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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень №2 02.01.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Главный Редактор - Иван Лебедевский. Зимнее Время - +3 часа, а летнее - +4 часа к МСК. Время везде - UTC. -------------------------------------- Короткие Волны Бангладеш Радиостанция LBangladesh Betar¦ принята 28/12/2004 в 19:45 на частоте 7185 кГц. Передавались национальные песни (красивые, надо сказать-) и короткие комментарии на бенгали. SINPO=55544. (Андрей Серегин - Planet DX 4) Бенин RDF Benin 5025 khz 2135-2200 Started monitoring this freq @ 2026 w/threshold signal, improves to fair signal and copy by 2135 w/OM anncr in FF, some echo-style anncmnts and a talk or call-in prgm. Long "PARAKOU" barked by anncr @ 2158. R. Rebelde either s/on or fade in around 2201 (I think I heard the IS but did not check to match against interval-signals.com), Benin stays underneath Rebelde for quite awhile past 2200. //7210 is a different Benin channel I believe, but this freq covered by Ham QRM. (Heller, IL 12/27 - Cumbre DX 977). Боливия 9624.58, Radio Fides, (pres) 1125-1140 Noted a man and woman in Spanish comments here. The signal was barely above the noise at times, but faded in enough to hear the taling. Right now at 1139, the noise is covering the signal completely. This is QRN type. So this signal is threshold in Clewiston, Florida. (Chuck Bolland, December 30, 2004 - Hard-Core-DX via Charles B) 4796.21, Radio Mallku, 1002-1025 Noted some music initially, but immediately after a man began preaching. Seems this was only for a few minutes. Aftewards a woman present music and comments. Signal was very poor with a lot of QRM, especially the signal that measures the tides which is heard very loud here in Clewiston, Florida. (Chuck Bolland, December 31, 2004 - Hard-Core-DX via Charles B) 4650.26, Radio Santa Ana, 1055 Noted in passing, a very very weak signal here. When it fades in, can hear a man in Spanish comments. The signal here in Clewiston, Florida, is very threshold. (Chuck Bolland, December 31, 2004 - Hard-Core-DX via Charles B) Бразилия 6185.01 00:13 RN da Amazonia, romantic mx, TA, tx, mx, 26.12.2004 SINPO 35444, from 00:22 QRM by IRIB Teheran, french tx (I think the carrier was already there, but was silent), piano mx, Bengali px from 00:30. SINPO 33433. Not sure if B and/or IRN are off-frequency few Hz. IRN should be on 6180 acc to sched. (Gunter Lorenz, currently near Pavia, North Italy - Cumbre DX 973) 4985 Radio Brazil Central. Date: 12/30/2004. Time 2336-2345 UTC. Song "The Day Christ was Born" in PP followed by OM in PP with presumed preaching. Vy faint. (Wood, TN - Hard-Core-DX). 4875 Radio Difusora Roraima (p). Date: 12/31/2004. Time: 2346-2350 UTC. Languid ballads in presumed Portuguese. Heavy RTTY type QRM. Static and tone QRM wiped out signal completely at 2350. Abysmal to very poor. (Wood, TN - Hard-Core-DX). Буркина-Фасо R. Burkina 5030 khz 2222-2313 Fair signal and copy at tune-in, echo-style anncr in FF, African pop and indigenous mx, anncr takes calls or speaks to someone. "Burkina" by echo-style anncmnt @ 2245, fading at by 2300. (Heller, IL 12/25). Addendum: On 12/27, Burkina "booming" in at armchair quality from 2150 to 2215, later co-channel QRM from pres. Peru. One