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Читаем газеты по-английски

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Читаем газеты по-английски Читаем газеты и говорим по-английски

    "Reading Newspapers and Talking Politics"



1. Lenin understood that to struggle for peace was imperative because socialism and capitalism would exist side by side for a long time. 2. Lenin believed that economic agreements between Soviet Russia and capitalist countries did not contradict Marxist principles. 3. Lenin spoke against those who opposed trade with the capitalist countries. 4. Tomany people the existence of Soviet Russia surrounded by unfriendly capitalist countries seemed unimaginable. . Lenin emphasized in the early years that Soviet Russia was on the point of war. 6. Lenin showed that socialism would win in the end. 7. Already in 1960 the world Communist movement declared that war is no longer unavoidable. 8. The defence of peace is connected with the struggle to make the imperialists agree to peaceful coexistence. 9. Lenin said that there was nothing in the way of peaceful relations with the capitalist countries on the part of Soviet Russia. 10. Lenin analysed the question of the relations between states with different social systems. 11. Lenin knew how much enmity Soviet Russia would find itself faced by, but he also proved that the capitalist countries would have to establish relations with it.

Corresponding to the changes in the world balance and the advance of socialism, the tactics of the champions of anti-communism have had to change.

The initial strategy of the direct wars of intervention against young Soviet Russia ended in failure in face of the heroic resistance of the Soviet working people and the international solidarity of the workers in the Western countries.

The second strategy concentrated on the initial smashing of the Western working class through fascism, in order on the basis of counter-revolution in Germany to build the most formidable military machine yet known for launching the assault on the Soviet Union. This strategy, which led to the Second World War, also finally ended in failure, in face of the diplomatic, political and military skill of the Soviet Union in building up the anti-fascist coalition of the peoples and the fighting qualities of the Soviet Army.

Hence after the Second World War followed the third stage of the anti-,communist campaign, the tactics of the cold war, to surround the Soviet Union and new socialist countries with an encircling ring of military alliancies and bases, backed by the overwhelming strength of assumed nuclear superiority. However, after the Sputnik of 1957 the dream of nuclear superiority has vanished.

So has followed the current period when military superiority can no longer be assumed and parity of strength has to be recognized. In the present situation two alternative courses open up, between which the choice will have to be made.One is to build up still more massive military strength against the socialist world, to strengthen and increase the military equipment of Nato, and to extend its range. The other is to recognize the new international situation, the complete bankruptcy of the old cold war policies, and the necessity to advance to a new basis of agreement, for reduction of armaments and for a European Mutual Security Treaty replacing the Nato and the Warsaw Treaty in Europe.

All the more responsibility falls on the Communist parties, the Labour movement and all democratic organizations in the capitalist countries to make their governments follow the peaceful course. The future of mankind does not lie in passive submission to fate but in opposing war by every possible means.


Ending the friendly and business-like gathering, the delegates at the conference of European Communist Parties in Karlovy Vary (April 24— 26, 1967) unanimously called on all the peoples of Europe to take action for collective security.

The danger, represented by the possibility of armed conflict in Europe, bringing with it the possibility of nuclear world war weighs heavily on the peoples of Europe. The upsurge of neo-nazism in West Germany has deeply disturbed European opinion.

The Conference, the first in which Communist Parties of the capitalist and Socialist countries in Europe have met was successful. The participants achieved unity on the main questions affecting peace in Europe. The present situation, the delegates said, urgently needs: A treaty between all European States to renounce the use of force, or any such threat. A treaty to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.1 Active support for all the West German people who are striving against neo-nazi trends and emergency laws and for democracy.

Normal relations between the European States and the German Democratic Republic, and between the G. D. R. and West Germany. "It is high time to establish new relations in Europe based on a real relaxation of tension and mutual trust," the statement said. "We, Communists in different national conditions, will spare no effort toward building a collective security system." It is vital to recognize the European status quo2 as the starting point. This means that the existing borders must be recognized; that two German states exist; and that the Munich Pact3 was always invalid.

The European Communists support opening up new perspectives by partial solutions. All proposals from any source should be most carefully studied. Suggestions for the calling of conferences of all European States and of all European parliaments will be fully supported.

Thawing out the cold war would free vast economic resources to provide higher living standards not only in Europe but the whole world, just as a secure peace in Europe would have a profound effect on world peace as a whole.

Socialists, trade unionists, Christians, intellectuals, women, youth and businessmen should take up the demand for immediate steps toward European collective security. World war is not inevitable, the statement said. The nations of Europe are capable of making their own decisions about peace on their continent.

"Let them take the destiny of Europe into their own hands," the statement ends.

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