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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 68

WorldDX 68
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9495 Abkhaz R 0415 with Russian song , YL with several
IDs then a man with lengthy talk 44433
(Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30.4.6 - CumbreDX 1518)

2325 and 4910. Australia. VL8T. Tennant Creek. Northern Territory Service
noted on 5/11 back on "normal" 0830 daily frequency changeover from 4910 to
2325. 4910 ID'd at 0825 followed by sign off at 0830. 2325 ID'd at 0830 sign
on, still going strong at 0920. Strong signals noted on each frequency with
some fading along with static from local storms. (Steve Bass, Columbus, Ohio - CumbreDX 1524)

15820L, ARGENTINA, R.Continental(feeder), 0050-0108,
May 1, Spanish, Various music bits and announcers w/
banter. Canned ID at 0100, "Continental Informativo"
at 0103 and nice "Con-ti-nen-tal" IDs noted. Good!
(Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH-USA - CumbreDX 1520)

15345 May 7 2053-2100 Argentina: Radio Nacional LRA 1. On Sundays, AM 870
signal-soccer ads. ID in Spanish sport SINPO 23433 --- Audio clip of LRA 1,
RAE at http://www.bclnews.it/audiodx/sam/sam.htm (Nino Marabello, Triesto, Italy - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

Болгария (??)
5775 IRRS Milano, 20:15-20:20, escuchada en ingl?s
a locutror con ID y locutora con comentarios, seg?n ILG ?ste
servicio proviene de Bulgaria, SINPO 34433.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 5)

4545,25 Radio Virgen de Remedios (p), Tupiza, 1033-1046, May 05, =
long catholic talk by male, ann. "...y de la Cadena Radio Catolica =
(programme made EWTN Network), 25432
Good signal in the night, on 4545,16 Khz (SINPO 35433 at 2305 UTC on May
05 too) (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1517)

4781,3 Radio Tacana (p), Tumapasa, 1022-1026, May 05, Spanish,
music in spanish, TC by male as: "6 de la ma=F1ana y 22 minutos", 24422
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1517)

4900,98 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, Beni, 1016-1020, May 05, Spanish,
local news by male, ann.: "Riberalta se ha convertido en el verdadero =
crisol de la nacionalidad", 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1517)

6025, R. Illimani (tentative), May 5, 0201-0259*, futbol coverage,
several excited segments when goal was scored, 0256 sign-off announcement,
played some flute music, but no NA. Believe the format fits Bolivia more
than Dominican Rep., plus R. Amanecer usually reported with NA at sign-off.
Too weak to ID, occasional splatter from 6030. (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA,
Eton E5 - dxldyg 818)

5580.2 R San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos 0120 to 0140 long
string of vocals with no comments in between songs, seemingly from one
recording 4 May (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1521)

4545,39 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 1037-1042, May 07, Spanish,
interview to female, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

5952,50, Radio P?o XII en quechua, 2348-2353, 09-05-2006, comentarios por locutor, programa religioso, m?sica intermedia, 33433
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 11)

6025, Radio Illimanis en espa?ol, 2355-0000, 09-05-2006, Comentarios sobre cartas de los oyentes, el locutor anuncia un espect?culo cultural de baile nacional del Tango Boliviano, a las 0000 QRM de otra emisora, 33433 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 11)

4825 Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, 0950-0959, May 05, =
Portuguese, local songs, ann. & ID as: "...Cancao Nova, en la baixa da....". Ann. =
abt network with many stations in all country, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1517)

4885 Radio Difusora Acreana, Rio Branco, AC, 1007-1012, May 05, =
Portuguese, local music, ID: "Difusora AM......la radio....",=20
ann. new web page, other ID as: "Difusora....o radio", 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1517)

5990 Radio Senado, Brasilia, 1000-1005, May 05, Portuguese,
s/on in SW, ID: "...a partir de agora, a Radio Senado pasa a transmitir
en ondas curtas, en 49 metros......por las onda de radio, o Senado
Federal esta cada vez mais cerca de voce"; TC by female, 35433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1517)

