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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 25
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 25 11.07.05 ----------------------- КВ Австралия 15425 Jul 5 1100-1130 Australia: HCJB Australia. Kununurra, Music full ID in English HCJB "The Voice of the Great South Land" followed by a religious program SINPO 24333 (Nino Marabello, Trieste, It - hard-core-dx 31, 6) Афганистан Afghanistan gets new independent radio station: (07 July 05) A new independent radio station, known as Radio Voice of Paktika, has been launched in Afghanistan's Pashtun province of Paktika, Radio Netherlands Media Network has reported. The radio station was established by Internews Network, a non-profit organisation which aims to foster the development of independent media with support from the US Agency for International Development's Office of Transition Initiatives. Radio Voice of Paktika has a potential audience of almost 200,000 with a 45 metre mast, one of the tallest of any FM station in Afghanistan. The station broadcasts nine hours a day with in-house programming and material from the daily news and entertainment programme, Salaam Watandar, produced by Internews. The station is also planning to play educational programmes produced by Scotland-based Media Support Solutions. Over the past two years, Internews has set up and supported 29 independent radio stations. The network now has an estimated signal reach of about 10 million people. (Abu Website, Azizul Alam Al-Amin, Bangladesh - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Бахрейн 9745 Jul 7 2230-BHR: Radio Bahrain.. Heard daily with non-stop Arab music. AM/U. Equally strong with co-channel Vo Han/Kuanghua and HCJB. (Mauno Ritola, Fin - CumbreDX 1181) Боливия 4716.71, Radio Yura, 0027-46 Noted a program of music and comments from a man and woman with TC's and ID. Signal went from fair to good during period. (Chuck Bolland, July 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0032-48 This station basically talk. Noted Spanish comments from two men during the period. Signal was fair with QRM. (Chuck Bolland, July 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 4796.40, Radio Mallku, 0035-50 Another station with typical music and comments from a man. Signal was fair at start up, but improved to good by 0050. (Chuck Bolland, July 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 4845.45, Radio Municipal, Presumed, 0038-51 Noted a woman in Spanish comments with music. Lot's of QRM here, so a tough copy with fair signal. (Chuck Bolland, July 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 4409.72, Radio Eco, 0040-52 Noted a program of Spanish comments and music. Signal was poor during period with QRM. (Chuck Bolland, July 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 4650.21, Radio Santa Ana, 0042-54. Noted some music with Spanish comments from a man. This signal didn't hold up as well as the others. It faded from fair to threshold by 0054. (Chuck Bolland, July 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2215-2235, 07-07, Locutor y locutora, comentarios en quechua, espanol, comentarios, musica y canciones bolivianas. "Son las 6 de la tarde con 25 minutos". Anuncios comerciales, anuncios de la ciudad de Oruro. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) 4796.4, BOLIVIA, R.Mallku, 2337-2350, July 4, Spanish, OM and YL w/ alternating talks; sounds like a prayer of sorts; w/ "tinny" music bits. Nice ID at 2340. More OM and YL followed by fanfare and different OM over music. Poor/fair w/ continuous "sweeper". (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Бразилия 9504.82, R. Record, 0956-1017, M host tlk w/phone caller. 0959 full canned ID by M w/freqs 1000 MW and 31 meters, and ending w/jingle ID. Seemed to go into a netword nxcast by M. Still in at 1017. Fair and clear signal but fady. (4 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) 4845.2, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicales, Manaus, 2236, 07-07, Portugues, locutor, comentarios. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) Буркина-Фасо 5030 Radio Burkina se escucha muy bien y a diario por Cartagena- Espana hoy estaban emitiendo un programa de musica Pop Africana muy bonito y agradable de escuchar, como siempre el formato de esta emisora es el de una FM Europea o Americana entre algunas canciones locales tambien se solia colar un exito en Ingles la hora de la escucha 1839 UT. El SINPO fue muy bueno 44444. El idioma en el que la escuche fue en Frances.(Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 964) Гвинея 7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 2205, 07-07, Esta emisora habia estado inactiva en dias pasados. Programa en fraces, noticias, locutor, musica vernacula. Tambien escuchada 0632, 08-07 con musica vernacula y programa en frances. 34333.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) Гондурас 3340, R. Misiones Int./HRMI (pres.), 0108 sounded like Pop mx. 0113 tlk by M in SP on recheck. Just too weak and too much noise to copy. (4 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) Греция 12105 Foni Tis Helladas; 2246-2302+, 7-July; M in GK (presumed) taking phone calls. Spot @2251 sounded like "Hellas Telefonika". Couldn't decipher anmts @2300; then went into news. SIO=233, need USB to minimize utes. Been here consistently past several days w/same call-in format--sometimes M only, sometimes M&W. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1182) Джибути 4780 Escuchada por primera vez en mi QTH Radio Djibouti en lengua Vernacular, hoy dia 3-07-2005 entraba de forma aceptable en el Sureste de Espanapero solo pude escuchar 5 minutos ya que el RTTY local no me deja escuchar mas tiempo ya que tengo que cojer un hueco cuando dejan de emitir, el SINPO de la escucha es 32222 y el programa escuchado es un programa de musica african, a las 1900 UT comienza el rezo del Sagrado Coran. (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 964) Индонезия 9524.9, RRI Jakarta, Noticed that they had deadair at 1030. Still nothing until 1252 when hrd W briefly, then long tlk by M, but the audio was still very low. Sounded like and ID by M at 1259. Didn't hear any audio again on check at 1520 though. Technical problems?? (3 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1002-1019 KGRE EG pgm w/host Kevin and unknown W. At t/in seemed to be tlking abt the qualities of a good teacher. Into song, then W again w/interview of school teacher 1007-1011, Rock song, 1015 Kevin and W anncr tlk abt Aussie volunteers teaching in East Java. "That's What Friends Are For" Pop song w/request to write for the Kang Guru KGRE magazine from 1017-1019. W gave upcoming pgm info and also gave The Indonesia Australia Language Foundation P.O. Box 3095 Denpasar 80030 addr to end the pgm. (Found on their Web site, http://www.kangguru.org/englishradio.htm that they're listed on the air from Jakarta on 9680 on Wednesdays. So this must have been a rebroadcast. The list of Indo stns carrying the pgm has some interesting entries including RSPD Ende on 2695 khz!! Check it out!!) 1019 mx bridge and "RRI" stn promo w/canned dialog between M and boy. Into pleasant Indo Pop. followed by Humperdinct-like IN song, and then W anncr. 1029 tlk by men over piano w/ments of "kilohertz" and "RRI". Fair choppy signal. (3 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) 15150, VOI, 1945 2 July. Decent copy of French service with local pops and commentary. S5 signal ruined by slop from WYFR on 15155 (Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1177). Йемен 9779.5 Yemen Radio, at *0258-0335 on July 1, an announcer with ID and opening annts in Arabic. At 0300 there was a brief mx bridge followed by the same man with news. Two vocal selections from 0305 followed by a drama program at 0315. Fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA - DXplorer and BCDX 718 July 3) Китай 11790 China Radio Int'l; 2138, 6-July; M&W in EE w/feature on the Peking Opera; CRI ID spot. SIO=2+33 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1180) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, 0520-0623, 08-07, Locutor habitual que habla en La Voz de Tu Conciencia, comentario religioso, "Comop uede haber paz en un mundo de tantas mentiras". "De nada sirve que se desarme a los paramilitares en Colombia si siguen las mentiras". Identificacion: "Les agradecemos que sigan todos en nuestra sintonia, Marfil Estero 88.8 de la FM, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 6010 kHz. onda corta, Alcaraban Radio". "La una de la manana con 36 minutos."Anuncios comerciales y canciones. 