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"Русь-DX Плюс" # 18: Зарубежные радиостанции через российские передатчики, новые эфирные наблюдения...

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РУСЬ-DX ПЛЮС  # 18  (27/11/2002)
Радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ и Балтии.
Выходит еженедельно по средам.
Редактор : Анатолий Клепов
E-mail : dx-league@mtu-net.ru
Web : http://rusdx.narod.ru
Время везде : МСК — МОСКОВСКОЕ
Ответственность за достоверность сообщений лежит на их авторах и
источниках информации

27/10/2002 — 29/03/2003
кГц / МСК / кВт / радиостанция
5835 2330-0025 200 RNW
7170 0100-0200 250 CRI
7200* 2130-2230 200 CRI
7350 2300-0030 250 DWL
7385 2000-2100 250 BBC
7430 1900-1930 250 RCI
7440 1500-1900 500 DWL
7440 2300-0100 250 VOM
11895** 2130-2230 200 CRI
7130 1900-2000 400 CRI
7130 2100-2130 400 CRI
5880 2100-2200 сб/вс 250 BVB
5935 2300-0015 250 IBR
7215 2330-0030 250 CRI
7380 2300-0015 2300-0015 сб/вс 200 BVB
9925 0000-0100 200 RVI
12015 1630-1700 250 DWL
12125a 2000-2100 сб 250 DER
12125a 2030-2100 пн,чт 250 ORO
17765 0700-2000 100 WUN
a = альтернативная частота 12115 кГц
5965 2100-2200 200 DWL
7400 1900-0200 250 MAR
7425 0000-0100 100 RCI
7435 2000-2115 пн-пт 100 BVB
7435 2000-2200 сб 100 BVB
74352000-2300 вс 100 BVB
7465 2100-0100 100 RVI
9475 1900-1930 200 TWR
9925 2100-2200 100 RVI
12060 0900-1115 пн-сб 250 MAR
12060 1000-1200 вс 250 MAR
12125 2200-2300 сб 200 VBI
13685 1700-2000 вс 200 RVI
15195 0900-1200 200 RVI
15195 1500-1530 200 RVI
15220 1200-1230 500 DWL
17860 1300-1330 200 DWL
7390 1600-1800 200 VOA
7425 2000-2100 500 DWL
7430 1500-1600 500 RFI
7420 0100-0200 200 RFI
7460 0300-0400 200 IBC
7485 1500-1800 200 HAM
9470 0200-0245 500 DWL
12025 0200-0400 500 RFI
12030 1500-1700 500 DWL
17650 1300-1500 500 DWL
5905 0100-0200 250 VOA
5905 0200-0250 250 DWL
5925 0100-0300 500 DWL
5945 1800-2100 100 DWL
6225 1600-1650 500 DWL
7400 1300-1700 250 DWL
7460 1600-1700 250 HBS
9445 0330-0500 250 TWR
9445 1415-1950 250 TWR
9760 1230-1330 500 RFI
9760 1330-1355 500 DWL
9770 1200-1245 250 DWL
9940 0200-0245 500 DWL
12015 1400-1600 500 RFI
12065 1230-1425 250 RNW
17710 0530-0600 250 BBC
17710 1100-1130 250 BBC
17800 0600-0800 100 DWL
6205 1615-1700 500 VAT
7315 0100-0200 500 RFI
7330 1400-1830 500 BBC
11560 1700-1800 вт 250 VKK
12075 0200-0300 500 RFI
15600 0200-0400 200 DWL
6210* 0100-0145 120 VAT
9885 1630-1725 100 RNW
11830** 0100-0145 120 VAT
13820 1330-1425 100 RNW
17570 0230 0325 00 RNW
9880 1500-1600 250 HBS
15560 0800-0900 вс 250 VOM
5895 1500-1630 200 IBR
5910 1300-1700 250 DWL
6205 1330-1355 200 DWL
7260 1230-1425 250 RNW
7375 1630-1725 250 RNW
7390 1430-1530 250 RVI
11695 0300-0400 250 DWL
12065 0030-0100 250 VOA
15250 0100-0300 250 DWL
21790 0200-0245 250 DWL
* = по 01/03/2003 ; ** = с 02/03/2003
Список ретранслируемых радиостанций :
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
BVB = Bible Voice Broadcasting Network
CRI = China Radio International
DER = Dejan Radio
DWL = Deutshe Welle
FGM = Fang Guang Ming Radio
HAM = High Adventure Ministries
HBS = Herald Broadcasting Syndicate
IBC = International Broadcasting Corporation
IBR = IBRA Radio
MAR = Radio Maryja
ORO = Voice of Oromiya
RCI = Radio Canada International
RFI = Radio France Internationale
RNW = Radio Nederland Wereldomroep
RVI = Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal
TWR = Trans World Radio
VAT = Radio Vaticana
VBI = Voice of Biafra International
VKK = Voice of Khmer Krom
VOA = Voice of America
VOM = Voice of Mediterranean
WUN = University Network
Примечание : Пока нет расписания Radio Ezra
(Николай Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "Русь-DX" № 108)
BLR / Беларусь

