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Перезагрузка В законе тяготения не хватает периодической функции

В Законе Всемирного тяготения не хватает периодической функции, что доказывают результаты элементарных расчетов, визуализированные при помощи графика.



Without gravity, there would be no beauty of our world.

Without gravity, there would be no life on earth.

We have learned to overcome gravity.

We have discovered the laws of motion of celestial bodies.

But we still do not know what "gravity" is in its ontology.

Niels Bohr began the construction of quantum mechanics with his famous postulates about the orbits of electrons. But two and a half thousand years ago, the Pythagoreans said something similar about the orbits of celestial bodies, linking planetary distances with musical intervals in the scale. This topic has been repeatedly raised by scientists such as Ptolemy, Kepler and others. the Culmination was the creation of the ticius-Bode rule, in the formula of which whole numbers appear. But, as you know, integers in the formula are a pointer to quantization. Elementary simple analysis of the Law of universal Gravitation in the framework of the third Kepler's law shows that the theory of gravity does not take into account the periodic function, which is clearly there must be present, as can be seen from the graph, built on the results of calculations.

For many years, the General theory of relativity could not be combined with quantum mechanics. This is not surprising, since GRT is a theory of sensations in a moving Elevator without Windows and doors, based on the symmetry of the Lorentz transformations (without splitting the reference systems into priority and secondary ones) and the space dimension ct, introduced into physics in a speculative way when rotating the coordinate axes, is meaningless from the point of view of physics. 

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