34333 En paralelo con 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, con senal muy debil, 12221. La primera vez que escucho a 5910 y 6010 en paralelo, con el mismo programa. (Manuel mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) 6035, La Voz del Guaviare, 2248-2300, 07-07, Canciones colombianas presentadas por locutor. Identificaicion: "La Voz del Guaviare, cinco de la tarde con 57 minutos". Anuncios comerciales. Senal debil. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) Либерия 5470, Radio Veritas, 2140, 07-07, locutor, comentarios, vernculo e ingles. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) 5470, LIBERIA, R.Veritas, 2258-2311*, July 4, English, Whisper quiet talks b/w 2 OM. Studio OM at 2303 w/ ID: much better audio then back to whisper quiet devotional. Studio OM again at 2308 followed by whisper quiet ballad (NA-?) until s/off. Poor/very weak. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Мали/Китай 1975 CRI relay at 2332 in Mandarin. Opera. Excellent signal. (Liz Cameron - CumbreDX 1177) Мексика 6010, Radio Mil, 0610-0650, 08-07, Locutor, canciones latinoamericas, senal muy debil. Muy ligera interferencia de La Voz de tu Conciencia con programa de canciones, en paralelo con 5910, pero sin apenas molestar, ya que se escucha muy muy debil, disminuyendo la interferencia drasticamente con relacion a hace un tiempo. Para poder identificar La emisora colombiana, por detras de Radio Mil, fue necesario comparar varias veces la senal en 6010 con la de 5910 que llegaba bastante fuerte. 13221. Parece que La Voz de tu Conciencia hizo ajustes en la antena, ?para evitir interferir a Radio Mil? pues esta llegando con senal casi inaudible, cuando antes lo hacia bastante fuerte. Seguire atento a estas frecuencia, para ver si la debilidad con la que llega la colombiana es debido a una causa temporal por mala propagacion o se mantiene asi permanentemente.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1182) 6185, Radio Educacion, 0638, 08-07, Musica clasica, presentada por locutor. 23222.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) Оман 15140 Jul 8 1400-OMA: R Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait. Per Noel Green tip, the other Omani SW tx noted back on the air and in English at this time. Reading dedications and playing Sade's "Smooth Operator" after the news. (Mauno Ritola, FIN - CumbreDX 1181) Пакистан 15485, R. Pakistan (presumed), 0145 3 July. Urdu commentary followed by Koranic-style chanting at S5 level (Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1177). Парагвай 9737, 2210-2215, 07-07, Locutor, "Temperatura en Asuncion, 12 grados, humedad 72%, cielo despejado. Identificacion: "Radio Nacional del Paraguay". Narracion de un acto de inauguracion del Presidente de la Republica, Doctor Nicanor Duarte, discurso del Presidente. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) Пираты PIRATE (NA) 6925.08, WHYP, 0133-0152+, Hard Rock and Metal mx, canned ID by M at 0035. Unbelievably strong signal w/nice bassy audio. A little fading which didn't do much to the strength. Drifted down to 6925.04. (3 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) PIRATE (NA) 6925.04, Pirate R. Boston, 0202, Charlie Loudenboomer w/pgm #3 for 2005. IDs, e-mail addr, song anmnt, Stoneham MA addr, ment of Winter Fest, etc. 0208 anmnt again. During anmnts, could hear a radio or something playing in the background!! Sounded like the same strong signal as WHYP (same freq), so one or the other must've been relaying the other, but who was relaying who?? Wasn't around to hear any transition. (3 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) PIRATE (NA), 6925.36, Channel Z, 2256-2318*. (3 July) PIRATE (NA), 6924.97, Undercover R., 2341-0019:32*. (3 July) PIRATE (NA), 6934.98U, Grasscutter R./Sunshine R., 0053-0102. (4 July) PIRATE (NA), 6925.4, R. Pigmeat Int., 0146-0156. (4 July) PIRATE (NA), 6925.1U, WHGW, 0310-0347*. (4 July) (Dave Valko, USA - CumbreDX 1177) Разное UK (Skelton), Radio Canada Int'l Relay, 17765 in French at 1935, SIO:444 GERMANY (Nauen), DW, 5955 in Russian at 1950, SIO:323 SPAIN (Noblejas), REE, 7275 in Spanish at 2003, SIO:323 CYPRUS (Limassol), BBC Relay, 9410 in English at 2007, SIO:343 PORTUGAL (Sines) DW Relay, 9545 in German at 2016, SIO:444 VRC (Santa Maria di Galeria), Radio Vaticana, 5885 in Spanish at 2023, = SIO:343 FRANCE (Issoudun), Radio France Int'l, 7315 in French at 2138, SIO:333 GREECE (Kavala), Voice of Greece, 