Рандеву, окутанное тайной. Встречу Трампа с Ыном сопровождают беспрецедентные меры безопасности
Рандеву, окутанное тайной. Встречу Трампа с Ыном сопровождают беспрецедентные меры безопасности 2018-06-11 08:30 В эти дни, когда к Сингапуру приковано внимание всего мира, в городе приняты небывалые меры безопасности. Власти страны уже потратили на подготовку саммита более пятнадцати миллионов долларов! Как город живет в преддверии исторического форума? Агитпроп. Эфир от 11.06.2018 2018-06-11 08:35 Досадные недоразумения накануне Чемпионата мира не смогут испортить праздничной атмосферы. Но забывать о них все же не стоит. Спорт невозможно отделить от политики, а ставки в ней сегодня как никогда высоки. О зарплатах футболистов, борьбе с кровопийцами и уроках бразильского мундиаля. «Фанимани»: Почему дорожает бензин, и как выгодно покупать авиабилеты 2018-06-11 08:40 Почему бензин может подорожать до 70 рублей за литр? Какие есть хитрости, чтобы с выгодой покупать авиабилеты? Зачем Центробанк потратил полтора триллиона рублей на санацию банков? И что выгоднее: делать ремонт самому или нанимать бригаду? Самые интересные события недели из мира денег и экономики — в программе «Фанимани». Специальный репортаж. Чемпионат мира по футболу FIFA 2018. Самара 2018-06-11 08:51 Один из самых «футбольных» городов России готов к старту Чемпионата мира. В Самаре сдали последние объекты по программе благоустройства. Новый стадион, аэропорт, сотни километров отремонтированных дорог. О том, как изменил Самару грядущий мундиаль, и как подготовился к приезду иностранцев гостиничный бизнес страны? Россия вспоминает Гражданскую войну 2018-06-11 08:53 Россия вспоминает Гражданскую войну — ту, что разразилась в мае 1918 года. Это была братоубийственная бойня, разорившая и без того обескровленную страну в Первую мировую и во время революционной смуты. Президент США вновь обрушился с критикой на премьера Канады 2018-06-11 08:54 Президент США Дональд Трамп вновь раскритиковал премьер-министра Каднады Джастина Трюдо, прокомментировав его слова об американских торговых пошлинах. В Японии разбился истребитель ВВС США 2018-06-11 08:55 По данным японских СМИ, над морем в районе острова Окинава потерпел крушение истребитель F-15 ВВС США. Самолет упал в воду в 80 километрах от города Наха. «Простые решения»: Под защитой очков 2018-06-11 09:07 Летом наши глаза нуждаются в особой защите от ультрафиолетовых лучей. Но не только солнце может повредить зрение. Занимаясь спортом на воде, на пыльных трассах и в других экстремальных местах, мы должны подумать о безопасности глаз. Как и при работах, связанных с разлетающимися соринками. Лето — пора ремонтов и кошения травы. Так что будем выбирать защитные очки на все случаи жизни. Саммит КНДР — США обойдется Сингапуру в $20 млн 2018-06-11 09:12 Ким Чен Ыну разрешают больше, чем премьер министру Сингапура: Ли Сян Лун, как и все граждане этого города-государства, ездить с тонированными стеклами не имеет права. Но в этот раз — любые исключения ради безопасности лидеров. Сингапур не поскупился. Цыплята вылупились из брошенных на свалке яиц в Грузии 2018-06-11 09:28 Жители Грузинского Марнеули выложили в Сеть необычное видео. Овечкин искупался в фонтане по случаю победы в Кубке Стэнли 2018-06-11 09:29 Александр Овечкин снова сорвал аплодисменты восхищенных поклонников. Таксистов просят не завышать тарифы во время ЧМ-2018 2018-06-11 09:30 В случае завышения цен можно обратиться в контакт-центр «Московский транспорт» Russia: Peru land in Moscow for first World Cup in 36 years 2018-06-11 09:32 The Peruvian national team arrived in Moscow on Monday ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. La Blanquirroja, as they are nicknamed, will stay close to the Sheremetyevo International Airport at the nearby Sheraton hotel and will train at the Arena Khimki in Moscow region. Peru are participating at their first World Cup in 36 years and any hopes of passing the group stage rest on captain Paolo Guerrero, who narrowly avoided a doping ban for alleged cocaine use. Peru are drawn in Group C alongside France, Denmark and Australia. Their first match is on June 16 against Denmark. The 2018 FIFA World Cup will take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Итоги «Кинотавра»: дебютанты теснят мэтров 2018-06-11 10:00 Лучшим российским фильмом по версии жюри фестиваля «Кинотавр» стала драма «Сердце мира». Картина Натальи Мещаниновой получила также приз Гильдии кинокритиков и награду за лучшую актерскую работу. О чем эта картина, и кто еще увезет из Сочи призы кино-конкурса? Беженец-дизайнер покоряет Францию роскошными кроссовками 2018-06-11 10:01 Сириец Даниэль Эсса, спасаясь от войны, бежал во французский город Лилль четыре года назад. На родине оставил всё. С собой привез только знания и энтузиазм. Теперь же он готовится к открытию собственного бутика. Его изюминка — роскошные кроссовки. Лесопильни Франции разоряются из-за растущего спроса на дуб в Китае 2018-06-11 10:01 Недавно вспыхнувшая любовь китайцев к эксклюзивной дубовой мебели и полам сеет вражду между лесорубами и лесопильнями во Франции. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Юрий Беляев 2018-06-11 10:02 Влюбленный граф де Монсоро, Валерьян Чернышов из фильма «Эта женщина в окне», колоритный атаман Кирдяга из «Тараса Бульбы». Герои, которых играет Юрий Беляев настолько разные, что иногда актера сложно узнать. Объединяет этих персонажей только благородство и мужественность. Актер редко дает интервью и впервые расскажет о своей семье и творчестве. До встречи Ким Чен Ына и Дональда Трампа осталось чуть больше суток 2018-06-11 10:07 Дональд Трамп встретился с премьер-министром Сингапура, а американские дипломаты провели переговоры со своими северокорейскими коллегами. До встречи лидера КНДР с президентом США остается чуть больше суток, и все больше внимания приковано к подготовке саммита. Судно с сотнями мигрантов не может причалить к берегам Европы 2018-06-11 10:13 Власти Италии распорядились закрыть порты страны для судна с 629 мигрантами, спасенными в Средиземном море. Singapore: Kim Jong-un arrives at the Istana ahead of Trump summit 2018-06-11 10:20 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Istana in Singapore on Monday, a day ahead of his planned summit with US President Donald Trump. Upon his arrival, Kim’s limo could be seen being flanked by at least 12 bodyguards before he held talks with Prime Minister Lee at the Presidential Palace. The summit will mark the first ever meeting between an American president and a North Korean leader. Sleeping your way to the top? Hundreds compete in British BED race! 2018-06-11 10:24 A mighty pageant of decorated beds, passengers and runners, combined with a gruelling athletic contest on a 3.8km (2.3 miles) course took place in the English town of Knaresborough. The Great Knaresborough Bed Race is organised by volunteers from the Knaresborough Lions to raise funds to meet local charitable and community needs. The teams — usually 90 squads — race through parkland, town streets and up and down hills before dashing to the climax of the event: a swim through the ever-icy waters of the River Nidd. Bed racing, which began in Knaresborough, has spread across the globe, helping to entertain folk and raising cash for worthwhile causes. Пенсионная реформа по Кудрину встретила оппонентов в публичном поле 2018-06-11 10:34 Депутат ГД Олег Шеин выступил в Государственной Думе с критикой курса правительства на повышение пенсионного возраста. Суть позиции Шеина: для успешного разрешения пенсионной проблемы необходимо добиваться повышения средней зарплаты в России. Тем более, что по уровню средней годовой зарплаты Россия в глобальном списке расположена в финальной части. Видеозапись выступления. В Боливии и Перу из-за холодов гибнут ламы 2018-06-11 10:43 Из-за несезонных холодов в Боливии и Перу гибнет домашний скот – ламы и альпаки. Животные болеют и замерзают из-за того, что не могут добраться до корма через сугробы. «Специальный репортаж»: Встань и иди 2018-06-11 13:04 Самарская область — регион спортивный. Футбол, хоккей, баскетбол, плавание — практически все массовые виды спорта представлены здесь широко. Причем не только в областной столице, но и в других городах. Самарская область участвует и в чемпионате мира по футболу в статусе принимающей стороны. Михаил Ходорковский об Олеге Сенцове 2018-06-11 13:20 Экс-глава ЮКОСа считает, что ради спасения Сенцова давление надо оказывать не только на российское, но и на украинское правительство. Cуперсекретная фашистская база на западе Польши 2018-06-11 13:20 Самая длинная подземная фашистская база когда-то могла вместить целую армию. Regenwurmlager или «Лагерь дождевого червя» — это город из стали и железобетона. Мощный укрепленный район было невозможно пройти на танках. Футбол в метро: в Петербурге провели матч в преддверии Кубка мира 2018-06-11 13:22 Ворота, зеленое поле и болельщики — всё как в настоящем футболе. Но этот матч необычный. Играют любители. И не на стадионе, а в метро — на глубине 65 метров на станции «Международная». Этот мужчина уверяет, что ему 121 год 2018-06-11 13:37 Мексиканец Мануэль Гарсия Хернандес уверяет, что является самым пожилым человеком в мире из ныне живущих. При этом он передвигается самостоятельно и не может ни дня прожить без движения. Мария Гайдар уйдет из Одесского облсовета 2018-06-11 13:39 В апреле 2017 года президент Украины Петр Порошенко назначил Гайдар своим советником. В сентябре 2016-го она подала прошение о выходе из российского гражданства. Italy: ‘They’re invading us!’ — Sicilians react to migrant ship dock block 2018-06-11 13:44 SOT, Journalist (Italian): «According to you, are they smugglers?» SOT, Angelo Strazzulo, local resident (Italian): «This is a question I cannot answer. I don't know.» Residents in the Sicilian harbour city of Messina reacted to Interior Minister Matteo Salvini's decision to close Italian ports to a migrant rescue boat on Monday. The boat in question, Aquarius, is the only humanitarian ship operating in the Mediterranean at present after a crackdown on NGOs and is currently carrying 629 migrants rescued at sea. They rescued 629 in two different operations, with the coordination of the Italian coastguard. They were set to dock in Sicily, but Salvini responded by closing Italian ports and saying that Malta should take the boat. Many local residents are showing support for the Interior Minister. Salvo Cavallaro, a local, said: «They need to be checked. We need to know who is arriving. These 600 people, we don't know who they are. Not all of them are honest people.» Another, Natale Lombardo, said: «It's not right that they're invading us. They are illegals.» Several Italian mayors publicly expressed their will to allow the boat to dock in their cities, including Messina. Spike Controller 2018-06-11 13:50 Let’s find out if there have been any significant spread increases so far this week. Euro/Dollar’s daily average spread is point 34 pips. Peak separation of 1.1 pips was posted during the past 4 hours. The pair appreciated by a total of point 42% or 50 pips, but it has given up most of the gains after the daily high was reached. Spreads have stayed relatively calm, peaking at only 1.1 pips today at 8:23 in the morning as the pair declined. Next up is the Cable, which has a daily average spread of point 88 pips. Both of the sides separated by 3.3 pips less than 4 hours ago. Pound/Dollar has plummeted by a total of point 6% or 81 pips from the high of 1 3442. The rate dropped today at 8:30 in the morning during the UK data run and that’s the time of the peak daily spread, but 3.3 pips is biggest gap you should have seen. And last up is the Dollar/Yen, which has long term average and maximum spreads of point 46 and 1.2 pips respectively. The pair has surged above the 110 level as it gained point 73% or 80 pips. No major separations have been recorded here, the max of 1.2 pips took place minutes after midnight. I’m Jack Everitt and that’s all for Monday’s Spike Controller. Bye for now. В Москве прошел забег в поддержку сборной России по футболу 2018-06-11 13:52 В нем участвуют именитые российские спортсмены и звезды шоу-бизнеса. Болельщики могут посмотреть открытые тренировки сборных Перу и Аргентины 2018-06-11 13:52 Лионеля Месси можно будет увидеть вечером в тренировочном центре «Бронницы». На Воробьевых горах появилась фан-зона с лучшим видом на Москву 2018-06-11 13:53 Она находится на площади перед главным корпусом МГУ и может вместить 25 тысяч зрителей. Afghanistan: Five killed after suicide blast rocks Jalalabad *GRAPHIC* 2018-06-11 14:02 Local officials confirmed that five people died and a further 15 were injured after a coordinated attack at the Department of Education in Jalalabad on Monday. The attack took place at 9:50am local time after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives outside the building. Three gunmen then opened fire and were then shot dead by security forces. Officials confirmed the death of a police officer following the incident. Nangarhar provincial government spokesperson also said security forces seized a vehicle loaded with explosives in the vicinity after the attack. No one has claimed responsibility as of yet. «Песня с историей»: «Ягода малина» 2018-06-11 14:10 Сегодня мы вспомним очень успешный хит 86-го года, песню, круто изменившую жизнь молодой певицы Валентины Легкоступовой. В это же время 27-й съезд КПСС провозглашает курс на «совершенствование социализма». А Юрий Антонов грустит о прошедших каникулах. Принимается закон «Об индивидуальной трудовой деятельности». А Сергею Минаеву страшно затеряться средь толпы. В Москву из ссылки возвращается академик Андрей Сахаров. А Валентина Легкоступова вспоминает сладость малины. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Людмила Иванова 2018-06-11 14:15 Широкий зритель узнает об актрисе Людмиле Ивановой лишь в конце 70-х. Когда на экран выйдет комедия Эльдара Рязанова «Служебный роман». С тех пор Людмила Иванова для зрителя — та самая Шурочка в «Служебном романе». А ведь даже в этом фильме у нее могла бы быть другая судьба. Из картины целиком убрали любовную линию. Образ Людмилы Ивановой в кино далек от романтики. Зато в реальной жизни народной артистки романтики было достаточно. Ведь замужем актриса была за известным бардом — ученым-физиком Валерием Миляевым. Кто такая Виктория Скрипаль? 2018-06-11 14:16 Племянница экс-офицера ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля об отравлении дяди-шпиона в Солсбери, об информационной войне между Лондоном и Москвой и о том, каково быть родственником разведчика. В Москве заработал специальный тариф велопроката 2018-06-11 14:38 Его ввели на время чемпионата мира. Европарламент призовет к бойкоту ЧМ-2018 2018-06-11 14:39 Депутаты Европейского парламента собираются внести в резолюцию по правам человека в России пункт о дипломатическом бойкоте чиновников стран Евросоюза чемпионата мира по футболу, который на днях стартует в Москве. Russia: Portugal ‘came to win’ — Ronaldo and co. train in Kratovo 2018-06-11 14:43 Portuguese midfielder Manuel Fernandes stated that his team came to Russia 'to win all the games in the group' during a press conference at Kratovo's training facility in Moscow Region on Monday. Fernandes went on to say that his team does not consider 'any other results' and described Real Madrid attacker Cristiano Ronaldo as a 'very important player' since the Portuguese team do not just depend on his goals, but also his 'shape.' Ronaldo could be seen training with his teammates ahead of Portugal's first match against Spain on June 15 in Sochi. Кнут и пряник: США пригрозили КНДР давлением и пообещали «уникальные гарантии» 2018-06-11 14:56 Пятьдесят лет противостояния и документ, который может окончательно завершить Корейскую войну: до встречи лидера КНДР с президентом США остается чуть больше суток. Как проходит организация форума? Правда ли, что второй раунд переговоров пройдет в Пхеньяне, и туда поедет Трамп? В Алма-Ате главы МИД ОДКБ обсудили Афганистан, Сирию и Корею 2018-06-11 15:12 Организация Договора о