South Korea: Organisers celebrate end of 'biggest Paralympic Games ever'
South Korea: Organisers celebrate end of 'biggest Paralympic Games ever' 2018-03-18 06:01 Chief organisers of the 2018 PyeongChang Paralympic Games complimented the realisation of the «biggest Paralympic Winter Games ever» during the Games' closing press conference in the host city on Sunday. 567 athletes from 49 delegations to have taken part in the Games, more than any previous edition, said President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Andrew Parsons. According to numbers presented by President of the Pyeongchang Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (POCOG) Lee Hee-beom 343,000 paying spectators had been registered, breaking the record previously held by the 2014 Sochi Paralympic Games. Philippines: At least one killed, hundreds trapped as fire rages in Manila hotel 2018-03-18 07:05 A fire broke out at a hotel in Manila on Sunday morning leaving at least one person killed and three more injured, according to local media. Manila's Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) said the fire started at about 9:30am (01:30 GMT) at the Manila Pavilion Hotel and Casino. About 200 guests have reportedly been evacuated, but some 100 people are feared to be trapped inside the building. The fire was raised to 5th alarm as of 10:10 am (02:10 GMT), said chairperson of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) Senator Richard Gordon. Gordon said the PRC dispatched two ambulances and one fire truck to respond to the fire. The cause of the fire is as of yet unknown. Russia: Polls open in Moscow for the 2018 Russian presidential elections 2018-03-18 07:09 Polling stations across Moscow opened their doors on Sunday as voting in the 2018 Russian presidential elections begins. The first polls opened in Russia's Far East at 2000 GMT on March 17 and the last polls in the Kaliningrad exclave close at 1800 GMT on March 18. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election will be contested by a total of eight candidates on March 18. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. Almost 111 million voters are registered to cast their votes to one of eight candidates, including the incumbent President. According to the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Ella Pamfilova, over 1000 international observers will work in Russia to oversee the election process. Russia: Vladivostok submariners cast ballots in presidential election 2018-03-18 08:38 Submariners from Russia's Pacific Fleet cast their votes in the Russian presidential elections in Vladivostok on Sunday. The first poles opened in Russia's Far East at 20:00 GMT on Saturday, making these among the first votes to be cast. The last polls in the Kaliningrad exclave close at 18:00 GMT on Sunday, March 18. «The presidential elections, electing the head of our country and commander-in-chief is a civic duty. It is the duty of each serviceman. If we are talking about choosing a commander-in-chief, it is a great responsibility,» Ust-Kamchatsk Submarine Captain Leonid Lobadyuk said. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election will be contested by a total of eight candidates on March 18. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. During the presidential elections, over 1,000 international observers will work in Russia, according to Chairperson of the CEC of Russia Ella Pamfilova. «Вести-Калуга». В России наступает День тишины перед выборами 2018-03-18 08:54 «Вести-Калуга». 208 сообщений о пропаже людей зарегистрировано на территории области в 2017 году 2018-03-18 08:55 «Вести-Калуга». Выставка немецкого фотографа Агастьи Сайкритт открылась в Калуге 2018-03-18 08:57 «Вести-Калуга». Фестиваль-конкурс «Звучит аккордеон» стартовал в Калуге 2018-03-18 08:59 «Вести-Калуга». В калужском планетарии презентуют программу «Археоастрономия Майя» 2018-03-18 09:00 Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 18.03.2018 2018-03-18 09:35 Более 140 тысяч наблюдателей ОП следят за ходом голосования 2018-03-18 10:01 Обо всех несоответствиях они должны сообщать через сайт и волонтерский колл-центр. 10 избирательных участков раньше времени начали работу в Подмосковье 2018-03-18 10:02 Это сделано, чтобы дать возможность проголосовать военным, учитывая их распорядок дня. Специальный избирательный участок для шахтеров открылся в Кемерове 2018-03-18 10:04 Пока одни регионы еще спят, другие уже активно голосуют. Московские общественники по телемосту общаются с избирателями на местах 2018-03-18 10:09 В прямом эфире общественники интересуются мнением наблюдателей прямо на участках. О порядке голосования на выборах президента России 2018-03-18 10:17 На избирательный участок нужно прийти с паспортом или другим документом, его заменяющим. Более 1,5 млн россиян воспользовались сервисом «Мобильный избиратель» 2018-03-18 10:17 Можно было выбрать удобный участок для голосования с помощью портала Более 45 тыс избирательных участков оборудовали видеокамерами 2018-03-18 10:19 Вся информация о происходящем в режиме реального времени стекается в Ситуационный центр по наблюдению за выборами президента России. #Яголосуювпервыйраз: молодежь Москвы сделала свой выбор 2018-03-18 14:16 Корреспондент «ЭкоГрада» Валерий Ломов взял блиц-интервью у студентки Ирины, которая голосует в первый раз в своей жизни. Она пришла на избирательный участок вместе со своей мамой. Росреестр спасет дачников от миллионных налоговых уведомлений 2018-03-18 14:22 Дома, на которые с легкой руки оценщиков поставили космические ценники, уже скоро подешевеют. Вернуть реальную стоимость должна новая кадастровая методика. Принять такие меры в своем Послании Федеральному Собранию потребовал президент. Проблема действительно масштабная: многомиллионные налоговые уведомления получают сотни дачников. В Бишкеке очередь к урнам голосования растянулась на сотни метров 2018-03-18 14:22 Как сообщает народный корреспондент «ЭкоГрада» из Бишкека, подобного не было давно. Может быть лет двадцать. Люди пришли голосовать к посольству