4915 Radio Anhanguera (p); 0104-0113+, 5-May; 2M in PP w/game
call. SIO=3+33-, music QRM there, so maybe Ghana has been resurrected.
(Harold Frodge-MI, usa - CumbreDX 1518)

4915 Radio Nacional (Macapa) 0425-0440. Lively pop music with
short announcements by man in Portuguese. Good, clear ID by man at
0434. Good signal (SINPO 33333). (Jim Evans, TN, May 7, Usa - CumbreDX 1522)

3944.77, VANUATU, (P)R.Vanuatu, 1011-1030, May 6,
Vernacular, Noted again w/ local music, OM and YL
banter b/w selections. Poor, unusable/fading by t/out.
Yet again at 0957-1012, May 7, w/ ballads b/w OM w/
"animated" religous sounding talk. Poor. (Scottt Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1520)

11740 Radio Vaticano, 11:51-11:58, escuchada en espa?ol, lo curioso de esta transmisi?n hoy es que estuve a la escucha en ?sta frecuencia desde las 11:32, no hab?a emisi?n, sin embargo a las 11:46 se activa una se?al sin emisi?n y poco despu?s desaparece, a las 11:50 ocurre lo mismo y a las 11:51 empieza a escucharse el programa ya empezado con unas palabras de Juan Pablo II , la ?ltimas que pronunci? en su visita a Nicaragua, para finalizar una cu?a publicitando de c?mo escuchar sus programas a trav?s de
internet, al terminar anuncian las siguientes frecuencias en Onda Corta, 1850 kHz, 7305 kHz, 9605 kHz y 11910 kHz, despedida en espa?ol y lat?n, SINPO 45554. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 5)

4780 Radio Cultural Coatan (p); 0118-0130+, 5-May; M in SS
w/camp'o music, dedications. TC @0129 but no ID. SIO=343, occasional
ute clatter. (Harold Frodge-MI, usa - CumbreDX 1518)

4780 Radio Cultural Coatan, San Sebasti?n Coatan, 1030-1035, May 07, Spanish,
s/on, identification by male: ??Radio Cultural Coatan???,
announcement, talk in spanish, 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

15200 KTWR 1154 prg in Indonesian , talks abt halline4ss , a
tel nubmer . a religious type pop songs , mentioning 1700 and 15200
kHZ , sampai jumpa lagi KTWR Guam Agana and signal off . signal
45534 (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29.4.6 - CumbreDX 1518)

7270, EGYPT, R.Cairo, 0213-0227, May 1, English, "Holy
Ko'ran and its meaning" prg. at t/in, ID at 0216
followed by Middle Eastern and African news.
Commentary re Palestinian economics at 0225. Fair.
(Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH-USA - CumbreDX 1520)

6973, Galei Zahal, 0240 1 May. S6 pop mx
with t-storm static noise (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1520).

3987.08 RRI Manokwari(p) 1144-1220* May 4. Vocal mx from 1144
tune-in; then joined in-progress Jak program late at 1203, and pulled the
plug at about 1220 before Jak relay had ended. Fair signal but ham QRM.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1516)

11860, RRI Jakarta, Cimanggis, May 6, 1520-1613, program of
on-air phone calls, segment with sports coverage, crowd in background
chanting “We Will Rock You”, ToH SCI, R.R.I. ID, news, pop songs (Queen,
“We Are The Champions”, etc.), fair-good. (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5 - dxldyg 820)

15150 Voz de Indonesia, 17:01-18:00, escuchada el
4 de Mayo en espa?ol a locutor con bolet?n de noticias, m?sica
Malaya, reportaje sobre la econom?a de Indonesia, segmento
musical, ID. SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 5)

3987.03 RRI Manokwari(p) 1145-1235+ May 5. "I Can't Help It
If I'm Still in Love With You" and other EG C&W standards; SCI at 1159
and Jak program at 1200; still there at 1235 re-check, so stayed on later
than previous 2 days. And down a tad in frequency from 3987.08.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1517)

