Факультету лингвистики: Конференции, публикации, наука. о приеме заявок на проведение научного исследования в 2007-2
Dear Madam, Sir,
Please find enclosed the call for applications for the research grant2007-2008 of the Chair InBev-Baillet Latour (European Union-Russia) at KULeuven, Belgium. The call for applications is directed to Russian researchers working on topics related to European-Russian affairs in the field of human sciences (social sciences, economics, law, modern history, ...).
we ask you to forward this call for applications to all the persons at your institute who might be interested? More information about the Chair InBev - Baillet Latour and the research grant can be found at http://www.iieb.be/ibl
Yours sincerely,
Prof. dr. Katlijn Malfliet, Director Ria Laenen, Co-ordinator Chair InBev-Baillet Latour at
KULeuven Institute for International and European Policy KULeuven E. Van Evenstraat 2b 3000 Leuven - Belgium