РФ в Киргизии. Для того чтобы отдать свой голос многие вынуждены были провести в очереди по два часа. В Москве полиция задержала банду мошенников и закрыла очередной автосалон 2018-03-18 14:23 Подержанная легковушка по цене премиального внедорожника: в Москве полиция задержала банду мошенников и закрыла автосалон, десятки клиентов которого были обмануты. В результате кредитных афер уже после подписания договора стоимость машины неожиданно вырастала в несколько раз. Почему люди, купив машину, вынуждены ходить пешком? Космонавт Шкаплеров проголосовал на борту МКС 2018-03-18 14:24 К проголосовавшим россиянам присоединился космонавт Антон Шкаплеров. Член экипажа МКС сделал свой выбор прямо на орбите. В этом ему с Земли помог другой космонавт Олег Кононенко. Шкаплеров сообщил ему как своему доверенному лицу, кому отдает свой голос. Сеанс связи велся по закрытому каналу. На краю пропасти: в Москве предлагают штрафовать бейсджамперов 2018-03-18 14:26 Поводом стала гибель экстремала в Орехово-Зуевском районе Подмосковья. Роковым для него стал прыжок с радиовышки. Несмотря на то, что официально этому виду спорта в России не учат, его популярность только растет. Ради чего люди готовы рисковать жизнью, причем не только собственной? Житель Германии приехал на Урал ради выборов президента РФ 2018-03-18 14:27 Бывший житель Артемовского ради выборов президента России специально приехал из Германии на малую родину, чтобы проголосовать за будущего лидера государства. Ксения Собчак призывает участвовать в выборах президента РФ несмотря на нарушения 2018-03-18 14:33 «Мы должны все прекрасно понимать, что каждый лишний процент Путина это результат и бойкота тех людей, которые не пришли на выборы». Стратегия развития транспорта в Москве 2018-03-18 14:35 Большая кольцевая, МЦК, магистраль, каршеринг: в последние годы в лексиконе москвичей появилось немало новых слов и аббревиатур. То, что дорога из одной точки города в другую стала гораздо короче и комфортнее, отмечают и пассажиры общественного транспорта, и автомобилисты. Но есть куда двигаться дальше: в мэрии определили стратегию развития транспорта Москвы на ближайшие несколько лет. В Барнауле моржи пришли на выборы прямо из проруби 2018-03-18 15:17 В Барнауле любители зимнего плавания продолжили свою традицию. Каждые выборы «моржи» совершают заплыв или обливаются холодной водой, а после сразу идут голосовать. Так было и на этот раз. Правда, на этот раз в Барнауле даже теплее, чем в столице, всего минус 2 градуса. Явка на избирательные участки в Алтайском крае составила более 30 процентов к полудню по местному времени. В Паттайе и Пхукете на избирательных участках российские туристы выстроились в очереди 2018-03-18 15:17 Воспользоваться правом голоса решили и российские туристы в Таиланде. На одном из самых популярных курортов Пхукете даже образовалась очередь из более чем 500 отдыхающих. Всего в королевстве открылось три избирательных участка, помимо Пхукета они находятся в городах Паттайя и Бангкок. Голосование во враждебной обстановке: россияне пришли на участки в Лондоне и Эдинбурге 2018-03-18 15:18 Граждане России в Великобритании голосуют на фоне охлаждения отношений двух стран из-за дела о покушении на бывшего сотрудника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля. Всего в королевстве открыто два участка в Лондоне и Эдинбурге. В Петербурге избирателям раздают «удостоверения» проголосовавшего для отчетности 2018-03-18 15:19 На «удостоверениях» было сказано, что конкретный человек принял участие в голосовании. Фамилию, имя и отчество можно было вписать прямо на месте. Те, кто брал «удостоверения», — в основном сотрудники разнообразных бюджетных предприятий и учреждений, они говорили, что они им нужны «для отчетности». Выполнить гражданский долг раньше семейного решили молодожены в Татарстане 2018-03-18 15:20 Новоиспеченные супруги вместе с сорока гостями своей свадьбы прямо из ЗАГСа прибыли на избирательный участок. 18-летняя невеста и 21-летний жених рассказали, что для них эти выборы президента России — первые в жизни. Идея расписаться именно в этот день пришла к ним обоюдно. Они известили о ней родственников и друзей. Те открепились от своих участков, чтобы проголосовать вместе с молодоженами. ЦИК: явка на выборах президента-2018 превысит показатели 2012 года 2018-03-18 16:00 По данным Центризбиркома явка в целом по России на полдень по московскому времени составляла более трети избирателей. В ряде регионов уже идет подсчет голосов. Выборы-2018: голосование в Верхней Пышме 2018-03-18 16:03 Жители Верхней Пышмы сегодня проснулись раньше обычного. В восемь утра на избирательном участке в ДК «Металлург» уже выстроилась очередь: люди торопились отдать свой голос до начала рабочей смены. Выборы-2018: голосование первых лиц Свердловской области 2018-03-18 16:04 Выбор в пользу будущего страны сделали первые лица Свердловской области. С самого утра политиков можно было встретить на избирательных участках как Екатеринбурга, так и небольших уральских поселков. Антон Шипулин рассказал, как российские биатлонисты проголосовали в Осло 2018-03-18 16:05 Прямо сейчас Антон Шипулин выступает на Кубке мира в Норвегии — свердловский биатлонист участвует в эстафете. Несмотря на загруженный график, олимпийский чемпион нашел время прийти на избирательный участок в российском посольстве. Антон Шипулин написал в своем «Инстаграме», что нельзя упускать возможность выполнить гражданский долг, даже находясь далеко от дома. Избирательный участок вместе с ним посетили шесть представителей мужской сборной по биатлону. Позднее проголосует женская часть национальной команды, тренеры и персонал. Выборы-2018: сербский наблюдатель Божидар Делич в Екатеринбурге 2018-03-18 16:06 Десятки наблюдателей работают сегодня на каждом из избирательных участков региона. За объективностью следят и иностранные активисты. В Екатеринбург для этого прилетел сербский политик Божидар Делич. Без дураков, без галстуков, без цензуры: в Москве стартовал марафон «Ночь выборов» 2018-03-18 16:08 Для освещения хода, а позже и подведения итогов президентских выборов, в