Новые резюме на JobinWeb.ru (секретари, переводчики, работа в офисе.)
Дата: 22.02.04 00:44
Специальность: interpreter / secretary with fluent English
Ф.И.О. (или ник): Anna
Оплата: от 300 долл./мес. Описание:
1) Professional skills
o Written and oral translating / interpreting
o Holding telephone talks
o Conducting negotiations
o Administrative assistance
o The experience of receiving and accompanying foreign delegations
2) Language proficiency
o Russian – native
o English – fluent (spoken / written)
o Greek -beginner (spoken / written)
3) Computer skills
∙ Microsoft Word – proficiency /advanced level
o Typewriting (Russian) - 170 hits / min
o Typewriting (English) - 140 hits / min
∙ Internet Explorer, Outlook, The Bat, Avant Browser, Windows Commander, Phoenix Power Point - working knowledge
∙ Access to the Internet
4) Personal characteristics
I am regarded to be very accurate and serious about the work performed. Significant experience of working in team reveals me as an easy-going, benevolent person with strong communication and excellent organizing skills. I also tend to be initiative and creative which displays me as an efficient and promising employee.
5) Additional information
Being greatly interested in English I`m searching for a job demanding proper knowledge of this language. I`m also keen on broadening my working experience and getting the opportunities for the professional growth so I hope that my candidature could meet your requirements and demands.