коллективной безопасности продолжит сотрудничество с ООН в миротворческих проектах. Об этом сообщили в МИД России по итогам заседания Совета министров иностранных дел ОДКБ. Эта встреча прошла 11 июня в Казахстане. В Москве откроется Национальный дом Мексики 2018-06-11 15:23 Он разместится всего в 150 метрах от Красной площади. France: Dunkirk farmers blockade Total fuel depot over palm oil imports 2018-06-11 15:25 French farmers blockaded a Total SA fuel depot in Dunkirk on Monday as a protest against palm oil imports. Last month French authorities gave the country's oil giant Total permission to use palm as one of the feedstocks at its La Made biofuel refinery in southern France. The decision sparked outrage among farmers who claim it would create unfair competition against more expensive oils produced in France from rapeseed and sunflower. «It's a symbolic gesture that we are at the Total depot, because the last agreement with La Made, which includes the import of 300,000 tons of palm oil, generates a big problem for us,» said Laurent Verhaeghe from the National Federation of Farmer's Unions. The protest started on Sunday and will reportedly run until June 13. A total of 13 oil refineries and fuel depots have been blockaded across the country. Помпео: саммит с КНДР определит рамки для тяжелой работы 2018-06-11 15:29 Государственный секретарь США Майк Помпео 11 июня заявил на пресс-конференции, что подготовка к саммиту Дональда Трампа и Ким Чен Ына в Сингапуре идет довольно быстро. Singapore: Trump to offer 'unique' security assurances to Kim — Pompeo 2018-06-11 15:39 SOT, Journalist: «Would it be erroneous to assume that it's not on the table?» SOT, Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State: «You shouldn't assume from the fact that I don't give any detail here today that some question you posited has any merit. If you hypothesise something that's in it and I refuse to tell you what's in it. You should assume that I'm simply refusing to tell you what's in it and not drawing any conclusion from the negative inference that I think you're suggesting. There's going to be a lot of work left to do. There's a lot of detail that's going to be provided. We are not going to conduct these negotiations in the open with the media. We are going to conduct them between the two parties so that we have an opportunity to have a real success here.» US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the US will offer 'unique' security assurances to North Korea in return for the country's complete denuclearisation, in Singapore on Monday, one day ahead of the summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un. «We are prepared to take actions that will provide them sufficient certainty that they can be comfortable that denuclearisation isn't something that ends badly for them,» Pompeo stated in a briefing. «Indeed just the opposite, that it leads to a brighter, better future for the North Korean people.» Pompeo also said that Trump 'is fully prepared for the meeting tomorrow. He has had the chance to hear lots of different voices, all of the attended opportunities and risks.' The much-anticipated summit marks the first time a North Korean leader has met a US president. The summit had been thrown into doubt after speculation that Trump would pull out of the meeting following so-called 'anti-US rhetoric' from Pyongyang. Город шахтеров Кемерово отмечает свое столетие 2018-06-11 15:43 Мероприятия начались с шести часов утра и продлятся до вечера. В парке Победы проходят День йоги и командный марафон на 100 километров, которые сменятся фестивалем скандинавской ходьбы. Дайверы поднимают со дна брошенные сети и спасают морских животных 2018-06-11 15:44 Спасательную операцию провели греческие дайверы-добровольцы в рамках празднования Всемирного дня океанов. Они спустились на дно залива Сароникос у побережья острова Порос и подняли на поверхность несколько старых рыболовных сетей. Одна из них весит 400 килограммов. Суд вынес приговор студенту, облившему бывшую девушку кислотой 2018-06-11 15:55 Даниила Глущенко приговорили к 14 годам в колонии строгого режима. Европарламент может призвать к бойкоту Чемпионата мира по футболу в России 2018-06-11 16:00 О возможном дипломатическом бойкоте Чемпионата мира по футболу в России сообщает корреспондент Радио Свобода в Брюсселе. Депутаты готовятся принять резолюцию 14 июня, в день открытия турнира. В документе говорится о нарушениях прав человека в России. И в том числе — о заключении украинского режиссера Олега Сенцова. Подготовка к саммиту США и КНДР 2018-06-11 16:00 Главная цель переговоров с Северной Кореей — полный отказ от ядерного оружия на полуострове. Других вариантов Соединенные штаты не примут. Об этом заявил глава Госдепартамента США Майк Помпео. В Берлине пройдет встреча «нормандской четверки» 2018-06-11 16:00 В Берлине состоится встоеча глав МИД «нормандской четверки». Представители Германии, Франции, России и Украины обсудят конфликт в Донбассе. Акция протеста в Тбилиси. Есть задержанные 2018-06-11 16:00 В Тбилиси к зданию парламента стягивают полицию. В ближайшее время там начнется очередная акция протеста. Задержаны уже несколько человек, в их числе один несовершеннолетний. Кроме этого, полицейские начали демонтаж палаток протестующих. Акционеры ЮКОСа окончательно потеряли свои деньги 2018-06-11 16:11 На исходе недели Шведский апелляционный суд округа Свеа поставил точку в длящихся с марта 2007 года разбирательствах в Стокгольме между группой испанских владельцев американских депозитарных расписок (ADR) ЮКОСа и Россией. Midday Snapshot 2018-06-11 16:19 It’s 12 o’clock on this Monday, so let’s see how successful it has been so far for FX traders. Euro/Dollar has had a relatively slow session — high and low difference is 43 pips and the pair has attracted 41% less than typical funds. Neutral sentiment is almost at an even balance. Both sides have seen only limited profit chances due to the narrow price movement range and passive trading approach. Pound/Dollar dropped by close to 100 pips and a loss of point 35% was posted at noon. Trading has been active, volume is high and sentiment of the traders is neutral, long positions are up by 7%. Late slide has provided bears with solid profit opportunities. Dollar/Yen broke through the 110 level as it gained 68 pips. This pair sees less than half of the monthly average funds and sentiment is neutral, 8% long. Profits are more likely for those who were in long positions, but the passive trading approach is the limiting factor. Pound/Yen’s trend changed after the daily high was reached and most of the gains have been given up. Traded volume is average and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. Traders had their chances after the daily high was reached. Euro/Yen has been on a rise as well and it has resulted in a gain of point 45%. Traded volume is average and sentiment is strongly bullish, long positions dominate by 46%. The rate did go per those expectations, making profits very much likely. I’m Jack Everitt and that’s all for Monday’s Midday Snapshot. Трамп в посольстве США в Сингапуре 2018-06-11 16:36 Президент США Дональд Трамп встретился с персоналом посольства США в Сингапуре. Через несколько часов на сингапурском острове Сентоза должен состояться саммит между США и Северной Кореей. Switzerland: F. FIFA President Blatter skeptical about boycotting WC in Russia 2018-06-11 16:43 Joseph Blatter, former FIFA President: “No, I am not so sure if in the end they are not coming. I am not so sure. We will see if by any chance the FA team, England, will do well and is going to the quarter-final or the final, then the people in London, they will be there in their chairs and they will say: 'We have to go'. And to announce and boycott a competition because of the geopolitical situation in the world...Let football bring people together. And I’m sure that this World Cup will be exceptional, good World Cup on the field of play, but also for the image for FIFA and the image of Russia to show that