4870.9 RRI Sorong 1054-1125* May 5. Talks by M&W to 1102,
then ID by YL "...Radio Republik Indonesia Sorong...," followed by
regional news; left the air around 1125 per re-checks. Good signal.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1517)

15149.84 Voice of Indonesia; 2000-2016+, 2-May; News of
I'sia to 2012 VoI ID, then feature on Nat'l Education Day. All ion EE.
SIO=232+, QRM de WYFR in SS on 15155; LSB helps; best hrd in quite
a while. 9525 buried if there. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1518)

7300, La Voz de la Rep?blica Isl?mica de Ir?n en espa?ol, 2120-2123, 08-05-2006, Programa dedicado a la juventud y la pasi?n por la vida, 54343
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 11)

15290 Radio Exterior de Espana; 2038, 3-May; EE pgmming w/ID;
EE/SS lesson involving a story about a submarine following a sea gull
and leading your goats across country. Who writes this stuff? This
was weirder than CRI's EE/CC lessons, which usually involve trying to
pick up women. SIO=3+44 (Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1518)

6010 Radio Sweden; 0137-0147+, 6-May; M&W in EE w/Swedish Radio
News, Inside Sweden. SIO=434, LSB reduces QRM (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1522)

[and non]. 18180, CNR 1, 1210 28 April, (tested in 3 radios!) program
with n[ew?]s. Seems shift from previous 18160? (Zacharias Liangas, Litohoron,
Greece, using DE 1103 and PL200/550 and 1.x1.5 sqm mesh for labor day period
vacation. Point of reception is 'local noise' free, Glenn Hauser, OK, Usa - dxldyg 820)

6937 Yunnan PBS2, Kumming, Yunnan, 1049-1053, May 07, Chinese,
announcement by female, local songs, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

7340 Xinjiang People Broadcasting System, 1044-1047, May 07, Kazakh, talk by female, 25432
//9470 Khz with 35433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

3350, Radio Exterior de Espa?a en espa?ol, 0520-0527, 09-05-2006, Programa dedicado a la selva tropical y el efecto sobre la naturaleza, 45433
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 11)

15230 Radio Habana Cuba, 21:30-21:54, escuchada el 3
de Mayo en espa?ol, ID, locutor con horarios, programa "Fortuna?
del d?a" con noticias sobre f?tbol, SINPO 24342. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 5)

9750 R Kuwait 0755 with pop songs including Meat Loaf . ID
0759 in good English . At 0800 program in Farsi 35543
(Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29.4.6 - CumbreDX 1518)

5470, LIBERIA, R.Veritas, 2228-2242, May 5, English,
Reggae music and ballads w/ OM remarking on song
lyrics. Mentioned 97.8 FM at 2240. Poor. (Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH-USA - CumbreDX 1520)

Caught my attention this Tiquicia morning,
1430Z, while I was tuning 17850 heard a noisy English
transmission and it happened to be The Voice of
Africa, The Great Jamahiriya, SINPO 35222. WRTH says
they have English from 1400 to 1500, but this time
they went further TOH. Obviously directed to Africa,
as no Arabic songs were played, but lots of high life
music. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 820)

[non]. Today V. of Hope (Libya-non) started on 17675 at
1200 with V. of Africa on 17670 and 17675. The second Libyan
channel, via KCH [MOLDOVA], today was on 17680 instead of
the "traditional" 17660. Punching error or intentional change? One
of the V. of Africa Arabic transmitters produces leapfrog spurs with
V. of Africa Swahili on 17610. Both transmitters obviously in France
(Olle Alm, Sweden, May 5 - dxldyg 818)

9710 Radio Vilnius, 08:07-08:30, escuchada el 1 de
Mayo en Lituano a locutora con bolet?n de noticias, ID "Radio
Vilnius", sinton?a, SINPO 34443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 5)