of the best copies of Burkina I have ever heard. (Jeff Heller - Cumbre DX 977) ВАТИКАН Русская программа Радио Ватикан звучала в 21:10 (05/12) на частоте 5910 кГц. SINPO христианской радиопередачи = 55545. (Андрей Серёгин - Planet DX №4) Венесуэла (non) R. Nacional de Venezuela 9550 khz 2006 I stopped at this freq. because two prgms were playing over each other simultaneously in SS at equal strength; Ithought maybe I had another co-channel stn, then @ 2010, both prgms ended, and a new prgm started with a typical Cuban style ID as Radio Nactional de Venezuela, followed by an absolutely insipid radio drama in SS about the struggle of the people over corruption (yes). I assume that the engineers in Habana cued up two programs at once. At least this Cuban is pretty well modulated compared to many other freq. (Heller, IL 12/27 - Cumbre DX 977) Гватемала 3300 Radio Cultural 1100 to 1130, rather garbled signal with transmitter problems? Several mentions of R.Cultural by om. [Wilkner-FL - Cumbre DX 977] 4800 Radio Buenas Neuters. Date: 12/30-31/2004. Time: 2350-0005 UTC. Om with nx in SP with jingles between items. Ments of Cuba and Guantanamo. Sports at 2353. ID at 0001 as "Radio Buenas Nuevas." At 0005. I think I recognized "This Little Light of Mine" by YL in SP. F-G. (Wood, TN). Гуам Радиостанция KTWR на китайском языке принята 21/12/2004 в 10:28 на частоте 9910 кГц. Оценки по шкале SINPO составляют v 24332. (Александр Платонов, г.Сергиев Посад, Московская область - Planet DX №5) Индия 4760 00:05 AIR Port Blair (tent), indian songs, OM tx, 26.12.2004 SINPO 24332 (Gunter Lorenz, Pavia, North Italy - Cumbre DX 973) 13605 AIR strong with English news at 1803. Also was on 13620 in Arabic which also was strong. (Hans Johnson Dec 24 - Cumbre DX 973) 5040 AIR Jeypore fairly regular most evenings here. Recorded 12/27 from 0058 to 0117 w/ man anns and local music hrd 0058.5 to 0100 and 0111.5 to 0117. Evening opening to Jeypore is earlier than Jammu and shorter in length, averaging only about 15-20 min of usable signal. Can't hear this in local mornings due to Myanmar on channel. (Bruce Churchill - Cumbre DX 974) 4760 Port Blair seemingly, with subcontinental music 1200 to 1210, good signal (Wilkner-FL - Hard-Core-DX) КАНАДА Международное Канадское Радио v RCI принято на частоте 5850 кГц в 21:05 (05/12). В программе v музыкальная передача на английском языке. SINPO=55545. (Андрей Серёгин - Planet DX №4) Кашмир 4760 AIR Leh logged 27 Dec 1428 to past 1546 with extensive coverage of Tsunami disaster. Between 1500 and 1525 signal levels were armchair quality. From 1430 to 1500 had a man ann hosting many telephonic call-ins. From 1500.5 to 1511.5 ditto with a woman ann (Vern.). Drums and percussion insts 1511.5 to 1512 fol by woman ann interspersed w/ chimes to 1513.5 and com'ls to 1514.5. From 1515 to 1530 woman ann w/ news about disaster (heard mentions of Malaysia, Maldives, Indonesia, etc.). At 1530 into an EE news bcst by woman starting with "Good evening. This is All India Radio." until 1545 then more com'ls to 1546. Starting to fade quickly after 1546. SINPO 45534. (Bruce Churchill - Cumbre DX 974) 4830 AIR Jammu on Dec 26 0120 to 0156 with Fair to Poor signal lvl w/ pgm of local vocal & inst music with multiple woman anns between songs. Jammu has been