Radio Minsk is the only English language external service in Belarus.
Structurally it comes as one of the departments at Radio Station
Belarus -
the oldest
international radio broadcaster in the country. The idea that lied
behind the
establishment of Radio Station Belarus in 1962 was to provide the
communities abroad (mainly in the European region) with a link to their
Originally the broadcasts went out only in the Belorussian language and
focused on the
politics, economy and culture of Belarus. At that time the radio
station was an
integral part of the Soviet Union's unified external broadcasting
system and the
programs also had to convey Moscow's point of view on world affairs and
events. The
fact that the output was aimed at the Western listener affected the
nature and
style of reporting. The senior management in Moscow realized that the
programs would
be more convincing and appealing if they were more or less comparable to
standards. Unlike all the other broadcasters catering for internal
in the
country the staff of Radio Station Belarus was allowed greater liberty
its coverage
and analysis of news. In 1985 when on the threshold of Perestroika an
enthusiastic team
of journalists working at Radio Station Belarus undertook an initiative
expand their
audience and launch a new service in the German language, they had to
get over
innumerable bureaucratic barriers to obtain permission from the
in Moscow.
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, as the whole
plunged into
the maelstrom of independence, Radio Station Belarus gained an
to add to
its traditional focus an international perspective and thus increase the
between Belarus and the international community. Along with obvious
advantages the
independence however also brought in an array of new problems which
have to
a great
extent been a drag on further development but which the radio station
has been
struggling to overcome. In January 1998 new programs started to go out
English and
Russian. The English language service primarily deals with political and
economic news
from Belarus and CIS states, relations between Belarus and the world,
analysis of
current issues with an emphasis on the international aspect, culture
and music.
Postal address: Radio Minsk, vul Chyrvonaya 4, Minsk 220807, Belarus.
2848574. E-mail: <radio-minsk@tvr.by>, R. Minsk on the web at
Radio Belarus, A02 schedule:
Transmissions: 0500-0700 5970 7210
(Winter)       2300-0100 1170 7105 7210
Transmissions: 0400-0600 5970 7210
(Summer)       2200-2400 1170 7105 7210
UTC       Monday      Tuesday     Wednesday   Thursday    Friday
Saturday    Sunday
0500 Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian
0530 Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian
0600 En          Belorussian En          German      En          En
0630 Russian     Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian
2300 Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian Belorussian
2330 Belorussian En          Ge          English     Russian     Ge
0000 Russian     Russian     Russian     Russian     Belorussian Russian
0030 Belorussian En          Ge          English     Russian     Ge
Natalya Khlebus Director, R Station "Belarus"
Ilia Dohel         En progr editor, R Minsk
Elena Khoroshevich Ge progr editor, R Minsk
Juergen Eberhardt  Ge progr editor, R Minsk.
(Swopan Chakroborty via WWDXC-HQ, 2002 Oct 25 / DX MAGAZINE 11/2002)
GEO / Грузия

11805 R. Georgia 0935-1001. En lang nx by man. Frequent mention
of Georgia. ID at end of nx "This is world wide ... from T'bilisi, Rep
Georgia". Short progr of slow pop mx followed. IS at 1001. Poor signal
start of reception, improving and peaking at around 0950, then declining
slowly. Hampered by atmospheric noise, fading, and somewhat muffled
(Jim Evans-TN-USA, Cumbre Nov 11/ BC-DX #600   19 Nov 2002)
KGZ / Кыргызстан

4010 Kyrgyz Radio Nov16 0314 . News in Kyrgyz , following by temps
and news in Russian Signal S& , 34423
LTU / Литва

The Sitkunai transmitting centre has been conducting test
transmisions on 1557 kHz in cooperation with R Baltic Waves on 14 and 15
Nov at 2200-2300, using a 150 kW tx with omnidirectional antenna.
(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, BC-DX Nov 16)

7325 RADIO VILINUIS Nov18 0355 333 Folk music w/OM ancr. Anthem and
off the air 0400 hrs. Language unknown.
MDA / Молдова