(SARAWAK) - 7270 Wai FM via RTVM 1233-1335+ May 4. Endless chant
in regional lang to 1258; filler mx, then pips to 1300 and news,
w/mentions of "Malaysia" and "Iban;"; pop music followed at 1310; noted
one "Wai FM" ID at 1332; good signal but co-channel QRM from another
station. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1516)

7295 Traxx FM 1256-1315+ May 5. Pop music; 1259 program note
for a Sunday sports show; 1300 2 pips (one short, one long), then YL with
news to 1310, followed by more music. All this in EG. Good signal with
occasional ham QRM. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1517)

7295, RTV Malaysia, 1018-1030 Noted a man
taking phone calls between pop music selections.
Comments were in English. Signal was good, especially
by 1031 UTC. (Chuck Bolland, May 11, 2006 - CumbreDX 1524)

6 May at 1910 noted Mali (ORTM) with their usual Saturday
News Magazine in English on about 4834.85 with weakish signal.
Similar weakish parallel was on 5995. Just noted a report from
Carlos Goncalves, Portugal in DX Listening Digest that the reactivation
of this transmittr happened already at least a week ago.
(Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - hard-core-dx 41, 7)

7155 LV du Sahel 2117 in FR OM&YL w/ nx, field rpts. fair to
good. (Prez April 23 - CumbreDX 1524)

4770, Kaduna (presumed), 0443 7 May.
Vernacular Afro pops. S9 carrier with fading
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1520)

4770, NIGERIA, RN-Kaduna, 2243-2301*, May 5,
English/Vernacular-?, Pop/rap music, News headlines at
2255, music bit at 2259 w/ s/off announcement and NA.
Poor. (Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH-USA - CumbreDX 1520)

15625 /15100 on 0905 with muffled audio , good signal
(Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29.4.6 - CumbreDX 1518)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
R. West New Britain(p) 1108-1136 May 7. Local choral
groups and island vocals w/religious lyrics; M ancr in Pidgin after each
song; one or two anmts at 1130 by YL, followed by a pgm with a man
talking, with occasional pauses for a small group to enthusiastically
shout "yeah" in unison, probably another religious program. Good signal.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1521)

4386.6, PERU. (T)R.Imperio, 0944-1002, May 2, Spanish,
Religous service, OM at 0947 w/ (T) ID in passing.
Back to religous service at 0951; YL talk over at 0957
thru t/out. Poor. (Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH-USA - CumbreDX 1520)

3234.85 R. Luz y Sonido(p) 1045-1104 May 7. Religious program with
man in Spanish; fading fast and was useless by 1100. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1521)

3329.64 Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco 1015 ~ open carrier
followed by short version of National Anthem "....3330 kilHertz banda de
onda corta ... ... banda de onda media .....Radio Ondas del Huallaga
en la ciudad de Huanuco......Amigos oyentes ...radio del pueblo...."by
om. Into musica de fluata followed by yl ID. 7 May (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1521)

5699.827 Radio Frecuencia San Ignacio 0146 to 0200 with ments
de Radio Frecuncia, under t-storm hash, wild flute music, but fair to
good signal 4 May (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1521)

9720, Radio Victoria en espanol, 0015-0020, 10-05-2006, Programa religioso, convocatoria para acudir a actos religiosos durante la semana, 33433
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 11)

9525 R Poland 1155 with address in German 35544
(Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29.4.6 - CumbreDX 1518)

9555 R/K Sodruzhestvo 1303 with ID by YL with news , 1313
with pop songs 35444 (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24.4.6 - CumbreDX 1518)

9765, Radiostansiya Tikhiy Okean, 0846-0900,
Noted interviews and comments in Russian until 0850.
At 0850 a segment of music presented until 0858 when a
woman comments. At 0900 canned ID by a man as,
" ... Radiostansiya Tikhiy Okean ...". and off the
air. The signal was at a good level during the entire
period. (Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2006 - hard-core-dx 41, 11)