they are able to organise the World Cup. But Russia has been in the past years now, so much under pressure, but there was never, I would say, a very concrete demand that the World Cup should not be played there. I think it is also when politicians, when I speak about the intervention, political part or FIFA as actors in politics. Although they don’t like that the World Cup is in Russia, they were thinking twice or three times to say: 'No, we should not go there, we should boycott it'. No, that would not be good, because it’s not only the football; it’s a powerhouse there. It is Russia, a powerhouse, and here football and politics are together, it’s the World Cup that gives now Russia more power, and this powerhouse cannot be just boycotted. And if they are not there, they have lost something.” Sophie Shevardnadze: “Who?” Joseph Blatter: «I have four teams, but I don’t put them in one to four, I put them together.» Sophie Shevardnadze: «Just four favorites, who are they?» Joseph Blatter: «The four teams are — alphabetical — Brazil, France, Germany, Spain.» Sophie Shevardnadze: «No Argentina?» Joseph Blatter: «No.» *JUMP CUT AT SOURCE* Former FIFA President Joseph Blatter expressed his concerns about the role of politics in football following the decision of six countries to boycott the World Cup in Russia, stating that football should bring people together, as he spoke from Zurich in an interview aired on Monday. “It’s the World Cup that gives now Russia more power, and this powerhouse cannot just be boycotted. And if they are not there, they have lost something”, he said. Blatter said that he was very glad to be invited to Russia and that he would not be rooting for one particular team. The former FIFA President shared his view about what he believes are the four strongest teams, Brazil, France, Germany and Spain. На салатовой ветке метро открыли новое депо 2018-06-11 17:21 На салатовой ветке московского метро открыли новое депо «Лихоборы». То, что этот объект необходим, говорили с того момента, как появились планы продолжить эту линию подземки в отдаленные районы Северного округа. Luxembourg: G7 summit 'commotion' brought EU closer together — Altmaier 2018-06-11 17:33 The 'commotion' at the G7 summit has brought the EU closer together, stated German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier on arrival to a meeting of EU ministers in Luxembourg on Monday. «It is important we show unity at all levels,» Altmaier said, commenting on US President Donald Trump's trade battle with the G7 allies. After leaving the G7 meeting, hosted by Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, the US president backed out of the joint communique and posted a series of angry tweets criticising Washington's allies who plan to implement counter-measures to his tariffs. In one of the tweets, he wrote: «Germany pays 1% (slowly) of GDP towards NATO, while we pay 4% of a MUCH larger GDP. Does anybody believe that makes sense? We protect Europe (which is good) at great financial loss, and then get unfairly clobbered on Trade. Change is coming!» В Азовском море напряженно 2018-06-11 17:49 Россия отрезала порты в Мариуполе и Бердянске не только Керченским мостом, но и своими действиями на море. Уличные музыканты Лондона принимают пожертвования через карту 2018-06-11 18:18 28-летняя жительница Лондона Шарлотта Кэмпбелл поет на лондонской Camden Market. Она профессиональный уличный музыкант. Этим зарабатывает себе на жизнь. Протест в Москве против вторжения в Чехословакию: 50 лет спустя 2018-06-11 18:21 В августе 1968 года в Москве прошла демонстрация против ввода советских танков и армии в Чехословакию. Спустя 50 лет трое из демонстрантов получили награды от правительства Чехии Немецкий пенсионер поехал на ЧМ-2018 в Россию на тракторе 2018-06-11 18:23 Железный конь 1936 года выпуска движется со скоростью 20 километров в час. Целевое обучение и образовательный кредит 2018-06-11 18:24 Как поступить в вуз с гарантией? Александр Овечкин выиграл кубок Стэнли 2018-06-11 18:25 В финале «Вашингтон Кэпиталз» обыграли дебютанта НХЛ «Вегас Голден Найтс». Israel: Netanyahu thanks Kurz for supporting Israel's security needs 2018-06-11 18:58 Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «So we switch for a few weeks.» Sebastian Kurz, Austrian Chancellor: «Not sure about that. But we understand that your situation is a different one. And therefore we will try to raise awareness in Europe for the special situation and special security needs of Israel.» Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz for his determination to fight against antisemitism in Europe, during a joint press conference following a private meeting in Jerusalem on Monday. «You are a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people. I think you demonstrated that today when you went to the Kotel, to the Western Wall. And I hope that other European leaders will follow your important example,» he said. Netanyahu also welcomed Vienna's intention to increase awareness in Europe about Israel's security needs during Austria's presidency of the EU next month, saying: «This is a breath of fresh air and this is leadership.» Kurz reciprocated Netanyahu words, saying: «You live in a dangerous neighbourhood and your neighbours are not like ours: Lichtenstein or Switzerland. And so we understand the difference.» Сингапур усиливает меры безопасности 2018-06-11 19:26 Власти Сингапура вводят максимальные меры безопасности накануне исторического саммита между Соединенными Штатами и Северной Кореей. 12 июня президент США Дональд Трамп и лидер Северной Кореи Ким Чен Ын встретятся на сингапурском острове Сентоза Russia: Mexico fan house will 'build bridges' between two countries — Mexican Ambassador 2018-06-11 19:37 A fan house for the Mexican national football team is set to open for the FIFA World Cup in Moscow on Friday, offering Russians and Mexicans the opportunity to come together and get acquainted with their different cultures. In anticipation of the Mexico House opening, a press-conference took place at the City Press Center of Moscow on Monday. According to the head of the hospitality venue, Javier Ruiz Galindo, it will have several screens, including «one pretty large screen to show the matches.» It will receive not only fans of the Mexico football team, but guests from all over the world. «The Mexico House in Moscow will be a good opportunity to build bridges between our countries and our cultures. We always believe in bridges, not in wars,» Mexican Ambassador to Russia Norma Pensado Moreno said during the press event. The Mexico fan house will be opened at the Gostiny Dvor exhibition center on June 15. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Italy: Port mayors open arms to migrants despite Salvini's orders 2018-06-11 19:52 Several Italian port city mayors have expressed their solidarity and wish to take in 629 migrants stranded on a humanitarian ship after Interior Minister Matteo Salvini's ordered Italian ports to abstain from taking in the migrants aboard. «A boat which doesn't find its harbour can come to the port of Naples, with the great capacity of care and humanity of this city,» said Luigi De Magistris, mayor of Naples. «If you lose the heart, you lose the opportunity to create a political community that shows solidarity,» he added. Mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando echoed De Magistris’s welcoming sentiments saying, «The mayor doesn't make any differences between those who were born here and those who decided to come and live here.» The humanitarian ship Aquarius is the only one operating in the Mediterranean at present after a crackdown on NGOs. Aquarius rescued 629 in two different operations, with the coordination of the Italian coastguard. They were set to dock in Sicily, but Salvini responded by closing Italian ports and saying that Malta should take the boat. Several other Italian mayors have publicly expressed their will to allow the boat to dock in their cities, including Messina. The MICAM: Behind The Shoes 2018-06-11 19:58 Putting together the biggest shoe fair in the world is no easy task. Find out what goes on behind the scenes with CEO of the Italian Footwear Federation Tommaso Cancellara. Webinar by “Docdow” 07.06.2018 2018-06-11 19:58 To join our LIVE daily webinars, follow the link below and hit «Click to join» button: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/Live You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/en Russia: Croatian national team arrives in St Petersburg ahead of WC 2018-06-11 20:33 The Croatian national football team landed in St Petersburg on Monday, just days ahead of the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Croatians will hold their training sessions in Roschino Arena in the historical city. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Croatia will compete against Argentina, Nigeria and Iceland in the group stage of the tournament. День России отметят многонациональным составом 2018-06-11 20:36 12 июня в России в нашей стране — государственный праздник — День России. Он отмечается ежегодно, начиная с 1992 года, в день принятия Декларации о государственном суверенитете Российской Федерации. Russia: French national team trains ahead of World Cup 2018-06-11 20:39 The national football team of France trained at Glebovets Stadium in Moscow Region on Monday, ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. France is in group C where it is scheduled to play against Australia, Peru, and Denmark. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Символом G7 стало пикантное групповое фото 2018-06-11 20:45 Как заключать сделку по разоружению, если не можешь договориться с соседями о молоке? Так оценивает дипломатию Белого дома бывший посол США в России Майкл Макфол. Эксперты рассказали об ошибках американской политики 2018-06-11 20:50 Как военным сверхдержавам найти взаимопонимание и не допустить Третью мировую войну? Ответ на этот вопрос ищут эксперты Люксембургского форума по предотвращению ядерной катастрофы. Он открылся в Женеве. Russia: Spanish national team trains in Krasnodar before World Cup 2018-06-11 20:57 The Spanish national team held a practice at their Krasnodar training base on Monday, just few days ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Speaking at a press conference shortly after, Spanish player Rodrigo Moreno Machado said the group was united and approaches the tournament with confidence. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Webinar by “FXPassion” 07.06.2018 2018-06-11 21:02 To join our LIVE daily webinars, follow the link below and hit «Click to join» button: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/Live You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/en MXN Drop Explained & CAD Employment 2018-06-11 21:06 The Dukascopy Research Team provides you with the latest analytical products including Technical Analysis of various currency pairs, Fundamental Analysis, Trade Pattern Ideas and much more. To join our LIVE daily webinars, follow the link below and hit «Click to join» button: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/Live You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/en Webinar by “Docdow” 08.06.2018 2018-06-11 21:06 To join our LIVE daily webinars, follow the link below and hit «Click to join» button: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/Live You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/en UN: UN Chief Gutteres commends N. Korea — US leaders' summit 2018-06-11 21:13 Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Gutteres commended the leaders of North Korea and the USA, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, for their upcoming meeting in Singapore. Gutteres spoke from the United Nations headquarters in New York City on Monday. «I commend the leaders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States for pursuing a diplomatic solution,» he said. «The two leaders are seeking to break out of the dangerous cycle that created so much concern last year. Peace and verifiable denuclearisation must remain the clear and shared goal», he added. «Relevant parts of the United Nations system stand ready to support this process in any way, including verification if requested by the key parties. They are the protagonists,» Gutteres said. In his closing remarks, the UN Secretary-General also said, «I urge attention to the humanitarian situation in the DPRK, where we are seeking 111 million USD to meet the immediate needs of six million of the most vulnerable people.» Italy: PM Conte thanks Madrid for taking in Aquarius' migrants 2018-06-11 21:31 Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte thanked the Spanish government in Accumoli on Monday for its assistance in resolving the issue of humanitarian ship Aquarius after it was stranded at sea following Interior Minister Matteo Salvini's orders to Italian ports to abstain from taking in the migrants on board. «We had asked for a solidarity gesture from the European side, we had asked Europe to take responsibility of the emergency of the migration,» said Conte who interpreted Spain’s move as solidarity with Italy. The humanitarian ship Aquarius is the only one operating in the Mediterranean at present after a crackdown on NGOs. Aquarius rescued 629 people in two different operations, with the coordination of the Italian coastguard. They were set to dock in Sicily, but Salvini responded by closing Italian ports and saying that Malta should take the boat. Several Italian mayors publicly expressed their will to allow the boat to dock in their cities. Брифинг 11 Июня 2018-06-11 21:39 Жители Вашингтона отмечают победу «Вашингтон Кэпиталз» вместе с Овечкиным//Удивительная история усыновления во Флориде//Выставка твитов Трампа в Голливуде Russia: Peruvian national team hold practice at Arena Khimki 2018-06-11 21:45 The national football team of Peru trained at the Arena Khimki stadium in Khimki, Moscow Region, on Monday, ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Up to 1,000 fans came to watch the team practice, many of them wearing colourful costumes. Роберт Де Ниро нецензурно высказался в адрес Дональда Трампа на церемонии Tony и сорвал бурные овации 2018-06-11 21:48 Джейн Фонду наградят французской премией Люмьер // Робби Уилльямс выступит на открытии чемпионата мира по футболу // Netflix приобрел права на сериал о русской мошеннице Анне Делви В Женеве обсудили предотвращение ядерных катастроф 2018-06-11 21:48 Ситуацию вокруг ядерных программ Северной Кореи и Ирана, а также предстоящий саммит лидеров США и КНДР обсудили участники международного Люксембургского форума по предотвращению ядерной катастрофы. Он открылся сегодня в Женеве. Семь человек пострадали в аварии с участием автобуса на западе Москвы 2018-06-11 22:15 Иномарка и рейсовый автобус столкнулись на западе столицы − Москва 24 Футбол и МГУ 2018-06-11 22:30 Как протесты против фан-зоны чемпионата приобретают политические черты? Что делают полиция и Центр Э в стенах МГУ? Мария Щекочихина, Мария Кузина, Георгий Шишков, члены Инициативной группы МГУ; группа «Аркадий Коц»: поэт Кирилл Медведев (РСМ), социолог Олег Журавлев, художник НиколайОлейников Новости США за 60 секунд. 