Москве организован мультиформатный онлайн-марафон «Ночь выборов 2018 — LIVE». С различных точек зрения крупнейшее событие политической жизни России рассматривают политики, политологи, журналисты и блогеры. Принимают участие в марафоне и артисты, музыканты и другие представители культурной жизни страны. Все кандидаты проголосовали на выборах президента РФ 2018-03-18 16:09 На выборах президента России проголосовали все кандидаты. Большинство кандидатов, включая Владимира Путина, Владимира Жириновского и Ксению Собчак, проголосовали на участках в Москве, Павел Грудинин — в Совхозе имени Ленина, а бизнес-омбудсмен Борис Титов — в селе Абрау-Дюрсо в Краснодарском крае Как голосовали Путин, Жириновский и другие кандидаты в президенты 2018-03-18 16:12 Путин, как и в прошлые годы, голосовал на избирательном участке в здании Российской академии наук, Жириновский — на участке 2714 на юго-западе Москвы, Грудинин — в совхозе имени Ленина, а Борис Титов с семьей — по месту регистрации в Абрау-Дюрсо в Краснодарском крае. От подвоза избирателей до драк: нарушения на выборах президента РФ 2018-03-18 16:16 В Дагестане мужчина ударил одного из наблюдателей, в Екатеринбурге и других районах голосующих привозили на автобусах, а на нескольких участках не проверяли, где зарегистрирован голосующий. Ведем хронику нарушений на выборах 18 марта. Мирные жители нескончаемым потоком покидают Восточную Гуту 2018-03-18 16:23 С начала воскресенья Восточную Гуту покинули уже более 25 тысяч человек. Пункт пропуск организован в населенном пункте Хаммурия. Об этом сообщили в российском центре по примирению враждующих сторон. 5 тысяч строителей Крымского моста проголосуют в вахтовых городках в Тамани и Керчи 2018-03-18 16:46 В Севастополе и Крыму выборы проходят впервые после возвращения в состав России. И как раз 18 марта там отмечают четвертую годовщину подписания договора. Самый крупный избирательный участок в стране площадью около 6 тысяч квадратных метров работает в зале регистрации пассажиров международного аэропорта Симферополь. Строители Крымского моста голосуют в вахтовых городках в Тамани и Керчи. Перед посольством России в Берлине выстроилась 100-метровая очередь из голосующих 2018-03-18 16:51 В Германии проголосовать на выборах российского президента смогут почти полмиллиона россиян как постоянно проживающих в Германии, так и туристов из нашей страны. На предыдущих выборах в 2012 году своим правом воспользовались около 22 тысяч наших граждан в ФРГ. В Екатеринбурге в день выборов объявили караоке-батл 2018-03-18 17:13 В микрорайоне Академическом в день выборов объявили караоке-батл исполнения народных песен. Олег Кашин объясняет, почему не поддерживает бойкот выборов 2018-03-18 17:14 Оппозиционный журналист вспоминает, что еще раньше разошелся с Алексеем Навальным относительно того, надо ли голосовать на выборах, или нет. В 2018 году они, по его словам, снова занимают разные позиции. Кашин считает, что ни в случае голосования, ни в случае бойкота разницы для избирателя не будет. На выборах президента зафиксировали почти 900 нарушений более чем в 70 регионах России 2018-03-18 17:29 Такие данные приводи движение в защиту прав избирателей «Голос». Russian voters head to the polls across Europe 2018-03-18 17:29 Russians living overseas cast their votes in the Russian presidential election in several European capitals on Sunday. Voters waited in long queues outside embassies and consulates in Berlin, London, Geneva, Athens and Paris. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election will be contested by a total of eight candidates on March 18. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. Almost 111 million voters are registered to cast their votes to one of eight candidates, including the incumbent President. В Бельгии фиксируют рекордную явку избирателей на выборах президента РФ 2018-03-18 17:31 В Бельгии наши соотечественники тоже голосуют на выборах российского президента. В этой стране работают два избирательных участка в Брюсселе и Антверпене. В Рязани открылись продовольственные и вещевые ярмарки 2018-03-18 17:38 Как результат агропромышленного рывка — отечественные ярмарки встречают гостей. За покупателей в Рязани борются не только местные производители. Свою продукцию везут и из других регионов. Эти люди ничего не нарушили на выборах 2018-03-18 17:41 Но, как вы думаете, что они всем этим хотели сказать? Turkey: Turkish-backed forces gain 'control' over Afrin city centre, says Erdogan 2018-03-18 17:41 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army had established full control over Afrin city centre, speaking in Canakkale on Sunday. «Afrin city centre was put under control of the members of the Free Syrian Army, supported by the Turkish Armed Forces, as of 08:30 this morning,» claimed Erdogan. «Most of the terrorists already escaped, with their tails between their legs. Our special forces and members of the Free Syrian Army are cleaning up the remnants and booby traps which the terrorists left behind,» he added. «In Afrin city centre, symbols of peace and confidence are flying high, not the rags of the terrorist organisation,» said Erdogan. The operation in and around Afrin is part of the Turkish-led 'Olive Branch' military operation against Syrian Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Рязанские сельхозпроизводители готовятся к новым рекордам 2018-03-18 17:42 Прошлогодний урожай сельхозпредприятия региона реализуют до сих пор. В Рязанской области открылся второй за неделю ФАП 2018-03-18 17:43 По поручению Владимира Путина в российских селах будут развивать медицину. Свыше миллиарда рублей на строительство фельдшерских пунктов дает государство. В нашем регионе подключились инвесторы. И теперь вместо запланированных пяти в этом году будут открыты 10 ФАПов. В Лондоне у российского посольства прошла акция протеста 2018-03-18 17:57 Бизнесмен Евгений Чичваркин устроил акцию протеста напротив здания посольства России в Лондоне. Бывший владелец компании «Евросеть» призвал бойкотировать президентские выборы. В Крыму проголосовала половина избирателей 