7235, MediaCorp Radio, (Pres) 2312-2359
Another mainstream broadcast with pop music, ADs and
plenty of
comments. Language listed as Malay in the WRTH.
Infact, the comments didn't sound too familiar as
Chinese, Indonesian or Japanese would. Signal was at
fair level. (Chuck Bolland, May 9, 2006 - CumbreDX 1523)

6000, MediaCorp Radio, (Pres), 1036-1059
Noted a man and woman in conversation. Language was
Chinese. At 1045 noted canned promos. According to
PPWBR, MediaCorp is suppose to relinguish the freq at
1100 for R Singapore International. Consequently, my
plans to monitor this change were diffcult to
because Cuba came up with their IS at 1056. I could
still hear MCR under Cuba however. And at 1059 there
was brief
annoucement from Singapore, but couldn't really catch
any details. Signal was poor (Chuck Bolland, May 11, 2006 - CumbreDX 1524)

На сайте www2.azatliq.org написано, что с 8 мая RL добавляет для
татарско-башкирской службы новую частоту в 03.00-04.00 UTC: 9855 кГц.

Поглядим. Сейчас у этой службы RL четыре передачи в день, и для каждой
задействовано всего по одной частоте. В 15.00-16.00 на 11990 кГц сильные
помехи от Кувейта (во всяком случае, после 15.30). Передача в 19.00-20.00 на
9650 кГц тоже принимается некомфортно: на 9645 работает Ватикан на
европейских языках и МР Китая на французском, на 9655 -- сильный сигнал того
же Китая на турецком. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Татарстан, Россия - open_dx (06/05/06))

7270, Voice of China (pres), 2325-2350 Noted a
Chinese broadcast here with mainly news and some bridge
music. Sounded very mainstream. According to the PWBR
and DXLD 4128, this station broadcasts to 2330 on 7270,
but still going today at 2350. Signal was poor but on
a clear freq resulting in good listening for me.
(Chuck Bolland, May 9, 2006 - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

7300 Voice of Turkey; 2243-2254:20*, 5-May; Anatolian folk
legend. ID/sked @2249:30; sed 2200 was 9830 & didn't mention 7300.
All in EE. Strong sig on 9830 was not EE. Piano IS started @2250:15 &
also strong clatter QRM. Vatican IS also there till 2245. SIO=443+
(Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1522)

6165 R N'Djamena 2137 in FR High Life mx. OM DJ bantering.
fair (Prez April 23 - CumbreDX 1524)

17680 Voz Christiana; 2027-2035+, 3-May; EE soul mx to extensive
SS ID @2029 then pgm for Germany, in SS, w/pop-style rlgs mx. SIO=454.
All SS on VC is usually very well enunciated.
(Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1518)

11905 SLBC 1329 Tamil songs , OD 1330 Ye sri lanka ...
followed by old Hindi songs 34333
?? 7125 R Farda 1347 with mix of Farsi and English pops Fair
(Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30.4.6 - CumbreDX 1518)

Всеиндийская служба Вещательной корпорации Шри-Ланки (Sri Lanka Broadcasting
Corporation All-Asia Service) работает с 00.55 на частотах 6005, 9770 и
15750 кГц. Из трёх этих объявляемых частот регулярно принимается последняя
(15750), 9770 я сегодня принял после того, как услышал объявление частот, а
6005 сегодня утром не принималась. (Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия - open_dx (11/05/06))

4909.3 Radio Chaskis 0315-0335. Local pop music. Short
announcements by man at 0325 and 0330. Poor signal with heavy
atmospheric noise. SINPO 24222. Poor audio on the announcement
prevented identification of the language. (Jim Evans, TN, May 6 - CumbreDX 1516)

12005, 1300-, HCJB May 6 Fair to good reception and improving as dawn proceeded. Mostly a S7 signal. Final analog broadcast of DXPL followed at 1300 by a special farewell program bringing together a number of HCJB personalities and plans for digital shortwave, etc. Much discussion of English as a second language programming. English department 'isn't just vanishing into thin air', but difficult decisions have been made. Hope for DRM. Jeff Ingram moving to Singapore, while his son moves for a year to Vancouver.
Passionate letters acknowledged. Continue to write to Karen at english@hcjb.org.ec, or snail mail. Last chance for a QSL for English broadcast mentioned, but keep writing. Asking for prayers as many of the staff leave Quito. Goodbyes from everyone at 13:29:45, then fanfare, and time-pips and off at 13:30. Goodbye to an old friend!. 21455 was just a very weak carrier. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada - CumbreDX 1518).

