Gazeta.Ru: News In English
The Information Channel Felist.Com 19:03 Russian economy grows 3.6% in Jan-May 18:38 93 Russian peacekeepers killed during Georgia-Abkhazia conflict 18:25 Police official killed in Grozny 18:23 Russia out to prove economic worth at G8 summit 18:06 Russian population fell by nearly 302,000 people in Jan-Apr 2002 17:27 Sberbank president Kazmin retains post 16:55 Crimes againt Africans, Asians on the rise in Russia 16:26 Kazakh party law attacked as Soviet-style move 15:34 S. African ship sent to rescue Russ...
Gazeta.Ru: News In English
The Information Channel Felist.Com 14:59 Iran to create own nuclear weapons soon - Russian Greenpeace 14:55 Major terrorist act prevented in Chechnya 14:53 Yeltsin arrives in Belarus on private visit 14:50 Siberian experts to fight forest fires in USA 13:52 Duma bans farmland sales to foreigners 13:45 Woman who suffered in anti-Semitic blast awarded Order of Courage 13:35 Armed border guard deserts in Far East 13:31 Floods kill 4 people in South Russia 13:24 Ukrainian ex-MP detained in Moscow for large-sca...
Gazeta.Ru: News In English
The Information Channel Felist.Com 10:58 Duma passes insolvency bill after 2nd reading 10:18 Russian oil giant expands into Cyprus 10:13 Russian peacekeeping force in Balkans to be cut by two thirds 08:43 WTO talks on Russian entry make slow progress 08:41 Supermodel Cindy ponders Russian space adventure 08:40 Russian oil executives offer to pay for top coach E-mail: Unsubscribe ...