fading in around 0115 to 0120 and out by 0155 to 0200 the past several nights here. Usually peaks around S3 between 0125 and 0140. (Bruce Churchill - Cumbre DX 974) Колумбия 3300 harmonic HJMK Em Ideal, Planeta Rica 1000 to 1045 with strong // on 2200. No sign of Radio Cultural. Very noisy unid on 3300.70 (Wilkner-FL-Pompano Beach - Hard-Core-DX) Китай 6045, People's Broadcasting Station, Nei Menggu, (pres), 1040-1051 Noted a man and woman in Chinese comments. I orignally tuned this in and found it to be off freq slightly (6044.88), but by the hour, the signal had been adjusted to 6045 exactly. I guess the tech at PBS was having a bad day with his tuning? Signal was threshold in Clewiston, Florida. (Chuck Bolland, December 29, 2004 - Hard-Core-DX) B-04 for China Radio International via Kashi-Kashgar(KAS): 0000-0057 5905 100 kW / non-dir Russian 0300-0357 5905 100 kW / non-dir Russian 1300-1957 5905 100 kW / non-dir Russian 1600-1657 5915 100 kW / 209 deg Hindi 0200-0257 6065 100 kW / 239 deg Pashto 0000-0157 6075 100 kW / 174 deg English 1830-1927 6175 100 kW / 239 deg Arabic 1900-1957 7130 500 kW / 294 deg Albanian 2000-2027 7130 500 kW / 294 deg Serbian 0200-0227 7150 100 kW / 239 deg Bengali 1600-1657 7160 100 kW / 239 deg Arabic 1800-1957 7170 500 kW / 308 deg German 2030-2127 7180 500 kW / 294 deg Italian 2300-0157 7180 100 kW / 174 deg English 2000-2157 7190 500 kW / 308 deg English 1500-1657 7235 100 kW / 174 deg Hindi 2000-2057 7245 500 kW / 269 deg Chinese 1600-1757 7255 500 kW / 294 deg English 1400-1457 7265 100 kW / 173 deg Sinhala 1500-1557 7265 100 kW / 173 deg Tamil 1400-1557 7285 100 kW / 209 deg English 1900-2057 7295 500 kW / 269 deg English 1600-1757 7300 500 kW / 269 deg Arabic 1800-1857 7340 500 kW / 294 deg Italian 1700-1757 7350 500 kW / 308 deg French 1800-1957 7385 500 kW / 269 deg French 1500-1657 9435 500 kW / 298 deg English 1400-1557 9490 100 kW / 174 deg Tamil 1500-1657 9525 500 kW / 308 deg English 1400-1557 9560 100 kW / 174 deg English 2000-2027 9585 500 kW / 308 deg Serbian 2030-2057 9585 500 kW / 308 deg Hungarian 2000-2157 9600 500 kW / 308 deg English 1600-1657 9610 500 kW / 269 deg Arabic 1300-1357 9635 100 kW / 174 deg Hindi 1900-1957 9635 500 kW / 298 deg Portuguese 2100-2257 9640 500 kW / 298 deg Spanish 1500-1557 9665 100 kW / 239 deg Pashto 2100-2157 9695 500 kW / 269 deg Arabic 1400-1457 9700 500 kW / 308 deg English 1500-1557 9700 500 kW / 308 deg Chinese 1600-1657 9700 500 kW / 308 deg French 1900-1957 9770 500 kW / 308 deg Cantonese 0300-0357 11640 100 kW / 209 deg Hindi 2030-2227 11660 500 kW / 308 deg French 0200-0357 11770 100 kW / 174 deg English 0600-0657 11770 100 kW / 239 deg English 1400-1557 11775 100 kW / 209 deg Urdu 1800-1957 11775 500 kW / 308 deg German 1500-1557 11800 100 kW / 173 deg Tamil 0200-0257 11870 100 kW / 173 deg Tamil 0500-0857 11880 100 kW / 209 deg English 1600-1727 12000 100 kW / 239 deg Swahili 0200-0257 13610 100 kW / 174 deg Tamil 1300-1457 13610 500 kW / 308 deg English 0200-0257 13640 100 kW / 174 deg English 0200-0257 13715 100 kW / 173 deg Tamil 0300-0357 13720 100 kW / 209 deg Hindi 0300-0357 15110 100 kW / 174 deg English 0600-0657 15140 100 kW / 239 deg English 0300-0357 15210 100 kW / 173 deg Chinese 0300-0357 15350 100 kW / 174 deg Hindi 0400-0457 15350 100 kW / 174 