2018-03-18 17:58 Нынешнее голосование — первые для аннексированного полуострова выборы российского президента. Там открыты более тысячи двухсот избирательных участков. В Севастополе всем, кто проголосовал, выдают памятные медали. Россияне не смогли проголосовать на территории Украины 2018-03-18 17:58 Украинские власти не допустили россиян до избирательных участков в дипломатических представительствах. По распоряжению украинского МВД, в консульства и посольство в день голосования пускают только дипломатов. Концерты, голуби, еда: Москва выбирает президента 2018-03-18 17:59 В Москве на избирательных участках 18 марта можно было купить еду, посетить выставку голубей и получить билеты на концерт в Олимпийском. Встречались также гигантские шахматы, викторины по истории и конкурсы селфи. В воскресенье в России проходят выборы президента. После 17 часов явка в столице превысила 50 процентов. На выборах президента России зафиксировали почти 900 нарушений 2018-03-18 17:59 На выборах президента России зафиксировали почти 900 нарушений более чем в 70 регионах страны. Такие данные о нарушениях приводит движение в защиту прав избирателей «Голос». Нарушения в основном связаны с вбросами бюллетеней, массовым подвозом избирателей и отстранением наблюдателей. Russia: Vote count begins as voting ends in Irkutsk 2018-03-18 18:07 Last-minute voters in Irkutsk cast their ballots in the Russian presidential election as local polling stations prepared to close on Sunday evening. After all ballot stations in the area closed at 20:00 local time, the officials and election observers opened up the sealed ballot boxes and began the counting. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election is contested by a total of eight candidates. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. South Korea: Stunning firework display brings Pyeongchang Games to a close 2018-03-18 18:24 The Winter Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang ended with a spectacular firework display outside the city's Olympic Stadium on Sunday. The Winter Paralympic Games took place in South Korea from March 9-18. The US team took home a 36-medal haul, 13 of which were gold, and finished first. The Neutral Paralympic Athletes team collected 24 medals in total. The next Winter Games are set to take place in Beijing in 2022, with the Tokyo Summer Olympics in 2020. Ukraine: Nationalists prevent Russian nationals from voting in presidential election 2018-03-18 18:33 Ukrainian nationalists blocked access to the Russian consulate in Lvov on Sunday, in order to prevent Russian nationals from casting their vote in the Russian presidential election. A handful of members from far-right organisations Svoboda, Right Sector and National Corps also set fire to a small model of the Kremlin, and exhibited numerous Ukrainian flags outside the building. Similar obstructions also reportedly occurred outside the Russian consulates in Odessa, Kiev and Kharkov, with only Russians with diplomatic passports being allowed into the buildings to vote with permission of Ukrainian officials. A bear, rocket-man and giant sandwich — oddballs wow Russian voters during election 2018-03-18 18:46 Several Russian nationals showed their patriotism in unexpected ways as presidential elections got underway across the country, Sunday. One Buryatia resident cast his vote in Severobaikalsk while wearing a bear costume and holding a Russian flag. Another resident of the Gorbunki village in Leningrad Region cast his vote dressed as a rocket-man, which according to locals was a creation of his own. Football players of FC SKA-Khabarovsk, who also participated in the presidential election, were presented with a giant one-metre long sandwich. The first polls opened in Russia's Far East at 20:00 GMT on Saturday, March 17, and the last polls, in the Kaliningrad exclave, close at 18:00 GMT on Sunday, March 18. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election will be contested by a total of eight candidates on March 18. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. According to the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Ella Pamfilova, over 1,000 international observers will work in Russia to oversee the election process. Russia: Officials probe possible ballot stuffing in Moscow Region 2018-03-18 18:54 Russian election officials have started an investigation into apparent ballot stuffing in the city of Lyubertsy near Moscow on Sunday. Russia’s Central Electoral Commission Chairperson Ella Pamfilova stated that a member of the electoral commission at ballot station number 1479 in Lyubertsy city had performed “stuffing of the ballot box.” She demonstrated a video allegedly showing the incident at the Information Centre for presidential elections in Moscow. Pamfilova also stated that an “adequate” decision by a special investigative commission will be made concerning the incident. Reportedly, the ballot box involved in the stuffing was sealed, while all the ballots in it have been annulled. The head of the local electoral commission and a member of the commission have been suspended from their duties 'Wanted to see Uncle Putin!' — Russian boy heartbroken over presidential election 2018-03-18 19:02 SOT, Dima, crying toddler (Russian): «Wanted [to see] uncle Putin.» SOT, Ekaterina, Dima’s mother (Russian): «Wanted to see uncle Putin?» SOT, Dima, crying toddler (Russian): «Yes.» SOT, Ekaterina, Dima’s mother (Russian): «Dima, my dear, please do not take it hard. You are just too small, you will grow up and see him. Did you want to today?» SOT, Dima, crying toddler (Russian): «Yes.» SOT, Ekaterina, Dima’s mother (Russian): «Deal?» Three-year-old Dima cried his heart out while being driven home after his parents voted in the Russian presidential election in Novosibirsk, Sunday. The boy was highly disappointed to not have had the chance to meet one of the candidates, incumbent President Vladimir Putin. «Wanted to see Uncle Putin,» Dima cried as his mother Ekaterina promised he would get another chance to see the current Russian leader in the future. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election is contested by a total of eight candidates on March 18. Should no candidate secure an absolute majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. Almost 111 million voters are registered to cast their votes for one of eight candidates, including the incumbent president. Peru: Floods batter central mountainous regions 2018-03-18 19:22 Flash floods destroyed sections of the nation’s central highway in the province of Ambo, central Peru, on Saturday, dragging under a heavy cargo truck and threatening to claim a second, as seen on Sunday. Due to heavy rains, the Huallaga River burst its banks this morning causing several landslides. The intense rainfall looks set to continue, further endangering surrounding populations who are without adequate flood defences. According to the meteorological service, such flooding is normal in the first quarter of every year — Peru’s rainy season. Ukraine: Anti-election protesters throw eggs at Russian Consulate General building 2018-03-18 19:37 Ukrainian protesters threw eggs at the Russian Consulate General building in Kiev in apparent defiance at the ongoing Russian presidential election on Sunday. Protesters also goaded security staff with an effigy of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Numerous groups were present at the picket, reportedly including members of nationalist parties, among them the National Corps, Svoboda and the Right Sector. Ukraine: ‘Putin’ laid to rest in coffin outside Russian Consulate in Kharkiv 2018-03-18 20:07 Right-wing protesters brought a coffin containing an effigy depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin to the entrance of the Russian Consulate General in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Sunday, coinciding with the Russian presidential election. According to the Ukrainian media, members of the right-wing groups 'Right Sector' and 'Svoboda' took part in the protest. Ukrainian authorities have prevented Russian citizens from voting at the Russian Consulates in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv and Lviv on Sunday, only allowing people with diplomatic passports into the buildings to cast their ballots in Russia's presidential election. On Sunday, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described the denial of access as «absolutely illegal.» Spain: Unionist demonstration floods Barcelona's streets 2018-03-18 20:12 Supporters of Spanish unity marched through central Barcelona on Saturday, to promote ‘unity, coexistence and common sense’ in the Catalan independence debate. Protesters waved Spanish, Catalan and European Union flags, at the meeting organised by Societat Civil Catalana. Several prominent figures opposed to Catalan separatism were in attendance, including the leader of Ciudadanos Albert Rivera and French former prime minister Manuel Valls. Russia: With 21% of ballots counted, Putin leads with almost 72% of the vote 2018-03-18 20:19 Вести Тула. Многие туляки решили проголосовать с утра пораньше 2018-03-18 20:21 Вести Тула. Эфир от 18.03.2018 2018-03-18 20:31 Russia: Sobchak comments on presidential election 2018-03-18 20:45 Russian presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak commented on her recent debates with Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny, speaking at her headquarters in Moscow, Sunday. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW* Russian daredevil flies hang-glider to polling station to vote in presidential election 2018-03-18 20:46 A Russian man in Nizhny Novgorod region went to the extreme to fulfill his civic duty by flying to a polling station using his powered hang-glider in the city of Arzamas on Sunday. The daredevil, Alexander Vikhorev, lives in a remote village and instead of driving to the polling station, he flew there. «We had a plan to have a small flight in the area. And we decided to coincide it with the elections,» Vikhorev said. The first polls opened in Russia's Far East at 20:00 GMT on Saturday, March 17, and the last polls, in the Kaliningrad exclave, close at 18:00 GMT on Sunday, March 18. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election is contested by a total of eight candidates on March 18. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. Almost 111 million voters are registered to cast their votes to one of eight candidates, including the incumbent president, Vladimir Putin. According to the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Ella Pamfilova, over 1,000 international observers will work in Russia to oversee the election process. Вести Тула. Алексей Дюмин: сегодня мы выбираем наше будущее 2018-03-18 20:50 Вести Тула. Сергей Харитонов: важно было сегодня прийти на избирательные участки 2018-03-18 21:02 Syria: Assad given hero's welcome by troops in Eastern Ghouta 2018-03-18 21:05 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited troops on the frontline in Eastern Ghouta on Sunday, as the armed forces continue to make significant gains into militant-held territory. On the morale boosting stopover, Assad congratulated fighters of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), saying he was proud. Eastern Ghouta has been under rebel control since 2012 and its recapture would represent a major victory for the Assad regime. Вести Тула. Иностранные наблюдатели следили за ходом выборов в Туле 2018-03-18 21:21 Russia: Presidential election vote count begins in Moscow 2018-03-18 21:23 Last-minute voters in Moscow cast their ballots in the Russian presidential election as the capital's polling stations prepared to close on Sunday evening. After all ballot stations closed at 20:00 local time, officials and election observers opened up the sealed ballot boxes and began the counting. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election has been contested by a total of eight candidates. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. UK: Scuffles break out as Tommy Robinson speaks in London's Hyde Park 2018-03-18 21:32 Scuffles erupted in central London on Sunday as dozens of English Defence League (EDL) activists gathered to hear the movement's founder Tommy Robinson speak. Robinson's far-right group of followers was confronted by opposition, sparking fights and prompting police intervention. Many of those attending carried Islamophobic placards, claiming their free speech was being infringed upon. Stephen Lennon, who uses Tommy Robinson as a pseudonym, then gave a speech to those gathered at Hyde Park's Speakers' corner despite leaving the EDL in 2013. Вести Тула. В Тульской области прошло народное голосование «Решаем вместе» 2018-03-18 21:43 Russia: Putin speaks of need for unity at rally in Moscow 2018-03-18 22:09 Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed his supporters in central Moscow, Sunday. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW* Russia: Putin slams Skripal poisoning accusations as 'nonsense' 2018-03-18 22:55 Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed his supporters at his election headquarters in Moscow, Sunday. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW* USA: Anti-Putin activists heckle Russian voters in NYC 2018-03-18 23:14 Anti-Putin activists heckled Russian voters queuing outside a polling station in New York City on Sunday. The activists chanted slogans against the Russian president, while also holding papers with anti-Putin messages. The first polls opened in Russia's Far East at 20:00 GMT on Saturday, March 17, and the last polls, in the Kaliningrad exclave, closed at 18:00 GMT on Sunday, March 18. The first round of the 2018 Russian presidential election is contested by a total of eight candidates. Should no candidate reach a majority, a second round will take place three weeks later scheduled for April 8. Italy: Rome a free-for-all as Kurdish activists go for Turkish Embassy 2018-03-18 23:16 Dozens of pro-Kurdish activists scuffled with police in Rome on Sunday as they attempted to reach the Turkish Embassy to protest against the country's on-going operation 'Olive Branch' in the Kurdish-Syrian region of Afrin. The protesters exhibited numerous flags, banners and placards denouncing the reported aggression. The protest comes as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the establishment of full control over Afrin's city centre by Turkish and Syrian forces. Russia: Sobchak offered ‘big money’ to take part in election — Navalny 2018-03-18 23:29 SOT, Ksenia Sobchak, Russian presidential candidate (Russian): «You're lying now. I didn't say anything like this and you know it.» SOT, Alexey Navalny, opposition activist (Russian): «May I continue speaking?» SOT, Ksenia Sobchak, Russian presidential candidate (Russian): «You have a lot of bugs [wiretapping] in your apartment.» SOT, Alexey Navalny, opposition activist (Russian): «I hope it will be published and you feel ashamed.» SOT, Ksenia Sobchak, Russian presidential candidate (Russian): «I didn't anything say like this, it is a lie.» SOT, Alexey Navalny, opposition activist (Russian): «May I continue speaking?» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Russian presidential candidate from the Civic Initiative party Ksenia Sobchak and opposition activist Alexey Navalny held a heated debate over the Russian presidential election in Moscow on Sunday. Navalny said Sobchak had told him before the election that she is running in exchange for a large sum of money, and that by deciding to join the presidential race she is discrediting the opposition. «It was a great scheme and you were a part of that scheme. Just because I was barred from running in the election, you participated in this to frustrate opposition,» Navalny said. «You need to change yourself and I know you'll deal with it. You can be different. And then we can expect different results for our opposition. Today unfortunately we have a split,» Sobchak replied to Navalny. She also compared the oppositions' and Putin's presidential campaigns, saying that arguing between the candidates did not help the common cause. «Putin, unlike us, gathered all his people, he did it so his electorate had a high turnout and were taken in full buses, so they went and voted. What did we do? We continued arguing. I call on everyone to vote for the opposition candidate, you called a boycott. It is arguing that voters see. I urge you to be smarter, wiser and not to be petty,» she concluded. Russia: Prominent journalist thanks UK for larger than expected Russian election turnout 2018-03-18 23:38 Renowned Russian journalist and TV presenter, Andrei Kondrashov, gave his analysis of the Russian presidential election in an interview from Moscow on Sunday. “I must say thank you to Great Britain, because once again they did not calculate the Russian mentality,” Kondrashov said. “We were pressured exactly at the moment when we needed to mobilise, because whenever Russia is unjustifiably accused of something, when we are threatened with sanctions … they unite around the centre of power,” he added. “Therefore, thanks to Britain for having made such a turnout for the elections, which we ourselves have not dreamed of,” concluded the Russian journalist. «The [preliminary] figure for the turnout is higher than we expected by 8-10 percent,» he stated. Russia: 'This election was not fair' — Communist candidate Grudinin 2018-03-18 23:42 Russian presidential candidate for the Communist Party Pavel Grudinin claimed that the presidential election was 'not fair', speaking from the party headquarters in Moscow on Sunday, shortly after the preliminary results were announced. Grudinin said his campaign showed him that ordinary Russians do not believe in the authorities and that «therefore whoever wins in the elections, he will have to change the authorities' attitude towards people, towards those people who live in the country.» He added that opposition activist Alexei Navalny, who was barred from running in the election, was right about electoral fraud. «It has already been clear that this election