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Gazeta.Ru: News In English

Gazeta.Ru: News In English

Mailing List Service Felist.Com 17:39 Court Says Terrorists Not Guilty of Blowing Up Moscow Houses, Jails Them Anyway 16:23 Chief Auditor Criticizes Government for Inertness in Fighting Corruption 16:03 Soldier Prosecuted for Stealing 2 Ruble Coin 15:42 Police Seize 14 Kilograms of Heroin from 76 year old Woman 15:00 5.3 Tons of Drugs Seized on Afghani-Tajik Border in 2001 http://felist.com/ E-mail: ask@felist.com Unsubscribe ...

2001-11-14 20:56:43 + Комментировать

Gazeta.Ru: News In English

Mailing List Service Felist.Com 14:47 Federal Serviceman Killed in Chechnya 14:24 Russia Sees no "Hasty Decisions" on Oil 14:03 U.N. Ships First Afghan Aid from Uzbekistan 13:56 Letter with White Powder Sent to Yeltsin 13:54 OPEC Oil Cut in Doubt Amid Anger over Russia 13:49 State Duma Fails to Overrun Veto on Law on Gubernatorial Elections 13:30 Mass Grave Found near Chechnyas Grozny 11:40 Boy Killed in Moscow Metro 11:27 Russian Trade Unions Stage Nationwide Protest http://felist.com/ E-mail: ask@felist....

2001-11-14 14:56:41 + Комментировать

Gazeta.Ru: News In English

Mailing List Service Felist.Com 10:19 Policeman Wounded by Gunfire as Students Rally in Grozny 10:18 US Welcomes Russia WTO Entry - Set to Drop Jackson-Vanik Amendment 10:09 Putin Issues New Appeal on Arms Cuts 10:08 No Deal Yet with Moscow on Iraq Sanctions - Britain 10:07 Bush Aims to Charm Putin at Texas Ranch 10:06 Russian Aid Arrives in Hurricane-Battered Cuba 10:05 Stalin Sent Philby to Kill Franco - London Times http://felist.com/ E-mail: ask@felist.com Unsubscribe ...

2001-11-14 10:56:55 + Комментировать