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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 90

WorldDX 90
Короткие Волны

9670 CVC 1143 with nice Indonesian pop songs and on
55 with countdown song hit list . ON 1200 QRM by CNR
(Zacharias Liangas Oct 7th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

9870 Radio Austria Int'l; 0148-0158:46*, 10-Oct; EE Report
from Austria; Austrian & world news features. ORF spot @0157:30, then
waltz & multi-LL IDs to s/off. SIO=3+53+ (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1692)

15344.97 Radio al Exterior de Argentina (p); 1918-1939+,
15-Oct; 2M in SS w/futbol game call, Boca vs Central?. SIO=333
(Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1697)

4810 R. Armenia The Arabic service remains on the air, even though
other external transmissions ended recently. Fair reception at 1800 with ID
by man and then vocal music. (Hans Johnson Oct 9 - CumbreDX 1691)

9345 Solh with marginal signal at max on 1305 with
afghan folk songs .Better sounded with LSB preamp and 16 h antenna
but no S indicator still . Same level on 8.10th
MIcrophonic Audio clip on http://zlgr.multiply.com/music/item/2
(Zacharias Liangas Oct 7th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

Bolivia, 4716.78, Radio Yura, 0053-0105 Noted a woman in comments until =
0055 when music presented. No break on the hour. Music continues. =
Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, October 12, 2006 - CumbreDX 1693)

Bolivia, 5952.46, Radio Emisoras Pio XII, 0106-0115 Noted a man in =
Spanish comments. Sounds like he's preaching. At 0108 a woman joins in =
with the same intensity. Music follows briefly until woman talks again. =
Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, October 12, 2006 - CumbreDX 1693)

5968,58v Radio Nacional Huanuni, Huanuni, 1020-1035, October 12, Spanish
I listened the station on this local morning, with a information programme
conduced by male and local and national news by same speaker,
Good Signal. SINPO: 33322 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1025)

4716.72 Radio Yura, Yura 0998 blasting in with /flauta
andina/, yl with "...Radio Yura" ID at tune in. 14 October
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1697)

5680.73 Radio La Voz del Campesino, Sipe Sipe 0940 to 0955,
traditional /alta andina/ music, om with numbers read in between songs
14 October. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1697)

4895 Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, MS, 0358-0401, October 08,
Portuguese, many identifications: ""Voce acompanha a Novo Tempo........."; "24 horas no Novo Tempo"; "Radio Novo Tempo, fone 0300889811",
"emisoras Novo Tempo...", 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1695)

1545 utc, 15/10/06, Радио Будапешт, 9690 кГц, принято расписание частот вещания на русском языке и "молодежная рубрика", удовлетворительный прием. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

15/10/06, 1530+ utc, 9730 кГц, Голос Вьетнама на немецком, практически ничего не было слышно из-за сильной помехи от BSKSA (14 до 16) на туркменском, разобрал только позывной станции. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

1650, 15/10/06, Голос Вьетнама на русском языке, 7280 кГц, музыка, помеха от РАИ, плохой прием.
(Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин)

ANO second harmonic, 19160, Oct 9 was audible poorly with music at
1411, and also at 1517 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 46, 10)

Chequeando a Africa N? 1 el pasado 14 de Octbre a las 14:55, pude observar que no estaba en 17630, en esa frecuencia se escuchaba a CNR en ingles, en 9580 se escuchaba el servicio en ruso de IRIB, sin embargo en 19160, armonico de 9580 se la pudo escuchar perfectamente con cuna de ID y locutora con titulares y un boletin de noticias, SINPO 34433. El mismo dia a las 17:03 por la frecuencia de 15475 a locutora con boletin de noticias, en frances, con referencias al Presidente de Sudan y conexion con corresponsal,
en paralelo por 9580 y 19160, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

TGLT 4780 and TGMI 4800 were audible as late as 1225 Oct 11 with
Guatemalan music (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1025)

4052.46 Radio Verdad; 0256-0306+, 15-Oct; Chamber music to
0259+ M&W/SS rlgs messages; 0302 cuckoo call, tinkle & RV ID. SIO=
342 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1697)

С 19 по 21 октября "Немецкая волна" из передающего центра Германии
Wertachtal направит тестовые трансляции на частоте 15.645 кГц с 0900 - 1100
UTC (1300-1500 МСК)

В это же время должны проходить и частоты из передающего центра в Синише:
13.810 и 15.440 кГц.

Просьба при возможности опубликовать в рассылках, или объявить другим
образом, или просто при заинтересованности взять на заметку.
(Валентина Жолквер-Краснопольская - open_dx 10/10/06)

On 11880, Oct 11 at 1351 a ballad with Karaoke-style echo; at first I
thought it was in Thai, but announcement by YL at 1357:30 seemed to be in
Vietnamese, off at 1359* sharp. EiBi, however, shows this as KSDA in Khmer, on
Wednesdays and Sundays only (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1025)

Диего Гарсия
4319U, DIEGO GARCIA, AFN, 2103-2120, Oct 9, English,
"NPR News" re Hussein trial, Iraqi violence, Google
purchases YouTube. NPR sponsor list followed by "All
Things Considered" prg. re Ohio Senate races. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1693)

4780 Radio Djibouti, 20:20-20:23, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en idioma vernacular a locutor con comentarios, especie de tertulia con invitados, SINPO 24432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

Западная Сахара
7425, ALGERIA/W.SAHARA, RSAD, 2332-0001*, Oct 10,
Spanish/Arabic, OM w/ SP talks and various AR musical
bits. Full ID at 2359 followed by NA until s/off.
Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, usa - CumbreDX 1693)

7530 KOL Israel produced a heavily distorted broad band signal
today Monday Oct 9th at 0430-0459 UT. Centered on scheduled 7530 kHz, but no
real tx carrier of En+Fr sce noted. Distorted high whistle tone all over the
place, 158 kHz wide from 7451 to 7609 kHz. Scheduled 250 kW unit at 330 degr
towards EUR/NoAM. Distortion noted on three separate rxs, like Sony ICF
2010, AOR 7030, and E1 Radio. (Wolfgang B, Germany, oct 9 - dxld 1021)

15785 Galei Zahal, 14:05-14:10, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en hebreo a locutor con comentarios en emision de musica pop, SINPO 35433.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

9620 AIR 1337 with talks by oM in seemingly Indian language
.Audio gap on 1346 semireligious songs at 1347 . S9 45534
(Zacharias Liangas Oct 7th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

7270, INDIA, AIR Chennai-FM Gold, 1146-1157, Oct 10,
Vernacular, Hindi duets/ballads, brief YL b/w
selections. Announcer at 1155, hampered by 7272L
amatuer s/on at 1157. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, usa - CumbreDX 1693)

11620 khz, 1615 utc, Всеиндийское Радио, хотел послушать новости из Индии, но в эфире их не обнаружил.
Другие частоты также были пусты... Интересно, почему они не работали в пятницу 13-го? (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

7410, INDIA, AIR Delhi, 2131-2145, Oct 9, English, OM
and YL w/ end of "Faithfully Yours" mailbag prg. ID
into YL w/ Hindi music prg. Fair listening in LSB to
avoid 7415-WBCQ splatter. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, usa - CumbreDX 1693)

3945 ALL India Radio, 17:24-17:27, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en Urdu a locutor con boletin de noticias y referencias Kandahar y Sri Lanka, SINPO 34333.

4840 AIR Mumbai, 17:20-17:22, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en idioma vernacular con cantico popular acompanada de coros, SINPO 24432.

4895 AIR Kurseong, 16:55-16:57, escuchada el 15 de Octubre en idioma vernacular a locutora presentando temas de musica folklorica hindu, SINPO 24332.

4960 AIR Ranchi, 16:57-17:00, escuchada el 15 de Octubre en idioma vernacular con emision de musica folklorica local, SINPO 24232.

5010 AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 17:00-17:05, escuchada el 15 de Octubre en idioma vernacular con emision de musica folklorica local hindu con tema de flauta, SINPO 24342.

5040 AIR Jeypare, 17:27-17.30, escuchada el 15 de Octubre en idioma vernaculnar con emision de musica hindu, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24332.

10330 AIR Vividh Bharati, 14:17-14:20, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en idioma hindu a locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 45444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

4789.98 RRI Fak-Fak 1303-1401* Oct 4. Koran program,
apparently from Jakarta, since the usual theme music to end Jak relays
was heard at 1311; vocal music from the local studios followed, with
occasional M ancr; 1359 closing anmt over "Love Ambon" music; carrier off
at 1401*. Good signal with CODAR QRM. (John Wilkins)

4870.91 RRI Sorong 1316-1344 Oct 5. Presumed with Jak news
just ending and into music program. Very good signal strength but almost
nothing understandable due to severe under-modulation. Noted on this freq
around this time for several days; have not heard it on 4874.xx as
reported by others. (Wilkins-CO)

SARAWAK - 7130.02 Sarawak FM 1326-1402 Oct 3. Vocal selections with a
touch of sub-continental flavor; occasional YL ancr; 5+1 pips to 1400,
then YL with apparent news. Co-channel Taiwan (7129.88) had been
bothersome at tune-in but deteriorated throughout the hour while Kuching
held its own and was dominant at 1400. The infamous Firedrake jammer came
on at 1400, but was not a big factor. Sarawak FM also noted on // freq of
5030, also QRM'ed by CH-lang station; 5030 and the 60 m.b. were fading
and almost gone by 1400. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1689)

11885 Xinjiang PBS 1116 talks by by a child in Uighur several
sentences echoed Xinjiang mentioned in 1200
(Zacharias Liangas Oct 7th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

13750.18 World Univers.Network Cahuita noted with fair signal
in soGER. En at 2130 UT, S=3-4. Endless boring speach. At same time also RHC
15230 noted on S=3 level.
(Wolfgang B, Germany, Oct 7 - hard-core-dx 46, 9)

V. of Mesopotamia is starting to be heard well again, 11530
via Moldova with Kurdish talk about democracy, Oct 11 at 1437; also with music
earlier in the hour (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1025)

