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Yeghiazaryan.Info - Информационно-аналитический портал China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine and other European States had agreed to let supplies bypassing Russia


Authorities in Turkey, China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, together with the European politicians have set up a consortium for transporting goods from China to Europe, bypassing Russia.

A corresponding agreement was signed on 28 November, the representatives of the major transport and logistics operators in Istanbul.

The paper noted that the agreement was reached during the presentation capabilities of trans-Caspian transport route China-Turkey-Europe.

Willingness to become the founders of the Consortium, along with Chinese company Mishgeng Logistics, expressed "KTZH express" (transport company, part of the "Kazakhstan railway"), "the Azerbaijan Caspian shipping company" and the Azerbaijani company "Caravan of logistics", as well as Trans Caucasus Terminals (a subsidiary of "Georgian Railway").

Turkey is represented in the Consortium as an associate member.

As part of this project during the year 2016 is planned through Georgia transported the first few thousands of containers from China to Turkey and Europe.

The parties also plan to start next year, the transport of goods through Ukraine in Northern and Eastern Europe.


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