12105 in Greek at 2143, SIO:444 MOROCCO (Briech), VOA Relay, 15410 in English at 2146, SIO:333 BOTSWANA (Mopeng Hill), VOA Relay, 4930 in English at 2150, SIO:222 KUWAIT, VOA Relay, 12140 in Special English at 2155, SIO:545 (T.C. Peterson, Cebu, Philippines - CumbreDX 1180) PBS Radio ng Bayan was heard last July 05,2005 from 0113-0154 UTC in the frequency of 9580 kHZ.This is a domestic broadcast of DzRB 738 AM MW in Manila,which was heard in SW.Talk show in English and Pilipino. PBS Radyo Pilipinas is still in the frequency of 15120 kHz,15270 kHz from 0200-0330 UTC. Radio Taiwan International from Taipei was heard last July 05,2005 in the frequency of 11875 kHz for the Philippines with the new mailbag program "WE GOT MAIL".The time and segments were added. Voice of Korea from Pyongyang was heard last July 25,2005 from 0200-0300 UTC in the frequency of 13650 kHz and 15100 kHz. Voice of Vietnam from Hanoi can be heard from 1230-1300 UTC in the frequency of 12020 kHz. (Henry Umadhay - CumbreDX 1179) Россия 12065, Bible Voice Broadcasting, via Khabarovsk, Intermittent tone characteristic of the Russian xmtr as early as 1118. Deadair, then start of EG pgm opening w/ID by W at 1130, then M anncr in EG. Pretty good signal. (3 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) Руанда 6055 Como siempre y fiel a su cita veraniega, aqui en mi QTH he vuelto a captar al igual que todos los veranos Radio Ruanda solo se puede escuchar en mi QTH en una franja horaria muy redudcida es decir de 2030 UT a 2100 UT antes y despues imposible la escucha ya que hay emisoras potentes europeas tapandola por ejemplo antes de las 2030 esta Radio Eslovaquia y despues de las 2100 UT aparece Radio Japon en ingles. El programa escuchado es un programa de musica Africana local la hora de la escucha de 2039-2100 UT el lenguaje escuchado es Frances, el SINPO 24444 y el dia de la escucha 03-07-2005 (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 964) Сан-Томе 4930 SAO TOME VOA, Jul 7 05:30 - Fair reception with English VOA programming, but lots of atmospheric static. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) Северная Корея 15180, VOK, 0140 3 July. English service featuring patriotic commentary. S9 signal but noisy band (Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1177). Сирия 12085 at 2249 in Arabic. Poor signal. //13610 poor. Talk. --Spanish at 2315 on 12085 //13610 both moderate. (Liz Cameron - CumbreDX 1177) США 18930 WYFR at 2131 in German. Fair signal. --18980 at 2131 w/hymns (Liz Cameron - CumbreDX 1177) Судан 17660 July 7 1654-1717 utc 34333 Arabic px: translation of male speech mentioning "Thank you for everything, etc.", music, females talk mentioning London, Kenya, Nairobi, Sudan, Mustaqbal, Arbaa then vernacular choir and music, talk again mentioning Salasa, Arbaa, Britania, Sudan ended on 1711 UTC with "syukron" and followed by several station id, info on website, address in Kenya and USA - 1717 UTC male voice: "Na Sudan Radio Service" (Tony Ashar, Depok Indonesia - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Суринам 4990, Radio Apintie, 0516, 08-07, canciones en ingles, 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1182) Таиланд/США 15150, VOA via Udon Thani, 0135 3 July. Mandarin service better than and on top of Beijing Opera jammer (Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1177). Уганда 4976 Radio Uganda despues de muchos meses sin que apareciese por mi dial esta emisora hoy dia 3-07-2005 a las 1846 UT volvio a reaparecer por mi receptor como un canon con un SINPO 33343 y con un programa hablado por un hombre en ingles, tras terminar este programa tuvieron un corte de modulacion de 2 minutos (no de senal) y despues irrumpio la emisora con una cancion coral (posiblemente religiosa) y volvio a haber otro microcorte de modulacion (parece ser que tenian problemas).(Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 964) Филиппины/США 17820 VOA relay at 2253 w/rpt about Senator Nelson's death. Amazing reception. Sounds local except for very slight flutter. (Liz Cameron - CumbreDX 1177) Чили 15485 Voz Cristiana at 2337 in Portuguese. Very poor. Music. (Liz Cameron - CumbreDX 1177) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 Radio Bata Best in LSB due to constant UTE. Been listening to this one for the last two days just before sign off. Local and R&B music program on both days hosted by male announcer. Many ID's as Radio Bata included a long canned ID by a woman. Fair signal. Canned closing announcement at 2252 and anthem on both days. (Hans Johnson Jul 3-4 - CumbreDX 1178) Эль-Сальвадор 17838.34-.37 Radio Imperial (t); 1723-1737+, 5-July; M&W in SS. Hrd two tent. mentions of Radio Imperial. Music @1735. Poor but 1st copyable audio in many weeks. Very fady, low-pitched tone & occasional buzzer blast QRM. Drifted upward. 