11 июня 2018 года 2018-06-11 22:31 До встречи Трампа и Ким Чен Ына осталось несколько часов // Родман приехал в Сингапур // США ввели новые санкции против России Тако как оружие борьбы с ненавистью 2018-06-11 22:47 Традиционный фастфуд объединяет мексиканцев и мусульман International Waters: Aquarius ship rescues 625 refugees off Libya coast 2018-06-11 22:50 Footage captured on Saturday surfaced from the rescue operations of the humanitarian ship Aquarius, which picked up 625 refugees in the Mediterranean sea off the coast of Libya. Aquarius rescued 629 people in two different operations, with the coordination of the Italian coastguard. They were to set dock in Sicily, but Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini responded by closing Italian ports and saying that Malta should take the boat. Several Italian mayors publicly expressed their will to allow the boat to dock in their cities. Саммит США-КНДР 2018-06-11 22:53 Что говорят на улицах Сингапура Дни становятся длиннее 2018-06-11 23:00 Согласно новому исследованию НАСА, продолжительность дня на Земле увеличивается по мере того, как Луна постепенно удаляется от нашей планеты Выставочные твиты Трампа 2018-06-11 23:00 Президент США Дональд Трамп известен своей привычкой общаться с американцами через «Твиттер». Теперь его твиты — экспонаты выставки. Экспозиция самых смешных посланий Дональда Трампа открылась в Лос-Анджелесе Germany: Heiko Mass outlines agenda for Ukraine peace talks in Berlin 2018-06-11 23:27 German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas expressed hopes that the re-initiation of Ukraine peace talks would lead to the true implantation of Minsk accords, ahead of meeting with Ukrainian and Russian counterparts in Berlin on Monday. Mass who is scheduled to mediate peace talks along with French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said, «There will be a ceasefire, not just in name but in practice,» as he detailed the withdrawal of heavy weapons and demining in Eastern Ukraine. Выпускной приемного сына 2018-06-11 23:30 Дэвион из города Сент-Питерсберг, штат Флорида, верит, что желания сбываются. Даже когда кажется, что нет никакой надежды на лучший исход До Встречи Дональда Трампа и Ким Чен Ына осталось несколько часов 2018-06-11 23:31 Осталось всего несколько часов до начала исторического саммита между президентом США Дональдом Трампом и лидером Северной Кореи Ким Чен Ыном. Встреча пройдет в отеле Capella на сингапурском острове Сентоса Russia: Messi, Argentina team train in ahead of World Cup 2018-06-11 23:34 Football player Lionel Messi and the national team of Argentina held an open training session in Bronnitsy on Monday a few days ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup kick-off. According to reports, only 500 people including about 40 journalists from Russian and foreign media could attend the session because the number of seats was limited. The Argentinian team resides on the base in the Moscow region and trains at the stadium of the local sports school. World Cup 2018 will be held from June 14 to July 15, 2018, at 12 stadiums in 11 cities of Russia. In the group stage, Argentina will play against Iceland, Croatia, and Nigeria. Israel: Israel's security is 'not negotiable' to us — Austrian PM Kurz 2018-06-11 23:41 Prime Minister of Austria Sebastian Kurz stated that Austria «fully condemn all acts of violence, inside Israel, at its borders and beyond», while addressing at the AJC Global Forum 2018 in Jerusalem, Monday. «I truly hope that the future for the Middle East will not bring further wars but that the region can grow together in peace. That not only a two-state-solution is possible through bilateral negotiations of the two parties but also the region at large will be able to settle its existing conflicts,» said Kurz. Игроки Washington Capitals празднуют победу вместе с болельщиками 2018-06-11 23:59 Жителям Вашингтона и окрестностей в эти дни крупно повезло. Желающие могли отметить победу хоккейной команды Washington Capitals в Кубке Стэнли с ее капитаном Александром Овечкиным и другими игроками State of Palestine: Children battle to save school from Israeli demolition 2018-06-12 00:02 Children from the Palestinian Jahalin Bedouin community are in a last ditch struggle to save the only school in Khan al Ahmar, which is set to be demolished by the Israeli forces in upcoming weeks, as footage filmed on Monday shows. The Palestinian Authority's Minister of Education Sabri Saidam called the demolition an effort «to remove Palestinian identity.» Students were fearful that every day could be possibly be their last at Khan al Ahmar. «Every night when we sit together we say it's our last night here in the community, because at any moment the soldiers might come to demolish it,» said one student Leila. On May 24, the Israeli Supreme court ruled that the building should be demolished as it was built without permits in 'Area C'. The 1993 Oslo Accords classify Area C as being under Israeli civil and security control. ЧП в Волгограде: несколько человек сами выбрались из катамарана 2018-06-12 00:07 Семь человек, спасшиеся при столкновении с баржей в Волгограде, самостоятельно выбрались из катамарана. Идут поиски остальных. ЧП произошло в 250 метрах от берега. Болельщики поприветствовали мексиканских футболистов в аэропорту Шереметьево 2018-06-12 00:15 Вместе со спортсменами прилетели их семьи и даже фанаты из Мексики − Москва 24 Italy: League's Salvini defends closing ports to migrants 2018-06-12 00:24 The new Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini explained the reasons behind his decision to close Italian ports to migrant rescue ships, at a press conference in Milan on Monday. «I want to put an end to this human trafficking which puts thousands of lives at risk. So the same way we raised the issue for the Aquarius, we will raise it for all other vessels that will be following,» said Salvini, who came under criticism for his decision. «There are other countries — I'm hinting at France — which instead of accepting, they repel the migrants. So this is the question we raised this morning on the table of the European Commission also for what it has to do with the redistributions that were agreed on paper but are not currently in place,» he added. «Our objective is, we hope, the same one with that of the semester of the Austrian presidency, which is to protect the external borders of Europe. It is not that a trouble shares is a trouble halved but the goal is to protect the European borders and Italy is one European border,» concluded Salvini. Aquarius rescued 629 people in two different operations, with help from the Italian coastguard. They were to set dock in Sicily, but Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini responded by closing Italian ports and said Malta should take the boat. Spain has since offered 'safe harbour' to the migrant rescue ship. Russia: WC opener ballgirls ready and raring to go 2018-06-12 00:41 A female football team held training in the city of Agryz in the Republic of Tatarstan on Sunday after learning that they had won a nationwide contest to become ballgirls at the opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. «We had been waiting for the results quite long and even doubted that we would have been chosen, though we hoped to win,» said Yulia Shustova, the team captain. She added that on the day of the announcement, their coach invited girls to his office and told everyone to cover their eyes. «When we opened our eyes, we saw a letter from Coca-Cola. Our eyes widened in surprise. All cried out. It was unreal,» Shustova told. The competition — organised by Coca-Cola, official partners of FIFA — was open to amateur players aged 13 to 16. The final winners were chosen by players of the Russian national team. Coca-Cola will also be giving 776 boys and girls from the different parts of Russia the opportunity to become ballboys and girls in the FIFA Youth Programme. The opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup will take place between Russia and Saudi Arabia on June 14 in Moscow. Russia: Danish national football team lands in Anapa ahead of WC 2018-06-12 00:46 The Danish national football team landed in Anapa on Monday, just days ahead of the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Danish will train at the 'Pontos' sports base nearby and will stay in the village of Vityazevo, according to reports. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Denmark will compete against France, Australia, and Peru in the group stage of the tournament. Trump, Kim sand sculpture celebrates peace ahead of summit 2018-06-12 00:49 As the world prepares for the historic meeting of US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on Tuesday, world-renowned sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik unveiled a sand sculpture depicting the two leaders with the message 'Let peace prevail' in Puri beach in Odisha on Monday. 