12000 HCJB (p); 2240-2259*, 8-May; W in SS w/rlgs tx & several
ments of Ecuador; interesting mix of tunes; Andean, tango, flamenco.
Off abruptly. DA for several seconds, then one of those sounds like,
oops, trouble at the xmtr. SIO=3+52+, QRN & fady. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1522)

11890 Radio Okapi, Meyerton, 1613-1620, May 07, French,
different news about Congo, short talk by male, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 41, 10)
Неофициальное вещание

На Камерун
15695 Radio Free Southern Cameroon, 1800-1820, May 07, English,
s/on, identification by male as: This is Radio Free Shouthern Cameroon......., anthem, greetings and talk by male in english, 44444
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

На Кубу
5910, Radio Rep?blica en espa?ol, 2340-2347, 09-05-2006, informaci?n sobre movimientos pol?ticos en Cuba, Directorio Democr?tico Cubano, jamming leve, 43433 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 11)
На данный момент, новостей для этой колонки нет.
Был в Эстонии с 4 по 6 мая. Результаты -

FM DX/Audio/Вярска - 23 аудио фрагмента радиовещания России и Эстонии.
мониторинг RDSDX
TV DX - travel TV: Вести - Псков - скриншоты
In my opinion - фотографии. Можете зайти, посмотреть и послушать. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx (11/05/06))

А Псков был виден в RDSDX?
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx (11/05/06))

нет, не был. RDS принимал только у одной из российских станций - Дорожное
радио, но это было на горе Меремяэ, а там 220 в нет поблизости, поэтому не
мог включить тюнер.
В номере гостиницы и на горке хорошо принималась российская станция на 104.1
МГц. Не смог опознать, что это. У Вас, Виктор, в базе данных на сайте эта
частота по Пскову отмечается как "план". Передает только русскую и
англоязычную музыку без идентификации. RDS нет.
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx (11/05/06))

Пишут, что это Авторадио. С 25 апреля работает.
Также вроде бы вчера/сегодня запустили во Пскове же Юмор FM на 105,3.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx (11/05/06))
0536 6040.0 BR1,Hrodna,Bielorussia,Messa. SF/BN
0543 7110.0 BR1,Hrodna,Bielorussia,Messa. SF/BN
0546 7145.0 BR1,Mahiliou,Bielorussia,Messa. IN/SF
0549 7265.0 BR2,Hrodna,Bielorussia,relay BR1. IN/SF
0552 7335.0 CHU,Ottawa,Canada,EE/FF,ids OM. SF/BN
0557 9380.0U AFRTS,Grindavik,Islanda,EE,tk OMs. BN/MB
0601 9779.5 Yemen RTV,Sana'A,AA,nxs OM. BN
0605 10000.0 WWV,Boulder,USA,EE,t/s,ids OM. IN/SF
2101 6295.0 R. Reflections Europe,EE,tk OM. MB
2110 6045.0 WYFR,Meyerton,Sud Africa,EE,tk OM. SF/BN

0504 4915.0 pres. RD Macapa,Brasile,mx pop. SF
0507 4885.0 R. Clube do Para,Belem,Brasile,PP,ids. SF/BN
0557 7590.0U AFRTS,Grindavik,Islanda,EE,nxs OMs/YL. SF/BN
0559 7811.0U AFRTS,Key West-FL,USA,EE,ids YL. SF