2147, het at 17839.15 but no audio. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1180) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 Radio Bata Best in LSB due to constant UTE. Been listening to this one for the last two days just before sign off. Local and R&B music program on both days hosted by male announcer. Many ID's as Radio Bata included a long canned ID by a woman. Fair signal. Canned closing announcement at 2252 and anthem on both days. (Hans Johnson Jul 3-4, Florida, Naples - CumbreDX 1178) 5005, EQ.GUINEA, R.Nacional-Bata, 2248-2256*, July 4, Vernacular/Spanish, Hi-life music followed by OM in SP at 2251 w/ s/off announcements and passing mention of "Radio Bata". NA at s/off. Poor/fair. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Эфиопия 7110, R.E., 0259 lcl mx as a signature, W w/opening anmnts w/ments of "meterband", bells denoting ToH, M w/pres. TC, then diff. M tlk, poss. nxbrief. Into lcl mx at 0304. Great vcl mx at 0308 check. //stronger 9704.2 which was QRMed from 9710, but this freq a little clearer. (4 July) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1177) Япония 6055 JOZ2 and 9595 JOZ3, parallel at 0430 CT / 0930 UT with what sounded like a radio soap opera. 9595 SINPO 21432; needed to use USB due to severe co-channel interference from 9590 and the ICF-2010 sync lock's seemingly constant use of "lower" rather than "upper". 6055 much noisier though. (Jacob Norlund - hard-core-dx 31, 10) ----------------------- СВ/ДВ Австралия 648 AUSTRALIA 2NU Tamworth, NSW, Jul 6 12:30 - Fair reception with EZL music. Another poor morning. The Aussie Beverage is a disappointment due to noise, so all my loggings are using the almost N/S 350' mini-Beverage which appears to work very well and is very quiet. This is a tentative logging as no ID was heard. Another probable weak Aussie heard on 675. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) Аляска 660 ALASKA KFAR, Fairbanks, Jul 6 13:32 - Poor signal strength, in the muck, but a couple of KFAR IDs clearly heard. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 770 ALASKA KCHU, Valdez, Jul 6 14:34 - Presumed logging with NPR news. I found the Alaskans abundant after the fade out of Pacific stations, as well as the lower 48 states for the most part. Unfortunately, due to a family emergency, my planned 3 week stay is being cut short. Hopefully, I'll be able to monitor once more tomorrow morning. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 890 ALASKA KBBI, Homer, Jul 6 13:42 - Fair to good reception. ID for KBBI, Homer at 13:58. NPR programming, into local weather. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 1080 ALASKA KUDO, Anchorage, Jul 6 13:19 - Good signal with an Ancorage jingle and ID for KUDO, and then into the weather. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 1110 ALASKA KAGV, Big Lake, Jul 6 14:10 - A tentative logging at fair level. Christian programming, with 'Through the Bible Radio'. No definite ID, though. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 1140 ALASKA KSLD, Soldotna, Jul 6 13:50 - Nice ID as, 'The king of the Kenai, 1140', and again at 14:02 as, 'You are on the King, KSLD, Kenai, Soldotna, and Homer'. Gone by 14:13, but back with good strength a few minutes later.(Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 1229.97 ALASKA KIFW, Sitka., Jul 6 14:11 - Very good reception, but frustratingly few IDs. Bob and Laurie Morning Shjow. AM signal sounded a little distorted, so checked the frequency. They're actually on 1229.97. A weak cochannel right on frequency is also heard. Finally at 14:31, short ID for KIFW. Don't usually hear an American station off frequency. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 770 ALASKA KCHU, Valdez, Jul 7 13:30 - NPR news at 13:30. No local ID at 14:00 and went into NPR news again. Finally ID'd for KCHU, Valdez at 14:49. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) 700 ALASKA KBYR, Anchorage, Jul 7 12:59 - Finally got an ID through some local hash, as 'Talk Radio, KBYR'. Good reception otherwise. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) Алжир 153 RTA, Bechar, on 03 Jul at 1345-... UT; 55454, vy. good condx this day as their signal is usually worse. 198 kHz RTA, Ouargla, 3 Jul 1341-...; 25342, at best and via the K9AY so as avoid BBC R4. Also, I noticed both with a +/- 2" delay relative to 549 kHz, surely due to satellite feeds.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX 718 July 5) 1422 | ALGERIA (t) | Algiers, JUL 5 0424 - apparent Arabic male vocal; poor. (Mark Connelly-Billerica, MA, USA - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Великобритания 1089 | UNITED KINGDOM | TalkSport synchros, JUL 7 0140 - man & woman with sportstalk mentioning the 2012 Olympics; fair in WBAL null. + JUL 7 0206 - news, advert with music; good. (Mark Connelly-Billerica, MA, USA - hard-core-dx 31, 9) 1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Virgin R. synchros, JUL 7 0202 - "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2; good.(Mark Connelly-Billerica, MA, USA - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Канада 810 CANADA Unid, Jul 6 12:40 - I don't have my WRTH with me, so I'll need assistance identifying this one. Continuous Weather Canada forecast in English and French for various regions, including the South Klondikes, Central Yukon and Dawson. This continued past 13:01. Is this a Yukon station?. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) Новая Зеландия 1008 NEW ZEALAND 1ZD, Tauranga, Jul 7 12:17 - The lone Kiwi station heard today, with good reception! Many IDs for 'Newstalk ZD'. They were interviewing the New Zealand PM about the London bombings. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) Норвегия 1314 | NORWAY | NRK, Kvitsoy, JUL 7 0149 - "Old Man" by Neil Young, then Norwegian talk; fair. (Mark Connelly-Billerica, MA, USA - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Россия 180 RUSSIA Radio Rossii, Petropavlovsk, Jul 7 11:57 - A miuch better morning right from the start! Good signal levels from this channel. Most of the other Russian far east stations on LW are blocked by numerous aeronautical beacons. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) Франция 1467 | FRANCE | TWR, Roumoules, JUN 25 0344 - TWR musical box interval; fair to good. (Mark Connelly-Billerica, MA, USA - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Хорватия 1134 | CROATIA | Glas Hrvatske, Zadar, JUL 7 0144 - Slavic choral music, then Croat talk by woman; to good peak over WBBR slop. (Mark Connelly-Billerica, MA, USA - hard-core-dx 31, 9) Ю. Корея 972 KOREA (SOUTH) HLCA, Jul 7 12:11 - Liberty one with Korean programming at poor to fair levels. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) Япония 1584 JAPAN NHK 1, Jul 7 12:57 - Very weak but parallel to 1503. Not sure of location of transmitter. (Walter Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Is, BC - hard-core-dx 31, 10) ----------------------- World Utility News HF 28 MHz. Beacons: DAILY REPORT : JULY 02, 2005: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 06:00 28,232abt OH5RAC 468 1,864 06:02 28,290.- SK5AE 488 1,506 06:03 28,292.5 SK0CT 446 1,519 08:24 28,215.- GB3RAL 478 1,222 08:25 28,263.- EA4DAT 468 1,415 08:28 28,200.- OH2B 457 1,761 14:06 28,277.5 DF0AAB 336 936 14:38 28,182.5 SV3AQR 345 1,140 14:40 28,244.8 IT9DTU 336 846 15:11 28,230.- IQ8CZ 446 805 16:25 28,200.- 4X6TU 335 2,409 (Walter Cappoza, Venezia, It - wun 15, 5) 15.873,00 rfgw (p6z) : MFA Paris 1009 stanag4285/1200/l 5LG tfc to unid (4 Jul 05) (wp3) 16.259,95 rfgw (p6z) : MFA Paris 1035 stanag4285/1200/l tfc to Kairo O9B: OK LE SEIGNEUR DES PYRAMIDES. BIEN RECU LES IMI // PB EM . ESSAI NEW EM (4 Jul 05) (wp3) 18.311,62 rfgw (p6z) : MFA Paris 1118 stanag4285/1200/l 5LG tfc to unid (4 Jul 05) (wp3) (Wolfgang Palmberger, De - wun 15, 5) 07785 LZ40: Algerian MOI 1911 ALE/USB SND (1Jul05) (MAL) 07739 RNOUSLR1: SONATRACH Oil & Gas, Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline 1904 ALE/LSB SND (1Jul05) (MAL) 11474 MAE: Alger MFA ALG 1900 ALE/USB clg RBT (1Jul05) (MAL) 06790 RNOUSLR1: SONATRACH Oil & Gas, Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline 1900 ALE/LSB SND (1Jul05) (MAL) 07785 HA48: Algerian MOI 1837 ALE/USB clg HA52 (1Jul05) (MAL) 