was not fair,» he said. «Yes, these were the greatest elections, as Pamfilova [Ella Pamfilova, chairperson of the Russian Central Electoral Commission] and the dirtiest ones at the post-Soviet space,» concluded Grudinin. Russia: Sobchak accuses Alexei Navalny staffers of electoral fraud 2018-03-18 23:43 Russian presidential candidate for the Civic Initiative Party Ksenia Sobchak spoke from her election headquarters, in Moscow on Sunday. Sobchak stated that her party’s observers could not get to polling stations in the Kemerovo Region, accusing opposition activist Alexei Navalny's staffers of faking over 200 forms for the dispatch of the team. These forms were, she said, discovered to be fake by electoral officials. She went on to say: “all these forms in Navalny’s headquarters had been filled out by hand all night. As a result, independent observers were not allowed to many voting stations until the circumstances were clarified.” Ella Pamfilova, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission, earlier said that the commission continues to investigate all the incoming allegations of possible fraud. Russia: Putin thanks supporters for their votes 2018-03-19 00:03 Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his thanks to his supporters, speaking from his campaign headquarters in Moscow on Sunday, shortly after the announcement of preliminary results. «It is obvious that without your professional, true support, the results of the elections could have been completely different,» Putin said. A state exit poll indicates incumbent President Putin will take around 74 percent of the vote. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW* Russia: Celebrated film director Konchalovsky hails Putin’s election victory 2018-03-19 00:18 Russian film director Andrei Konchalovsky praised Vladimir Putin's leadership qualities after his victory in the 2018 Russian presidential elections, during an interview from Moscow on Sunday. Konchalovsky spoke about his «extraordinary joy» upon learning the results. «I was almost sure that this would happen and Putin would lead,» he added. Konchalovsky went on to say, «[Putin] can now lead our country through very tough and turbulent times that are coming.» Russia: 'My result is better than others' — Zhirinovsky on election outcome 2018-03-19 00:39 Leader of LDPR (formerly Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) Vladimir Zhirinovsky said his election result is better than other candidates, speaking at his campaign headquarters after the preliminary results were announced in Moscow on Sunday. «My losses are 20 times lower than the Communist Party's. In this sense I won. I mean, regarding results. My result is better than other candidates' who were looking for scandal,» Zhirinovsky said. He stated that «five candidates from eight are figureheads — Titov, Baburin, Yavlinsky, Sobchak and Suraikin and they were intentionally taken for the entourage». «There are tsars sitting in the Kremlin. But there is democracy just for show, for the West — okay, we'll hold the elections and we have another parties. But the power is in the hands of one Kremlin official and the party serves him just for show,» the veteran candidate added. Zhirinovsky is the only candidate who runs in the presidential elections for the sixth time. His first race was in 1991, when he lost to Boris Yeltsin. The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia was created in 1989. Выборы в России: взгляд из США 2018-03-19 00:59 В специальном эфире из Вашингтона — исполнительный директор Фонда Бориса Немцова за свободу Ольга Шорина. Russia: 'Results could have been different' — Sobchak after elections 2018-03-19 01:12 Russian presidential candidate for the Civic Initiative Party Ksenia Sobchak commented on the preliminary results of the election, speaking from her campaign headquarters in Moscow on Sunday. «Of course, if opposition had managed to unite itself as the authorities managed — whatever means they used — to unite their voters, if we had managed to mobilise our voters, [and create] a joint oppositional electorate, the results could have been different,» she said. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW* Игорь Чубайс: это была безвыигрышная лотерея 2018-03-19 01:29 Философ и социолог Игорь Чубайс считает, что за Путина на президентских выборах голосовали «консерваторы, которые не за будущее, а за прошлое». Morocco: Police clash with protesters in Nador 2018-03-19 01:39 Police clashed with a number or protesters in the Moroccan city of Nador on Sunday, after a number of members of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights had planned a demonstration in solidarity with the ongoing protest movement in Jerada. The protest was called for via Facebook, and security forces reportedly dismantled the gathering before the rally began. A wave of protests had sparked in the Moroccan city of Jerada in December 2017 and have since been echoed in other cities. Demonstrators have been campaigning against the economic policy of the government, which encourages people to dig abandoned mines in dangerous conditions. The Jerada mine used to employ over 9,000 people before it closed in 1990. Despite the mine being shuttered, impoverished young people continue to brave the pits — dubbed «the mines of death» — to extract coal by hand to sell to local traders. Открытая Россия: фальсификации стали более хитрыми 2018-03-19 01:49 Александр Соловьев, председатель движения «Открытая Россия», подытожил результаты голосования: «Вся государственная махина Российской Федерации направлена на то, чтобы переназначить Путина». Russia: Mikhalkov says Skripal poisoning akin to ‘blockbuster’ by ‘low-grade screenwriter’ 2018-03-19 01:55 To prominent Russian filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov, the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal is like a «blockbuster is written by a very low-grade screenwriter.» Mikhalkov made the comparison in an interview from incumbent President Vladimir Putin's campaign