7540 VOIRI, 20:40-21:25, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en espanol a locutor con boletin de noticias, Comentarios politicos del dia, reportaje “Unidad Islamica”, el programa “Ali sea la paz con el, sede de un gobierno popular” presentado por Rocio Hurtado, “Conociendo el Islam” y “Camino hacia la luz”, SINPO 45544.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

0400, Monday 10/9, Radio Mauritania has
remained on the air since 0300 when I checked 4845.
Seems Ramadan transmission is now going effectively
for them from this weekend, as you just mention on
DXLD 6-150. I have never heard Nouakchoff operating at
this hour before. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxld 1021)

ORTM finally heard on 4845, Sunday Oct 8 around 0555, and on
past 0615 in Arabic. Previous days had been off the air at this time. Why would
they have a different sked on Sunday during Ramadan? Christian influence
nevertheless? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 46, 10)

4845 Radio Mauritania, Nouakchott, 0352-0357, October 08, Arabic
very long talk by male special transmission for Ramadan?, 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1695)

4845 Radio Mauritanie, 20:23-20:25, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en arabe a locutor con comentarios y entrevista a invitado, SINPO 24432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

4845 Radio Mauritaine 0335-0435. Heard frequently over the
past week at this time, no doubt on late for Ramadan. Program includes
apparent religious talk by man with occasional short Koran recitations.
Brief announcement by woman at 0400. Good signal tonight, SINPO
44333. No other Africans heard. (Jim Evans, TN, October 16 - CumbreDX 1697)

XEXQ, 6045, audible as late as 1402 Oct 11, with usual SAH (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1025)

4810 XERTA 0947 "This is XERTA...87.00FM..."and other
frequencies. ID in English 9 October (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1697)

12085, MONGOLIA, (P)VO Mongolia, 1132-1145, Oct 10,
Mandarin(listed), YL w/ lenghty talks seperated by
brief instrumental bits. Weak but clear. (Scott Barbour, Intervale, NH, usa - CumbreDX 1693)

9705 La Voix du Sahel; 2049-2134+, 2150, 10-Oct; Alternating M
talking in FF? then M chanting in LL. 2130 into more of an acapela song
than chant, then more chanting. Tuned back in @2150 just in time to
hear drum chant, LVdS ID in FF, short flute bumper & M cmtry in FF.
SIO=2+52+, best in LSB. There, but covered by Bible thumper in AR
before 2100. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1692)

9705 La Voix du Sahel, 16:40-16.51, escuchada el 15 de Octubre en idioma vernacular con musica folklorica local, SINPO 33443.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, 20:18-20:20, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en ingles a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34433.

15120 Voice of Nigeria, 16:46-16.51, escuchada el 15 de Octubre en arabe a locutor con comentarios, referencias a la “Arabia”, canto del Coran, se corta la emision bruscamente y tras unos segundos de silencio comienza locutor con comentarios, SINPO 55444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

9720,03 Radio Victoria, Lima, 0415-0422, October 08, Spanish,
transmission on live: "impresionantes los milagros que aca estan =
ocurriendo.....reunion en el Coliseo Cerrado del Puente del Ejercito....", 23432
//6019,78 with SINPO: 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1695)

5014,13 Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 0335-0340, October 11, Spanish,
music, annoncement by male, ID as: "...Radio Altura", 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1417)

4855.267. Radio La Hora, Cusco rustic Peru musica, om "Radio La
Hora" transmitter drift to .313, 1035 to 1050. 14 October
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1697)

3329.53 Ondas del Huallaga Huanuco 1010 to 1040 most local
mornings, when CHU is absent possible to tune in AM mode with good
signal. 10, 11, 12, 13 October (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1697)

5460.2 Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 1020 to 1030, om /en espanol/,
weak 14 October (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1697)

7325 Adygeyskoye Radio *1700 with announcements by woman in presumed
Adyghian. She also gave an ID. Then a man gave an ID in Arabic! A bit of
talk by the woman and then the man came back and spoke more in Arabic,
giving another ID as "Idha'at Maykop" and mentioning the above frequency.
Fair reception. The woman and man kept trading off, with the man continuing
Arabic. The WRTH says the program is for Adygey expatriats in the Middle
East so perhaps that explains the Arabic segments. Via DX Tuner Sweden.
(Hans Johnson Oct 9 - CumbreDX 1691)

7250 Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio, 0250-0255, October 15, Russian,
local pops, ann. by female, clear identification by male, 35433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1417)

6055 Radio Rwanda, 20:33-20:37, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en idioma vernacular a locutor con programa de musica afro-pop y regae, SINPO 33433.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

Саудовская Аравия
v21505.28 BSKSA Riyadh, 1st program in Ar. Scheduled
1200-1500 UT. One of their 500 kW beasts produces always a terrible audio
sound and is odd frequency, some 200-300 hertz above nominal x.00 kHz, since
2-3 years now.

It's even difficult to determine the exact carrier frequency to the nearest
10...50 Hertz point, when using AOR 7030 or E1 radio set display
(Wolfgang B, Oct 8 - dxldyg 08/10/06)

Seems BSKSA has at least two transmitters putting out that
awful raspy buzz preventing us from appreciating their recitation of the Holy
Qur`an: Oct 9 at 1518, very strong on 15435 as usual, but same buzz also
audible along with very weak // 21460. That makes us wonder if it originate
before the transmitters, somewhere in the audio feedline. But it doesn`t happen
on their other services around this time (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 46, 10)

7200 Radio Omdurman, Al Fitahab, 0405-0410, October 08, Arabic,
announcement by male & female, many identifications, news by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1695)

4990 R. Apintie (presumed) 0416-0440*. Pop music with
announcements by man and woman in presumed Dutch. Very poor signal at
noise level (SINPO 24222 at best). First signal heard on this frequency
since last Winter. (Jim Evans, TN, Oct 8 - CumbreDX 1689)

4990, SURINAME, R.Apintie, 0031-0102, Oct 10, Dutch,
Music program of ballads. YL w/ ID in passing at 0039.
OM b/w selections thru t/out. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, usa - CumbreDX 1693)

4990. Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 0230 to 0255, songs in Dutch,
brief om in between songs in Dutch. 14 October (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1697)

Hearing AFN 13362 USB via Guam with a program of pop music at 2040,
not in parallel with 7811 USB via Florida.

Heard AFN 12759 via Diego Garcia this morning at 1230 in parallel with
7811 USB via Florida. October 8, 2006.
(Steve Lare, Holland, MI, USA - dxldyg 08/10/06)

9329.8 LSB WBCQ 2238 OM with program's ID "good friend
radio" giving address in Canada asking for QSL as canned IS played
twice . Nice signal at S5 with the help of Syria's carrier w no significant
(Zacharias Liangas Oct 6th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

11565, KUWAIT, R.Ashna relay, 1806-1830*, Oct 11,
Dari(listed), OM and YL w/ talks and "Radio
Ashna...Washington..." ID. Native musical selections
then EG soundbites by GW Bush with translation at
1823. Various talks and musical bits until s/off. Fair
though moderate fades by t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, usa - CumbreDX 1693)

4940, SAO TOME, VOA, 2056-2100*, Oct 9,
Vernacular/English, OM in language. Jingle mx and ID
in EG. IS at s/off. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, usa - CumbreDX 1693)

VOA, 12150, Border Crossings show, 1522 Oct 9, with some early
white rap music, as the host identified it, and admitted this was pre-recorded
for Columbus Day, as he tried to explain that in a politically correct manner.
This is Iranawila aimed almost due north toward us, good but with some flutter
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 46, 10)

9680 R Thailand 1805 with talks by OM /YL in tai , report on
1806by different man Song at 1817, S 20 ,44434 (Zacharias Liangas Oct 7th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

R.Zanzibar 11735 with a loud and clear signal, Oct 8, 1740- UTC.
My QTH (Maidenhead locator KP10AK18) must be on the "right spot" for this
station. The signal meter shows S=7 even listening with my tiny Kenwood
TH-F7E and its 16 cm short whip. The Drake (+20 m dipole) signal meter shows
S=9+decibels. (Matti Ponkamo, Naantali, Finland - CumbreDX 1689)

4976 Radio Uganda, 17:55-18:02, escuchada el 14 de Octubre en idioma vernacular a locutora con entrevista a invitado y cantico africano, musica afro, SINPO 23342. (Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

12070 Voice International Asia-The Voice, 0257-0300, October 15, Hindi,
talk by male, song, 44333 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1417)

11905 SLBC 1246 OM nad YL talking very fast . this must
ve a theatre play After 1300 TOH with clock and then ID and news
(Zacharias Liangas Oct 7th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

11720 SWR 1710 talkvs by OM then a finish rock song ,
1716 again talks by OM -rude voice- then a song . Later I cold hear
SWR signal S7 rippled die to QRM (Zacharias Liangas Oct 7th Retziki THS Greece - CumbreDX 1692)

After discovering RFI in English at 1400 on 6120 the day
before, I tuned in earlier Oct 11, at 1356: a mix of at least two stations, one
of which was surely Singapore`s Indonesian service. After 4-pip timesignal at
1400, RFI emerged in the clear, again with English, presumably via Japan,
instead of previously scheduled Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1025)

Interview in English with Rt. Hon. Kim Campbell made me
think this was RCI on 15350, tho not // CBC relay on 13655, Oct 11 at 1423, but
program ended at 1425 with ID as R. Prague! There is no 1400 English broadcast
on their schedule at http://www.radio.cz/en/frequencies#en except the WRMI
relay from WRN on 7385, so trying out a new transmission, or relay site? VG
reception, so could be Sackville, but no giveaway RCI IS before off at 1429*
when the transmission schedule in Czech was rudely interrupted. This is the way
they fill out the semi-hour starting at 1427. A small suggestion: would it not
be more appropriate and useful to give the schedule in English following an
English broadcast? And time it so it all fits in before cutoff. I will ask R.
Prague what`s going on here:

Hi Radio Prague, I was surprised to hear an English broadcast ending at 1427 UT
today Oct 11 on 15350. Good signal, and NOT on your website schedule. In fact
no English at 1400 shown except for WRMI 7385. Are you testing a new relay,
from where? Or was this direct? Anyhow, it`s working, so I hope you keep it
going, good time and frequency for us. And I wonder why you switch to Czech for
the transmission schedule announcement during the last 3 minutes of the English
broadcasts. And by the way, this was cut off before it finished, at 1429.
Regards, Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, USA (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1025)

The new R. Prague English transmission at 1400 on
15350 is via Sackville. Oct 12 I was monitoring 15350 with V. of Turkey music
until abrupt 1355*. Then at *1400:35 open carrier came on, no clue from where,
but 1401:45 into Claude Jardin/Garden harmonica fill music! Which must be
coming from RCI master control in Montreal! And we actually got to hear a
couple of cuts all the way thru, one with piano accompaniment. But where`s R.
Prague? Joined news in progress at 1403:30, and this time, ran past 1427 with
something about Moravia instead of transmission schedule in Czech, but this too
was cut off abruptly without any good-bye at 1429* VG reception again. Perhaps
on the third day they will get everything coordinated? And DX-Mix News Bulgaria
now confirms it is Sackville, 250 kW, 285 degrees out toward the west
coast.(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1026)

15340 Voz Cristiana (p); 1855-1918+, 15=Oct; Jeezus pop mx &
promos in PP fro Brasil, but never hrd VC ID. Fits current sked on
www.vozcristiana.com. SIO=353- (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1697)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005 R. N. Guinea Ecuatorial, 20:28-20:32, escuchada el 14 de Octubre con musica folklorica local, SINPO 23432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

3320, Radio Sondergrense, (Pres)0115-0130 Noted a woman =
in Africaans Language comments. A man joins in at 0118 followed by =
promos or canned ADs? Signal just at noise level and poor. (Chuck Bolland, October 12, 2006 - CumbreDX 1693)

R Okapi, 11690 @ 0445z in French, via Meyerton.
(Jerry Lenamon, Waco Texas - dxldyg 1026)

Ю. Каролина (США)
Brother Scare, on WWRB 9385, Oct 11 at 1306 was
over-modulated, distorted, with cross-talk and splattering. Aside from that,
superb transmission (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1025)

В октябре возобновил наблюдения. 7 октября удалось принять Oldiestar Radio из Burg на частоте 1575 кГц. Прием возможен "порциями" по 10-15 минут, чередующиимся с такими же по продолжительности затуханиями сигнала, вероятно из-за того, что на частоте работает еще одна, аналоговая станция. Также 7 октября принимал на 11900 кГц TDP radio из Sackville. Проверил свои архивы, оказалось, что первый раз наблюдал цифровую передачу на этой частоте в 2004 году, и также в октябре.
13 октября проверил RTL radio на 6095 кГц. Качество приема значительно улучшилась после окончательного уничтожения Югославии, на 6100 кГц аналоговой помехи больше нет. В идентификации появились две звездочки по такому поводу - RTL RADIO .

Радио Прага начала цифровое вещание на этой неделе на частоте 9505 кГц из Rampisham, передачи на немецком и английском языках будут выходить в эфир по пятницам с 13.30 до 14.00 и субботам с 13 до 14 часов. Принимал передачу в субботу. Битрейт - 20.52 kbps, mono. Текстовое сообщение "Radio Prague brought to you by VT Communications". Здесь Радио Прага слышно, как и все трансляции этого передающего центра - сравнительно плохо.

Принимал 14 октября Немецкую волну из Sines на новой для меня частоте 15725 кГц. Битрейт - 14.56 kbps, mono. Качество приема хорошее, CDA - 95.3 % за два часа приема. На новой частое 9740 кГц принял в этот же день Голос России с 16 до 17 часов UTC. Качество приема постоянно ухудшалось, и в 16.30 - 16.40 прием практически прекратился.

7 октября проверил качество приема Немецкой волны на частоте 11640 кГц из Sines. Результат - CDA - 100 % в течение часа, это означает, что декодировалась абсолютно вся программа, т.е. дропаутов не было совсем. Казалось бы, нормальный, естественный результат, по идее, так должно быть всегда, если бы это не было, увы, исключением, подтверждающим правило - за все время наблюдения таких результатов в моей коллекции очень мало. К сожалению, результаты радиоприема, задокументированные радиолюбителями с момента начала
тестирования цифрового радиовещания в 2003 году, более чем убедительно свидетельствуют о том, что стандарт цифрового вещания DRM несовершенен изначально, а лоббирование его глобальными вещателями, несмотря на плачевные результаты тестирования, на уровне государственных структур и закрепление в перспективных планах развития систем телекоммуникаций в будущем, несомненно, приведут к пересмотру концепции коротковолнового межгосударственного радиовещания, по сути - к отказу от него, т.к. после окончательного перехода
на цифровой формат у вещателей объективно значительно уменьшатся технические возможности из-за сужения зоны гарантированного приема на коротких волнах практически до уровня местного вещания. Заинтересованы в этом исключительно промышленные корпорации, выпускающие соответствующее радиопередающее оборудование, которые в таких условиях рассчитывают получить заказы от национальных правительств на строительство большего количества радиопередатчиков, объективно востребованных в условиях значительно более узкой зоны
распространения сигнала и менее помехозащищенной цифровой передачи.

Скриншоты принятых программ на сайте http://www.travelradio.lv
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 15/10/06)

585 3/10 05.45 R.N.E. R.1 - Madrid SS ID e NX reg. Comunidad de
Madrid buono
684 6/10 05.45 R.N.E. R.1 - Sevilla SS ID e NX reg. Andalucia buono
738 2/10 05.45 R.N.E. R.1 - Barcelona Catalano ID e NX reg. Catalunya
1287 6/10 20.58 R. Lleida - Catalano ID e pubblicita locale
1314 2/10 17.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Tarragona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya
1323 7/10 22.15 Capital Gold - Brighton EE MX // 1548 KHz
1635 7/10 23.30 R. Utopia - Postbus 73 - 7160 AB Neede -
Olanda Olandese ID e MX suff.
3927 7/10 22.00 R. Spaceman - Postbus 73 - 7160 AB Neede -
Olanda EE ID e MX buono
4915 7/10 03.45 R. Difusora - Macapa PP MX buono
5952.5 7/10 22.30 R. Pio XII - Siglo XX SS MX buono
6020 7/10 23.00 R. Victoria - Lima SS NX buono
6250 8/10 09.00 R. Robbie - Postbus 49 - 7475 ZG Markelo -
Olanda EE ID e MX suff.
6285 8/10 09.25 R. Dr. Tim - Postfach 101145 - 99801 Eise-
nach - Germania EE ID e MX buono
6308 8/10 08.20 R. Paardenkracht - paanderkracht@draait.nl
(Roberto Pavanello, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1125)
Неофициальное вещание

6335 Voice of Iraqui Kurdistan, Salah al Din, 0345-0350, October 08, =
Kurdish, local songs, announcement by male, announcement by female at 0350, 24332
Very low jamming (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1695)

14/10/06, 11510 кГц, 1334 utc, Deewa Radio, новости, беседы, хороший прием.
(Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

6245 Radio Zamaneh, Armavir, Russia, 2045-2100, October 14, Farsi,
very nice songs, announcement by male at 2054 UTC,
news or short talk by male, s/off at 21 UTC, 24222
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1417)

Sudan Radio Service, 17660 via UK, Oct 9 at 1514 with drums and
ID in English, 1515 into program about land mines; splatter from 17650 WHRA
gospel music (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 46, 10)

7100 Vo Broad Masses of E. 1, 17.17-17.20, escuchada el 15 de Octubre en idioma Tigrina a locutor con comentarios y musica de fondo, SINPO 32332.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - NoticiasDX 1417)

1.635,0 1948 Radio Verona 45444 9+10d

6.210,0 1136 Radio Borderhunter 45444 9+5dB
6.220,0 1313 Mystery Radio 33443 7

6.220,0 2000 Mystery Radio 34433 8
6.265,0 1258 Westcoast Radio 35444 8

6.265,0 1220 unid 45444 9+5dB
6.266,0 1145 Radio Scotland 45444 9+5dB

6.275,0 1145 Magic AM 45444 9

6.276,0 1253 unid 24433 6
6.276,0 1205 Romeo Echo 23433 7

6.280,0 1159 unid 24433 7
6.292,0 1231 Antonio Radio 33443 8

6.296,0 1443 VOTN 45444 9
6.298,0 1234 Zender Paardenkracht 33443 8

6.300,0 1143 Radio Northpole 24433 7

6.300,0 1249 Radio Borderhunter 33443 8
6.304,0 1336 Westcoast Radio 35444 8

6.305,0 1306 Radio Shadowman 45444 9
6.306,0 1308 Zender Paardenkracht 35444 8

6.308,0 1144 Zender Paardenkracht 44444 9
6.308,0 1433 Westcoast Radio 45444 9

6.308,0 1236 Radio Scotland 45444 9+5dB

6.878,0 1329 Pirate Music 34433 8
(Achim Brueckner, Detmold, ? - playdx2003 1126)

RUSSIAN / e-mail:russian@bnr.bg
00.00-01.00 -daily- Central Asia 9400
04.00-05.00 -daily- East Europe 1224 5800 7500
06.00-06.30 -daily- East Europe 5800 7500
11.30-12.00 -daily- East Europe 11600 13600
15.00-16.00 -daily- East Europe 1224 5800 7500
15.00-16.00 -daily- Central Asia 9400
17.00-17.30 -daily- East Europe 5800 7500
19.00-20.00 -daily- East Europe 5800 7500
(Dino Bloise, FLORIDA - playdx2003 1129)

Всемирное Радио Адвентистов на русском языке В06:

3.00-3.30. 17645 кГц
13.30-14.00. 9510 кГц
(Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 13/10/06)


Rai international B-06
0345-0405 Russian 5965 7165 11830
0600-0620 Russian 9600 11800
1605-1625 Russian 5965 9655 11970
2000-2020 Russian 6125 9690
(Roberto Scaglione - http://www.bclnews.it - tnx Andrea Borgnino, через А. Дядищева, Днепрорудный, Украина - open_dx 15/10/06)

Radio Polonia B06 English. This Tuesday evening Slawek Szefs in his
Multimedia announced their new freqs as of Oct. 29 / B06 season now using
the German T. Systems from different tx locations.