6000 kilograms of (13,300 pounds) of sand have been put into the sculpture which stands at around 2 meters tall. Лавров: Киев не позволяет обрести значимость «формуле Штайнмайера» 2018-06-12 01:05 Украина препятствует реализации «формулы Штайнмайера», которая позволила бы решить проблему последовательности шагов по политическому урегулированию на Донбассе. Об этом заявил глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров по итогам встречи в Берлине глав МИД «нормандской четверки». Число погибших в столкновении баржи и правдачи «Елань» выросло до 9 2018-06-12 01:05 Под Волгоградом на Волге столкнулись катамаран и баржа. При этом катамаран — частная плавдача «Елань» — был перегружен, не имел документов и опознавательных огней. Russia: FIFA referees 'impressed' with Russia's WC preparations 2018-06-12 01:12 SOT, Massimo Busacca, Head of FIFA Refereeing (Spanish): «Very good. I am very happy, in particular speaking about referees, because we have everything available to us. So I have to say thank you very much to Russia for what they prepared, and I'm sure it's going to continue this way until the end.» SOT, correspondent (Spanish): «How did you like the stadiums, which the majority are new?» SOT, Massimo Busacca, Head of FIFA Refereeing (Spanish): «Very nice. I refereed yesterday the match at Luzhniki Stadium and it was very exciting. But I didn't have any doubt. Russia is a very professional country, a country that always won a lot in sports and knows that they have to invest and show the world that they can do it, and I'm sure it will be so.» *JUMPCUT AT SOURCE* SOT, Cesar Arturo Ramos, referee (Spanish): «I'm here training since day three. The country has a great atmosphere, and as we approach the day of the opening, I see the people more involved, more tourists, more people with flags. That's what we've seen.» SOT, correspondent (Spanish): «Have you had the possibility to train in stadiums where you will eventually be officiating?» SOT, Cesar Arturo Ramos, referee: «No, we have only done some practice sessions. We have not seen anything else, but we have been in a constant state of preparation.» SOT, correspondent (Spanish): «Have are you preparing for the World Cup with VAR? It's the first World Cup with VAR, is there any pressure, you can make mistakes as shows on the big screen.» SOT, Cesar Arturo Ramos, referee: «We trained every day, in the classroom, in the pitch, with players, and we are prepared because we've been doing this for two years in almost every seminar and I think the preparation was very complete. The refereeing is still the same, it has to be done in the pitch.» Head of FIFA Refereeing Massimo Busacca was «impressed» with Russia's preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup during an interview in Moscow on Monday. «Especially on the refereeing point of view, on the preparation facilities, everything, so, we are really to thank the Russia for what they prepared,» he said. Referees commented on the new Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system, which will be used at a World Cup for the first time this summer. Those interviewed felt that technology could never replace human judgement. «Perhaps in the middle we have the help of VAR, but the human is at the beginning and at the end of the story», referee Clement Turpin pointed out. Leading African referee Bakary Gassama, hoped Russia could dispel rumours of racism amongst fans by using football «to bring people together all over the world wherever you come from, wherever your background.» Russia: Mexican team touches down in Moscow 2018-06-12 01:58 The Mexican national football team landed at 20:10 local time (17:10 GMT) in Moscow on Monday, just days before the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Mexican side will hold an opening training session at Strogino stadium, before settling down at their permanent base at FC Dynamo's Novogorsk training centre. Mexico are drawn in Group F alongside Germany, Sweden and Korea Republic. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Russia: Suarez, Cavani and Uruguay team on show before WC opener 2018-06-12 02:18 The Uruguay national football team held its first open training session at the Borsky sports centre in Nizhny Novgorod on Monday, ahead of its opening match against Egypt. Over 100 journalists from all over the world as well as 500 fans — most of them children — attended the event. One of the youngsters was excited to see some of the world's biggest stars. «I'm happy that I saw Uruguay's national team, I saw top players like Luis Suarez and [Edinson] Cavani,» he told the cameras. In an interview after training, Atletico Madrid striker Jose Gimenez expressed his satisfaction at Russia's preparations for the tournament. «I have no doubt that Russia will manage to organize the World Championship well. For me, this country seems very strong and big,» he told journalists. Galatasaray's no. 1 Fernando Muslera was impressed by the facilities on offer. «We are very grateful for the fact that we were provided with such good living conditions in order to train and prepare for the most glorious event, the World Cup.» Uruguay are drawn in Group A alongside Egypt, Saudi Arabia and hosts Russia. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Germany: Global economic leaders express fears after G7 summit 2018-06-12 02:56 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of several international organisations commented on the growing uncertainty in the global economy after the recent Group of Seven meeting, at a panel discussion in Berlin on Monday. Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde said the economic outlook was «getting darker by the day.» While World Trade Organisation Director-General Roberto Azevedo told the press briefing, «We must therefore stop this escalation of tensions, a tit-for-tat process is not going to be helpful, it is not going to help anyone.» The G7 summit meeting in Canada ended in acrimony, after US President Donald Trump refused to sign a joint communique. The statement was aimed at overcoming disagreements, particularly over trade. France: Railway workers out in force ahead of final Senate debate 2018-06-12 03:21 Hundreds of railway workers gathered outside the French Senate in Paris on Monday, to demand the repeal of reforms to national railways operator SNCF. The reform bill was approved by the Senate on its first reading last week. It was presented to a cross-party joint committee on Monday, before returning to the National Assembly for a final vote. 'Sud Rail' union called on the rail workers to take to the streets of the French capital to protest against new regulations aimed bringing the French railways in line with EU rules on market liberalisation. «It is a symbolic act to say that we want the railway law to be retracted and nothing else, we don't want an accord we don't want a change of our status,» railway technician Romain said. Singapore: Trump and Kim on way to US-North Korea summit 2018-06-12 03:42 US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un left left their hotels en route to the historic summit meeting in Singapore on Tuesday, June 12. The much-anticipated talks are the first ever meeting between sitting leaders from North Korea and the United States. Washington hopes the summit will lead to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is willing to begin a process of denuclearisation, but it is not known how this will be achieved or what it will ask for in return. Singapore: Kim Jong-un arrives at Capella hotel for historic US-North Korea summit 2018-06-12 04:00 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrived at the Capella hotel for his historic summit with US President Donald Trump in Singapore on Tuesday. The much-anticipated talks are the first ever meeting between sitting leaders from North Korea