deg Chinese 0500-0857 15350 100 kW / 174 deg English 0300-0357 15465 100 kW / 209 deg Hindi 0500-0857 15465 100 kW / 209 deg English 0500-0657 17485 100 kW / 269 deg Arabic 0700-1257 17490 500 kW / 308 deg English 0500-0657 17505 100 kW / 269 deg Arabic 0400-0457 17540 100 kW / 173 deg Chinese 0500-0857 17540 100 kW / 173 deg English 0600-0757 17650 500 kW / 308 deg Chinese 0800-0957 17650 500 kW / 308 deg French 1000-1157 17650 500 kW / 308 deg Chinese 1200-1357 17650 500 kW / 308 deg French 0900-1057 17670 500 kW / 308 deg Chinese (Observer #344) Конго (Республика.) RTV Congolaise (pres.) 5985 khz 2202-2248 Tune in to OM talk w/poor signal and copy, later an OM studio anncr w/fast drumming and Afro pop styly mx, freq. talk over mx by anncr. Pres. B/c no clear ID. Gradually, appeared that WFYR was fading in and by 2254, Congo was under WFYR w/SS anncr and Xmas mx. Congo cont. under a fair at best WFYR at 2342 on this freq. (Heller, IL 12/25 - Cumbre DX 977) RTV Congolaise 5985 khz 0422-0455 Caught a good ID as "Congo Brazzaville" this time @ tune-in, then OM talk in FF. Highlife type mx, good signal and copy, but poss. Carrier modulation from WFYR underneath. Obliterated @ 0455 by WFYR IS. '04 WRTH shows s/on at 0430 but noted at 0422. (Heller, IL 12/26 - Cumbre DX 977) Куба 5025 Radio Rebelde. Date: 12/30/2004. Time: 2330-2335 UTC. 2 OM ancrs one named "Antonio" Tk of politics and liberty. Ments of Italy. VG. (Wood, TN - Hard-Core-DX). Мексика XERTA R. Transcontinental 4810 khz 1207 Good signal and copy over the sweeper QRM this morning, easy listening mx, ID w/stn call sign @ 1214. (Heller, IL 12/24 - Cumbre DX 977) Неопознанное 6285, 1120-1126+ Noted a woman in French comments unitl 1124 when music presented briefly. I am wondering if this is a harmonic, a spur, or pirate? Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, December 31, 2004 - Hard-Core-DX via Charles B) Man at 1130-1134 Gave ID in French as "The Voice of .... 'in French'" I don't understand French, but this is probably a a religious station broadcasting to Haiti. (Chuck Bolland - Hard-Core-DX via Charles B) Нигерия 6049.91, R.N., Ibadan, 2029, End of lcl native song, M w/R. Nigeria ID and back to mx. W anncr in African vern. lang at 2035 check. QRM from another bdcster signing on on 6050 at 2029. (25 Dec.) (Dave Valko - Cumbre DX 973) НОВАЯ ЗЕЛАНДИЯ Radio New Zealand International принято в 10:50 (06/12) на частоте 9885 кГц. В эфире звучала музыка и комментарии ведущих на английском языке. SINPO=55544. Иногда наблюдались аудио искажения. (Андрей Серёгин - Planet DX) Папуа - Новая Гвинея 3385, R. East New Britain, 1244-1307:55*, Pop ballad "Show Me the Way", 1247 M anncr w/song anmnts, greetings to listeners. Another (long) ballad, and M anncr again 1254 w/phone caller "...Anyway, thank you for the call, and have a good night". Into choral version of "O Come All Ye Faithful". 1257 M song anmnt, "...Sunday, 26th day of December, Boxing Day today...", then into another ballad. 