10244 HR: SONATRACH Oil & Gas, Hassi R'Mel, Alg 1835 ALE/USB SND (1Jul05) (MAL) 08130 JE21: Algerian MOI 2350 ALE/USB clg UM22 (1Jul05) (MAL) 04930 HO5: Algerian MOI? 2320 ALE/USB clg IZ4 (1Jul05) (MAL) 05478 BB2: Algerian MOI? 2311 ALE/USB clg K28 (1Jul05) (MAL) 11466 HR: SONATRACH Oil & Gas, Hassi R'Mel, Alg 2247 ALE/USB SND (1Jul05) (MAL) 07785 LZ51: Algerian MOI 2215 ALE/USB clg LZ50 (1Jul05) (MAL) 05263 LZ51: Algerian MOI 2214 ALE/USB clg LZ50 (1Jul05) (MAL) 07785 LZ51: Algerian MOI 2139 ALE/USB clg MDN (1Jul05) (MAL) 07785 UM4: Algerian MOI 2136 ALE/USB clg HA4 (1Jul05) (MAL) 07785 HA52: Algerian MOI 2132 ALE/USB clg UM42 (1Jul05) (MAL) 05263 LZ50: Algerian MOI 2131 ALE/USB clg UM42 (1Jul05) (MAL) 07785 HA52: Algerian MOI 2118 ALE/USB clg HA48, connected, discon 2128 (1Jul05) (MAL) 05478 AA1: Israel Air Force 2040 ALE/USB SND (1Jul05) (MAL) 10244 HR: SONATRACH Oil & Gas, Hassi R'Mel, Alg 2036 ALE/USB SND (1Jul05) (MAL) 07785 LZ45: Algerian MOI 2010 ALE/USB clg LZ43 (1Jul05) (MAL) 08130 RS0011D: NATO NC3A net Balkans? 2009 ALE/USB clg CS004A (1Jul05) (MAL) 08010 68: Danish Army 2006 ALE/USB clg DK11 collective call Danish Army (1Jul05) (MAL) 11475 MAE: MFA Alger ALG 0957 ALE/USB clg RBT (2Jul05) (MAL) 08130 JE21: Algerian MOI 1630 ALE/USB clg UM22 (2Jul05) (MAL) 11466 HR: SONATRACH Oil & Gas, Hassi R'Mel, Alg 1501 ALE/USB SND (2Jul05) (MAL) 11427 MAE: MFA Algier ALG 1446 ALE/USB clg TRP (2Jul05) (MAL) 11475 MAE: MFA Algier ALG 1437 ALE/USB clg RBT (2Jul05) (MAL) 11475 TRP: MFA ALG emb. Tripoli 1423 ALE/USB clg MAE (2Jul05) (MAL) 11475 RBT: MFA ALG emb Rabat 1233 ALE/USB clg MAE (2Jul05) (MAL) 11427 RBT: MFA ALG emb Rabat 1203 ALE/USB clg MAE (3Jul05) (MAL) (Mike Larson - wun 15, 5) HF 28 MHz. Beacons: DAILY REPORT : JULY 05, 2005: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 05:54 28,290.- SK5AE 457 1,506 06:50 28,277.5 DF0AAB 447 936 06:52 28,200.- 4X6TU 467 2,409 06:55 28,200.- OH2B 346 1,761 06:55 28,200.- CS3B 457 2,947 07:01 28,220.- 5B4CY 457 2,105 12:05 28,263.- EA4DAT 478 1,415 12:06 28,256.- C30P 346 903 13:58 28,215.- GB3RAL 457 1,222 14:01 28,243.- F5TMJ 456 962 16:18 28,182.5 SV3AQR 467 1.140 16:19 28,230.- IQ8CZ 478 805 16:20 28,232abt OH5RAC 456 1,864 16:21 28,244.8 IT9DTU 446 846 (Walter Cappoza, Venezia, It - wun 15, 6) ----------------------- FM/TV 2.07.05 12.15-15.00 юг с 1 июля отключили Орфей на 69,92, так слышно чуть больше. А в Москве Орфей ещё жив? 66,02 РРоссии (Астрахань) 66,20 РРоссии 67,00 азиат музыка 12.55, между песнями объявление на лакском?, скорее всего Дагестан (67,04 Кочубей) 67,04 Дагестан на рус 14.13 (67,04 Кочубей) 67,15 Маяк, запаздывание в 3 секунды 14.23 67,22 Туркмения-2 (Дасогуз) 67,85 РРоссии 68,90 Маяк, глухо и громко (Дагестан?) 69,00~ Украина 14.06 69,15- Маяк (69,14 Элиста?) 69,30+ Казахское радио, 14.00 ID на рус, "начало шестого сигнала соответствует 20 часам времени Астаны" 69,32 Туркмения-1 (Дасогуз) 69,75 Укр-1 69,80 РРоссии 69,95 Дагестан на рус 14.26 (Гергебиль) 70,15- РРоссии, 13.20, временами зашкаливало (Тамбовка, Белгород, Волгодонск) 88,8 Иран песни (видимо, Sarisari, Ардебиль) 89,3 Иран другая прг 89,9 Иран на фарси (видимо, Sarisari, Тебриз) 96,8 что-то на фарси? (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург - open_dx 804) Zip FM работает на частоте 92.5 МГц в г.Клайпеда. Принимаю его также и на остальных активных у нас частотах - 91.6 и 92.7 МГц. Похоже на то, используется сеть, ранее принадлежавшая радиостанции RC2. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 804) В г. Ромны начала работу телекомпания НТН. Сигнал транслируется из передающего центра ТРК "ВИДИКОН" (высота - около 75 м.). Информацией о номере канала я не располагаю. (Олександр Соломка, Ромны, Укр - open_dx 804) 97'0 RTT R.Jeunes, catched for the first time today 3th july, it must be Bizerte, according to national tecnichal planning in FM. (Pedro Monino, Cala Millor - Mallorca, Spain - skywaves 1570) July 5, 2005 Sporadic E Logs: 87.5 E Radio Hispanidad Huelva (H) 87.7 POR RDP 1/Antena 1 Serra do Mendro 88.0 E RNE Radio 5 Punta Umbr?a (H) 88.8 E Cadena 100 C?ceres Sierra de la Mosca (CC) 89.1 E Cadena 100 Badajoz (BA) 89.6 POR R?dio Renascen?a - RFM Faro/S?o Miguel, PI:82A5 90.3 E Onda Cero Radio Jerez de la Frontera (CA) 90.4 E Onda Cero Radio M?rida (BA) 91.1 POR RDP 2/Antena 2 Serra do Mendro 91.5 POR RDP 2/Antena 2 Monchique/F?ia, PI:8202 92.4 POR Racal FM Silves, PI:809D 92.4 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Pe?a de Francia (SA) 93.2 POR RDP 2/Antena 2 ??, UNID forever?? 