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Новые резюме на JobinWeb.ru (Оптовая торговля. Закупки. ВЭД.)

Дата: 19.12.03 02:25
Специальность: Экономист - международник
Ф.И.О. (или ник): Феледьхази Томаш
Город: Заграница
Оплата: от 4500 долл./мес.
Описание: Studies:
1987 – 1992 State University of St. Petersburg, Russia – Faculty of Economics, majoring in international economic relations: Master of Science (grade “cum laude”).
1974 – 1977 Three years study in a local (Spanish) primary school of Havana, Cuba.

Work experiences:
from December 11th, 2001 Hungaro-Kábel Co., Ltd. in Budapest (Hungary)– foreign economy consultant on contractor basis (reporting on foreign economy projects, a full-scope management, care for economic relations, project planning)
May, 2001 – Jan, 2002 kiwwi Telecommunications Ltd. – sales representative (subcontractor)
preparing and conclusion of contracts of alternative service (Internet Protocol)
Aug, 2000 – March, 2001 Vegyépszer Co., Ltd. – C.I.S. Branch – (project’s) CFO in NW Kazakhstan
(economic and human management of a construction investment (leaded by GE Powers), preparation of weekly subcontractor reports, payroll calculation and financial management
April,1995 – Oct, 2000 Zwack Unicum Co., Ltd. (Budapest, Hungary) Export Division – export sales manager (supervisor of export markets, turnover development in North America with product improvement, at the same time the takeover of the Moscow Office’s functions, in addition temporary full operation management in frame of a project, establishment of needs and drafting of yearly export sales plans, handover of product licenses to our Romanian partner in Miercurea-Ciuc, Rumania and controlling at our affiliated company in Brno, the Czech Republic).
Jan, 1995 – March, 1995 Chem-East Ltd. in Budapest (Hungary) - Chemo Iberica S.A.'s affiliated in CEE) – foreign trade manager
(full-scope trade operations of a multinational pharmaceutical company in Eastern Europe, including reexport and import management)
Sept, 1985 – Aug, 1986 Industrialexport Engineering and Main Contractor Company, Food Industry Office (Budapest, Hungary) - assistant executive (preparing contracts with the domestic producers, purchase of spare parts)

Foreign language skills: excellent Russian and English fair in every day use. Able to carry on negotiations in Spanish, lower French. My native language is the Hungarian.

Diploma piece: Foreign Investments’ Possibilities in Russia, 1992 – 1994
Professional course: Taking part in an EU’s TA CIS project, leading by the Danish Technological Institute: Reorganization on cooperative base of the food retail market in St. Petersburg – purchase manager (1993)
Trainings: Advertisment and marketing (1996), Action of negogiations (1998), Tendering methods in the EU (2003)
Computer skills: user (Windows NT, Adaytum Planning, SAP, Internet), chart and word processing, e-mail, web. Able to work in a Russian keyboard as well.
License: grade „B”, since January, 1984 – permanent practice inland and abroad.

Miscellanous: I’m married, w/o children yet. I’m a reliable, thorough, loyal to the firm and flexible employee. I’m looking for an independent, but a responsible work (as representing Russian companies in Hungary and in the Central Europe or in the EU). I can sign on a work in abroad for a short or a long time as well (may be also in Russia). I very like travel.
Free time, hobbies and leisures: travelling, movie, theater, cooking, reading, swimming. I would like to ride and to sail.

Preferred allowances: car, mobile costs’ covering, notebook and social insurances (of health and pension).

Дата: 19.12.03 16:09
Специальность: Менеджер
Ф.И.О. (или ник): Дмитрий
Город: Москва
Оплата: от 450 долл./мес.
Описание: Трудолюбивый,коммуникабельный,понктуальный,честный,ответственый!Работал менеджером по продажам и закупкам п/п,светотехники,косметики!
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