and the United States. Washington hopes the summit will lead to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is willing to begin a process of denuclearisation, but it is not known how this will be achieved or what it will ask for in return. Singapore: Trump arrives at Capella hotel for historic US-North Korea summit 2018-06-12 04:06 US President Donald Trump arrived at the Capella hotel for his historic summit with North Korean Supreme Leader in Singapore on Tuesday. The much-anticipated talks are the first ever meeting between sitting leaders from North Korea and the United States. Washington hopes the summit will lead to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is willing to begin a process of denuclearisation, but it is not known how this will be achieved or what it will ask for in return. Singapore: Trump and Kim meet in historic US-North Korea summit 2018-06-12 04:09 US President Donald Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at a historic summit in Singapore on Tuesday. The much-anticipated talks are the first ever meeting between leaders from North Korea and the United States. Washington hopes the summit will lead to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is willing to begin a process of denuclearisation, but it is not known how this will be achieved or what it will ask for in return. Russia: Fans build excitement for World Cup in central Moscow 2018-06-12 04:22 Football fans from Saudi Arabia, Uruguay and hosts Russia crowded into Moscow's Manezhnaya Square on Monday to catch some of the football fever ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. The opening match will take place between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow. Germany: Normandy Four talks were 'useful' — Lavrov 2018-06-12 04:30 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Normandy Four format talks were 'useful', at the press briefing outside Villa Borsig in Tegel, on Monday. Foreign Ministers from Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia met to discuss the situation in the Donbass. Дональд Трамп и Ким Чен Ын 2018-06-12 04:45 В Сингапуре началась историческая встреча президента США и лидера Северной Кореи. В 9:04 утра по местному времени, Дональд Трамп и Ким Чен Ын встретились в центре Белой колоннады отеля «Капелла» и пожали друг другу руки. Началась первая часть саммита — личная встреча лидеров. Singapore: Trump and Kim shakes hands at historic US-North Korea summit 2018-06-12 04:50 SOT, interpreter: *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* SOT, Kim Jong-un, North Korean Supreme Leader (Korean): «This has not been an easy path to reach here. We have past that had hold us back, and wrong prejudice and customs blindfolded our eyes and covered ears. However, we overcame everything and now we are here.» SOT, interpreter: *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* US President Donald Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at a historic summit in Singapore on Tuesday. Trump called the meeting «a tremendous success» and that «we will have a terrific relationship, I have no doubt.» Kim responded by saying that the pair had «overcame everything» to make the summit a reality. The much-anticipated talks are the first ever meeting between leaders from North Korea and the United States. Mandatory Credit: Channel News Asia Washington hopes the summit will lead to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula . Pyongyang is willing to begin a process of denuclearisation, but it is not known how this will be achieved or what it will ask for in return. Singapore: Trump and Kim wave to public at historic summit 2018-06-12 05:00 US President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un waved to the public from the balcony of the Capella hotel at a historic summit in Singapore on Tuesday. The much-anticipated talks are the first ever meeting between sitting leaders from North Korea and the United States. Washington hopes the summit will lead to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is willing to begin a process of denuclearisation, but it is not known how this will be achieved or what it will ask for in return. «World Fashion News» 2018-06-12 05:02 «World Fashion News» 2018-06-12 05:19 Дональд Трамп и Ким Чен Ын: встреча в Сингапуре 2018-06-12 05:33 Лидеры США и КНДР впервые в истории встретились и сделали заявления для прессы перед началом саммита в Сингапуре. Видео: Reuters Germany: Normandy Four countries meet in Berlin 2018-06-12 05:43 The German, French and Ukrainian foreign ministers spoke to the press after their Normandy Four group meeting in Villa Borsig in Tegel, Berlin, on Monday. Germany's Heiko Maas and France's Jean Yves Le Drian gave a joint statement to the press, followed by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister's remarks. The four-way meeting, which also involved Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, discussed the ongoing peace process in the Donbass, eastern Ukraine. Singapore: Trump and Kim begin talks at US-North Korea summit 2018-06-12 05:59 SOT, interpreter (Korean): *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* SOT, Kim Jong-un, North Korean Supreme Leader (Korean): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, interpreter: *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* SOT, Kim Jong-un, North Korean Supreme Leader (Korean): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, interpreter: *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America: *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, interpreter (Korean): *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America: *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, interpreter (Korean): *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* US President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un sat down for bilateral talks at a historic summit in Singapore on Tuesday. The much-anticipated talks are the first ever meeting between sitting leaders from North Korea and the United States. Washington hopes the summit will lead to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is willing to begin a process of denuclearisation, but it is not known how this will be achieved or what it will ask for in return. Mandatory Credit: Channel News Asia Economic Calendar 2018-06-12 09:00 There are potential Sterling and Buck movers on this agenda for Tuesday, so let’s take a look. The high importance UK Unemployment Report for May opens this agenda at 8:30 in the morning. Unemployment rate was unchanged at multi decade low of 4.2% in the three months to March. Claimant count, however, surged by 31.2 thousand in April. June ZEW Surveys for both Euro Zone and Germany will be available at 9 AM. German Economic Sentiment was unchanged at minus 8.2 in May, but the whole bloc’s measure increased by a half a point to plus 2.4. Then we have a potential Greenback mover ready for publication at a half past noon GMT and it’s the May Consumer Price Index. Overall inflation accelerated by point 2% month on month in April, but the core measure showed a slower increase of point 1%. US Federal Budge Balance for May follows at 6 PM. US had the biggest monthly surplus on record in April as balance was 214 billion US dollars in the green. Australian Westpac-MI Consumer Sentiment for May follows at a half past midnight. Sentiment continued to hold in slightly optimistic territory with April, marking the fifth consecutive month the Index has been above the 100 level. Wrapping up this agenda is a high importance speech by the Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe at 2 o’clock in the morning. I’m Kiays Khalil and that’s all for Tuesday’s Economic Calendar. Bye for now. Дональд Трамп встречается с чиновниками в преддверии саммита с Кимом 2018-11-06 00:00 Источник: Приложение сделало улицы Флоренции доступнее для людей в инвалидных креслах 2018-11-06 00:00 Источник: |
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