Отправляет email-рассылки с помощью сервиса Sendsay

Как женщина мужчине

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Как женщина мужчине

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 Выпуск 22

Здравствуйте, господа!

Прежде, чем я подготовлю очередной выпуск, письмо "не в тему". Правда, не уверена, что сумею вставить фото.

Uvajaemaya Elena!
Vot takoe soobschenie i photo poluchil ya i moi kollegi ot Tilly Johanna Stroosnijder 19/10/05 09:25 Nadeyus', Vi ne otkajete v lyubeznosti pomestit' etu informaciyu i na Vashem sayte. Uj ochen' hochetsya, chtobi nashlis' rodnie etoy devochki!!!
S blagodarnost'yu i bol'shim uvajeniem k Vam

Dear all,
I am asked to pass on the following message - 

Let's keep this one moving. It only takes a couple of seconds to forward and God works in mysterious ways.

If you have a second I'm sure she would appreciate your prayers.

Subject: Do you recognize this girl?

This little girl is at the Phuket Hospital in Thailand.

She does not remember her own name or anything! She has lost her parents.

She must be of Western origin. She was a victim when she got caught in the tidal wave disaster in Phuket, Thailand and nobody knows who she is, so we are hoping if we distribute this email around the world someone will know her.

Please don't break the chain, your contribution could be the one that solves this little girl's problem. 

Please forward this to all your contacts.

Vladimir Tyutkalo <tyutkalo@un.org>




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