2058 6218.9 Laser Hot Hits,mx melodica. IN/SF
2101 6275.0 Laser Hot Hits,EE,ids OM. SF/BN
2103 6305.9 R. Quintus,EE,ids OM. SF/BN
2104 3940.0 R. Spaceman,EE/DD/GG/Fin,ids. BN/MB
2132 3924.8 R. Galaxy Int.,EE,ids OM. SF/BN
2148 3910.0 R. Borderhunter,EE,ids OM. BN/MB

0521 6218.9 Laser Hot Hits,EE,tk OM. IN/SF
0524 6275.0 Laser Hot Hits,oldie. BN
0525 6300.4 R. Digital,DD,ids OM. BN/MB
0658 6301.3 Tower R.,EE,ids OMs. BN/MB
0659 6241.3 Britain R. Int.,id tnx Dr. Tim. IN/SF
0703 6268.0 West Coast R.,id tnx Dr. Tim. IN/SF
0709 6295.0 R. Victoria,id tnx Dr. Tim. IN/SF
0728 6400.0 Orion R.,EE,ids OM. IN/SF
1010 6310.0 R. Malaysi,mx dance. MB

0543 8939.0U Volmet St. Petrrsburg,Russia,tk YL. SF
0545 8957.0U Volmet Shannon,Irlanda,tk OM. SF/BN
0551 8870.0U tk OM simil AA scramblerato. SF/BN
0554 8825.0U OAC S. Maria-CA,USA,EE,QSOs. SF/BN
(Luca Botto Fiora, Rapallo, Italy - playdx2003 973)


4990 primer de mayo 0150 - emisora extra=F1a, probablamente Radio =
Andash, Peru o Radio Apinitie, Suriname, bastante d=E9bil - creo que =
tengo una grabaci=F3n de este captaci=F3n y voy a ponerla en real-audio =
cuando voy a tener tiempo. Robert Wilkner en la costa oeste de Florida, =
la escuch=E9 con un se=F1al muy d=E9bil antes alg=FAn semanas o mezes. =

9555 ARABIA SAUDITA, BSKSA, Riadh APR 29 2150 - Bastante con locutor =
masculino en =E1rabo - pod=ED entender la palabra "uajad" que =
si=F1=EDfica "uno" / "one" / "unu" / "un" / "ein". (Chiochiu-QC)

9575 MARUEGO, Medi Un, Nador APR 30 2345 - m=FAsica tradicional en =
=E1rabo, muy bonita. SINPO 23342 y hasta las 2357 SINPO 31131 cuando =
China Radio International empez=E9 sus programas en los 9570 kHz. No =
puedo decir que es una sinton=EDa f=E1cil ahora. La mejor recepci=F3n =
que yo ten=EDa de est=E1 emisora en los =FAltimas mezes fue alrededor =
del 21 de marzo cuando ten=EDa niveles de se=F1al incredibles, como si =
estuve transmitiendo para la America del Norte. (Chiochiu-QC)

9705 INDIA, All India Radio, Panaji APR 30 2337 - m=FAsica indiana =
r=EDtmica, sigue con politicos y hasta una canci=F3n tradicional indiana =
muy fea para mi (que no me gust=E9 por nada). Bastante bien, pero =
distorcionado. SINPO 33332 con un sonido bastante duro a escuchar. =
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - CumbreDX 1523)
И, так, кому были интересны схемы переделки Ишима-
лезите на мой сайт в бюллетень номер 6. (www.qsl-manager.narod.ru - ред.)
Если у кого-то не будут видны рисунки- проверьте
настройки браузера и прочих антиспам-программ.
(Ильдус Ибатуллин, Казань, Татарстан, Россия - open_dx (06//05/06))
The government of Honduras approved a decree by which the country`s official
time will be moved forward by 60 minutes, that is, implementing a summer time
or daylight time regime, as in other countries.

This means the day here now begins an hour early. The local time is then UT ?5
and not UT minus six anymore, since midnight of Saturday May the 6th to Sunday
May the 7th, 2006. At 0000 local time we moved our watches forward one hour.
The government said ``indefinitely``, but I would bet this schedule will be on
at least until September 30th.