English: 1300-1400 UT on 5975 and 9525 kHz, 1800-1900 UT on 6015 and
7130-ISS kHz.
(Erik Koie-DEN - dxld Oct 10)

RUSSIAN 0530-0556 6175 7210
1430-1456 9535 11755
1600-1656 6130 7195
(DXMIX News 437)

Голос Турции в зимнем вещательном сезоне:

RUSSIAN 1400-1455 11980; 1800-1855 6135
(DX MIX News 436)

SHORTWAVE TRANSMISSION SCHEDULE 29 October 2006 to 25 March 2007
Russian 0130–0230 17.830
1500–1600 9.570
(Ashik Eqbal Tokon, Rajshahi,Bangladesh - CumbreDX 1693)

07705.0 BR1: Unid (LEN network)1745 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 YG67: Alg-Mil/Moi 1755 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 VK49: Alg-Mil/Moi 1802 ALE/USB clg VK52 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 LEN: Unid (LEN network)1805 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 BR2: Unid (LEN network)1805 ALE/USB clg LEN (2006-10-08) (sw)

05800.0 B14: Nld-Mil (B-net) 1829 ALE/USB clg B12 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 VK72: Alg-Mil/Moi 1830 ALE/USB clg VK51 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 YG48: Alg-Mil/Moi 1839 ALE/USB clg YG57 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1841 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1857 ALE/USB clg YG43 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 YG48: Alg-Mil/Moi 1858 ALE/USB clg YG50 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 YG50: Alg-Mil/Moi 1858 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 YG60: Alg-Mil/Moi 1901 ALE/USB clg YG57 (2006-10-08) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 238)

07705.0 123: Alg-Mil/Moi 1917 ALE/USB clg VK47 (2006-10-08) (sw)

07705.0 123: Alg-Mil/Moi 1921 ALE/USB clg VK49 (2006-10-08) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 238)

08011.0 BUCURESTI3: Ministerul Administratiei si Intern.,
ROU 0721 USB/Harris RF-3560 RTU with 150Bd/200Hz+
Harris AVS scrambler, short phone patch tfc with
VALCEA (09Oct06) (LDO)

08025.0 SUCEAVA: Inspect. de Politie Judetean Suceava,
ROU 0838 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A App.B 39-tone,
digital voice traffic to Bucharest using 39-tone
modem (09Oct06) (LDO)

08025.0 BUCURESTI5: Ministerul Administratiei si Intern.,
ROU 0838 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A App.B 39-tone,
digital voice traffic to Suceava using 39-tone
modem (09Oct06) (LDO)

09111.1 CESARE: MoD Roma, I 0816 USB/STANAG 4285/
1200bps short/8N1, tfc. to Praha using ACP-127
format, QSX not found (09Oct06) (LDO)

09159.1 CESARE: MoD Roma, I 0820 USB/STANAG 4285/
1200bps short/8N1, tfc. to Praha using ACP-127
format, QSX not found (09Oct06) (LDO)

10200.9 no-call: UNID network, ??? 1252 USB/MIL-STD 188-
141B BW3 Data PDUs, strong signal (09Sep06) (LDO)

10315.0 no-call: AWACS aircraft, 0955 USB/MIL-STD 188-
110A serial tone modem, KG-84 encrypted traffic
to Geilenkirchen (09Oct06) (LDO)

10498.1 IDR: Italian Navy Roma, I 1214 USB/STANAG 4285
600bps/long interlv., KG-84 encrypted traffic
to unid vessel (09Oct06) (LDO)

12161.0 no-call: RUS intel, RUS 1241 AM/MFSK-20/10Bd,
auto broadcasting 5 figure group message to
UNID recipient (09Oct06) (LDO)

13452.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Sofia, BUL 1306 USB/MIL-
STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto
tfc to Bern, network using ALE with linking
protection (09Oct06) (LDO)

13457.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Cairo, EGY 1309 USB/MIL-
STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto
tfc to Bern, network using ALE with linking
protection (09Oct06) (LDO)

13516.7 HWK: Marinens radio Karlskrona, S 1359 USB/MIL-
STD 188-110A serial tone, transmitting encrypted
tfc with ITA-2/5N1 coding (09Oct06) (LDO)

15862.0 no-call: RUS intel, RUS 1001 AM/MFSK-20/10Bd,
auto broadcasting 5 figure group message to
recipient "851" (09Oct06) (LDO)

16222.0 no-call: Italian MIL attachИ Cairo, EGY 1125
USB/STANAG 4285/1200bps short/tfc to Roma,
ACP-127 msg format, QSX not found (09Oct06) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 239)

05800.0 B17: Nld-Mil (B-net) 1326 ALE/USB clg B12 (2006-10-09) (sw)

07705.0 YG49: Alg-Mil/Moi 1617 ALE/USB clg HA40 (2006-10-09) (sw)

07705.0 HA40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1617 ALE/USB clg YG49 (2006-10-09) (sw)

07705.0 RM40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1620 ALE/USB clg VK44 (2006-10-09) (sw)

07705.0 VK42: Alg-Mil/Moi 1623 ALE/USB clg VK40 (2006-10-09) (sw)

07705.0 VK42: Alg-Mil/Moi 1624 ALE/USB clg HA40 (2006-10-09) (sw)

07705.0 YG47: Alg-Mil/Moi 1653 ALE/USB clg YG46 (2006-10-09) (sw)

07839.0 T2Z135: Usa-Mil Europe 1702 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-09) (sw)

09066.0 3Z4CP2: Usa-Mil Europe 1706 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-09) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 239)

05792.0 2203: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 2016 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 YG43: Alg-Mil/Moi 2043 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 YG51: Alg-Mil/Moi 2044 ALE/USB clg YG52 (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 YG52: Alg-Mil/Moi 2047 ALE/USB clg YG65 (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 MDN: Alg-Mil/Moi MinistХre de la dИfense nationale Algiers 2050 ALE/USB clg YG46 (2006-10-09) (sw)

04780.0 CIO2: E10 2054 H3e (2006-10-09) (sw)

05091.0 JSR2: E10 2101 H3e (2006-10-09) (sw)

06498.0 PCD: E10 2103 H3e msg grp 38 [OEOTX] (2006-10-09) (sw)

04880.0 ULX: E10 2108 H3e msg grp 28 [GCJAE] (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 YG46: Alg-Mil/Moi 2113 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-10-09) (sw)

04461.0 FTJ: E10 2120 H3e msg grp 167 [EHEJN] (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 YG56: Alg-Mil/Moi 2133 ALE/USB clg YG53 (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 YG53: Alg-Mil/Moi 2136 ALE/USB clg YG56 (2006-10-09) (sw)

05075.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 2144 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2006-10-09) (sw)

E10 anomaly

At 2133z on 5091 khz ULX and JSR callsigns were transmitted simultaneously.

Then JSR tx'd msg grp 19 [MSYQV] and ULX tx'd msg grp 49 [VYLQC]

ULX also // txm on 4880 khz. JSR ended txm at 2140z. At 2141 ULX continued and tx'd second msg grp 76 [FGLUU] at 2151 ULX started to repeat the 2 msgs.
(Sam, UK - udxf 239)

05405.0 RFP: Unid 1700 ALE/USB clg JCP (2006-10-13) (sw)

05405.0 RHP: Unid 1702 ALE/USB clg AAP (2006-10-13) (sw)

05414.0 YG59: Alg-Mil/Moi 2013 ALE/USB clg YG57 (2006-10-12) (sw)

06425.0 XSS: Unid 0835 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-14) (sw)

07410.0 HA01RM90: Unid 0946 ALE/USB clg BK01RM90 (2006-10-14) (sw)

07410.0 HA01RM90: Unid 0954 ALE/USB clg ZY01RM90 (2006-10-14) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 245)

07410.0 OPERATIVADPC: Dipartimento d.Protezione Civile, I. 1005 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-14) (sw)

09200.0 2001: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 1010 ALE/USB clg 2404 (2006-10-14) (sw)

09200.0 2001: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 1018 ALE/USB clg 2405 (2006-10-14) (sw)

16240.0 2201: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 1023 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-14) (sw)

09200.0 2651: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 1018 ALE/USB clg 2405 (2006-10-14) (sw)

09200.0 2203: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 1027 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-14) (sw)

09200.0 1301: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 1027 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-14) (sw)

10390.0 1001: Mrc-Protection Civile Maroc 1032 ALE/USB clg 1308 (2006-10-14) (sw)

10390.0 13211: Unid 1032 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-10-14) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 245)

02671.3 : German Coastguard Cuxhaven 1856 ARQ Weather fcast in
German from DWD Hamburg to unid. Signed 'SEEWETTERDIENST HAMBURG.