1302 M song anmnts again, greetings "God bless", "all the best", ment of RENB. 1303-1306 NA-like choral song, then folk-like song. Off in the middle of the song at 1307:55. Really nice signal this morning. (26 Dec.) (Dave Valko - Cumbre DX 973) Пираты Европа. Pirate: Mystery Radio, 6219.95, 2140-2235+ Dec 24, continuous US pop music, 2151 canned ID; poor-fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DXLISTENING DIGEST) [by p-mail, retyped and edited by gh] Пиратское Radio Mystery было принято в 21.00(UTC), в субботу, 11 декабря на частоте 6220 kHz. Передавалась западная музыка, а в промежутке между песнями звучал джингл: "-Radio Mystery-". SINPO=25333. Если кто-либо знает что-то об этой станции (страна, мощность передатчика, адрес), то пожалуйста сообщите на juradim@freemail.ru. (Юрий Дымбовский, г.Рига, Латвия - Planet DX №4) Польша R. Polonia 9525 khz 1320 Good signal and copy of EE prgm on Polish Xmas traditions. ID @ 1346 in EE. (Heller, IL 12/24 - Cumbre DX 977). Перу 5039.24 Radio Libertad with om in Spanish at 1115-1120 , sign on at 1100?, there on the 30th but not on he 31st December (Wilkner-FL - Hard-Core-DX) Разное Решил попытать счастья в мониторинге частот диапазона 25 м. В качестве первой ласточки была избрана частота 11835 кГц. Привожу итоги моиторига, проведенного 28 декабря с 8 до 12 по ВКВ. Вместо программы на азерском языке Голоса Турции с 8 до 9.25 идет сербская программа той же радиостанции. обнаружены программы Радио Адвентистов на английском и китайском языках. Английская передача идет в 10.00-1030, китайская - 11.00 - 11.45+. После 11.45 помеху создает радиостанция "Немецкая волна" на румынском языке. (Илья Клепко - open_dx 614) Республика Корея Начало программы LМеждународного Радио Кореи¦ на английском языке принято в 21:00 (05/12) на частоте 3955 кГц. SINPO=45544. Вступительная музыка, идентификация. (Андрей Серегин - Planet DX №4) Россия 6175, VOR, 1835 Christmas historical pgm w/mx bridges and hosted by W. Classical mx. M w/EG ID and sked at 1857. Fair. (25 Dec.) (Dave Valko - Cumbre DX 973) 5900, Voice of Russia, 0100-0200 Noted news and features in Spanish language. Many mentions of "Russia". ID given at 0250 after news. Found a parallel signal on 5945 in Spanish too. Both transmissions were Good here in Clewiston Florida. (Chuck Bolland, December 30, 2004 - Cumbre DX) Радио России со слабым сигналом прослушивалось на фоне мощного передатчика Радио Прага в 21:15 (05/12) на частоте 5930 кГц. SINPO=32432. (Андрей Серегин - Planet DX №4) Руанда R. Rwanda (pres.) 6055 khz 1934-2057 Fair signal and copy, poss, some EE and other lang, mostly talk by OM & YL anncrs w/mx bumpers. Even played "White Xmas". Mx mostly hip-hop style w/African flair. No clear ID, lots of local QRN for me on this freq. (Heller, IL 12/24 - Cumbre DX). Сомали 6960.09, R. Shabele (pres.), 2018 Def. tlk by M in AR-like lang. Sounded like it was mixed w/mx at 2046. Het popped on at 2049-2051. Choral singing mx at 2055:25-2059. Then a weird carnival melody started at 2100 on 6959U. The melody alternated w/W in a UK accent repeating the number "64834". So I couldn't tell when the broadcast officially ended, but it wasn't there at 2102. Although there was a carrier, the LSB seemed weaker than the USB. (25 Dec.) (Dave Valko - Cumbre DX 973) Уганда R. Uganda (tent.) 4976 khz 2035-2100 Tent. only, usually way to early at my QTH to catch Uganda at this freq and time, but great conditions this day. OM anncr, lots of drumming, gone after 2100 (pres. local s/off). //7195 for Blue channel covered in Ham QRM. Note, R. Uganda 5026 noted at threshold this day, w/similar