Also Guatemala and Nicaragua have adopted this measure. So ``keep an ear out``
for Central American stations (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua) now to begin
broadcasting one hour early, possibly increasing your chance of getting them in
the local morning hours (from 10 to 11 UT) while we are entering the grey line.

Best 73s (Elmer D. Escoto, Controller, Liberty de Honduras, S.A., Choloma,

We already reported that Guatemala went on UT -5 April 30. Rechecking
we see indeed that Nicaragua --- and El Salvador are doing it too! ---

30 Apr 2006 - 06:00 DST starts: 00:00 -> 01:00 (Guatemala)
30 Apr 2006 - 08:00 DST starts: 02:00 -> 03:00 (Nicaragua)
7 May 2006 - 06:00 DST starts: 00:00 -> 01:00 (Honduras)
21 May 2006 - 06:00 DST starts: 00:00 -> 01:00 (El Salvador)

Apparently not Costa Rica, Belize, still UT -6, despite being eastward of UT -5
countries; and PanamА is already UT -5 yearound (Glenn Hauser, OK - mwdx 1272)
http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/onda-pirata - onda-pirata group

12085 kHz, Voice of Mongolia, full data QSL-card (excl. tx
site), cards shows the mountains and 'Visit Mongolia', v/s Z.Densmaa ,
mail editor VoM. The letter also contained a schedule, a few stamps, a
further postcard, an edition of the Mongol Messenger (in English) and a
personal letter of the v/s. In 41 days for a report in English with no
rp to Vo Mongolia, CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
(M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany - CumbreDX 1520)

6045 kHz, Radio Polonia, full data QSL-card (excl. tx site),
cards shows 80 years Polskie Radio (2005), no v/s. The letter also
contained a schedule and a few stamps. The envelope had (as promised) a
special rubber stamp '70 years Radio Polonia (2006). In 48 days for a
report in German with no rp to Radio Polonia, Deutsche Redaktion,
P.O.Box 46, Al. Niepodleglosci 77/85, 00-977 Warszawa, Polen. The
report had been mentioned earlier in their listeners mailbag-px.
(M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany - CumbreDX 1520)

12000 kHz, West Africa
Democracy Radio, recibida carta QSL con datos
completos, firmada por, V/S Abdou L?, Bilingual
Researcher WADR. Tardaron en responder 63 d?as y
junto al informe de recepci?n se adjunto 1 US $
para ayuda del sello de retorno.

West Africa Democracy Radio
P.O. Box 16 650 Dakar-Fann SENEGAL
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 41, 10)

США (?)
1330 WYRD SC, Greenville, what a nice surprise to go to the post
office today and receive a QSL from WYRD! My thanks go out to Lee
Freshwater, for getting me the name of the CE there at Entercom. This
made my day! V/S: Ed McDade-CE. Mentioned they have a direct null in my
direction, and it was very much a surprise, and the station on the CD
was WYRD (Good ol' beverage, once again!). QSL letter & business card in
30d. SC QSL: 5. Fantastic! Address: Entercom Greenville LLC, 25
Garlington Road, Greenville SC 29615. The CE also mentioned he has
been to Grants Pass & Bend OR. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, Usa - hard-core-dx 41, 6)

Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022
Burjasot (Valencia)


QTH: Rapallo (Genova)
RXs: R7 Drake
Satellit 500 Grundig (filtri FM 110-53-53 kHz)
DE1103 Degen (filtri FM 80-53 kHz)
ANTs: Loop ferrite LW-MW 75 cm interna
Filare SW 20+20 m esterna
Dipolo telescopico FM 1.6 m interno
ACCs: Amplificatore LW-MW (KOLR)
Amplificatore audio SA-30 GBC
Balun in ferrite 1:9 per filare SW (Wrexham Ars)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software UTE MultiMode 5.6.1 BlackCatSystems (demo)

Bob Wilkner
Pompano Beach Florida
R75 746Pro
73 всем! И.Л.

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