5960 R Pridnestrovye, in English Wed only at 2100 (probably to 2130),
announcement in Russian program. Announced address: Pridnestrovskaya
Moldavskaya Respublika, Tiraspol, ulitsa Rozy Luxemburg 10, Radio PMR,
Programa "Pridnestrovye." This, and Russian on Fri at 2100-2130 on 999
are the only two "external services" from Tiraspol these days. (Titarev)
MOLDOVA? 7460 Payam-e-Doost R (P) 0524 with test tones
and start of program at 0530.  Talk by woman in Farsi, easy
music.  No ID I could get due to strong splatter, but matched to
audio on website.  Had been reported to be using 7465 for new
0530-0615, but that freq is blocked here by Overcomer via
WWCR.  Radio International, a clandestine directed to Iran,
was reported to be using 7460 at 0530.  A look at their
website doesn't mention 7460 at 0530, just the well-established
7490 broadcast.  The Bahai site still lists 7465.  My guess is that
the report of Radio International here mixed them up with the
Bahai and that the latter is using 7460 instead of listed 7465.
Site presumed on tones and the fact that they have been using
(Johnson Nov 19/ Cumbredx digest, #108)

New B-02 schedule for R.Anternational/R.International
in Persian:
0530-0615 7460 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg >> new morning txion
2030-2115 7490 KVI 200 kW / 105 deg >> x7520 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg in
(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via BC-DX Nov 11)

I received an email from a Bahai friend informing me
that Payam-e-Doost R is expanding its sces to Iran and I wanted to pass
the information along. Included is the official email from the stn as
as their web address. (...)
Dear Bahai Friends, Payam-e-Doost Bahai R which has been bcing to Iran
other countries on SW since April 21st, 2001 is further expanding.
We are pleased to announce that as of today, Nov 12, 2002, Payam-e-Doost
daily 30-minute progrs have expanded to 45 mins. These progrs are also
packaged and bc on Telstar5 satellite for the USA, CAN and some parts of
South and Central America 24-hrs-a-day. In addition, these progrs are
archived on the Bahai R website, and are also available on the
Details are provided below.
Shortwave Radio:
41 mb 7465 kHz 0530-0615 (0600-0645 am Tehran Time)
41 mb 7480 kHz 2100-2145 (0930-1015 pm Tehran Time)
Website: <http://www.Bahairadio.org>; Current and archived progrs.

Payam-e-Doost progrs provide an opportunity for Persian-speaking people
around the world to acquire accurate information about the Bahai Faith,
its teachings.
As Payam-e-Doost develops and receives positive response from its
worldwide listeners, its needs are also on the rise. To learn more about
our needs please contact Payam-e-Doost at:
Payam-e-Doost Radio, P.O.Box 765, Great Falls, Virginia 22066, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 703 671-8888 Fax: +1 301 292-6947 Email:
With warmest Bahai greetings, Siamak Monjazeb, For Payam-e-Doost Radio
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
(David S. Lesh, Nov 16, DXLD Nov 16 / BC-DX #600   19 Nov 2002)
RUS / Россия

Some freqs changes for Voice of Russia:
0300-0400 Portuguese      NF  6185, ex  7310
0400-0600 Spanish         NF  6185, ex  7310
1500-1800 Urdu/Hindi/Urdu NF  9940, ex 12025
1800-1900 Hindi/Bengali   NF  9940, ex 12025
1800-1900 Russian Comm   ADD 12015
1800-2000 Persian         NF  7510, ex  9360
1800-2000 Persian        ADD  7155
2000-2200 Russian Comm   ADD  7155
2100-2200 German         ADD  6235
2200-0100 English WS     ADD  6235
0000-0100 Russian WS     ADD  5975,6045,7370
(OBSERVER#223 / 18-11-2002)
Clandestine to Vietnam from Russia
11560 Voice of Khmer Krom Radio Nov.12. 1700-1730 Initially sign-on
with I.S., with opening announcements in Cambodian, followed with news
clips and programming. Station was interfered by WYFR (via Taiwan Reply,
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA / Cumbredx digest, #107)

4795 Buryatskaya GTRK, Ulan Ude, Nov10 2150 music and folk songs byYL
in Russian .And at 1900 with anthem. Signal about S5

