 OEY52 - Wien AUT AuA ALE/USB 01-feb 0955 CLG OEY41 1123,1256 CLG OEY41 (BC)
11.055,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/500 01-feb 0821 N-D - (BC)
11.067,80 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/200 01-feb 0822 TFC KRY - (BC)
11.072,00 ..... VLLA ..... - [...] CW 01-feb 0829 CLG/WKG "GPMS" 'VVV GPMS GPMS GPMS DE VLLA VLLA QTCK VLLA 93 6 36' (BC)
11.096,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 01-feb 0832 TFC KRY - (BC)
11.098,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 27-gen 0716 TFC KRY - (BC)
11.149,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 27-gen 0718 TFC KRY - (BC)
11.168,60 KAG29 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 31-gen 1048 CLG KWV71 - (BC)
11.168,60 KFB95 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 31-gen 0609 CLG KBR29 - (BC)
11.168,60 KWF22 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 31-gen 1632 SOUND - (BC)
11.168,60 KWN63 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 31-gen 1628 SOUND - (BC)
11.168,60 KWT93 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 31-gen 0810 CLG KWT98 0824 CLG KWT91 0849 CLG KWT97 0853 CLG KWT95 0951 CLG KWA37 (BC)
11.168,60 KWV71 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 31-gen 0644 CLG KWS97 0649 CLG KAL71 0703 CLG KWA64 0709 CLG KAG29 0722 CLG KWS98 (BC)
11.470,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/500 01-feb 0840 N-D - (BC)
11.475,00 7R.. RBT Rabat MRC AMB. ALGERINA ALE/USB 01-feb 1005 CLG "MAE" 1210.1214.1221 CLG "MAE" (BC)
11.524,00 U... - ..... CIS CISAF FSK 25/250 01-feb 0853 IDLE - (BC)
12.965,00 USO5 - Izmail UKR RADIO BAUDOT 50/170 01-feb 0904 RY+QRA/TFC RUS - (BC)
12.965,00 USO5 - Izmail UKR RADIO CW 01-feb 0900 TFC RUS - (BC)
13.089,00 LSD836 - Buenos Aires ARG RADIO J3E/USB 30-gen 2200 TLF - (BC)
13.123,40 LSD836 - Buenos Aires ARG GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 30-gen 2206 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
13.215,00 NKW JDG Diego Garcia DGA USN ALE/USB 28-gen 1449 SOUND - (BC)
13.215,00 AFA ADW Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 28-gen 1519 SOUND - (BC)
13.215,00 AFE81 HAW Wideawake ASC USAF ALE/USB 28-gen 1506 SOUND - (BC)
13.215,00 AFG4 OFF Omaha,NE USA USAF OFFUT AFB ALE/USB 28-gen 1455 SOUND - (BC)
13.215,00 AJE CRO Croughton G USAF ALE/USB 28-gen 1523 SOUND - (BC)
13.215,00 CUW PLA Lajes AZR USAF ALE/USB 28-gen 1502 SOUND - (BC)
13.215,00 NRR JNR Roosvelt Roads PTR USN SALINAS AB ALE/USB 28-gen 1545 SOUND - (BC)
14.438,50 OEY51 - Wien AUT AuA ALE/USB 31-gen 0709 CLG OEY71 0954,1114 CLG OEY71 (BC)
14.438,50 OEY51 - Wien AUT AuA MIL STD 188-110B/39T/USB 31-gen 0724 SEND MSGS TO OEY71 - (BC)
14.438,50 OEY71 - Golan Heigts SYR AuA ALE/USB 31-gen 0709 CLG OEY51 0816,0945,1114,1200,1245 CLG OEY51 (BC)
14.438,50 OEY71 - Golan Heigts SYR AuA MIL STD 188-110B/39T/USB 31-gen 0748 SEND MSGS TO OEY51 - (BC)
14.541,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR III 28-gen 1630 N-D - (BC)
16.283,60 KWX57 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 0950 CLG KWS90 0954 CLG KWR86 (BC)
16.283,60 KWX90 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 1410 CLG KWT50 1416 KWT49 1416 CLG KWT49 1421 CLG KWY93 (BC)
16.283,60 KWX96 - ..... - DoS/AMB. USA ? ALE/USB 30-gen 1030 CLG KWX95 1039 KWA22 (BC)
(Bruno C., Italy = udxf 03/02/2008)

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