02752 WGC9: CIS Military 1919 CW Responds to unid correspondent
WGC9 R K. (13Oct06) (MPJ)

02780 FUC: French Navy Cherbourg 1927 RTTY/75/850 Bricks tests.
(13Oct06) (MPJ)

03302 OTO5: Russian Military 1936 CW TATL de OTO5 QTC K. QRV K.
OTO5 = 3290 5062 8902 6757 3438 6154 8105 3803 4362 3857 8290 1311
= K. TATL R 961 K. Simplex. Many others on frequency passing msgs.
(13Oct06) (MPJ)

03837 P: SLB Kaliningrad 1846 CW // 3291(13Oct06) (MPJ)

09149 OKD2: CIS Military 1025 CW Ends 5FG msg to CQ. Subscribers
T6OH 5VBU WV?F LRMW QSL Nr 987 in turn. Simplex net. (13Oct06) (MPJ)

12464 RMBB: Russian Warship 1448 CW Receiving messages from unid,
(RIW/RCV/RMP). (13Oct06) (MPJ)

12464.5 J8KQ2: Vessel Volga 1503 CW J8KQ2 and UDSL/Unlisted calling
UIW without apparent response. (13Oct06) (MPJ)
(MPJ - udxf 244)

I have been moving equipment around and been otherwise occupied, so
I only looked at a few frequencies the last few days. Still, quite
fun, you leave pc-ale on one frequency for a few days where you heard
ale once, and you find 3 networks. Does anyone have any addl info on
the Latin American or Asian networks I found of 5782? Thanks, Ben

11 Oct 2006

5782u 2330 MIL-STD-188-141A ALE unid Latin American
- mostly likely Mexican given prop

12 Oct 2006

5782u 2000 MIL-STD-188-141A ALE US Army Aviation
T1085 (1085th Med Co Rapid City SD?) de R22722 (UH-60A
R22IB7 (UH-60A Blackhawk) de T1085
T1085 de R23329 (UH-60A Blackhawk)
R23569 (UH-60A Blackhawk) && T1085

13 Oct 2006

5881.4cf 0445 MFSK16 USAF MARS? Too weak for id, seemed to be EE

5881.4cf 1332 PACTOR-III WRD719 Sailmail Palo Alto, CA
cw ident after messages

5782u 1423 MIL-STD-188-141A unid 055 net - poss Chinese or
other northeast asia given prop
c/s 055, 616

10729u 1937 MIL-STD-188-110A 39 tone ANDVT vocoder
US Military?

7887am 2003 Cuban DGI YL/SS 5fg's Enigma V2a
(benmesander - udxf 244)

6712 khz Reykjavic Arinc HFDL 300

1711 LH 8189 Lufthansa Cargo Flight with position 51.59N-29.21W Fm Chicago O Hara to Frankfurt

1714 VS0026 G-VFIT Virgin Atlantic AB340-600 with position 52.36N-10.20W fm New York jfk to London Heatrow

1721 VS0009 G-VWKD Virgin Atlantic AB340-600 with position 54.17N-16.09W fm London Heatrow to New York JFK

13303 Khz Telde Arinc Canaries HFDL 300

1800 UP0235 UPS Flight with position 50.01N-19.46W Fm Newmark to London Standsted and Koln Bonn

1802 LVG930 Italian Charter Livingston Energy flight with position 37.29N-3.11W

1807 SU0279 Aeroflot flight with position 53.49N-27.04E
(Ronny - udxf 244)

7350khz at 0720Z4 pulses per second (by ear) beeps, not bursts, not
link 11. Been there for the past several hours (Tom, Manchester, TN, usa - udxf 244)

6712 1757 Reykjavic Arinc with squiters

1757 AY2507 Finnair flight at position 58.52N-19.58E wkg Reykjavic route Helsinki-Las Palmas

1759 SU0299 Aeroflot flight at position 51.24N-16.40E wkg Reykjavic route Moscow-Madrid

11384 1739 Reykjavic Arinc with squiters

13303 1708 Telde Arinc .HFDL 300

1708 CLX735 Cargolux B747-F flight at position 44.47N 24.43E wkg Telde route ICN-TPE-AUH-LUX-MXP-HKG

1711 RJA112 Royal Jordanian flight at position 50.47N-04.50E wkg Telde route London Heatrow - Amman Jordanie
(Ronny - udxf 247)

Radio Santa Helena transmitira en 11092.5 kilociclos en USB el sabado 4 de Noviembre de 2006 a traves del siguiente esquema:

1800 - 1930 UTC - Nueva Zelandia
2000 - 2130 UTC - Japon
2200 - 2330 UTC - Europa
2330 (sabado 14) - 0100 (domingo 15) UTC - Norteamerica

Habra una nueva e intersante tarjeta QSL para esta emision. Solamente los informes de recepcion enviados por correo postal seran aceptados. Los informes por e-mail no seran aceptados. El franqueo de vuelta se requiere “por lo menos” 3 (tres) IRCs (cupones respuesta internacional). Ellos piden paciencia pues los informes de recepcion seran procesados por varios meses.
Todos los informes de recepcion se deben enviar al encargado de Radio St. Helena. El encargado de Radio Santa Helena es una senora: Ms. Laura Lawrence. Las emisiones tambien conmemoran los 50 anos de actividades del Club Internacional Danes de Onda Corta (DSWCI).
Radio Santa Helena
Ms. Laura Lawrence (Station Manager)
Santa Helena
South Atlantic Ocean
tambien el DSWCI confirmara los informes de recepcion enviados, junto con 1 euro o IRC:

Tavleager 31
DK-2670 Greve, Dinamarca
(Antonio Schuler - Frecuencia DX 276)

A slight tropospheric lift into Germany is currently in progress. Below some loggings.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

October 8, 2006
Tropospheric DX Logs:
87.9 D MDR Figaro Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
90.2 D Jump (MDR) Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
91.7 D MDR 1 Radio Th?ringen Sonneberg (Sachsenbrunn-Ble?berg)
91.9 D hr 4 Rimberg / Bad Hersfeld
92.5 D MDR 1 Radio Th?ringen Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
93.1 D Bayern 2 Radio Kreuzberg / Rh?n
95.0 D hr 2 Rimberg / Bad Hersfeld
96.2 D SWR 2 Hornisgrinde / Schwarzwald (SWR-Turm)
96.3 D Bayern 3 Kreuzberg / Rh?n
98.3 D Bayern 1 Kreuzberg / Rh?n
100.9 D Hitradio FFH Heidelstein / Rh?n
101.9 D Antenne Bayern Heidelstein / Rh?n
104.2 D Landeswelle Th?ringen Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
104.8 D hr 1 Heidelstein / Rh?n
105.3 D B5 aktuell Kreuzberg / Rh?n
106.2 D hr 3 Heidelstein / Rh?n
107.3 D hr 4 Heidelstein / Rh?n
107.9 D Bayern 4 Klassik Kreuzberg / Rh?n
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - FM 24, 4)

The tropospheric DX picked-up very well as the day progressed on Sunday 8 October 2006. This provided rock solid autumn DX like in the good old days. Funny that Mr. Hepburn hardly predicted any of this.
Below my loggings of the afternoon and evening.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

October 8, 2006
Tropospheric DX Logs (continued):
87.7 D MDR Figaro Chemnitz (Geyer-Geyerscher Wald)
87.9 D MDR Figaro Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
88.2 D Bayern 2 Radio B?ttelberg / Frankenh?he
89.0 D 89.0 RTL Brocken / Harz
89.1 CZE CRo 1 Radiozurn?l Plzen / Krasov
89.9 D SWR 1 Rheinland-Pfalz Weinbiet / Neustadt (Gimmeldingen)
90.2 D Jump (MDR) Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
90.9 D Bayern 1 W?rzburg (Frankenwarte-Nikolausberg BR)
91.2 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen Dannenberg (Zernien-Hoher Mechtin)
91.4 D Bayern 1 B?ttelberg / Frankenh?he
91.7 D MDR 1 Radio Th?ringen Sonneberg (Sachsenbrunn-Ble?berg)
91.9 D hr 4 Rimberg / Bad Hersfeld
92.5 D MDR 1 Radio Th?ringen Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
92.7 D hr 3 Hardberg / Odenwald
93.0 D BFBS Radio 1 K?nigslutter / Braunschweig (Drachenberg)
93.1 D Bayern 2 Radio Kreuzberg / Rh?n
94.2 D DeutschlandRadio Kultur Sonneberg (Sachsenbrunn-Ble?berg)
95.0 D hr 2 Rimberg / Bad Hersfeld
95.3 D hr 2 Hardberg / Odenwald
95.5 D hr 2 Hoher Mei?ner / Eschwege
96.0 D Bayern 2 Radio Ochsenkopf / Fichtelgebirge
96.2 D SWR 2 Hornisgrinde / Schwarzwald (SWR-Turm)
96.3 D Bayern 3 Kreuzberg / Rh?n
96.4 D WDR 2 H?xter (Neuhaus-Schrodhalbe)
96.9 D Jump (MDR) Sonneberg (Sachsenbrunn-Ble?berg)
97.9 D Bayern 3 Dillberg / Neumarkt
98.3 D Bayern 1 Kreuzberg / Rh?n
98.8 D SWR 1 Baden-W?rttemberg Waldenburg / K?nzelsau (Hohenau)
99.3 D Bayern 3 B?ttelberg / Frankenh?he
99.4 D Bayern 3 Ochsenkopf / Fichtelgebirge
100.0 D Radio PSR Chemnitz (Geyer-Geyerscher Wald)
100.2 D Antenne Bayern Gelbelsee / Ingolstadt (Burgstra?e)
100.3 D Deutschlandfunk Ochsenkopf / Fichtelgebirge
100.6 D Antenne Bayern Dillberg / Neumarkt
100.9 D Hitradio FFH Heidelstein / Rh?n
101.4 D Radio SAW Brocken / Harz
101.7 D hr 4 Hoher Mei?ner / Eschwege
101.9 D Antenne Bayern Heidelstein / Rh?n
102.0 D B5 aktuell Dillberg / Neumarkt
102.3 D Bayern 4 Klassik Ochsenkopf / Fichtelgebirge
102.6 D NDR 2 Stadthagen (B?ckeberge-Sandsteinbr?che)
103.7 D Hitradio FFH Habichtswald / Kassel (Essigberg)
104.0 D B5 aktuell B?ttelberg / Frankenh?he
104.1 CZE Frekvence 1 Plzen / Krasov
104.2 D Landeswelle Th?ringen Inselsberg (Gro?er Inselsberg)
104.5 D Bayern 1 Dillberg / Neumarkt
104.8 D hr 1 Heidelstein / Rh?n
105.0 D Hitradio FFH Krehberg / Odenwald
105.3 D B5 aktuell Kreuzberg / Rh?n
105.4 D Hitradio RTL Sachsen Chemnitz (Geyer-Geyerscher Wald)
105.6 D Jump (MDR) Remda / Saalfeld (Gro?er Kalmberg)
106.0 D Hitradio RTL Sachsen Auerbach (Sch?neck-Elm)
106.2 D hr 3 Heidelstein / Rh?n
106.4 D B5 aktuell Pfaffenberg / Aschaffenburg
106.7 D Landeswelle Th?ringen Sonneberg (Sachsenbrunn-Ble?berg)
106.8 D Hitradio FFH Driedorf / Westerwald (H?llberg)
107.1 D B5 aktuell Ochsenkopf / Fichtelgebirge
107.3 D hr 4 Heidelstein / Rh?n
107.8 D MDR Figaro Brocken / Harz
107.9 D Bayern 4 Klassik Kreuzberg / Rh?n
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. - FM 24, 4)