Auf 7485 kHz sendet eine religioese Station in Chinesisch oder einer
verwandten Sprache. Es werden langsame, religioese Lieder gespielt, mit
Pianobegleitung. Weiss nicht nicht, um wen es sich handelt.
(Joe Leyder-LUX, A-DX Nov 18 / BC-DX #600   19 Nov 2002)
1500-1600 Vari (x13590) 7485 NVS
1600-1700 En   (x13590) 7485 NVS
1700-1900 Vari (x13590) 7485 NVS aus Novosibirsk. 73 wb

Clandestine from Russia to Vietnam.
11560 [via Vladivostok] Voice of Khmer Krom Radio. At 1700-1730
sign-on with I.S., with opening annts in Cambodian, followed with news
clips and progrming. Station was interfered by WYFR via Taiwan Relay,
Radio Taipei In't ID on the Hour in English. This interference could
been a punched error for 11550, but what ever it was, it cause quite a
problem on this date. Checked the following day, no sign of WYFR either
11550 or 11560.
(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, DXplorer Nov 12 / BC-DX #600   19 Nov 2002)

CYPRUS/RUSSIA: New station Radio Ibrahim, P.O.Box 56500, 3312 Limassol,
Cyprus or E-mail
<mail@radioibrahim.com> has this B02 schedule via the following tx
 1170 kHz - Krasnodar, Russia
 5935 kHz - IBRA Radio, Moscow, Russia
2300-2345 (Tues)     5935 1170
2300-2400 (Sun, Mon) 5935 1170
2000-2115 (Wed-Sat)  5935 1170
2100-2115 (Tues)     5935 1170
(Christian Guibaudo via dswci DXW via BC-DX #597, 2002 Oct 23 / DX

NETHERLANDS/ RUSSIA: Schedule B02 of Radio Netherlands valid 27th
2002 - 30th
March 2003. Schedule includes relay transmissions of other broadcast
Postal address: Radio Netherlands, P.O. Box 222, 1200 JG Hilversum, The
Fax +31 35 6724239, WWW: <http://www.rnw.nl>;.
Language/UTC  Target  kHz  Site
1330-1425  East Asia  13820  Khabarovsk
1630-1725  E & SE Asia  9885  Khabarovsk
1630-1725  FE/E & SE Asia  7375  Petro. Kamchatski
2330-0025  C + W Europe  5835  Moscow
0230-0325  FE/E Asia  17570  Khabarovsk
1230-1425  Far East + E Asia + Aust  12065  Irkutsk
1230-1425  FE & E Asia  7260  Petro.Kamchatski
(Sked from RN website, converted to text format by Alan Roe, DXLD;
English portion also via Bob Thomas, CT; via BCLNEWS.IT / DX MAGAZINE

GDR on LW and MW in 1945 to 1956. [c.f. BC-DX TopNews #598]
Has there been any confirmation for the use of 152 (or 153) kHz from the
Soviet zone in Germany, and if so, what tx was in use?

Excerpts from the Peter Manteuffel article about the Koenigs
site in the first "100 Jahre Funktechnik in Deutschland" book:

In July 1945 two longwave txs of 2.5 kW each were put on air again, one
for connections to TASS on 153 kHz, the other one as military bc
transmitter on 283 kHz. In June and August, respectively, two 20/5 kW
shortwave txs started a RTTY sce from Wuensdorf to the Red Army
headquarter at Moscow. Then the military bc tx was boosted to 20 kW,
effective from November 2 1948.

Another 20 kW SW transmitter started to transmit Berliner Rundfunk
progrming on 6070 kHz in November, a couple of weeks later the freq was
changed to the final 6115 dial position. Early in 1950 a second tx on
was added. All this happened in tx building 1.

In building 3 another 10/2.5 kW [as stated, I guess PEP / carrier power,
the same for the SW txs] longwave tx was put on air for TASS [frequency
not specified] while a similar tx was started to carry Berliner Rundfunk
on 191 kHz on December 25 1945. On August 20 1946 a new 100 kW tx took
over and carried a mixture of Berliner Runddfunk and R Volga progrming
until another longwave tx was inaugurated in 1952.

So the 153 kHz txions were utility rather than bcing. Radio Volga was in
the beginning on 283 kHz, further freq moves are not described, anyway
from some time they were on 263, until the sixties using the 1946 tx at
Koenigs Wusterhausen, then the 200 kW Tesla at Burg. Berliner Rundfunk /
GDR radio longwave txions as we already discussed, first from Koenigs
Wusterhausen until the giant 750 kW tx at Zehlendorf was inaugurated. (I
think the 250 kW mediumwave units were giants in the fifties, too.)