93.2 POR R?dio Renascen?a - RFM Lisboa/Monsanto (Janpeter van Dijk, Netherlands - FM 10, 6) July 6, 2005 Sporadic E Logs: 66.08 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Krasnohorivka 66.98 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Kirovohrad 67.37 MDA Radio Moldova 1 Cahul 67.58 MDA Antena C Straseni 67.88 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Buky 68.00 MDA Radio Moldova 1 Ungheni 68.12 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Tomashpil' 68.36 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Dnipropetrovs'k 68.51 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Kyiv/Brovary 68.72 UKR UR 1 Persha programa 2 tx listed 69.02 UKR Gala Radio Kyiv 69.23 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Vasilivka 69.38 UKR UR 1 Persha programa ?? 69.80 UKR UR 1 Persha programa 2 tx listed 69.92 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Pervomais'k 70.10 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Bershad' 70.40 UKR Radio NART Kyiv/KRTPC 70.52 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Odesa 70.70 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Shums'k 70.91 UKR Radio NART Vinnytsya 71.24 MDA Radio Moldova 1 Causeni 71.30 UKR UR 2 Radio Promin' Kyiv/Brovary 71.63 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Kryvyy Rih 71.69 UKR UR 1 Persha programa Vinnytsya 72.02 MDA Radio Moldova 1 Straseni 88.0 POR RDP 2/Antena 2 3 tx listed 88.2 E RNE Radio Cl?sica P?ramo (LU) 88.3 POR RDP 1/Antena 1 Muro/Serra do Ger?s 89.4 HNG MR 2 Pet?fi R?di? Cs?voly 89.9 E Punto Radio Orense (OU) 90.2 ROU RR 1 - Actualitati Calafat, PI:FF00 90.3 HNG MR 2 Pet?fi R?di? Uzd 90.4 E Onda Cero Radio M?rida (BA) 90.6 E Cadena 40 Santiago de Compostela (C) 90.9 ALG Radio Naama Mecheria 91.0 E Cadena 40 La Coru?a (C) 91.2 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Monte Meda (OU) 91.4 ROU RR 1 - Actualitati Drobeta Turnu Severin/Balota 91.6 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Monte Xalo (C), PI:E212 91.6 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Szentes 92.5 POR RDP 2/Antena 2 Porto/Monte da Virgem 93.7 POR R?dio Renascen?a - Canal 1 Porto/Monte da Virgem 94.5 E RNE Radio 3 Monte Xalo (C), PI:E213, PS:RNE_3___ 94.8 POR R?dio Festival do Norte Porto 95.5 POR Placard FM Porto 98.8 HNG MR 2 Pet?fi R?di? Szentes 99.8 POR RDP 2/Antena 2 Serra de Mar?o (Janpeter van Dijk, Netherlands - FM 10, 6) Очень мощно в течение часа 13.55-14.55 Майкоп 66,32 Маяк 67,10 Юность 67,88 Адыгея плюс 69,08 Радио России / ГТРК Адыгея на адыгском в 14.12 / ГТРК Кубань в 14.00 73,52 Ретро ФМ? Тбилисская 66,20 Радио России / ГТРК Кубань в 14.00 66,98 Маяк 67,76 Юность Сальск 66,86 РРоссии 68,60 Маяк Эти 2 рядом: 66,95 Калмыкия на калмыцком в 14.20 (Садовое) 69,45 РРоссии (Чилеково) (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург - open_dx 808) ----------------------- QSL Ботствана IBB Botswana sent me a "thanks letter" named "BOTSWANA VOA RECEPTION IN YOUR AREA" for my reception report with US$1 on their new 4930 kHz txion after 105 days via surface mail. 2005 VOA calender and VOA Program Guide(for Dec 04- Apr 05) were enclosed. Letter signer was Thomas R.Powell, Transmitter Plant Supervisor. Address: rivate Bag 0038, Selibe-Phikwe, Botswana E-mail: <manager_Bostswana @ bot.ibb.gov> Telehone: +267 261 0932. FAX: +267 261 0185. (Takahito Aklabayashi-JPN, wwdxc BC-DX 718 July 1) Индия (Гоа) Finally, a very nice f/d 'View of Five Rathas' QSL card in exactly 6 months from New Delhi confirming my reception of AIR Panaiji (GOA) for an e-mail reception report to S. Jayarman, Supt. Eng. concerning their requests for reports from that site back in January. I sent his copy of the e-mail via snail-mail (which he could not confirm as the program originated in New Delhi) to New Delhi. The card was signed by V. K. Sharma with all of the pertinant information for 11740 kHz @ 15,30 to 15.45 UTC in a black 'Sharpie' pen. However, written in blue underneath was the additional frequency of 9820 kHz with an indecipherable signature near the other. I've been after AIR Panaji for about 11 years. C/V #223 per NASWA. (Terry Palmersheim - hard-core-dx 31, 10)
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