A very nice tropospheric lift on Sunday 8 October 2006 produced some very strong signals from the Czech Republic. It appears that there is hardly anything analogue left to DX from Germany. As I write this conditions are still hanging in. I should take the day off from work tomorrow but I am affraid that won't be possible...
Below my loggings.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

October 8, 2006
Tropospheric Band III, IV and V TV-DX Logs:
R10 CZE Nova Plzen/Krasov
R23 CZE CT 1 Trutnov/Cern? hora
R31 CZE CT 1 Liberec/hotel Jested
R33 CZE CT 1 Ust? nad Labem/Bukov? hora
R39 CZE CT 1 Ceske Budejovice/Klet' (strength S5!)
R38 CZE CT 1 J?chymov/Kl?novec
R40 CZE CT 2 Trutnov/Cern? hora (strength S5!)
R43 CZE CT 2 Liberec/hotel Jested
R47 CZE CT 2 Vimperk/Marsky vrch
R49 CZE CT 2 Ceske Budejovice/Klet'
R50 CZE CT 2 Ust? nad Labem/Bukov? hora (strength S5!)
R58 CZE CT 2 Klatovy/Bar?k
R60 CZE Prima Liberec/hotel Jested
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. - TV 18, 1)

Again some nice DX yesterday.
87,70 D MDR Figaro Chemnitz 579km
87,90 D MDR Figaro Inselsberg 410km
88,50 D NDR 1 Gottingen 360km
88,80 D SWR 2 Heidelberg 388km
88,90 D Bayern 1 Dillberg 543km
89,10 CZE CRo 1 Plzen-Krasov 630km
89,50 D HR 3 Hoher Meissner 358km
89,80 D Jump Chemnitz 579km
90,20 D Jump Inselsberg 410km
91,40 CZE R.Impuls Plzen-Krasov 630km
91,40 D Bayern 1 Buttelberg 477km
91,70 D MDR 1 Thuringen Sonneberg 460km
92,50 D MDR 1 Thuringen Inselsberg 410km
92,80 D MDR 1 Sachsen Chemnitz 579km
95,00 D HR 2 Rimberg 345km
95,20 D MDR Figaro Sonneberg 460km
95,50 D HR 2 Hoher Meissner 358km
95,60 CZE CRo 3 Plzen-Krasov 630km
96,90 D Jump Sonneberg 460km
97,00 D DLF Chemnitz 579km
97,20 D D Kultur Inselsberg 410km
97,70 D You FM Rimberg 345km
97,80 D SWR 1 / BW Heidelberg 388km
97,90 D Bayern 3 Dillberg 543km
98,30 D Bayern 1 Kreuzberg 398km
99,00 D HR 1 Hoher Meissner 358km
99,30 D Bayern 3 Buttelberg 477km
99,90 D NDR Info Gottingen 360km
99,90 D SWR 3 Heidelberg 388km
100,00 D R.PSR Chemnitz 579km
100,30 D Planet R. Rimberg 345km
100,60 D Antenne Bayern Dillberg 543km
100,90 D R.FFH Heidelstein 398km
101,70 D HR 4 Hoher Meissner 358km
102,20 D Antenne Thuringen Inselsberg 410km
102,80 D R.Regenbogen Heidelberg 388km
104,20 D Landeswelle Thuringen Inselsberg 410km
104,50 CZE CRo 3 Usti n.Labem 670km
104,50 D Bayern 1 Dillberg 543km
104,80 D HR 1 Heidelstein 398km
105,10 D R.FFH Hoher Meissner 358km
105,30 D B5 Aktuell Kreuzberg 398km
105,60 D Jump Remda 461km
106,00 D Hitradio Ant.Niedersachsen Gottingen 360km
106,20 D HR 3 Heidelstein 398km
107,30 D HR 4 Heidelstein 398km
107,60 D Antenne Thuringen Remda 461km
107,90 D Bayern 4 Kreuzberg 398km
(Ruud Brand, Sliedrecht, Netherlands - skywaves 2098)

Con ritardo mando un po' di ascolti DX fatti sopra Lerici, frazione La Serra, questa estate. In seguito ne mandero altri.

Ascolti tropo dalla Liguria, Lerici JN44XC [44° 5'N - 9°55'E]

Data: 20 luglio 2006
Rx: Grundig Satellit 700 (filtri 80 - 53 -53 kHz)
Ant: RKB 5 elementi

MHz - UTC - Country - Radio

87.70 1539- ESP: RAC 1, Collserola. (703 km).

87.80 1856- ESP: Catalunya Musica, Calonge-Mas Nou. (614 km).

88.20 1540- ESP: RNE R.5 Valencia, Monte Picayo. (977 km).

88.30 1534- ESP: RNE R.1 Collserola. sopra nrj. PI E211. (703 km).

88.40 1536- ALG: Chaine 3, Chrea. (1038 km).

88.50 1535- ESP: Aire Latino Radio, Calicanto.

88.60 1537- ESP: IB3 Radio, Monte Toro-Alaior. (673 km).

89.10 1559- ESP: Radio Marca/Radio Salud, Collserola. (703 km).

89.20 1733- ALG: Chaine 3, Bordj El Bahri. (988 km).

89.30 1543- ESP: RNE R.1 Com. Valenciana, Benicassim. (927 km).

91.00 1607- ALG: Chaine 1, Bordj El Bahri. (988 km).

93.00 1631- ESP: RNE R.Clasica, Collserola. PI E212. (703 km).

93.40 1635- ESP: COPE Valencia. pubblicita locale. (994 km).

93.90 1639- ESP: Los 40 Principales, Tibidabo. PI E235. (705 km).

94.10 1642- ESP: Catalunya Informacio, Calonge. (614 km).

94.40 1649- ESP: R. Ciutat de Badalona, PI E203, PS "RCB_94_4". (689 km).

94.60 1621- ESP: RNE R.1 Catalunya,Alpicat. (811 km).

94.70 1626- ALG: Radio Mitidja (Chaine 1), Chrea. (1038 km).

94.90 1556- ESP: Europa FM,Collserola. (703 km).

95.30 1758- ESP: Catalunya Radio,Ripoll-Tossal del Catllar. ctrl. (667 km).

95.50 1805- ESP: RNE R.5 Castellon,Benicassim. (927 km).

95.70 1806- ESP: Maxima FM,Alfafar-Sedavi. (1015 km).

96.00 1810- ESP: Radiole Barcelona,Collserola. (703 km).

96.60 1817- ESP: Onda 1 Valencia,Valencia. (977 km).

97.20 1827- ESP: RKM,Tibidabo. (703 km).

97.70 1831- ESP: 97.7,Valencia. (999 km).

98.40 1833- ESP: Cadena Dial Mediterraneo,Valencia. (977 km).

98.60 1836- ESP: RNE R.3,Collserola. riportata su 98,7 ctrl.

98.80 1841- ESP: Punto Radio. QTH? non riportata.

99.00 1844- ESP: RNE R.5 Proteccion Civil,La Torre de l Espanyol. (825 km).

99.10 1845- ESP: Catalunya Musica,Calella-Puig Llevant. (654 km).

100.00 1853- ESP: Cadena 100 Barcelona,Collserola. (703 km).

100.30 1850- ESP: Radio Marina,Blanes. (639 km).

100.80 1854- ESP: Radio 4 Barcelona,Barcelona. (697 km).

101.60 1658- ESP: COPE Vinaroz,Vinaroz. (872 km).

102.00 1656- ESP: COPE RP de Barcelona,Collserola. (703 km).

103.10 1723- ESP: Catalunya Informacio,Cabrils. (678 km).

103.50 1717- ESP: Radio Nou, Monte Monduber. (1011 km).

103.70 1654- ESP: Radio Nou, Benicassim. (927 km).

105.30 1715- TUN: RTT, Bou-Kornine/Tunis tun. (819 km).

105.50 1710- ESP: R. Intereconomia Valencia, Sierra de Tabaya. prg locale.

105.80 1706- ESP: RNE R.3, Monte Toro-Alaior. (662 km).

106.10 1703- ESP: Flaixbac FM Barcelona, Sant Feliu de Llobregat. (703 km).

106.80 1700- ESP: IB 3 Radio, Alfabia. (769 km).

107.90 1548- ESP: Radio Rapita, Sant Carles de la Rapita. 50 w. (856 km).

Vedi anche il mio blog FM http://radiodxfm.blogspot.com/
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1126)

67,85 "Радио России" + областное.
69,80 "Золотое ретро" + (по непроверенным сведениям) районные вставки,
которые раньше были на частоте "Радио России". Районные вставки на этой
частоте я никогда не слышал, т.к. редко ее слушаю. Но на частоте "Радио
России" их уже давно нет.
71,45 "Маяк".

Источник сведений - Павловский узел электросвязи (УЭС), радиоузел, тел.
+7 (83171) 22831; адрес: ул. Куйбышева, 16, индекс 606100.