headquarters in Moscow on Sunday. «If Russia wanted to do it, nobody would know about it. It would be done tidy and simply — like serious intelligence services usually work,» said the Order of Merit for the Fatherland recepient. Mikhalkov elaborated: «To get rid of a man who has once been swapped, [to do it] just one week ahead of the elections, [to do it] in England, you know, it a sort of a naive animation film from the sixties.» The director also argued that the poisoning-related allegations «prompted people to come and vote for Putin.» Шингаркин: второе место Грудинина — это запрос общества на борьбу с олигархами 2018-03-19 02:05 Бывший депутат Госдумы Максим Шингаркин считает, что российские олигархи «должны быть отделены от власти в стране». Сколько Путин собирается оставаться у власти 2018-03-19 02:24 После избрания на четвертый срок, Владимир Путин отвечает на вопрос, планирует ли он участвовать в следующих президентских выборах. USA: NYC's Russian voters cast last ballots 2018-03-19 02:48 Russian voters continued to queue outside the Russian Consulate in New York City on Sunday at the time polling stations had already closed in Russia and the preliminary results had been announced. In addition to queuing voters, some of whom wearing white-blue-red ribbons and Russian flags, there was also a protester waving red balloons with the words «fake elections on them.» «I am protesting, because I believe, if I vote, then I'm participating in a scheme, in a fake election. And all these people that are here, they're voting and it's their choice and I respect it. But as Russian citizen I chose not to vote,» the protester said. Besides the polling station inside the Russian Consulate, there was another polling station in New York City's Brixton, Brooklyn. Both stations closed at 20.00 local time [00:00 GMT]. According to the information made public by the Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC), the incumbent Russian president Vladimir Putin is now leading with over 76 percent of the vote. Russia: 'We should admit people really want this President,' says Sobchack as Putin claims victory 2018-03-19 03:10 Russian presidential candidate for the Civic Initiative Party Ksenia Sobchack said that «what we should be realistic about is the huge amount of support of Putin,» in an interview from her campaign headquarters in Moscow on Sunday, shortly following the announcement of the preliminary results of the 2018 Russian presidential election. «This result, maybe, would be not 75% but 68% or whatever. But still we should admit that the majority of people really want this President,» she said. She went on to say: «Of course, it's not the result I would dream about, but my campaign was not about the result, my campaign was about talking truth on the propagandistic channels.» «The only way to fight with this system is to unite all the people with liberal values,» Sobchack concluded. According to information made public by the Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC), incumbent Russian president Vladimir Putin is now leading with over 76 percent of the vote. Syria: SAA establishes full control over Saqba in E. Ghouta 2018-03-19 03:36 The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has managed to establish full control over Saqba in Eastern Ghouta on Sunday, after intense battles with rebel forces. The army brought a significant amount of humanitarian aid and food, which was welcomed by local residents, who, in their own words, were fed animal fodder by the rebels. «They [the insurgents] were forcing people to support them by making them starve. They starved and humiliated people. They were forcing the people who are not involved in weapons or any of that, who just wanted to get their daily food supplies,» one resident said as he recalled the dire conditions the city was under. He added: «You may see some smiles on people's faces as the army has come, but it is greater happiness inside.» Heavy machinery was also deployed to clear the streets from rubble. Russia: Putin's supporters rejoice after preliminary results announced 2018-03-19 03:43 SOT, supporter of Vladimir Putin, (Russian): «Russia will keep developing, following the same course. We are sure that we will succeed in everything, just like our president said, our candidate.» SOT, supporter of Vladimir Putin, (Russian): «On behalf of the Young Guard [of United Russia], we came to this well-organized event because we love our country. We believe that with the president like this, our country will overcome the international isolation and will return the status of a super-power. We love Russia.» Vladimir Putin's supporters celebrated the likely victory of the incumbent Russian leader at the Manezhnaya Square, after the Russian leader made a brief appearance and addressed the crowds at the 'Russia. Sevastopol. Crimea' concert in Moscow, on Sunday. One of the supporters described Putin as the person «who brings up our country, who does everything for our country.» Another supporter added: «Everything is great. We will be following the same course. We will be developing our economy. I hope the retirement pensions will increase. And education issues will be raised [as well].» The younger generation of Putin's supporters also expressed their excitement, saying: «I can see only big perspectives and a big future» and «Russia will keep developing, following the same course. We are sure that we will succeed in everything, just like our president said.» According to preliminary results made public by the Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC), incumbent Russian president Vladimir Putin is now leading with over 76 percent of the vote. «Хочется увидеть хорошую жизнь» 2018-03-19 03:49 Жители подмосковного города Железнодорожный о том, почему они пошли голосовать. В Красноярске стартовал транссибирский арт-фестиваль 2018-03-19 05:50 Он начался с открытия арт-объекта - огромной скрипки. Вадим Репин первым оставил на ней свой автограф. |
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