prgm on //7110 but that freq. buried there under pres. CRI and VOA. (Heller, IL 12/27 - Cumbre DX 977). Таджикистан 4760, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 0100-0200 Noted a number of different individuals in Tajik comments. Signal was fair. Noted a parallel signal on 7275 kHz relayed via Greece. This broadcast was good. (Chuck Bolland, December 29, 2004 - Cumbre DX 977) Узбекистан R. Tashkent 6025 khz 1240-1255 EE prgm includes "This is the voice of Uzbekistan..." Poss. //5975 covered by weak QRM (Malaysia pres.). Fair signal and copy. (Heller, IL 12/24 - Cumbre DX 977). Центрально-Африканская Республика 9590 R. Centrafrique, Bangui, 2129-2200, December 26, French. Music. Pips at 2130 UTC. Complete identification by female in french at 2130 UTC. Announcement: ".....et de la reconciliacion...". An. by male. After, african pops. At 2200 UTC, strong QRM from Radio Nederland Wereldomroep with the s/on of Indonesian transmission.- SINPO: 33433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - Cumbre DX 973) Чад RDF Nationale Chad 6165 khz 2137-2156 This day, Chad came in over Croatia for the first time in my recent monitoring. Fair signal and copy overall. Afro pop, w/OM anncr in FF frequently talking over mx. Shout of "N'Djamena" @ 2139, but no other full ID, so I pres. Chad based on this. By 2151, both Croatia and Chad about even strength, however, both obliterated by carrier s/on @ 2156 by pres. WFYR or AWR in SS relig talk. (Heller, IL 12/25 - Cumbre DX 977). Эквадор 21455 HCJB 500 watts so a fun way to listen to DX Party line at 1230 on Sat. Good signal this time of day. (Hans Johnson, Florida Dec 25 - Cumbre DX 973) -------------------------------- Средние Волны -------------------------------- Болгария Болгарское LРадио Варна¦ принималось 04/12/2004 в 23:27 на частоте 774 кГц. SIO=344. Передаётся болгарская поп-музыка, но иногда можно услышать и российских исполнителей. (Сергей Винокуров, г.Заречный, Пензенская область) Программа Болгарского Национального Радио LХристо Ботев¦ принята 28/12/2004 в 19:30 на частоте 828 кГц. SINPO=44444. Звучала музыка и комментарии на болгарском языке. (Андрей Серёгин - Planet DX №5) Македония Внутренняя программа LРадио Македонии¦ была слышна 04/12/2004 в 23:18 в диапазоне средних волн на частоте 810 кГц. SIO=444. (Сергей Винокуров, г.Заречный, Пензенская область - Planet DX №5) Неопознанное 855, станция на арабском, не сильно, с помехами от Радио России (Пензенская обл.) и Румынии. По справочникам самый подходящий вариант - Радио Коран аль-Карим из Саудовской Аравии. На 882 кГц ничего не слышно - не с чем проверить параллельность. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - Сигнал №136) Разное На средних волнах из Великобритании приняты следующие станции (прослушиваются каждый день): 198 BBC 4 (Дроитвич); 693 BBC 5 (Дроитвич); 810 BBC Radio Scotland (Вестергиен); 909 BBC 5 (Мурсидж Эдж); 1053 Talksport (Дроитвич); 1089 Talksport (Брукманс); 1215 Virgin 1215 (Мурсидж Эдж); 1296 BBC World Service (Орфорднесе); С Ближнего Востока принято следующее (большинство из этих станций удалось принять лишь один раз): 702 Голос Исламской Республики Иран (Иран v г.Решт); 783 Радио Дамаск (Сирия v г.Тартус); 819 General Program (Египет v г.Батрах); 900 General Arabic Program (Саудовская Аравия v г.