Мощности, с которыми ведется вещание, сообщить отказались ("...Ниче
никому не имеем права!")

Также ретранслируются "Первый канал" и НТВ. На ретрансляторе (тел.
31686) номера каналов, на которых ведется вещание, сообщить отказались
("Мы эту информацию не даем.") Самостоятельное определение номеров
каналов на данный момент связано с заморочками.
(Дмитрий Нефедов, Нижегородская обл, Россия - open_dx 11/10/06)


2 stations in OIRT only, but stably signal.
68.39 RUS R.Rus', Ipatovo ST, 1356km, 09:47~10:05 program of musical greetings, news
66.77 RUS R.Rossii/GTRK Stavropol, Ipatovo ST, 1356km, 09:59~10:05 news R.Rossii

R1 RUS 1st ch of Russian TV, 09:30~10:00 good video.
E4 ? UNID tv sound (67.75), arabic music, 10:42~10:48
A I RAI, 11:02~11:15, program with cooking something, logo at top-left corner.
E2 IRN tent. IRIB, 11:40~11:42, logo at top-right corner with arabic text.
(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 16/10/06

Tropo logs for 14 October 06

07:52 87.60 D382 _NDR_2__ Hamburg D
10:31 88.70 F203 MUSIQUE_ Lille F
11:41 103.70 F201 __INTER_ Lille F
11:47 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL
17:50 87.60 D382 Hamburg D
17:58 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - FM 24, 7)

Quite an active day here. Signals all day long and still at RDS levels this
evening as I type this from Holland and Norway.

05:54 97.50 9902 DR-P4REG N?stved DNK

06:14 87.80 F201 NRK_P1__ Hovdefjell NOR
06:19 94.20 F201 NRK_P1__ Bjerkreim NOR
06:24 98.70 F202 NRK_P2__ Bjerkreim NOR
06:28 91.80 F203 NRK_P3__ Bjerkreim NOR
06:55 97.60 F201 NRK_P1__ Lyngdal NOR

07:12 88.00 8202 R2_AVRO_ Smilde HOL
07:18 103.60 F21A KANAL_24 Hovdefjell NOR

09:08 91.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Smilde HOL
09:14 94.80 8204 RADIO4NL Smilde HOL
09:30 87.60 83D2 _CAZ_NL_ Smilde HOL

10:05 87.70 83D2 _CAZ_NL_ Lelystad HOL
10:13 88.00 8202 R2_KRO__ Smilde HOL

11:36 88.70 F201 NRK_P1__ Oslo NOR
11:39 91.80 F203 NRK_P3__ Bjerkreim NOR
11:40 94.20 F201 NRK_P1__ Bjerkreim NOR
11:42 98.70 F202 NRK_P2__ Bjerkreim NOR
11:45 103.60 F21A KANAL_24 Hovdefjell NOR
11:47 97.60 F201 NRK_P1__ Lyngdal NOR

12:33 95.00 F203 NRK_P3__ Lyngdal NOR
12:47 92.50 F202 NRK_P2__ Greipstad NOR

15:45 88.00 8202 RADIO_2_ Smilde HOL
15:46 91.80 8201 _NOS____ Smilde HOL
15:47 94.80 8204 RADIO4NL Smilde HOL
15:50 88.60 8203 __3FM___ Smilde HOL

16:33 94.30 8204 RADIO4NL Lopik HOL
16:42 92.30 F202 NRK_P2__ Skien NOR
16:43 92.50 F202 NRK_P2__ Greipstad NOR
16:46 95.00 F203 NRK_P3__ Lyngdal NOR
16:47 97.60 F201 NRK_P1__ Lyngdal NOR
16:48 87.60 83D2 _CAZ_NL_ Smilde HOL
16:49 102.00 F21A KANAL_24 Lyngdal NOR
16:51 103.60 F21A KANAL_24 Hovdefjell NOR
16:53 104.90 F214 P4_NORGE Greipstad NOR
16:56 87.70 83D2 _CAZ_NL_ Lelystad HOL

17:04 92.20 8411 Fryslan_ Smilde HOL

18:31 87.80 F201 NRK_P1__ Hovdefjell NOR
18:45 94.20 F201 NRK_P1__ Bjerkreim NOR

20:24 88.00 8202 R2_VARA_ Smilde HOL

At 2047utc all the above stations, apart from Denmark, are still giving RDS
reception with no sign of fading away at all.
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - FM 24, 7)

After a slow start on Sunday 15 October 2006 came an explosion of DX on the FM Band. The result was a very wide-spread opening from the North East to the North West. Many very strong signals reaching RDS level and > 1000 km distances. This is what Band II DX sometimes is like: great! Nice forecast by Mr. Hepburn.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

October 15, 2006
Tropospheric Band II DX Logs:
87.8 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Hovdefjell
87.9 D NDR Info Heide/Dithmarschen (Welmb?ttel)
88.0 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Gulen
88.1 DNK DR P1 ?rhus/S?sterh?j
88.1 G BBC Radio 2 Sandale
88.2 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Skien 1
88.3 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Lyngdal
88.5 S SR P1 Bor?s/Dalsj?fors-H?glared TM
88.5 G BBC Radio 2 Pontop Pike
88.8 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Greipstad
89.0 D 89.0 RTL Brocken/Harz
89.6 D NDR 1 Welle Nord Flensburg (Engelsby-Fuchsberg)
89.6 S SR P1 N?ssj?/TM
89.9 S SR P1 Uddevalla/Herrestad TM
89.9 G BBC Radio 2 Black Hill
90.3 D NDR 1 Hamburg Welle 90.3 Hamburg (Moorfleet)
90.3 G BBC Radio 3 Sandale
90.8 DNK DR P1 K?benhavn/Gladsaxe
90.9 G BBC Radio 3 Meldrum
91.2 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen Dannenberg (Zernien-Hoher Mechtin)
91.7 G BBC Radio 3 Darvel
91.7 DNK DR P3 ?rhus/S?sterh?j
91.8 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Bjerkreim
92.1 S SR P2 N?ssj?/TM
92.1 G BBC Radio 3 Black Hill
92.3 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Skien 1
92.5 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Greipstad
92.5 G BBC Radio 4 Sandale
92.7 S SR P1 B?ckefors/TM
93.0 D BFBS Radio 1 K?nigslutter/Braunschweig (Drachenberg)
93.7 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Hovdefjell
94.2 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Bjerkreim
94.5 D N-Joy (NDR) Kiel (Kronshagen-Heischberg)
94.5 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Gulen
94.5 G BBC Radio Ulster Divis
95.0 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Lyngdal
95.3 G BBC Radio 4 Meldrum
95.5 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Kongsberg
95.8 G BBC Radio 4 Black Hill
95.9 DNK DR P4 ?stjyllands Radio ?rhus/S?sterh?j
96.0 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Hovdefjell
96.0 G BBC Radio 4 Divis
96.4 D NDR 2 Dannenberg (Zernien-Hoher Mechtin)
96.9 G 96.9 Viking FM High Hunsley
97.0 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Greipstad
97.2 S SR P3 Uddevalla/Herrestad TM
97.2 G 97.2 Stray FM Harrogate/Harlow Hill
97.3 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Bokn
97.7 G BBC Radio 1 Sandale
97.8 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Kongsberg
98.1 G BBC Radio 1 Pontop Pike
98.3 G BBC Radio 1 Meldrum
98.7 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Bjerkreim
98.7 G BBC Radio 1 Ashkirk
99.0 S SR P3 N?ssj?/TM
99.1 S SR P3 B?ckefors/TM
99.2 D NDR Kultur Hamburg (Moorfleet)
99.5 D NDR Info Torfhaus/Harz (Lerchenk?pfe-NDR Mast)
99.5 G BBC Radio 1 Black Hill
99.6 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Stord
99.7 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Gausta
99.7 G BBC Radio 1 Divis
99.9 G Classic FM Sandale
100.1 NOR Kanal 24 Greipstad
100.2 D RSH Bungsberg/Eutin (Elisabethturm)
100.3 G Classic FM Pontop Pike
100.4 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Skien 1
100.5 G Classic FM Meldrum
101.0 NOR Kanal 24 Bjerkreim
101.4 D Radio SAW Brocken/Harz
101.4 NOR Kanal 24 Gulen
101.7 G Classic FM Black Hill
101.9 D Radio ffn Barsinghausen (Deister-Rodenberger H?he)
102.0 NOR Kanal 24 Lyngdal
102.5 NOR Kanal 24 Kongsberg
102.6 D NDR 2 Stadthagen (B?ckeberge-Sandsteinbr?che)
102.8 NOR P4 - Radio Hele Norge Bokn
102.9 S SR P4 Radio Sjuh?rad Bor?s/Dalsj?fors-H?glared TM
103.0 DNK DR P2 Musik ?rhus/S?sterh?j
103.6 NOR Kanal 24 Hovdefjell
103.7 G BBC Radio nan Gaidheal Forfar
103.9 G BBC Radio 4 Ashkirk
104.2 G BBC Radio nan Gaidheal Meldrum
104.7 G BBC Radio nan Gaidheal Black Hill
104.9 NOR P4 - Radio Hele Norge Greipstad
105.2 NOR Kanal 24 Skien 1
105.6 D delta radio Flensburg (Freienwill-Kl.Wolstrup)
107.0 G Talk 107 Craigkelly
107.8 D MDR Figaro Brocken/Harz
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - FM 24, 7)

It has been several years since the TV-DX conditions were as good as they became on Sunday 15 October 2006. Many very strong signals on all TV bands, including Band I. Good to see that many analogue transmitters in Sweden are still operating. I hope you will enjoy the loggings.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