But finally in the nineties 153 kHz was indeed operated from Koenigs
Wusterhausen to substitute for Donebach during extensive antenna
maintenance work.

Perhaps also of interest in this context: Very soon after 1945 the
radio office of the postal sce was reopened mainly because the Soviet
forces in Germany were not able to receive R Moscow progrming with their
own equipment in a quality sufficient for retransmission. A feed circuit
from Moscow was established but this connection was quite unreliable. So
the Beelitz radio office received the demanded progrming on either LW,
or SW and fed it through bc circuits to the R Volga studio at Potsdam
to the Wiederau mediumwave tx.

The publication does not say how long Beelitz kept the Ballempfang sce.
1994 Wachenbrunn had an own EKD receiver and a list of current
for a USB feeder which was on air for Wachenbrunn exclusively, I think
freq was 13360 or something similar. The EKD was placed on top of the
control console but more recent photos show that it is no longer there.

R Volga received R Rossii in 1993/1994 via satellite (certainly Gorizont
14 degr West), but the quality was not very good. Radioropa was relayed
out of a DSR receiver. This meanwhile scrapped system from the pre-MPEG
era (16 networks in 32 kHz PCM) offered listeners the option to adjust
volume on speech and mx independently to solve the old problem of
loudness of voice against mx (rule of thumb for putting together a bc:
keep pop mx 3 db below speech to avoid the mx appearing to be too loud,
but keep speech 10 db below classical musiv to avoid that the announcer
shouts at the listeners!) by means of transmitting special codes for
speech and mx, respectibely.

For some time the DSR receiver at R Volga was not properly adjusted,
resulting in terribly overmodulated speech. I'am not sure whether or not
it is really true but word is that R Volga also relayed MDR Sputnik,
probably just by taking the wrong DSR progr, probably intentionally, who
knows. (Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Nov 16)

The publication does not say how long Beelitz kept the Ballempfang sce.
1994 Wachenbrunn had an own EKD receiver and a list of current
for a USB feeder which was on air for Wachenbrunn exclusively, I think
freq was 13360 or something similar. The EKD was placed on.

Thanks for reminding me on the details of the feed sce for Wachenbrunn!

The chief engineer there said that it delivered a good signal almost
always. Almost because reception was according Murphy's law disturbed
when the landline from Moscow really failed...

By the way, years ago Andreas told me about another USB feeder which
carried exactly the same progrming than 1386. Today their back-up for
cases of satellite link failures apparently consists on two telephone
hybrids, at least they had during such occurances only two progrs at
on air (for sample RNW and VoR En but no VoR Russian on 1215) and the
audio was of telephone bandwith with a high amount of non-linear
distortion, suggesting poor phone lines as feed.
(Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Nov 15)
The freq was 13370, bc from Samara RVS (RV-393) at 289 deg for some time
in the mid '90s. Other freqs were also used. (Olle Alm-SWE, BC-DX Nov

It does, however, give new questions. Pre-1950 tx lists show "Radio
homeservice" progrmes on 153 kHz, like the first edition of the "World R
Handbook" (Verdens-Radio-Haandbog) in Dec 1947: "North West Area
referring to the old Kaunas LW freq 153 kHz. Populaer R (DK) lists both
Berlin and Moscow (sic) on 153 kHz in January 1947.

My impression is that this tx in Berlin on 153 kHz has been carrying
a"regular" progrme (presumably a relay from Moscow) at least around
It would not have been listed in tx lists for the public if it had
utility sces at that time.

Another question is wether another stn was also operating on Soviet
territory on 153 kHz at least around 1947. In that case the mentioned
usage of 153 in Berlin as a "TASS link" with Moscow as in 1945 would no
longer have been possible. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU/D, BC-DX Nov 17)
UKR / Украина

9810 R.Ukraine Int. Nov. 16 0300-0310 25332-25322 Ukrainian ?
At 0300 IS and opening music heard.
UZB / Узбекистан
NETHERLANDS: Schedule B02 of Radio Netherlands valid 27th October 2002
- 30th
March 2003. Schedule includes relay transmissions of other broadcast
Postal address: Radio Netherlands, P.O. Box 222, 1200 JG Hilversum, The
Fax +31 35 6724239, WWW: <http://www.rnw.nl>;.
Language/UTC  Target  kHz  Site
1630-1725  SE Asia/W Australia  12070  Tashkent
1730-1925  South Asia  12070  Tashkent
(Sked from RN website, converted to text format by Alan Roe, DXLD;
English portion also via Bob Thomas, CT; via BCLNEWS.IT / DX MAGAZINE
73 !


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