Кураят); 1017 TRT 1 (Турция v г.Муданья); 1062 TRT 4 (Турция v г.Диарбакир); 1080 Голос Исламской Республики Иран (Иран v г.Абадан); 1188 Radio Payam (Иран v г.Тегеран); 1332 Радио Тегеран (Иран v г.Тегеран); 1350 Немецкая Волна (Армения v г.Гавар); 1413 BBC World Service (Оман v г.Сеела); 1503 IRIB 1 (Иран v г.Бушер); 1593 Radio Farda (Кувейт v г.Кувейт). (Юрий Дымбовский, г.Рига, Латвия - Planet DX №4) 7 декабря в 8.00 пойманы следующие станции: 630 Чехия - 5 баллов 657 - неопознанное 711 УР-1, Донецк 765 и 774 неопознанные 810 Маяк - 4 балла 846 РТВ Подмосковье - 5 баллов 864 Голос Америки, английский 1089 Маяк (Илья Клепко, Смела, Черкасская обл., Украина - open_dx, Сигнал №136) Чехии не может быть на 630, у нее передатчики на 639 кГц. (Дмитрий Мезин.) Одесское "Р.Маяк" работает на 765. (Александр Егоров, Киев,Украина - open_dx) Румыния The US funded religious network "Radio Micul Samaritean" ("Little Samaritan") is expanding its transmitter network on MW (in addition to FM and satellite). So far, the station is broadcasting on 1485 (Medias) and 1584 (Bistrita, Sighetu M. and Suceava). All MW transmitters have a power of 1kW. A map of the transmitter network (incl. planned stn's, as reported on this mailing list in September) can be found at http://www.littlesamaritan.org/Radio%20Frequencies.htm . There is an error on the map though and in the accompanying list: Bistrita is operating on 1584, not "1603". Accoding to (unconfirmed) online sources, Radio Micul Samaritean is also relayed by Radio CNM in Arad on 1602 from 0800-1800. (Bernd Trutenau LTU - mwdx 969) Radio Constanta (?) передавало музыку на частоте 1530 кГц в 14:55 (12/12). SINPO=44433. В 15:00 прозвучала короткая заставка на румынском языке, а затем музыка возобновилась. (Андрей Серёгин - Planet DX №4) США VoA is leaving its old frequency 1143 kHz from the Philippines. New frequency will be from January 1 1170 kHz. Still the Philippines? 1143 kHz is sometimes coming with good signal in Finland. Украина 1476, R.Briz, Sevastopol - reactivated. Heard it all night on Dec 27. Earlier it was 0300[0400]-2100[2200] [winter] No NA noted at 0300 (as it was before). Non stop Ukra (and few Russ) pop mx at night hours. First ID and freq anncmt been heard at 0411 (1476, their old OIRT and old CCIR freq. mentioned) Signal strength is the same as years ago. So probably they are with 20 kW as before.(Владимир Титарев, Kremenchuk, Ukraine - mwdx 969) ------------------------------------------------ FM Молдова Сегодня (27.12.2004) с 4:00 UTC в Молдове радио "Серебряный Дождь", кроме частоты 107.90 МГц в Кишиневе стало вещать ещё на четырёх частотах: 90.00 МГц в г. Бельцы, 102.20 МГц в г. Сороки, 101.10 МГц в г. Унгены и 90.90 МГц в г. Каушаны. (Вячеслав, Кишинев - open_dx 612) ------------------------------------------------ QSL ЯПОНИЯ Получено сразу 12(!) QSL-карточек от LРадио Японии¦. Я слушал радиостанцию каждый день на протяжении всего лета и осени, и станция прислала все карточки сразу. На них изображены очень красивые японские пейзажи. (Юрий Дымбовский, г.Рига, Латвия - Planet DX №4) ----------------------------------------------- Техника Bob Wilkner Receiver NRD 535D - Icom R75 - Drake R7 --------------------------------------------- 73 всем
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