October 8, 2006
Tropospheric Band I, III, IV and V TV-DX Logs:
E02 NOR NRK 1 Greipstad
E03 S SVT 1 Sk?vde, BFO level on the AOR, offset 8P
E04 NOR NRK 1 Kongsberg, BFO level on the AOR, offset 8M
E05 NOR NRK 1 Stord (signal S5)
E06 NOR NRK 1 Bjerkreim (signal S5)
E07 NOR NRK 1 Hovdefjell
E07 DNK DR 1 Rangstrup
E08 DNK DR 1 ?rhus
E08 NOR NRK 1 Bokn
E09 NOR NRK 1 Lyngdal (signal S5)
E09 S SVT 1 G?teborg/Brudaremossen
E10 DNK DR 1 Holstebro
E10 NOR NRK 1 Skien
E22 DNK TV 2 Tommerup
E22 G BBC 1 Durris
E24 NOR TV 2 Skien
E24 S SVT 2 Halmstad/Oskarstr?m
E24 G Scottish TV Craigkelly
E25 G Grampian TV Durris
E26 S SVT 2 B?ckefors
E28 G BBC 2 Durris
E29 S SVT 2 B?ckefors
E31 DNK DR 1 K?benhavn Vest/Hove
E31 G BBC 1 Craigkelly
E32 S SVT 2 Vislanda
E32 G Channel 4 Durris
E33 S SVT 1 Uddevalla/Herrestad
E35 DNK TV 2 Nibe
E37 S SVT 2 Sk?vde
E37 NOR TV 2 Lifjell Stavanger
E39 S SVT 1 Vislanda
E40 DNK TV 2 Videb?k
E40 G BBC 1 Black Hill
E41 S SVT 1 Finnveden
E42 S SVT 2 Bor?s/Dalsj?fors
E43 S SVT 1 H?rby
E43 S TV 4 Uddevalla/Herrestad
E43 G Scottish TV Black Hill
E44 NOR TV 2 Bokn
E45 S TV 4 Halmstad/Oskarstr?m
E46 S TV 4 G?teborg/Brudaremossen
E46 G BBC 2 Black Hill
E47 NOR TV 2 Stord
E47 S TV 4 Sk?vde
E48 S SVT 2 Finnveden
E48 DNK TV 2 Jyderup
E50 S TV 4 H?rby
E50 NOR NRK 2 Stord
E50 G Channel 4 Black Hill
E53 DNK TV 2 K?benhavn Vest/Hove
E54 S TV 4 Vislanda
E54 G Channel 4 Pontop Pike
E55 S TV 4 Bor?s/Dalsj?fors
E56 DNK TV 2 Viborg Vest
E58 S TV 4 Finnveden
E58 G BBC 1 Pontop Pike
E61 G Channel 3 North East Pontop Pike
E67 G Channel 5 Durris
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - TV 18, 2)

20 декабря 2006 г. в 10 часов по адресу: г. Москва, ул. М. Никитская,
д. 12, состоится заседание Федеральной конкурсной комиссии по
телерадиовещанию (ФКК) по вопросам получения права на вещание в
следующих городах:

1. Абакан (п.у.п.Минусинск), Республика Хакасия, 104,7 МГц, 0,1 кВт, время
вещания ежедневно, круглосуточно; концепция вещания свободная. Размер
единовременной платы v 533400 руб., размер конкурсного взноса (2%) v 10668 руб.

2. Дудинка, Таймырский (Долгано-Ненецкий) автономный округ, 101,5 МГц, 0,1 кВт,
время вещания ежедневно, круглосуточно; концепция вещания свободная. Размер
единовременной платы v 133350 руб., размер конкурсного взноса (2%) v 2667 руб.

3. Казань (п.у.п. Нижний Услон), Республика Татарстан, 90,2 МГц, 0,1 кВт,
время вещания ежедневно, круглосуточно; концепция вещания свободная. Размер
единовременной платы v 2133600 руб., размер конкурсного взноса (2%) v 42672 руб.

4. КРАСНОЯРСК, Красноярский край, 0,747 МГц, 10 кВт, время вещания ежедневно,
круглосуточно; концепция вещания свободная. Размер единовременной платы v 266700 руб.,
размер конкурсного взноса (2%) v 5334 руб.

5. Набережные Челны, Нижнекамск (п.у.п. Елабуга), Республика Татарстан,
23 ТВК, 1 кВт, время вещания ежедневно, круглосуточно; концепция вещания
свободная. Размер единовременной платы v 1066800 руб., размер конкурсного
взноса (2%) v 21336 руб.

6. Омск, Омская область, 88,1 МГц, 1 кВт, время вещания ежедневно, круглосуточно;
концепция вещания свободная. Размер единовременной платы v 1066800 руб., размер
конкурсного взноса (2%) v 21336 руб.

7. Самара, Самарская область, 105,4 МГц, 1 кВт, время вещания ежедневно,
круглосуточно; концепция вещания свободная. Размер единовременной платы v
1200150 руб., размер конкурсного взноса (2%) v 24003 руб.

8. Саратов, Саратовская область, 107,3 МГц, 1 кВт, время вещания ежедневно,
круглосуточно; концепция вещания свободная. Размер единовременной платы v
933450 руб., размер конкурсного взноса (2%) v 18669 руб.

9. Тюмень, Тюменская область, 107,4 МГц, 1 кВт, время вещания ежедневно,
круглосуточно; концепция вещания свободная. Размер единовременной платы v
533400 руб., размер конкурсного взноса (2%) v 10668 руб.

10. Тюмень, Тюменская область, 49 ТВК, 1 кВт, время вещания: Lпн.-пт.:
с 00.00 до 18.00, с 19.00 до 24.00: сб.: с 00.00 до 06.00, с 08.00 до 13.00,
с 15.30 до 24.00; вск.: с 00.00 до 06.00, с 08.00 до 24.00 часов¦; концепция
вещания свободная. Размер единовременной платы v 1600200 руб., размер
конкурсного взноса (2%) v 32004 руб.


Новая версия сайта Росохранкультуры
Для лицензий на вещание сделали базу
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 09/10/06)

Tuned in today to last Thursday's internet on-demand broadcast of Radio
Slovakia Intenational. At the end of the news was the announcement that
RSI would be resuming shortwave broadcasting from Sunday 29 October. On
today's broadcast, they added that frequencies will be announced in the next
few days. (Alan Roe, UK - dxldyg 1030)

The EiBi skeds have been updated as of 25 September:
(Steve Lare, Holland, MI, usa - dxldyg 1025)

http://www.markdx.de/ - MarkDX
http://english.irib.ir/ - Голос Ирана
http://www.nrcu.gov.ua/ - Международное радио Украины

Radio Varna. 7600 P/d 4x6 logo QSL card in
4 1/2 months for rpt including CD of my reception and
mint stamps. V/s: Violetta Toncheva -
Journalist/Public Relations.
Clink on the links below to view this QSL:

(J.D. Stephens - Hampton Cove, AL, USA)

6246 kHz, On Air AM (German pirate), full data
computer printed qsl-letter, full color, tx location not mentioned.
V/s OP Mr. T.Rex. In 5 days for an E-mail report in German to
onairam@gmx.de Station address is On Air AM, PF 101145,
99801 Eisenach, Deutschland.
(M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, September 2006 - CumbreDX 1691)

1287 kHz. Radio Lleida (SER),
Email : lleida@cadenaser.com.
Recibida "Carta de certificacion y verificacion", con datos completos,
v/s: Santos Barquero Caceres (Tecnico de Radio Lleida), acompanada de carta de agradecimiento (en espanol y catalan) y breve historia de la emisora y la provincia, ademas de informacion turistica y adhesivos de la emisora.
Vila Antonia 5 , ES-25007 LLeida
Tiempo de espera 14 dias.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen - Elche (Alicante), Espana - playdx2003 1125)

6306 kHz, R Bonofox (Dutch pirate), Thank you
E-mail, qsl-cards promised. V/s OP xxx. In 6 days for an E-mail
report in Dutch to radiobonofox@hotmail.com (Sent a PDF file).
(M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, September 2006 - CumbreDX 1691)

6604 KHz GANDER RADIO. QSL letter in 8 months. Report send with 1 US$
to Gander International Flight Service Station, PO BOX 328, Gander NL,
Canada A1V 1W7 (Francesco - playdx2003 1129)

На этой неделе получил QSL от Radio Vaticana russian service и german
service, ERF, Radio Polonia russian service- карточка посвящённая 70-летию
вещания. Все рапорты посылал по эл. почте.
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань - open_dx 14/10/06)

Получил QSL от Overcomer Ministry. Писал на overcomer@overcomerministry.org,
ответ пришел через 11 дней. (Сергей Винокуров, Пензенская обл., Россия - open_dx 11/10/06)

На свой электронный рапорт получил следующий ответ.
Вещают они из Германии, так как своей радиостанцией не располагают. Рапорт правильный, рады, что в моём регионе их слышно. Про QSL не слово. Сергей, а Вам они предварительно не писали?
Может теперь следуюет ждать подтверждение.
(Владимир Рожков, Россия - open_dx 11/10/06)

Нет, не писали. Кроме QSL прислали что-то типа газеты The Overcomer, причем
за июль месяц.
Кстати, в рапорте детали программы я не указывал, а ответ они послали на
следующий день (по штемпелю) после моего мейла. Так что в плане
подтверждений они вроде не привиредливые. (Сергей Винокуров, Россия - open_dx 11/10/06)

21230 KHz 5H8TL QSL card for an old reception report, after 2 tentatives.
QSL-manager Terry L. Laduke (W7RNF) via QRZ.com .
Send 1 US$. (Francesco - CumbreDX 1692)

6055 kHz, R Prague, full data printed qsl-card (tx-
site not mentioned). Card is the special card for 70 years of Radio
Prague (incl. large rubber stamp) V/s not readable. The envelope
also contained a bookmark 'Praha Orloj'. In 5 days for a report in
German to deutsch@radio.cz (sent a PDF file).
(M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, September 2006 - CumbreDX 1691)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1, DTS-4

Chuck Bolland
Clewiston Florida

Jose Miguel Romero
Sacanet (Castellon)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena de hilo de siete metros
73 всем! И.Л.

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